The southern republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1860-1861, February 05, 1861, Image 1

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si * t flr '"', 4 i. YX? ■'■■.'•■■ : rn.\ ■;<. SyffCK''/:? -'• ■,; \R 1 r -o fflyi g?>y..‘Sl*-. * iff MrSaT-a vj^V' u i; *4*mm 1 6 * 1 50 1 “ 6 “ 175 1 . “ l i “ 300 1 “ 1 month 5 00 1 “ 2 months 800 j “ 3 “ ....•••• 10 00 1 <• 6 “ 15 00 1 « 12 “ 20 00 yf” Larger Advertisements m proportion j3g” Advertisements published till forbid will be charged Fifty Cents per square for the first insertion, and Twenty-Five Cents for each continuance. SPECIAL NOTICES will be charged 5 cents ~er line for the first and 3 cents for each sub . tequent insertion > l Carriages, and funeral [ NOTICES, inserted free of charge. OBITUARIES will be charged five cents D«r line. ' PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC. In accordance with the expressed wishes, o's numerous friends, and believing it to be Judicious «--J proper, under the new order of publio affairs, tv* have changed the name of the True Democrat to that of The Southern Republic. In making this change we deem it proper to set forth, briefly and in general terms, the principles which it will maintain. Anticipa ting and advocating the formation of a Con federacy of Southern States, we shall strictly adhere to what has, heretofore, been known as the States Rights School. Believing that the constitution of the United States, by a f airconstruction, recognized the sovereignty of the Spites, and guarded, uotonly therights of tae States, but also the liberties of the peo ple, we are in favor of the construction of a Southern Federal Union upon the basis of that revered instrument of our patriotic an cestor*? All powers conferred upon the Fed eral Government should be so clearly defined &s to leave no room for doubtful construction, or, the exercise of what maybe called implied -fcpwers. This idea includes, especially, all poweV in reference to currency, revenue, and internal improvements. Having every confi dence in the wholesome influences a i'o.uogeneousness of interests would exeu 'over the members of a SouthernJlonTcdera tioii,"yet, conscious'of the laUibiiity oi juiuou nature and judgement, we would guard, with scrupulous exactness, against the possibility of a perversion of its federal powers for the benefit of one section to the injury of another. Relying with the same confidence upon the wisdom, justice and fraternity of all its mem hers, and beleiving that the government, which may he established upon sound prin ciples, if adhered to, might be perpetual, be leiving also that it would be to their interest to maintain it and that they would maintain it if administered in its purity, yet, to guard against injustice and oppression, wc would have the right of Stale secession fully and ex plicitly provided for in the fundamental law. Self government, good and wise government is best promoted byolear and explicit declar ations of principles and powers. We have lost —ttOire-frf cur confidence in the capacity of man for Belf government, nor do we yield one jot or tittle of our devotion to government founded upon democratic principles. Nothing can better insure the permanency of true repub lican government, than a clear and explicit declaration of powers State and Federal, and an equally explicit acknowledgement of the sovereignty of the States and their right to resume all delegated power at their will and pleasure. If the government is wise, politic and just, they will find their highest happi ness and safety in maintaining it. Such a government will secure the affections of (he people, the respect of other nations, and will be more likely than any other to be perpetual. Injustice, the perversion of the true delegated powers, and infidelity, to the written com pact, have destroyed the Union of the North American States heretofore known as the United States of America. The principle of justice should penetrate all the nationalities of the earth. It is essential, in the main tenance of democratic institutions. When it is so radically violated as to cause oppression beyond endurance and remedy, no govern ment, founded upon the consent and will of the governed, can or ought to endure. These declarations indicate with ample dearness the political predilections of the Proprietors and Editors of the Republic. Thfey are advocates of the largest liberty compati ble with government, and the maintenance of that liberty, by government, will secure to it the Enthusiastic devotion and support of the people. In changing the name of the paper w e close the door upon all the partisan strifes of the past, and cordially extend the right hind of fellowship to every truedfearted citi zen, whether native or adopted, who yields allegiance to tlie Republic of Georgia.' We extend the same cordial sympathy to'citizens, of other Southern States, who yield allegiance to their respective Republics and to all vrho are in favour of a Southern confederacy founded upon the great democratic principles of Liberty Equality and fraternity. Wm. J. VASON & CO. CiOODS. THE undersigned, having made an arrange j ment with the “Ivy Mills,” Roswell, CobV county, Ga., will keop constantly on hand a s' [:• ply of these most excellent WOOLEN GOODS, which for service, are not equalled by any simi lar goods of Noi them make. An assortment of the various qualities just received, to which we invite the attention of buyers at Wholesale. Jackson, Miller & Verdery. DrJB.FICKLEN, OFFERS his Professional sorviees to the Citizens of Augusta. Office and rooms over ■« HAVILAND CHICHESTER & C 0.,, Broad | StreetJ jaaO-tf Broom & day’s, AUGUSTA, OiEO., CAN BE FOUND CLOTHING ( AND Furnishing Goods FOR MEN AND BOYS. —ALSO,— CLOTHS, CASSIIERS. ANI( VESTINGS MADE TO ORDER [IN THE fUL SKATKST AN DIBEST BTYL.EVR3 TO Suit Customers! (Georgia 3ns Ittills CASSIMERS, A GOOD:'STOCK ONJHAND fPIUIL CctlO-tJI Singleton k West, 137 Broad 137 OPPOSITE MONUMENT STREET RESPECTFUXUY inform their friends and the public generally, that they have on hand, and are constantly receiving a good supply of Furniture, viz : BUREAUS, SOFAS, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRASSES, &c., all of which we offer at the lowest market prices —ALSO — We have, and keep on hand, a full supply ol WRIGHT’S SPIRAL SPRING BED BOT TOMS, and all that have them, pronounce them the best and cheapest Bed in the market. All kinds of FURNITURE manufactured to order. Personal attention given to REPAIRING, UP HOLSTERING and PACKING FURNITURE. CHAIRS RESEATED at short notice. sep2-dti MSO\ ACADEMY lexj,n;g.t,o;n, ha. : THE Exercises of this Academy, will be re resumed again on the FIRST MONDAY in January. The Trustees take pleasure in announ tiug to the people of Oglethorpe county, and to the public generally, that they have secured for another year, the services of Mr. Tiios. B. Moss, in the Male, and of Mr. Edward Young in the Female Department, assisted by his two daugh ters. Board cau be obtained in the village on reason able terms- For further information apply to the Trustees, or either of tho principals. B. F. HARDEMAN, 1 L.J. DEUPREE, -J. S. SIMS, F. L. UPSON, Tnmeeq P. H. HANSON, I llusleLt S. H. COX, I G. F. PLATT. I dec2B dlw.wtw Texas Valley Land fVOWL -fSAJLK. HE Subscriber offers for sale his FARM in Tex s Val ey, Floyd county, seven miles rom the city of Rome. The place contains 32C acres, 80 of which have been cleared three years, and wit. produce eight barrels of Corn, or from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. of Cotton per acre. About 10Q acres in bottom, and it is said to be the best Farm n tho Valley. There are on the premises good new cabbins and a good barn, and a never failing stream runs through it. Apply to W. B Terhune, Esq.. Rome, Ga., or to A. 11. DAVIS, Jr., oct23-d*wfiw Rome, Ga MACHINE Cracker Bakery. THE subscriber, having added several im provements to his BAKERY, is now pre pafed to furnish the community with any and everything in the Bakery line, at the lowest pri oes: OS 11ASD, MCA DP EVERY BAY, min mm. Crackers— Biscuit- Butter, Soda, Extra Butter, Boston, YVater, Wine, Fancy, Milk, Ginger, Sued, Lomon, Sugar. Pilot Bread, Fine CAKES and PIES, Fresh every day, of all kinds. JAMES BOWEN, No. 341 Broad Street, oct2s-2pi Augusta, PROF. A. SPEILLERS, HAS commenced his second course of instruc tion in sabre short sword, and stick defence, and Zouave drill. The classes meet at the BUZZAR’S BRILL ROO J.. i_. m nine o’eloek A. M„ to one P. M., and thpee to five P. M. '*^**"~ idee 20 ts » ,v fcOUTHEEST REPUBLIC. AUGUSTA. GA., TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 5. 1861. RAILROAD REGISTER. GEORGIA RAILROAD. On and after SUNDAY, Jan. 15, 1860, Passen ger Trains Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. and 12.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 6.00 a. m. and 6.20 p. m. CONNECTIONS. Connect with South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 p. m. and 1.15 a. m. Loave Augusta 7.50 a. m. and 7.20 p. m. With Western & Atlantic Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta 1.40 p. m. Leave Atlanta 10.20 a. m. With Atlanta & LaGrange Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 7.59 a. m. and 7.51 p. m. Leave Atlanta 0.30 a. m. and 10.10 a. m. With Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 12.30 night, and Atlanta 8.40 night; arrive at Athens 8.30 a. m. Leave Athens 11.00 day; arrive at Augusta 6.20 p. m., and Atlanta 11.45 p. m. With Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Washington 1.30 p. m.; arrive Augusta 6.20 p. m.; and Atlanta 11.45 p. m.; Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. and Atlanta 10.00 a. m.; arrive Washington 7.20 p. m. With IF arrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Warrenton 3.00 p. in.; arrive Augusta 6.20 p. m. and Atlanta 11.45 p. m.; leave Augusta 2.30 p. m., and Atlanta 9.05 a. m.; arrive at Warrenton 6.30 p. m. GEORGE YONGE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and afi 'r Sunday, February 26th, 1860, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Savannah, 10.05 a. m., 1.30 p. m. and 11.10 p. m. Arrive at Macon, 8.55 a. in., and 11.05 p. m. Arrive at Augusta, 6.35 a. m. and 6.50 p. m. Arrive at Milledgevillo, 12.30 p. m. Leave Macon, 10.00 a. m. and 10.00 p. m. Arrive at Savannah, 7.20 a. m., 7.45 p. m. and 10.40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta, 6.30 a. m. and 6.35 p. m. Leave Augusta, 12.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. Arrive at Savannah 7.29 a. m. and 10.40 p. m. Arrive at Macon 8.55 a. m. and 11.05 p. m. Train that leaves Savannah at 10.05 a. m. only runs to Millen, arriving there at 3.10 p. m., con necting with 10 a. m. Macon Train to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.15 p. m. at Augusta, will loave Millen 5.50 p. m. and arrive at Savan nah at 10.40 p. m. Passengers by 11.10 p. m. from Savannah, will go through direct to Augusta. Passengers by either 1.30 or 11.10 p. m. Trains from Savannah, for Macon or points beyond, will meet with no detention at Millen. Passengers for Atlanta and points beyond or Western and Atlantic Railroad will loave Savan nah on the 1.30 p. m. train ; for Milledgeville and Eatonton on 11.10 p. m. train; for Southwestern Railroad below Fort Valley, bn 11.10 p. m. train; those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., by eithor train. Passengers from Augustafor South-West ern Georgia should take 12.30 a. m. train, to avoid detention at Macon; those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., may take either train. Trains connect at Macon with Maeon and West ern Trains to Griffin, Atlanta, and the West. Also, with South-Western Trains to Albany, Cuth bert, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, Americus, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augusta and Savannah Rairoadto Augusta and the North. At Savannah with the tri-weekly steamships to New York; also, with steamships to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By this change in schedule the connection both ways at Augusta with the South Carolina Rail road is secured, and Passengers will have no de tention at Augusta or Millen as heretofore. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Sup’t. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. Two daily trains between Macon and Colum bus. Leave Macon at 9.45 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. Arrive at Columbus, 3.30 p. m. and 5.35 a. m. Leave Columbus at 3.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Macon at 8.56 a. m. and 9.05 p. m. Only daily Mail Train between Macon and Al- Olouvui ->nd JJorn*. - . Leave Macon at 10.25 a. m. Arrive in Albany at 4.55 p. m. Leave Albany at 2.00 p. m. Arrive at Macon 8.26 p. m. The Mail and Passenger Trains from Coleman Station 10 miles west of Cuthbert, on the Fort Gaines Line, and from Morris Station, 11 miles west of Cuthbert, on the Eufaula line, connect daily with the Albany Mail Train at Smithville, No. 10 S. W. It. R. The Road will be open to Hatcher’s, on the Eufaula line, 15 miles west of Cuthbert, on the 15th March next. Leave Coleman at 11.45 a. in. Arrive at Smithville at 3.04 p. m. Leave Smithville at 3.35 p. m. Arrive at Cuthbert at 5.54 p. m. Arrive at Coleman at 6.48 p. m. Arrive at Morris at 6.57 p. m. Making the connection with the up and down Albany Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a thorough connec tion to Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, King ston, 'Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Baicbridge, Tbomasville, Ac. Post Coaches and Hacks make a daily connec tion with the Trains at Coleman for Fort Gaines, at Morris for Eufaula. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri weekly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley should take the Night trains from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon: for other points, take either train. VIRGIL POWERS, Engineer and Superintendent. SAVANNAH, ALBANY A GULF RAILROAD. On and after Monday, the 18th June, 1860, the cars will run daily (Sundays excepted) as fol lows : Leave Savannah 9 a. m. Arrive at Station No. 14 5.45 p. m. Leave Station No. 14 7 a. m. Arrive at Savannah 3.40 p. m. Connecting at Mclntosh, Station No. 3, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with a line of coaches to Darien. Returning on alternate days in time to connect with the cars to Savan nah. Connecting at Station No. 14 Daily, (Sundays excepted,) with a line of coaches to Thomasvilie, passing through Troupville and Quitman; arriv ing at Thomasvilie at 2 p. m., in time to connect with the coaches to Monticello and Albany. Re turning on alternate days, connecting with the cars for Savannah. Connecting at No. 14 with a daily line of first class coaches to Madison C. 11., Fla.; thence by railroad to Tallahassee, St. Marks, Ac., and by stage with Lake City thence by rail to Jackson ville, Fernandina, Ac. N. B.—Freight trains leave Savannah on Mon days, YVednesdays and Fridays, at 6.30 a. m.; re turn on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11.30 a. m. Freight to be forwarded by freight train must be delivered at the Savannah Depot the day previous to shipment, excepting live stock, which after having given one day’s notice, will be re ceived on the day of departure, if delivered at the Depot thirty minutes before the leaving time. Freight by Passenger Train should be delivered at the Depot at least thirty minutes before the regular time of departure. Double regular rates to be charged on all such freight, excepting oys ters, fruit, Iresh fish, fresh meat, and other perish able articles" Freight received and forwarded to No 14 J. FULTON, Superintendent. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a Cos Partnership under the namo and style o Jonos A. Chew, and will continue the YVholesal and Retail DRUG Business, at the stand, unde the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. M. J. JONES, " JNO. C CHEYV. September 10, 1860 sepl3-dlm CHRISTMAS il if YEARS’ PRESENTS. A EARGE assortment of BOOKS, YVORK BOXES. FANCY ARTICLES, TOY’S PA PER MACHE and YY’RITING DESKS, and a great variety of articles suitable for CHRISTMAS AMD NEW YEARS’ Presents can bo found at Geo. A. Oates & Bro. 240 Bread Street. dee 23 ts DENTISTRY FOFFERMAN, Resident DENTIST, would . respectfully inform tho public that he is doing his work at New York prices. All work warranted. Give him |aj call. Office, No. 284 Broad Street. MBBttaiiv22-lvW CHEAPEST PAPER II TIE SOUTH DAILY AND WEEKLY THE SOUTHERN UPI Nil. O ii m mn FOR THE WEEHtm, 14 8® 4 FO R THE THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC ' - CONTAINS THE LATEST NEWS, V OF THE DAY, TOGETHER WITH THE MOST RELIABLE AND ACCURATE; REPORTS OF THE MARKETS, BOTH BY TELEGRAPH AND OTHERWISE. o TO PLANTERS. —o — Weekly Southern Republic will contain the latest, most reliable and useful intelligence that can be obtained, by telegraph- and other fa cilities. lt will give correct and accurate information in Commercial matters thereby rendering it a valuable news medium to those at a distance-, ’• who are unable to procure the Daily issue. TERMS s FOR THE YEAR. DAILY 54.00 WEEKLY 1.50 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Address the Publishers, at Augusta, Ga. EVERY'VARIETY OF -J o B::Wf03El 33L, Promptly executed, with neatness and 'dispatch. TO SUIT ALL THE COURTS OF GEORGIA, For Sale at Hiis Oiiice.' I Kautfer, Baum & Uo« 9 DRY GOODS DEALERS, Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga, Would inform their numerous customers that their stock of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS is in store now. Novelties are added weekly by every steamer. Our Store is the Largest in Georgia! O NOBODY CAN UNDERSELL US!! Having another Dry Goods establishment in New York, and a resident partner in the Northern market, buying exclusively for GASH, are reasons enough that our facilities cannot be surpassed by any other Southern house. TO PLANTERS We would say, that we sell our BLANKETS, KERSEYS, LINSEYS, OSNA* BURGS, MARLBOROS, HOMESPUNS, etc., at Factory Prices As an extra bargain we quote : Colored Silks. 50 to 75c. All Wool DeLaines, new styles 45, 50, 60c. Poplins, elegant patterns Si 00 to 1 25 Woolen Plaids 12$, 18}, 25c. Woolen Plains, double width 25c. Paramattas, all quality 12£c- New DeLaines, worth 25 cents 12£c. Opera Flannels, in all colors 50, 62 Jc. Red Wool Flannels 20c. Kentucky Jeans 18}c. Satinets -‘1750c Fast Colored Calicoes Bc. Shirts and Drawers, from 50c. up All Linen Towels 12^c. Embroidered Bands 25,30, 40,50 c. do. Collars 12£, 25, 30 and up Boys Collars 10, 15c. Embroidered Sets (Collars and Sleeves) 75c* All Linen Handkerchiefs 75c. per doz. All Linen Handkerchiefs, hem-stitched $2.50 to S3 per doz. Ladies’ Merino Vests 75c, $1 French Corsets 75c., $1 and up Porte Monnais 25, 37, and 50c etc., etc-, etc. Our Manufactory in Cloaks, (THE ONLY ONE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES,) Produces everything that is new, comfortable and becoming. Ladies’ and Chil drens’ Cloaks made to Order. 03” Cloaks cut and fitted by an experienced lady. KA UFFFR, BA UM & CO., UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, sepl6-tt Augusta, Ga. RAMSEY & LABAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS (IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING! HATS, GAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, YALISES, &C. 3C>e~~- BROAD STREET, 308. "T-brown Stone BuildingJ-epgosite the Union Bank, and opposite the Planters’ Hotel,) Our Clothing is WELL MADE, and is of f4s.iio.nble kind. Having superior facilities for manufacturing, they will bo sold CHEAi f- oct2l-dtw2m 7Y BOOK FOR THE TIMES. itisi soisp; Or THE FATE OF ’THE UNION. THE above named work was written by James M. Smythe, the present Editor of The Truk Democrat. Already it has had an extended circulation, and it has boon pronounced the BOOK FOR THE TIMES. In comparison with the “Helper Book” wo can only say—“ Look on this pic ture, and then on that." “ETHEL SOMERS,” though dressed in a garb of pleasing romance, is yet one of the strongest arguments on the slavery question that has ever yet been published. Send immediately for a copy of this work. Price sl, and sent free of postage. Address 11. 1). NORRELL, Publisher. octlo t s AUCUSTA, GEORGIA. 1860 1860 FALL MY GOODS. THOMAS PHIBBS, 272. Broad Street, 272. IB NOW IN RECEIPT OP HIS FALL AND WINTER Comprising a very fine assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, PLAIN- AND PRINTED WOOL DELAINES, Alpaccas, Poplins, Coburgs, &c.; shawm, mm, AND HOOP SKIRTS, .A.T ALL PRICES. A LARGE STOCK OF COLLARS & EMBROIDERIES At Great Bargains. HOSIERY', GLOVES, RIBBONS, &c.fSHIRT INGS, SHEETINGS, DIAPERS, TICK INGS, BLANKETS, KERSEYS, OSNABURGS, &c., &c. All of which, having been carefully selected late in the season, and at unusually low prices, will be sold as cheap as in any other house in the trade. TIIOS. FHIISBS, 272 Broad Street, oct2l-tf Opposite Augusta Insurance Bank Paper for Sale Cheap, T NTENDING to remove my office on the Ist oi I October, I will soil out the remaining stock ol NOTE, BILLET, LETTER AND CAP PA PERS AND ENVELOPES, at and below cost. WRAPPING PAPERS also at low prices. GEO. YV. WINTER. Bath Paper Mills, sep6-lt 282 Broad-street. DISSOLUTION. *|NIIE Co-partnership of DOBEY & MOSHER, 1 in the Hotel business at the United States Hotel, was dissolved on the 29th of last June, by mutual consent* . Augusta. August LStid &L G-EORGIA CASSIIERES. ANOTHER SUPPLY ’ OF THESE EXCELLENT GOODS, From the Ivy Mills, Cobb Cos., JUST RECEIVED, And for sale by Jackson, Miller & Verderey, nov!6-d3t 248 BROAD STREET SCKIVEN HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. |\/| RS. S. B. FOLEY', Proprietress. This n w LVJL and elegant Hotel, fronting Monument Square, is now in complete order, and ready to iccommodate, in tine style, the travelling public. The Rooms are large and airy, and the Table fully equal to any Hotel, North or South. Feeley’s splendid four-horse Omnibus is always at the Depot and Steamboat Landings, to carry passengers to and from the House, at half the usual rates. N. B.—Pay no attention to Baggage Runuers on the road, who are interested in some inferior Houses. jylS CONNER'S ; U. S, Type Foundry! Nun. 31 mid II TO PRINTERS AND 1' subscribers are manufacture of I’RI NTI N vV *','V ** plying e\ cry urth !e ' - ing EstaMi-hmcni, ! Power l’ios, and fr dSKSSmfStf&SsSSxtSi pound, "f IN pc. NEW S celebrated proportionally 1 >v order.'. .• ■■ Kjs££SS3g thank:idly sent 1 orward etuis il, '■ :■: jj 1' NO. 171. tofts* WILLIAM J. VASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, has changed his re* dence from New Orleans to Augusta, Q* He has opened an .office at the corner ot Washing ton and Ellis streets, where ho can be consulted, and his services retained to attend to any legal business in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in the Supreme Court of this State, and the several Courts of the coun ies composing the Middle'District of Georgia. sep4-tf R. Toombs, I D. M. Dußose,H Washington, Ga. | Augusta, Ga. TOOMBS & DUBOSE, Attorneys at eaw, win practice in the Counties of Richmond, Columbia, and Burke of the Middle, and Tallifero, Elbert, W ilkes, Warren, Hancock and Oglethorpe of the North ern Circuit. sep22-ly ASHTON & CORKER, Attorneys and councillors at LAW, Waynesboro, Ga., will practice their Profession in the Courts of the Middle District, and in the Supreme Court at Savannah. JOHN D. ASHTON. jylß-lv TEPHEN A. CORKER. JOSEPH GANAHL,^_ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga.| will practice in all the Courts of the Middle Circuit, and the United States Courts for the Northern and Sourthern Districts of Georgia Office on Jackson street, opposite Warren Block. aug29-lm FRANK H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., wil practice in all the counties of the Middle Circuit, and in the Circuit Court of the United States. COMMISSIONER FOR New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, Californii Office in the rear room over Sherman Jessup Co.’s Store, opposite the United States Hotel. jylS-tf GEO. T. BARNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WARREN BLOCK. OVER WARREN, LEWIS $ CO, STORE. AUGUSTA, «A. jan 3 THOMAS W. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., wili . practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke and Columbia, and may be found for the present, at the office of M. 11. Talbot, Esq., nearly oppo site the United States Hotel. Same entrance as to the office of the late firm of Millers A Jackson. iylß-tf P.O. HARPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW WEST POINT. sept2l ts A. J. RODGERS, ATTORNEY AT EA\\\ SWAINSBORO, GA. dec 25dw ly JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr. ; Attorney at law, win practice in . the Counties of the Middle Circuit. Office No. 3 Warren Block. oct!2-ly LEONARD SCOTT & CO.’S RE-PRINT Jk THE UMLi iail V I jQ W A AND Blackwood’s Magazine. L SCOTT A CO., New York, continue to pub . lish the following leading British Periodi cals, viz. 1. The London Quarterly, (Conservative.)- 2. The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) , 3. The’North British Review, (Free Church.) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazize, (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical—but politics forms only one feature of their character. As organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality and Religion, they stand as they ever have stood, un rivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can possibly be obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these prints, inasmuch as they can now be placed! i in, hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS: Per ann Fer any of the four Reviews, - - - - $3.00 For any two of the four Reviews, - - - 5.00 For any three of the four Reviews, - - - 7.00 For all four of the Reviews, ----- 8.00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, - - - - For Blackwood and one Review, ... 5.00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, - - - 7.00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, - - you For Blackwood and the four Reviews, - 10.00 Money current in the State where issued will be re- ceived at pur A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowei^P^^j^^mjderincr y* ", yrj JSSkti -.‘.'v s-*EJpN fIA ' 'V**VV ’y jStS*' . "ffs v »- os <■ J." l V-; 'yV'CSf, VsA’X ’SA A-t, '" ijßj '-p v e sV.y - * ’f" -y r v-' '■Jssk^ ''■Jtddf" e .*'■*; 'y *"-§.‘‘*a *&.' T. -'-5' - j •' <■ c