The southern republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1860-1861, February 05, 1861, Image 2

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ffi DAILY SIITBEBIDEPIBLIE PUBLISHED BY WM. J. VASON & CO. .JAMES M SMYTHE, Editor. J. B. WEEMS, Associate Editor. AUGUSTA, GA. SATURDAY MORNING, FEB’Y. 3. 1861. The Proposition of Virginia. The compromise proposition of Virginia— the message of the President in submitting it to Congress —and the firm, manly, and digni fied response, of South Carolina, will be found in this morning’s issue of our paper. AVe regret that the “old Dominion” or, rather her Legislature has seen proper to invite Buch states, slave holding or non-slaveholding, as may be disposed to meet with her at Wash ington, on the 4th of February, for the pur poses indicated in the resolutions. It looks as if the Legislature were seeking to get up a rival congress to that which, doubtless, as sembled, yesterday, at Montgomery, Alabama; and, as if that body was very anxious to ex cel it in the number of States represented. Have not the Northern States, as far as pub lic sentiment can be ascertained through their representatives in Congress, their Gov ernors, legislative assemblies, and public prints, not only repudiated Mr. Crittenden’s resolutions, but declared in favor of the coercion of seceding States ? At the very time her Commissioner to the President was fulfilling the duties assigned him, the Federal war authorities were mounting their guns in the fortressos upon her coast pointing them inland, and for a very obvious reason. Mr. Crittenden, whose resolutions, the Legislature suggests as a basis for the settlement of ex isting difficulties, is opposed to the doctrine of-State secession, and, we fear, is favourable to the despotic plan of State coercion. Again, the Legislature, having called a Convention of the people, should, it seems to us, have awaited its sovereign action. Fcrhaps, how ever, it felt less respect for the Convention from the fa,ct that, in the call for that body, it is required to submit its action to theadop- tion or rejection of the people. We are not prepared to say that the Legislature had no right to do what it has done in the premises, but it seems plain, to us, that a due regard to public propriety and opinion would have checked the Legislature in such premature legislation. So far as the great question be fore the country is concerned, its act is but the act of the individuals who voted for the resolutions. If we can read, correctly, the signs of the times at this distance from the theatre of action, Virginia is ripening rapidly for secession, if, she is not already prepared to place herself beside the States which have seceded from the Union. Mr. Crittenden’s resolutions can never be satisfactory to the South. Our section believes that, the Mis souri Compromise Line was established in violation of the Constitution. The Supreme Court has so decided. Besides while its re establishment, as proposed by Mr. Crittenden will forever exclude slavery North of the line of 36.30, by positive law, it will leave the territory south of it, to be made anti slavery States if the North can beat us in emi gration. We cannot forget the deeds of the Emigrant Aid societies of the North and the subscriptions for Sharps rifles to be put in the hands of their bloody-minded tools. This Crittenden—Virginia—Legislature plan would carry the Southern States, were they to give it a trial, at least, half way through Lincoln’s administration before it could be fairly test ed. We are unwilling to wait longer. Indeed, Georgia and five other States have taken their positions. They are no longer members of the Union. Having Resumed their sover eignty they will not subject themselves to the ridicule and contempt of the world by crawl ing, as suppliants, to the footstool of North ern fanaticism and infidelity, and begging for guarantees of their future safety. We had supposed tha■prajfttSifTons were to be made for every southern State expected; them to come from the injur ing/phrty. We had hoped that no Southern State would beg for them under any circum stances, much less while the North stood de termined and defiant in its position of injus tice and infidelity to the written compact as adjudicated by the highest judicial tribunal known to our system of government. We do not believe that the North is willing to-grant us the poor chance of obtaining a slave State south of the line 36.30. But admit that she is, or will be—to save the Union—that the southern States which have seceded shall go back and become a portion of its members—what will they go back to ? To good faith, brotherly affection, political equality and security ? No ! not at all. The Constitution was a compact between indepen dent States. It may be ealled the interna tional law for the sovereignties which com posed the Union. It failed to protect the slaveholding States- They entered into the wUaion. for mutual advantage and safety, and failed to get them. They certainly entered into obligations in becoming members, but they with equal certainty possessed rights to the enjoyment of which they were entitled. Denied those rights some of them sought new safeguards for their liberties and happiness, and lo ! they are met with the cry, “you can not secede, you are members for all time. If you attempt to maintain your positions of se cession, you will be coerced to submission.” What then will they go back to ? What else —but to consolidation, to federal despotism, dependance, and in *i-J 1 s ■■■.•■■- i! !m 4a’* y * #■ 2 >'■' ’ Si’ The Southern Congress. f This imposing body assembled yesterday, at Montgomery, Alabama. Six States, each acting for itself, have withdrawn from a Union in which they deemed it unsafe to re main. No one of these States denies to the other its possession of absolute sovereignty. Laoh one, now, is a free, sovereign, and inde pendent Republic. They meet in Congress, through their respective delegates, as such. We trust and believe that this principle of State sovereignty will be recognized in such government as may be formed. AVe might say much as to the nature and character of such a Confederation as we deisre to see establish ed. But having confidence in the wisdom, integrity, and devotion to liberty of the de puties, we patiently await their action. Most of them are known to the country by reputa* tion, and it may be safely said that a wiser and more patriotic body of men have seldom assembled together. Georgia has reason to be proud of the ability which is embodied in her representatives. The South, the United States, indeed, (he whole world, have their eyes turned towards them. They have conspicuous and most re sponsible parts to act in the great drama of constructing a government which is to con trol the destinies of five millions of people, who live in the most delightful climate upon earth, and a region blessed by heaven with the richest soil and most valuable produc tions. AVe cannot repress the enthusiasm of our feelings in contemplating the magnitude of the occasion, not only for the interests im mediately involved but the hopes of the fu ture for our own people and the friends of true good government throughout the world. The Southern Republic composed of sov ereign States with common sympathies and interests! In contemplating its erection we feel the inspiration of the heroic days of the old Republic which faithless confederates have broken and dissolved. AVith familiar land-marks to guide its architects, and, under, as we fervently hope, the direction of Providence, our heart beats with rapture, in advance, in the contemplation of a Southern Republic which will be loved by its citizens and respected by the world. The Virginia Compromise Proposition— Presidents’ Message—Answer of South Carolina. Message of the President of the United States. In the House of Representatives of the United States, on Monday, 27th ult., the fol lowing Message was read : To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States : I deem it my duty to submit to Congress a series of resolutions adopted by the Legisla ture of Virginia on the 16th inst., having in view a peaceful settlement of the existing questions which now threaten this Union.— They were delivered to me on Thursday, the 24th instant, by Ex-President Tyler, who has left his dignified and honored retirement in the hope that he may render some service to his country in this its hour of need. These resolutions, it will be perceived, ex tend an invitation to all such States, whether slaveholding or non-slaveholding, as are wil ling to unite with each otherin an earnest ef fort to adjust the present unhappy difficulties in the spirit in which the constitution was originally formed, and consistently with its principles, so as to afford the people of the slaveholding States adequate guarantees for the security of their rights, to appoint com missioners to meet on the fourth of February next, in the city of Washington, similar to the commissioners appointed by Virginia, to consider, and if practicable agree upon some sort of adjustment. 1 confess I hail this movement on the part of Virginia with great satisfaction. From the past history of this ancient and renown ed commonwealth, we have the fullest assur ance that what she has undertaken she will accomplish, if it can be cLme by aUle, en lightened and persevering effoi’v?. It is highly gratifying to know that othi* patriotic States have appointed commissioners to meet those of Virginia in council. AVhen assem bled, they will constitute a body entitled, if* an eminent degree, to the confidence of the country. The General Assembly of Virginia have also resolved, “thut ex-President Tyler is hereby appointed by the concurrent vote of each branch of the General Assembly, a com- the President of the United States, tunrJudge John Robertson is hereby appointed, by a like vote, a commissioner to the State of South Carolina and all other seceding States that have seceded, or shall secede, with instructions to respectfully re quest the President of the United States, and Che authorities of such States to agree to abstain, pending the proceedings contem plated by the action of this General Assem bly, from any and all acts calculated to produce a collision of arms between the States and the Government of the United States.” However strong may be my desire to enter into such agreement, I am convinced that I do not possess the power. Congress, and Congress alone, under the war-making pow er, can exercise the discretion of agreement to abstain from any and all acts calculated to produce a collision of arms between this and any other government. It would, there fore, be a usurpation for the Executive to attempt to restrain their hands by an agree ment in regard to matters over which it has no constitutional control. If he were thus to act, they might pass laws which he would be forced to obey, though in conflict with his agreements. Under existing circumstances my present actual power is confined within narrow lim its. It is my duty at all times to defend and protect the federal property within the sece ding States, so far as this may be practicable, and especially to employ the constitutional means to protect the property of the United States, and preserve the public peace of this the seat of the federal government. If the seceding States abstain from any and all acts calculated to produce a collision of arms, then the danger so much to be deprecated will no longer exist. Defence and not ag gression has been the policy of the adminis tration from the beginning. But whilst I can enter into no engagement such as that proposed, I cordially commend to Congress, with much confidence that it will meet their approbation, to abstain from passing any law calculated to produce a col lision of arms, pending the proceedings con templated by the action of the General Assem bly ot \ irginia. 1 am one of those who will never despair of the republic. I yet cherish the belief that the American people will per petuate the Union of the States on some terms just and honorable to all sections of the country. I tiust that the mediation of Virginia may be the destined means, under Providence, of accomplishing this inestimable benefit. Glorious as are the memories of her past history, such an achievement, both in rela tion to her own fame and the welfare of the whole country, would surpass them all. James Buchanan. I THE VIRGINIA COMPROMISE. L The following are the resolutions, as adopt ed by the Virginia Legislature, proposing the Kasis of compromise acceptable to that State : a. Whereas, it is the deliberate opinion of the BWjj&gj|Membly of Virginia, that unless rovers.v which now divides ’^™ML'' ~lfe,leraO - shall be satis permanent dissolution of : am * ihe General As hc wishes of the peo /V ■ is desirous of cm 11' t 0 avert so 10 make a f i' l n and the G,oi ’-'i' .’Yjt they wore r-- V 7 J„ / e liopu'olio '-’ommoay SSL I ''' hereby Licr -lave, i1) i m %A ft'o r t Ir. Geo. AV. Summers, and James A. Seddon, be and are hereby appointed Commissioners by the General Assembly, whose duty it shall be to repair to the city of AVashington, on the day designated in the foregoing resolution, to ' meet such Commissioners as may be appoint ed by any of the said States, in accordonce with the foregoing resolution. Resolved, That if said Commissioners, after full and free conference, shall agree upon any plan of adjustment requiring amendments of the Federal Constitution, for the further se curity of the rights of the people of the slaveholding States, they be requested to communicate the proposed amendments to Congress, for the purpose ofhaving the same submitted by that body, according to the forms of the Constitution, to the several States for ratification. Resolved , Thatif said Commissioners cannot agree on such adjustment, or if agreeing, Congress shall refuse to submit for ratifica tion such amendments as may be proposed, then the Commissioners of this State shall immediately communicate the result to the- Executive of this Commonwealth, to be by him laid before the Convention of the people of Virginia and the General Assembly; pro vided that the said Commisoners be subject at all times to the control of the State Con vention. slaveholding States adequate guarantees for the security of their rights, to appoint Com missioners, to meet on the 4th of February next, in the city of AVashington, similar Com missioners appointed by Virginia, to consider, and if practicable agree upon, some suitable adjustment. Resolved, That ex-President John Tyler, Wm.C. Rives, Judge John AV. Breckenbrough, Resolved, That in the opinion of the Gen eral Assembly of Virginia, the propositions embraced in the resolutions presented to the Senate of the United States, by the Hon. John J. Crittenden, so modified as that the first article proposed as an amendment of the Constitution of the United States, shall apply to all territory of the United States now held, or hereafter to be acquired south of latitute 36 degrees, 30 minutes, and provide that slavery of the African race shall be effectual ly protected, if necessary, as property there in, during the continuance of the Territorial Government, and the fourth article shall secure to the owners of slaves the right of transit with their slaves between and through the non-slaveholding States and Territories, constitute the basis of such an adjustment of the unhappy controversy which now divides the States of this Confederacy, as would be accepted by the people of this Common wealth. Resolved, That ex-President John Tyler is hereby appointed by concurrent vote of each branch of the General Assembly, a Commis sioner to the President of the United States, and that Judge Robertson is hereby appoint ed, by the like vote, Commissioner to the State of South Carolina, and the other States that have seceded or may secede, with instruc tions, respectfully, to request the President of the United States, and the authorities of such States, to agree to abstain, pending the proceedings contemplated by the action of this General Assembly, from any and all acts calculated to produce a collision between the States and the Government of the United States. Resolved, That copies of the foregoing re solutions be forthwith telegraphed to the President of the United States, and also the Executive of the several States, and that the Governor be requested to inform, without delay, the Commissioners appointed in the foregoing resolutions of their appointment. Response of South Carolina to Virginia. Resolved, unanimously, That the General Assembly of South Carolina tenders to the Legislature of Visginia, their acknowledge ments of the friendly motives which have in spired the mission entrusted to the Hon. Judge Robertson, her Commissioner. Resolved, unanimously, That the candor which is due to the long continued sympathy and respect which has subsisted, between Vir ginia and South Carolina, induces this Gen eral Assembly to deslare with frankness that they do not deem it advisable to initiate ne gotiations, when they have no desire or inten tion to promote the ultimate object in view ; that object is declared in the resolution of the Legislature to be the procurement of new guarantees to the Constitution of the United States. Resolved, unanimously, That the separation of the State of South Carolina from the Fed eral Union is final, and she has no further in terest in the Constitution of the Uryttti-^'Ues; and that the only appropriate negotiatioi», between her and tfe-g'Tederal Government are as to mutual relations as foreign States, r Resolved, unanimously, That this General Assembly further owes it to her friendly re lations with the State of \ T irginia, to declare that they have no confidence in the Federal Government of the United States ; that the most solemn pledges of that Government have been disregarded ; that, under pretence of preserving property, hostile troops have been attempted to be introduced into one of the fortresses of this State, concealed in the hold of a vessel of commerce, with a view to subjugate the people of this State ; and that even since the authorities at YVashington have been informed of the present meditation of Virginia, a vessel of war has been sent to the South with troops and munitions of war, concentrated on tne soil of Virginia Resolved, unanimously, That under these circumstances this General Assembly, with renewed assurances of their cordial respect and esteem for the people of A’irginia, and high consideration for the Commissioner whom they have sent, declines entering into the proposed negotiations. Thoughts fob Young Men. —Costly apparatus and splendid cabinets have no magical power to make scholars. In all circumstances, as a man is, under God, the master of his own fortune; so is he the maker of his own mind. The Creator has so constitute the human intellect, that it can grow only by its own action, and by its own ac tion it must certainly and necessarily grow.— Every man must, therefore, in an important sense, educate himself. His books and teachers are but helps; the work is his. A man is not educated until he has the ability to summon, in case of emergency, all his mental pewordn vigorous ex ercise to effect his proposed object. It is not the man who has seen the most, or who has read the most, who can dothis; such a one is in danger of being borne down like a beast of burden, by an overloaded mass of other men’s thoughts. Nor is it the man that can boast merely of native vigor and capacity. The greatest -f all the warriors that went to the seige of Troy, had not the pre eminence because nature had given him strength, and he carried the largest bow, but because self discipline had taught him how to bend it. [Daniel iYebstcr. JferTax Notice.—Clerks Office, City Hali., Jan. 18, 1861.—A1l persons liable for City Taxes are hereby notified that the Tax Di gest for 1861 is now open at my office, and will remain open until the 15th day of Febrpary next, by which time all returns must be made. All those who fail to make returns by that time'will be double taxed. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M. and 3 to 5 P. M- S. H. CRUMP, jan2o-dlm Clerk of Council. V&~ ATTENTION,"gEORgTa MILITIA ! Blue Georgia Cassimeres (Ivey Mills) of the best quality, suitable for uniforms, with the Georgia Button, etc. G. P. GREEN, jan 18-ts Uniform Tailor. ifr/~ Auymta Ac BaraunahSUuilroad. —On and after WEDNESDAY, October 3d, the Evening Passenger train will leave Augusta at at fifteen minutes past two P. M. oct2-t{ W. C. JONES, Agent. Onion Setts. —We have just received our supply of Onion Setts. Dealers supplied as usual. PLUMB A LEITNER. -oct3l Augusta, Ga,, Dec. 88, I860: On and after Sunday, December 30th, the Sunday Afternoon Trains from Augusta and from Millen, will be discontinued. dec3o W -C. JOKES, Agent. Removal. —The subscriber begs to in form his customers, and the publicgonerally, that he has removed from his old store, opposite the Au gusta Ilotel, to the Store recently occupied by O’DONOHOE A WRAY, a few doors above the the Planter's Ilotel where he is now ready to fill orders from his old customers, and all who may favor him with their patronago. JStB" Ilis Stock consists of ehoico old Brandies. Wines, Whiskeys, Ale, Cider, aid Segars The Montebello Champagne Wine constantly kept on Jjand- THOMifi WHYTE. ftkgp2o u ( 'a 'iVS- A oung; Association.— An a meeting of of the abovo asso ciation on AYednes last, the following gentlemen were elected officers and managers for the present year: President —AY. C. Jessup, A r ico President—H. Moore. Secretary—A. C Ives. Librarian—G- Robertson. Managers. John Bones, R. S. Sayre, J. AY. Bones, D. B. Plumb, G. M. Thcw. J. S. Bean, febl dl &?- INVITATION-PROF A. SPELIERS and his pupils will give an exhibition in the no ble art of fencing on Saturday next at half past seven o’clock, P. M-, at Concert Hall. Ladies and Gentleman are respectfully invited to attend. febl-d2 TAX NOTICE Clerk’s Office, City Hall.Jau. .18, 1801.—All persons liable for City Taxes, are here by notified that the Tax Digert for 1861 is now open at my otfice, and will remain open until the 15th day of February next, by which time all re turns must be made. All those who fail to make returns atthattime will be double taxed. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M. and 3 to 5 P, M. S. H. CRUMP, tebl-td Clerk Council. J®-Attention Richmond Mounted Rifles! Appear at the Bridge over Butler’s Creek, on the Savannah Road, on Tuesday Morning next, at ten o’clock, A. M, j By order of Captain KIRPATRICK. jan 30 td jt©~The following- Ordiances have been passed by tho City Council of Augusta : An Ordinance to prescribe the mode of Eleetiug the Mayor and Members of the City Council of Augusta. Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by tho City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that on tho second Monday in April next, tho mode of Elocting the Mayor and mem bers of the City Council of Augusta, shall be by general ticket. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that the Polls shall be opened for the election in each AYard, to wit. At the Scale House in the First AVard, at the City Hotel in tho Second AVard, at the Southern States Hotel in tho Third AYard, at the Planter’s Hotel in tho Fourth AYard, under tho management of three proper persens at each place of voting, to bo appointed by the Mayor of the said city, one of whom shall be a Justice of the Peaco. apd a majority of whom shall be sufficient to hold said Election; and that all persons entitled to a vote for Mayor and members of the City Council, under tho laws now of force, shall cast their votes in the AYards in which the voters shall reside. Sec. 3. And bo it further ordained by tho au thority aforesaid, that each of tho AYards in said city shall bo entitled to three members of the City Council; and each voter shall designate upon his ticket not more than three persons for each Ward, which said persons shall be resident of tho AYards they are designated to represent. Sec. 4. And bo it further ordained by tho au thority aforesaid, that the Polls shall bo opened at eight o’clock in the morning, and closed at two o’clock in the afternoon, when the Managers shall proceed to count tho votes; and after the votes are counted at each Poll, the said Managers shall assemble at the City Hall, and consolidate the votes polled at each precinct, and declare the person having the highest vote for Mayor, and the three persons from each Ward having the highest number of votes for members of the city council, duly elected for the ensuing year. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, tlWl the managers cf-9jrid elec tion shall appoint three clerks for said election a each precinct, as is now provided iw State and county elections, and that et»eh of said clerks shall be entitled to two dollars. Sei\ 6. And La it, further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that all ordinances and parts of ordinances militating against this ordinance, be, and tbe.same are hereby repealed. BLODGET, Jr., Mayor. Attest: S. H. Crump, Clerk of Council. Be it ordainel by the city council .of Augusta that no person or persons in the city of Augusta shall, after the passage of this ordinance, and its publication one week in one of . the city papers be allowed to sell any fire arms of any kind, or or-dirks, daggers, swords, bowie-knives, spears, or other weapon of like character; or any gun powder, or material out of which to make it, without first procuring a license from the clerk of the city council of Augusta, and they shall pay therefor the sum of one dollar, and take an oath not to sell any of said articles to any slave, or free person of color, or suspicious white per sons, unknown to them, and to take from all white persons to whom they shall sell any of said arti cles their name or names, and for any violation of this ordinance, said person or persons shall, on conviction, be fined by the Recorder in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Mayor. Attest: S. 11. Crump, Clerk of Council, an 2 3 if fiSrltegistry Clerk’s Office, Jan- 7th, 1861.—A1l voters of the city are hereby notified, that the list for Registration of voters is now open at the office of the Collector and Treasurer of the City of Augusta. Office hours from 9A. M. till 2P. M. The list will be open from this date till the first Monday in April, until the hour of 2 o’clock. All that wish to vote w-ill take no tice. The following is an extract of tho law for the regulation of voters : Sec- 25. And be it further enacted, That all persons who are citizens of tho United States, have resided within the State of Georgia for twelve months immediately preceding; and for the last six of these in the City of Augusta, and who are twenty-one years of age, and have paid all city taxes and assessments, who. have made all returns required by tho City Ordinances and whose names hayj-been registered according to provisions of this Act, and none other shall be entitled to voto at any election for Mayor and Members of Council in -said city. GARLAND A. SNEAD, Registry Clerk, janß-d4m City of Augusta- —♦ • 05- AH Persons indented to me, eith er by note or account, will please call and settle, as I wish to close up my old books, having formed a co-partnership with John C. Chew, on the 10th of last month. M. J. JONES. oct4-tf g MTDutch. Bulbous Roots. —Now in stor Hyacinths, forty choicest varieties; Tulips, fif teen varieties ; Gladiolus, four varieties ; Cro cus, seven varieties; Imperial, five varieties; Lilies, four varieties j Narcissus, seven varieties, etc., etc. Just received by PLUMB A LEITNER, oct2-tf 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. DIVISION ORDER No 2. Head-quarters, 2d Division G- M. Thompson. Ga., Jan. 12, 1861.—The following appointments are made for' this Division : JOHN K. WILSON, of the County of Colum bia, Division Inspector, with the rank of Lieuten tenant Cojonel. . CLAIBORNE SNELI*!), of the county of Rich mond, Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Major. EVAN P. HOWELI, of the county of Wash ington, Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Major. BENJAMIN E. HALL, of the county of Rich mond, Division Quar er Master, with the rank of Major. And they will be obeyed and respect ed accordingly. STEPHEN DRANE, janl7-d<twl Major Gen. 2d Div. G. M. E?" SHAD ! SHAD ! I—JOfe. HEITZMAN’N is prepared to supply the pnblic with fresh SHAD at the^U)|GrstiUg „ 0 , on Campbell street Heto FENCING LESONS At THE request of several Gentlemen, Prof. A SPELIERS will commence another j conrse of lessons on AYednesday next. All those desirous of taking lessons, will meet on AYednes day next, between 12 and 2 o’clock, at the Hus sars Drill Room. For a course of twenty lessons, slo—pay in advanco, without distinction. STOLEN. OR TAKEN AAA A\ by mistake, from tho Drill Room of the Richmond Hussars, on AYednesday night last, a Double Barrelled Gun, about three feet in length, broken at the small part of the stock, mended by two small pieces of iron about two inches long, Any information will be duly appreciated by Prof. Speliers. febs-tf H ff fTT SEVEN YEARS ! — The seven years of unrivalled success attend ing the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION have made it a household word throughout every quarter of the Country. Under the auspices of the popular Institution, over three hundred thousand homes have appreciate—by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits derived from becoming a subscriber, Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparallelled with that of any previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can become a member by subscrii bing three dollars, for which sum they will re ceive Ist.—Tho large and suburb steel engraviug, 30x38 inches, entitled, ‘Falstaff Mustering His Recruits.’ 2d—One copy, one yoar, of that elegantly illus trated magazine, THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL. 3d—Four admissions during the season to the Gallery of Paintings, 548 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers, as a gratitious premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, outlines, Ac., forming a truly national benefit. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. 546 Broadway, New York. MIAMSW SIMMS? SUBSCRIBE TO THE ITEM FIELD 1«0 FIRESIDE! A HOME PAPER, Published at Augusta, Georgia. EVERY SATURDAY. Terms: $2 Per Annum. JAMES GARDNER, PROPRIETOR, Daniel Lee, 31. D., Agricultural Editor. Win. A. White-Horticultural Editor. Jas. N. Ells—Literary Editor. jan29 dlt WANTED. A COMFORTABLE dwelling near the centre of the city. Apply at the office of v the Bepuortc. > i " — v GRANITE HALL, MACON, GEORGIA. FIVHE Proprietor would inform his old friends JL and patrons, and the public generally, that he has made large additions and improvements to his House, making it as ever, comfortable and p-eas ant, ane in returning his thanks to one and all, he would solicit a continuance of the patronage he has heretofore so liberally received. B, F, DENSE, Froprietor. Jan, 27 —ly DENNIS ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE, A MEDICINE » ORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD FOR C 4 RAMP Colic, violent pain in the Stomach or J Bowels, severe colds, Coniestive Ohilit,, Spasms or Apoplectic affections, or for all sudden and dangerous attacks of disease in which a med icine is wanted for immediate use. By diluting it with syrup, honey, or sweetened water, it may be mado useful in a great variety of diseases of a mild naturo, It acts, in relieving colds, chills, <fcc., by produ cing a warm action in the whole system, and re lieving inflamation. For HORSES MULES, Ac., this tincture rarely fails to cure even the worst cases of Colic. It has been tried so often and proved successful, that it is now regarded almost as a specific. Price One Dollar per bottle. Prepared by, J. DENNIS, fit. D. jan23-wlo Augusta, Ga. PHOENIX GUANO FEOMfficKEANS ISLAND \A7"l6" are prepared supply our customers with this GUANO, at $42 cash, or $47, payable November Ist. jan2o-wlm ESTES A CLARK. Bacon, Grain, Manures, &c., 5J Hand and arriving, 30 Casks choice new SIDES ; 20 Casks strictly choice new sugar cured HAMS; (Uncanvassed). 2 O Casks Choice Clear Sides; AO Casks prime New SHOULDERS; 2 O Casks Canvass nAMS ; ,0 OO Bushels CORN, in sundry parcels ; ,5 OO Bushels Feed and Seed OATS; 20 Bales Eastern llav ; 80 Bales N. R. HAY; 400 Barrels F±.OUR, Assorted Brands; 5 Bale: Georgia KERSEYS, A No. 1 r 100 Bales Montour f SHEETINGS ; 150 Bales Montour and other Cotton Jeans; 30 Bales OSNBURGS ; A,500 Bbls Hoyt’s Super Phosphate Lime. 2,A00 Bags Reeses Manipulated Guano; AOO Bags Turnerc Excelsior Guano 100 Barrels Coe’s Super-Phosphate of Lime 600 Barrels Land Plaster, Pure : 500 Barrel,? Bone Dust; 600 Bags Sombrero Guano ; 2,000 Dry Flint and Salted Hides; Onjnaml, arriving, and for sale by STOVALL, MCLAUGHLIN & Cos., General Commission Merchants 285 Broad Street,Augusta, Ga dec3o—lf Meson Academy. THE Trustees of MESON ACADEMY are desirous of securing competent TEACHERS for tho Female Department of said Academy for the ensuing year. Applicants will address “B. F. Hardeman, at Lexington, Oglethorpe county.” The School will commence the first Monday in January, 1861. B. F. HARDEMAN. decß-lawtJl Chairman, Ac. Constitutionalist and Choronicle oopy once a week till Jan. 1, 1861, and forward account to B. F. Hardeman. EDWIN RICHARr?, ATTORNEY AT t , office in LtaFayet Hall Build' « =ta, 0» »yIS -tj WAVTE ]^BBi IV; lir.lH A l '5 •ft !j'9HS9| Will I'limr FIRST DAY—Feb. 19, Sweepstakes for 3 year olds, mile heats; en trance SZ(iO, forfeit SIOO, declaration SSO, if made by the Ist of November, 1860—the Club to add S3OO. if two or more start. Closed with seven subscriber;;; 1. Win. Brailsford enters b. c. Sucker, by Imp. Albion, (lain by Imp. Leviathan. 2. Thos. Puryear enters b. c. Bourbon, by Imp Glencoe, dan, by Fleur-de-lis, by Imp. Sovereign 3. Thos Puryear enters ch. f. Rosa Bonheur, by Imp. Gleoeoe. dam by Milwood. 4- B. C. Cassey enters b. c. by Imp. Sovereign, dam by Little Mistress, by Imp Shamrock. 5. H. C. Cassey enters br, f. Emily Blount, by- Brown Dick, dam by Geraw. 6. Thos. J. -Jennings enters ch, f. Becky 8., by Highflyer, davn by Elizabeth McNairy, by Am bassador. ' 7. W. J. McGill enters (R. A. Alston) ch. c Thomas Pur/year, by Highlander, dam by r Kitty Puryear, by’ Imp Ainderby. / SAME DAY. Sweepstakes for two year olds, mile heats; en trance $2 00, forfeit SIOO, declaration SSO, if mado by Dhe first of November, 1560., the club to add S2OO, if two or more start. Closed with threo subscribers': 1. Jas B. Jfarely, enters br, f. Little Ella, by Lex-> ington, dam by St. Mary, by Hamlet. 2. Thosj and Thos. IV. Doswell enterb. f. Nin ette, by Revenue dam by Nina, by Boston. 3. H. C. Cassey enters g. f. by Red Eye, dam by Ardell, by Grey Eagle. SECOND DAY—Wednesday, Feb. 20. Jockey Club Puse of SSOO ; 3 mile beats. THIRD DAY—Thursday, Feb. 21. Jockey club Purse of S3OO ; 2 mile heats. SAME DAY—February 21. Jockey Club Purse of $250 ; mile heats 3 in 5 FOURTH DAY...Friday, February 22. Sweepstakes for 3 year olds, 2 milo heats; en trauce S2OO, forfeit SIOO, declaration SSO, it made by the Ist of November, 1860, the Club to add SSOO, if two or more start. Closed with eight subscribers : 1. Thos. Puryea enters eh. f. Rosa Bonheur, by Imp Glencoe, dam by Milwood, by Imp Mon arch. 2. Thos. Puryear, c. Bourbon, by Imp Glencoe, dam by Imp Sovereign. 3. Thos. J, Jennings enters ch. f Becky B, by Highflyer, dam by Elizabeth McNairy, by Am bassador. 4. E. O. Elliot, enters br f by Imp Albion, dam by Ann Chase, by Imp Leviathan. 5. Wm Brailstield eaters b e Sucker, by Imp Leviathan 6. II C. Cassey enters b c by Imp Sovereign, dam by Little Mistress, ly Imp Shamrock. 7. C. Cassey enters br f Emily Blount, by Brown Dick, dam by Geraw. 8. AV. J. McGill enters (R. A. Aulston’s) ch c Thos Puryear, by Imp Highlander, dam by Kitty Puryear, by Imp Aladerby. FIFTH DAY—Saturday Feb. 23. Handicap Jockey Club Purse of $300; 2 mile heats. SAME DAY. Jockey Club Purse of S2OO ; mile heats. A walk over entitles a horse to the full amount of Jockey Club Purses. Entrance 5 per cent. J. S. DILL, janl-dtd Sec. and Troas. J. C. "GUIs 1 plstolsT MESSRS JOHN & T. A. BONES. HAVE just received a fresh supply of Colt’s PISTOLS; also, samples of Colt’s CAR BINES, Bayonet RIFLES, Artillery CAR BINES, Cavalry CARBINES, and the latest styles Army PLSTOKB-; ar-Vviß-U-• receive orders for these weapons. jan3 dtf United States Hotel, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. MOSHER & CREWS, PROPRIETORS. THIS large and long established HOTEL, having been thoroughly re-fitted and re-fur nished this summer, is now prepared to satisfy all the wants of the traveling community, at the must reasonable terms. From its central position, in the healthiest part of the city, the United States has always enjoyed a largo share of the public patronage; and the Proprietors are determined to spare neithor pains nor expense fully to sustain it ancient reputation as a first class Hotel. THE undersigned, having disposed of his in terest in tho above Hotel to Mr. Thomas Crews, returns his sincere thanks to the publie for their liberal patronage, and recommends the new firm to their continued favor and patronage, decll-tf JOSEPH ROSAMOND. NEW YORK BENEVOLENT INFIRMARY. Established and endowed for. the belief OF THOSE SUFFERING WITH CONTAGIOUS, VIR ULENT, and Chronic diseases, and for the ERADICATION AND EXTERMINATION OF ALL DIS EASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGAN'S, OF WHATEVER NATURE. The Journal of Medical Reform, containing VALUABLE INFORMATION on Spermatorr hoea and the New Remedies employed at the In firmary, for tho cure of the above diseases, sent to those needing medical aid, in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Don’t fail to a co y. To Parents of many scrofulous and diseased children, certain means of prevention will cheer fully be communicated, on application, by mail. The Prescriptions for Consumption, used by the Infirmary, will be sent Free to all who need it. It never fails to cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Catarrh, and Consumption, as thousands can at estt. Send before you perish. To all who apply by letter, with a full descrip tion of age, occupation, symptoms of disease ol any kind, and habits of life, Candid advice, free o charge, will be given, by the Chief Physician or Surgeon. Address, with two or three stamps for postage, Dr. A. BERNEY, Secretary, (Box 141.) Williamsburg, New York. nov!6-d&wly Important Notice. THE patrons and Boarder of tho “Imperial Lunch aud Dining Saloon,” will be furnished with Meals on Sundays until further notice. From 7tolo a. m., Breakfast; from Ito3 p. m., Dinner; and from 5 to S, Supper. decS—dtf JOHN BRIDGES, Agent. EXCHANGE! GIRARDEY’S RESTAURANT OPEKT THE Proprietor has the pleasure to inform his friends and tho public generally, that his RESTAURANT will be open on Wednesday, the ‘th of November. Parties and Families can be supplied with New York, Norfolk, and Savannah OYSTERS; also, Northern and Southern GAME. I. P. GIRARDEY. THE BILLIARD SALOON AND TEN PIN ALLEYS Are now completed, and will also be opened on The 7th of November. Y novo—2m ' fl - * - nH 3 1 3R IS Oil- - '"V “" 'vt, ’ ■ ■ > tK/ '-* sets’.: 9 ' y '» r .e ’I frf.'. ~ '- f ' f; -y, jT )'■; ) ■ : in the i affections. quently atterdedVith Heocmcies; Antemia and piethora are also affection- wb- h frequently oc casion headache. Idiopathic endache is also very common, being usually t. inguisbed by the name of nervous headache, sometimes"coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slow ly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances tho pain is in the front of tho head, over one or both eves, and sometimes provoking vomiting ; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. Bridgkt.— Misses wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, but I’m thinking that’s not just if naitber; bu perhaps ye’ll be after kncvriilg Jtoat it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gore with tho Sick Headache,' and wants some more of that same as relaivcd her before... Druggist. —You must mean Spalding’B Ccphalin Pills. Bridget. —Och ! sure now and you’ve sed it, here's tho quarther and givo me the Pills and don’t be all day about it aither. Coubtipation or Costiveuess. No one of the “many ills flesh is heir to” is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much ne glected as Costiveness. Often originating in care lesness, or sedentary habits; it is re« ded as if slight disorder of too little conseqitfrfcc to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of the most fatal and danger ous diseases, and unless early eradicated it' will bring tho sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Cholic, Rheumatism Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature’ while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dvsintery, Diarhoea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hys teria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the dis eases named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the com plaint, as their timely use will expel the insidious approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. Over excitement, and the mental rare and anxiety incident to close attention to busi ness or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this distressing com plaint is a latal blow to all energy and ambition: Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptomsiippear. Tt quiets the overtasked brain, and soothes the [ruined and jar ing nerves, and the piftmngh which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered con-' dition of the brain. Fact wouth knowing.— Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headeche, Bili ous Headache, Nervous Headache, Costivenesa and General Debility. Great Discovery.— Among the most import ant of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccinna tion for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalic Pill ior relief of Hoadaehe, and the use of Quinine for the.prtYentiou of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suffering humanity long after their discover ers are lorgotten. Twenty Millions or Dollars Saved. —Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now proposes to do the world still greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalie Pills, andlfTßey ‘ are as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon vhnish away like snow in July. A Real Blessing'. Physician. —Well, Mrs. Jones, how is thaj headache ? Mrs. Jones. —Gone! Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent cured me in just twenty iqinutes, and I wish you would send more so that I can have them handy. Physician. —You can get them at any Drug, gists. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend them in all cases of Head ache. Mrs. Jones. —l shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real blessing. CURE %f Nervous Headache Headache. By the use of these PillE the periodic alia As •> Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack 'tn*e diate relief from pain and sickness will be ob tained. They seldom fail in removing the Xnusea and Headache Wwdlich females are subje-'L They act gently upoD the bowe'-j, - removing Costiveness. For Literary J/cn, Students , Delicate Females, and ail persons of sedentary habits, they are val uable as a Laxative, improving tho appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive org;, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully conducted experi ments, having been in use many years, during which time they navojprevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Head ache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composi tion, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety, without making any change of diet,Jand the absence of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children* BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on re of the PRICE 25 .CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY|C.:SP AIDING, 48 Cellar Street, Ne »■ Voritj nov Uwlyj