Newspaper Page Text
The Millen News
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - Page 7
Legal Advertising
Book 6, Page 154. Or as further de
scribed in Deed Book 20, Page 601.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
M23097, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Jeff Brantley
City Manager
* Deed Book: Refers to Deed Re
cords located in the Jenkins County
Courthouse, Clerk of Superior
Court’s Office where property is more
fully described. 4C 2 26
July 10,17, 24,31,2024
Under and by virtue of certain tax Fi.
Fa's issued by the Tax Commissioner
of Jenkins County, Georgia, in favor
of the State of Georgia and County
of Jenkins, against the following
named persons and the property as
described next to their respective
name(s). There will be sold for cash
or certified funds at public outcry,
before the Courthouse door in Millen,
Jenkins County, Georgia, between
the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in August, 2024, the same
being August 6th, 2024, and continu
ing on August 7th, 2024, if necessary
between the legal hours of sale, 10:
00 AM and 4: 00 PM. The below
listed and described properties, or
as much thereof as will satisfy the
State and County tax execution on
the respective individual and prop
erty. The property (ies) hereinafter
described have been levied on as
the property of the persons whose
names immediately precede the
property description. Each of the
respective parcels of property are
located in Jenkins County, State of
Georgia. The years for which said Fi.
Fa’s are issued and levied are stated
opposite the name of the owner in
each case. Each defendant and ten
ant in possession, if applicable, has
been notified of levy time and place
of sale. Purchaser shall pay for title,
all transfer costs, all taxes, advertis
ing costs and recording fees.
Map & Parcel:001 A019
Defendant in Fi Fa: Wilson, Gary N
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Gary
CRH Address: 351 Mary Ann Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 908.46
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 2N/652
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1634th GMD, be
ing 0.38 acres, more or less. Being
Lot B & C, Project 2, of Math Johnson
Flerndon Fish Camp Subdivision. Or
as further described in Deed Book
2N, Page 652. Being known as Tax
Map & Parcel 001A019, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 004A102
Defendant in Fi Fa: Drew, William D.
Current Record Holder: Drew, Wil
liam Donald
CRH Address: P.O. Box 52
Midville, GA 30441
Amount Due: $ 2,231.63
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5C/153
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1634th GMD, be
ing 0.222 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 3. As shown in Plat Book 11,
Page 138. Or as further described
in Deed Book 5C, Page 153. Be
ing known as Tax Map & Parcel
004A102, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 006075
Defendant in Fi Fa: Burke, Floward
Current Record Holder: Burke,
Howard Paul
CRH Address: 4922 Lane Road
Garfield, GA 30425
Amount Due: $ 442.44
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5L/828
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD, be
ing 1.352 acres, more or less. Being
Parcel 3. As shown in Plat Book 15,
Page 85. Or as further described
in Deed Book 5L, Page 828. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 006075,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 006081
Defendant in Fi Fa: Lariscy, William F
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Lariscy, William F
CRH Address: 4957 Gamm Gay
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 843.33
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 3R/79
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD, be
ing 10.79 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 1 & 2. As shown in Plat Book 12,
Page 58. Or as further described
in Deed Book 3R, Page 79. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 006081,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 006098
Defendant in Fi Fa: Burke, Howard
Current Record Holder: Burke,
Howard Paul
CRH Address: 4922 Lane Road
Garfield, GA 30425
Amount Due: $ 748.20
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 45/315
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD, be
ing 1.893 acres, more or less. Being
Parcel 2. As shown in Plat Book 15,
Page 85. Or as further described
in Deed Book 45, Page 315. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 006098,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 010146
Defendant in Fi Fa: Wilson, Gary
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Gary
CRH Address: 351 Mary Ann Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 880.56
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 4X/111
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD,
being 0.65 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 3A, Page 179.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 4X, Page 111. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 010146, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 011075
Defendant in Fi Fa: Dunlap, Joyce
Elizabeth & Carolyn Lane Alston
Current Record Holder: Dunlap,
Joyce Elizabeth Lane & Alston,
Carolyn Lane
CRH Address: 8736 San Joaquin
Fort Worth, TX 76118
Amount Due: $ 1,501.43
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5Y/108
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD,
being 33.0 acres, more or less. Or
as further described in Deed Book
5Y, Page 108. Less & Except: 40.0
acres as described in Deed Book 15,
Page 373. Being known as Tax Map
& Parcel 011075, Jenkins County,
Map & Parcel: 011136A
Defendant in Fi Fa: Foreman, Lavern
Current Record Holder: Oglesby,
CRH Address: 3826 Rosemary
Church Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,110.15
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 6D/22
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD,
being 1.00 acre, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 17, Page 177.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 6D, Page 22. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 011136A, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 011187
Defendant in Fi Fa: Howard, Richard
Current Record Holder: Howard,
Richard E.
CRH Address: 4948 River Road
Waynesboro, GA 30830
Amount Due: $ 460.64
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 14/655
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD, be
ing 2.75 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 8, of Regan Franklin Subdivision,
Phase III. As shown in Plat Book 12,
Page 130. Or as further described
in Deed Book 14, Page 655. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 011187,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 011188
Defendant in Fi Fa: Howard, Richard
Current Record Holder: Howard,
Richard E.
CRH Address: 4948 River Road
Waynesboro, GA 30830
Amount Due: $ 734.59
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 14/655
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD, be
ing 8.58 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 7, of Regan Franklin Subdivision,
Phase III. As shown in Plat Book 12,
Page 130. Or as further described
in Deed Book 14, Page 655. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 011188,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 014044
Defendant in Fi Fa: Nunnally, Kristina
Current Record Holder: Nunnally,
CRH Address: 1580 Perkins Green-
fork Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,578.76
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 12/273
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 0.69 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 3A, Page 430.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 12, Page 273. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 014044, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 015073
Defendant in Fi Fa: AAS, Inc
Current Record Holder: Nottinghill
Court, LLC
CRH Address: 2023 Empress Av
South Pasenda, CA 91030
Amount Due: $ 577.71
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 30/489
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 2.52 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 18, Page 115.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 30, Page 489. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 015073, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 015073A
Defendant in Fi Fa: AAS, Inc
Current Record Holder: Nottinghill
Court, LLC
CRH Address: 2023 Empress Av
South Pasadena , CA 91030
Amount Due: $ 3,056.69
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 30/489
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 3.8 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 19, Page 48. Or
as further described in Deed Book
30, Page 489. Being known as Tax
Map & Parcel 015073A, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 015299
Defendant in Fi Fa: AAS, Inc
Current Record Holder: Nottinghill
Court, LLC
CRH Address: 2023 Empress Av
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Amount Due: $ 953.31
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 30/489
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 15.73 acres, more or less.
As shown in Plat Book 19, Page
48. Or as further described in Deed
Book 30, Page 489. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 015299, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 016019
Defendant in Fi Fa: Yarbrough, Linda
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Yarbrough, Linda C.
CRH Address: 4032 Highway 25
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 419.68
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 3N/695
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 1.86 acres, more or less. Be
ing Lot 9, Section A, of Cushingville
Estates Subdivision. As shown in Plat
Book 5, Page 31. Or as further de
scribed in Deed Book 3N, Page 695.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
016019, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 016020
Defendant in Fi Fa: Yarbrough, Linda
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Yarbrough, Linda C.
CRH Address: 4032 Highway 25
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 419.68
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 3N/695
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 1.85 acres, more or less. Be
ing Lot 8, Section A, of Cushingville
Estates Subdivision. As shown in Plat
Book 5, Page 31. Or as further de
scribed in Deed Book 3N, Page 695.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
016020, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 016021
Defendant in Fi Fa: Yarbrough, Linda
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Yarbrough, Linda C.
CRH Address: 4032 Highway 25
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 2,376.93
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 7Y/598
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 2.06 acres, more or less. Be
ing Lot 7, Section A, of Cushingville
Estates Subdivision. As shown in Plat
Book 13, Page 62. Or as further de
scribed in Deed Book 7Y, Page 598.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
016021, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 016022
Defendant in Fi Fa: Yarbrough, Linda
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Yarbrough, Linda C.
CRH Address: 4032 Highway 25
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 424.22
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 7Y/598
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 1.98 acres, more or less. Be
ing Lot 6, Section A, of Cushingville
Estates Subdivision. As shown in Plat
Book 13, Page 62. Or as further de
scribed in Deed Book 7Y, Page 598.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
016022, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 016216
Defendant in Fi Fa: Wilson, Gary
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Gary
CRH Address: 351 Mary Ann Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 1,142.81
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book:1W/372
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1639th GMD,
being 1.12 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 2V, Page 240.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 1W, Page 372. Being known
as Tax Map & Parcel 016216, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 017009
Defendant in Fi Fa: Yarbrough, Linda
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Yarbrough, Linda C.
CRH Address: 4032 Highway 25
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 855.66
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5Q/414
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD, be
ing 1.4 acres, more or less. As shown
in Plat Book 3, Page 503. Or as
further described in Deed Book 5Q,
Page 414. Less & Except: 0.103 acre
Right of Way as described in Deed
Book4V, Page 294. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 017009, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 017A035
Defendant in Fi Fa: McCollum, Doug
las & Eubie
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of McCollum, Eubie, De
ceased & McCollum, Douglas
CRH Address: 4711 James Street
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 622.70
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 3E/255
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD, be
ing 0.23 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 36. As shown in Plat Book 11,
Page 70. Or as further described
in Deed Book 3E, Page 255. Be
ing known as Tax Map & Parcel
017A035, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 018171
Defendant in Fi Fa: Taylor, Eddie
Current Record Holder:Taylor, Eddie
CRH Address: 5022 Paynes Chapel
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,341.59
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 6H/540
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD, be
ing 8.01 acres, more or less. Being
Parcel 1. As shown in Plat Book 16,
Page 18. Or as further described in
Deed Book 6H, Page 540. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 018171,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 021064
Defendant in Fi Fa: Williams, Jerry
Current Record Holder: Williams,
CRH Address: 1421 Greenfork
Church Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,195.66
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 2S/316
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1636th GMD,
being 1.00 acre, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 8, Page 206. Or
as further described in Deed Book
2S, Page 316. Less & Except: 3.36
acres described in Deed Book 2S,
Page 217. Being known as Tax Map
& Parcel 021064, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 022193
Defendant in Fi Fa: Reese, Chris &
Claudia Williams
Current Record Holder: Reese,
Gwendolyn Laford & Williams, Clau
CRH Address: 1568 Susie Bailey
Waynesboro, GA 30830
Amount Due: $ 765.19
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 39/345
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 1.00 acre, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 13, Page 105.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 39, Page 345. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 022193, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 022242
Defendant in Fi Fa: Doyle, Lua M.
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Doyle, Mrs. Lula M.,
CRH Address: 1113 Holmes Drive
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 784.88
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 70/8
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 1.00 acre, more or less. Being
Lot 10, Section B, of Sandy Ridge
Farms Subdivision. As shown in Plat
Book 12, Page 132. Or as further
described in Deed Book 70, Page
8. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
022242, Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 022A028
Defendant in Fi Fa: Lewis, William
& Merritt
Current Record Holder: Lewis, Wil
liam & Merritt
CRH Address: 117 Landrum Drive
Martin, GA 30557
Amount Due: $ 1,011.18
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 7B/7
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD, be
ing 0.94 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 28. As shown in Plat Book 12,
Page 142. Or as further described in
Deed Book 7B, Page 7. Being known
as Tax Map & Parcel 022A028, Jen
kins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 023307
Defendant in Fi Fa: Belony, Luckna
Current Record Holder: Belony,
Luckna Metelus
CRH Address: 403 Hearthside Court
Orange Park, FL 32065
Amount Due: $ 483.40
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5Q/678
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1638th GMD, be
ing 2.00 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 47, of Paramore Place Subdivi
sion. As shown in Plat Book 12, Page
198. Or as further described in Deed
Book 5Q, Page 678. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 023307, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 023328
Defendant in Fi Fa: Blanc, Marie
Current Record Holder: Blanc, Marie
CRH Address: 2279 Floresta Drive
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984
Amount Due: $ 483.40
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 5P/608
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1638th GMD, be
ing 2.00 acres, more or less. Being
Lot 37, of Paramore Place Subdivi
sion. As shown in Plat Book 12, Page
198. Or as further described in Deed
Book 5P, Page 608. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 023328, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 025005
Defendant in Fi Fa: Williams, Alton Sr.
Current Record Holder: Williams,
Alton M. Sr.
CRH Address: 4596 Williams Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,107.10
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 4Q/704
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1640th GMD,
being 0.16 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 4, Page 95. Or as
further described in Deed Book 4Q,
Page 704. Being known as Tax Map
& Parcel 025005, Jenkins County,
Map & Parcel: 027061
Defendant in Fi Fa: Moore, Christy E.
Current Record Holder: Moore,
Christy Elaine
CRH Address: 2005 GA Highway
23 North
Perkins, GA 30442
Amount Due:$ 1,388.89
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2016
Deed Book: 6N/506
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1636th GMD,
being 5.55 acres, more or less. Be
ing Lot 14. As shown in Plat Book
12, Page 4. Or as further described
in Deed Book 6N, Page 506. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 027061,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 027073B
Defendant in Fi Fa: Hargrove, The
resa J.
Current Record Holder: Hargrove,
Theresa J.
CRH Address: 2631 Perkins Green-
fork Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 2,445.67
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 6T/811
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th GMD,
being 12.15 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 18, Page 51. Or
as further described in Deed Book
6T, Page 811. Less & Except: 1.47
acres as described in Deed Book 6V,
Page 739. Being known as Tax Map
& Parcel 027073B, Jenkins County,
Map & Parcel: 027102
Defendant in Fi Fa: Oliver, Callie Mae
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Parrish, Callie Mae
a/k/a Callie Mae Oliver, Deceased
CRH Address: 2051 Sand Ridge
Hephzibah, GA 30815
Amount Due: $ 349.83
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 1H/150
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1636th GMD,
being 1.00 acre, more or less. Or as
further described in Deed Book 1H,
Page 150. Being known as Tax Map
& Parcel 027102, Jenkins County,
Map & Parcel: 027138
Defendant in Fi Fa: Summerall, Sue
Lee & Earl Gene
Current Record Holder: Keenan, Mrs.
Amber P.
CRH Address: 573 NE 219th Avenue
Old Town, FL 32680
Amount Due: $ 861.77
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 24/795
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1636th GMD,
being 2.73 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 7, Page 247.
Or as further described in Deed
Book 24, Page 795. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 027138, Jenkins
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 027162
Defendant in Fi Fa: Wilson, Larry B.
Estate Of & Tammie
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known
& Unknown of Wilson, Larry Bert Sr.
a/k/a Larry Wilson Sr. a/k/a
Larry B. Wilson, Deceased & Wilson,
CRH Address: 1972 Highway 23
Perkins, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 657.73
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 7C/166
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1636th GMD,
being 5.00 acres, more or less.
Being Tract 9, of Green Fork Farms
Subdivision. As shown in Plat Book
12, Page 4. Or as further described
in Deed Book 7C, Page 166. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 027162,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 028054A
Defendant in Fi Fa: Thomason,
Anthony L.
Current Record Holder: Thomason,
Anthony L.
CRH Address: 1410 Hiltonia Road
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 1,702.71
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 23/43
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1635th, 1637th
& 1638th GMD, being 21.69 acres,
more or less. As shown in Plat Book
9, Page 194. Or as further described
in Deed Book 23, Page 43. Less &
Except: 8.66
acres described in Deed Book 23,
Page 43, shown in Plat Book 19,
Page 46. Being
known as Tax Map & Parcel 028054A,
Jenkins County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 028098
Defendant in Fi Fa: Gordon, Jarvis
Current Record Holder: Gordon,
CRH Address: 1020 Horse Creek
Millen, GA 30442
Amount Due: $ 2,049.24
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 7Q/146
Legal Description: All that tract of
land being in the: State of Georgia,
County of Jenkins, 1637th GMD,
being 1.57 acres, more or less. As
shown in Plat Book 11, Page 54. Or
as further described in Deed Book
7Q, Page 146. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 028098, Jenkins
County, Georgia.