The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, September 12, 1889, Image 1

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YOL. TWO. Tltc "tic!.ccL !u 2ott*nut. Ci'fioial Organ of Banks County tot.vr.. ■ F'>wq. ’luvwii vi - ‘ TWJ.-.9 - J-wKnwnrr -yanytr - PUBLISII HURSDAY* 50Cts. Per Year. aiss A■sSva.sie* 1 . y Cents Per JAjaf) First Insor“ tion> Ea.cii Addition *1 5 Cents- Entered a.- Second Class Matter at the Homer. Ga.. Post Office. Tju.o. Barton. - Proprietor. F M- EDWARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IK'-HER, GEORGIA. Will t rpetiee in ail the Courts and ‘he Western C'rctr’t. OSi AR ' ROWN, L A W Y E 11. Homer. Georgia. Will give special attention to ad Biinistrations, etc., and do a general practice in Banks acd lining comi ties. Will loan MOISEY at OG per cent. p.r annum. G. W. BR( ■ ' - o_\_ A C ’ W JSsiySeville, C3eor<jit^ YVi lido a general practice. CoLeet i; g a specialty. J. E- DITCH ATTORNEY AT LAW, JeiiVrson, - Geotgva W iI practice in Jackson, ( iarlre. 11Hanks, Franklin, Ma iie-sv. r.i;c r t h o CTiirt'w in tha circn^t. a OWELL C- STANBKIDOB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vv 3: v .v?sle, Wenrg'fl • De. K IE ADAIH, OENTiST. TLi'tvonv Grove. Georgia. o:d M. Merritt, Ation-oy and Counselor at Law, •t 8 M y ft V i 13. CO rgisa, VV. I. PIKE, > attorney at law, .1. ~n.3(is, Georgia. OIL A~ TITsTAFLEK, Itoiner, fteorgia, p. (Hal attention givfen to surgery, r bs’ti , *k and cbiou’c diseases ol iong K'anJing. v7nToCKHART. p II ysiciaN, 35oim-r, Georgia- Or dinar}’a Court. Fi>t Mor daws in eachtnonih. T. F Hill, ordinary. Superior Court. 1 ~ir d Mou leys in March and Sep tt in Lc r• Cliurclies* 1 esbyteiiao Church, services 2nd Scr.Jay in each month, Re Y . G. 11. Gfirtledge, pastor. Methodist Chinch,services Ist Sunday life each month, and Saturday before, 1 ... J. 0 Gunnels and Jno. I. Pen th'gras, pastors.. lLptist Church, vd. Sauday in each ir : nth avd Si. urd - y before, Ro ,r . J L llunci,n pastor. ‘ r , Lodges. „ L ewer .Lodge, 52., 1. O. O. Ig. );.cLhsift Tuesday in each month. W. C 1 qoh noble grand, U. J. Hyar secretary. j >a Delta Lodge no. 148, F. A. M.. , l;,r Friday eight in each cuomfe, \ a. v-, arson, w. m.,v 51. Edwards i \ vj . Humpter, s . w., w. e>. Long, • y it V ;. s- onrrison, treasurer., V , . i leldkiilj Sn.. c. n. owen, 3 D., ctccti s. s.j a J cash .is. V : I# fg4 y k v <?\ '■ \l 1 yT- % ■ i(m t,!i 1, $1 $ ill W> 8-1 i§ 11 11 IHII I 8 li| 111 Cfcii-4'lc ||| iJ jp 44144< <^s nKi.'taiEa *y**33 q Aasf \f)j/ M }\f Sri 2^ V ? o li^W-aSiauJ HARMONY GROVE, GA. DEALERS IN Wf. 00- \ W C\ t , (D 0 v- 0 W QvWb \>J ww\A‘‘vVj vw 0C w vO vW V'AL 6 NtSs)Qo wV'iOa W'lTO'wVy Also fine Line or Hardware, Tiawatc, Crockery and Glastvaro, Family' Groceries, Flour, Meats, Etc. gar Cnr stock is Complete and- arc fully prepared to satisfy our Cus tomers in respect to styles and Qualities. levelvthing soil fV>r piices fr helow any ever xoade in this or anv other M A P,K E r| N NORT HEAFT GEORGIA. Besnre to Call and see a- I* tmu purchasing elsewhere The <i dest Finn in this section. 19 NOTICE! September fter this month do notices ot any kind will be inserted in this paper without the publication fees in advance MONEY TO To AN In sums of S3UO and upwards on less commission than any man in northeast Georgia. P. I\l Ho warps. 52 Qm. OfEc&rs tßlanks Tor Sa2o At this utfice. Ail kin*s. JWcElree’3 Wing of Cardus and Tf-jEDFORD’S BLACK-DR AUCH7 aro ————— Wm. —— ■nML.7.-.viaf*tranffagßßa iti, fur sale by the fqllow'iuir merchant iu iia tks and an joining c./Unues: .1. E. Stephens, Homer. W. T. Dtinran, Jewellsville. George Wilev, Jewelisyjlie. Ch-tr-cs Sweet, Alto. J. Lee Legrand, Cramer. A. N. Bellamy, Walnut Hill. Ilatehi oek and Cos., Harmony Grove Power and Wiiford, Harmony Grove Baugh and Biother. Maysville. J. G S’t:. u Apple x alley. J B McW horter, Fort Lamar. 52cvul items. Tue Suptemher son is warm. Superior Court Monday. T'he fruit crop is nearly gone. The Masons met Friday night. The screech of the lonely owl is not uncommon now o’ nights, Mrs. John. Hill rs-improving and so is Mrs. Y'eargin. Nothing in the world, but bar gains at C. W. Hood & Son's Har mony Grove. 19 if. The cotton-basket is now on the market. Yesterday wan umgSirauG oomt,. (Quite a number attended court. Many have been congratulatingtho change in the Journal's heading. McElree’a WINE OF CARDU! for female <Ji3anFos. The turnip crop is coming on fine ly. The plant looks Tell and healthy Road the advertisement of C. W. Hood & Son on this page. The boys indulged in a game of base-ball Saturday evening The rounds were even on Loth sides. Campmeeiing opened at Popular Springs, Tuesday. It will contin - ue until Monday overling. ra-BLACK-DRAU-UHT tea cures Coa3tiration. ‘•i)evtel 30 sljo Snlei-ei >£’ sjin !!<". Guniy.” HOMER, BANKS CO ENT Y, GA.. THURSDAY. SEPT.'I2, 1 Notice,—All perrons who ibsire to have Pictures enlarged, will please bring them to Homer durirg Septem ber (court week ) I will be there pro pared to do ail kinds* of enlarging; make and furnish all kinds of p;c me frames. James E. HcZeY. 2 v fiyj'WlNE OF CAHDiJI, a Tonic for Women. Miss Lula Carson and Miss fcjii tn • non of Franklin court iy, spent yes terday at the hotel. Dr. Looahait has Hilly recovered from his spell of le v er that conhaod Lira to his room last week. Mr, J. T. Comar of tlie firm ©f Comer Eros., Maysville, has just returned from Ihe East with his large stock cf fall an 1 winter goods. Markied.—Wednesday of last n’oek, near the Franklin line, Mr. Oaudell uidMiss Thom as, both of this county. If you see the Journal’s columns booming with liva advertisements from now on, you may know tiioro is business in it, QcTLRZQo WINE OF CARDU! for Weak Nerves. The present indications are that eeurt will last throughout all next week. The docket is the largest' lor several courts. The “Ladies’ Aid Society” respect fully solicit patronage t® the dinner given Tuesday at Dr. Y, D. Leckhart’s in the interest of the new Baptist Church. Don't buy any Goods from any body until you get to see what beautil'ul’st vies and what excellent qualities of goods can be bought for almost nothing from O. W. Hood & Bon, Harmony Grove. II) tf Cotton is opening and soon the busy hands of the young and old will be engaged piling up Ihe llee cy staple for market. Business will open, aud such another rush you have not seen in years. Several aru “saving hay while the sun shines.” A poor rule that don't work both ways. Smne fod der was lost by the recent long and heavy rains, Imt during this i good grass crop was making-—better than for several years in this sec tion, so it is said. Hood A Son have a fine stock ol j goods bought for caHi in Eastern markets, and will meet anybody’s! prices, rucl on many lines of good? sell much cheaper than others. lOtf The fodder business is on a boom among tho farmers. The weather was vary unfavorable last week, but Sunday Ihe “clouds roiled by” and tha sun came out in all fts glo ry. A fetv weeks of clear, settled weather will place ihe farmers in good condition. Maysviile,Sept. s.—Editor Jour nal:—Dear Sir: —The Batiks Corn; ty Singing Convention convenes at Mt.Dleasant,Friday before the -lib Sunday' in this month, Saturday be Sunday inclusive. Tours respt., F. M. Ilaulbrook. Try lot .Dyspepfiia, In this issue on 2nd page, read the advertisement of the firm of I. A. Madden, Maysville. Air. Madden left Monday for Now York, where he goes lo purchase his large fall and winter stock. Llis advertise ment will post you as to his iuten tions. Read it and see. We are just from New York and have bought th© largest stock of Goods at tha lowest prices, ever bronghft.o this market. Call and see them. 0. \Y. liooil & Son, Har mouy Grove. VJ tf. Little Biatts • Garrison was run over by ona of her father's nnlk cows and hurt right seriously—receiv ing a gash over the eye, muting to the bone, which had to be sewed up. The Jcrdau and HaulbrOok case came up lor trial again yesterday. Don’t fill the system with quiniuo to ptevent or cure Fevst and Ague Ay era Acne Cuie is the specific: for this di.-ease, and leaves no poisons to pro duce dizziness, deal ness, headache, or other uioonlers. Ddn’t make a mountain of a mole hill. Sometimes people take of fense when no offense is intended. Church people and preachers, too, are guilty of this same lilt!© thing. Let the Saviour’s words, “Peace be unto you,” remain in your hearts every day. %* Subscribers will remember the Jour nal during court. A uutnoer of them have been taking the paper c-rer since it commenced aud Lava ueyer paid a cent., not withstanding the low sub scription of 5j cts. The piroprietor needs money, and besides, he is going to ma the Journal on the Farmer? Alliance eottou bagging factory priQ. eiples, and you know what these are; if yon don’t, you will when yon go to buy your bagging, without you get your merchant to stand for you. Come up and pay jour tubeeription to the Journal. Young, old, and uinldie aged, all ex pcrieneo the wonderlully beneficial el levis of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young childian, sulliring from sore eyes, sore ears, scald head, or with aDy scrofu ions i aim, become healthy and 'strong by the use ot this medicine; six bottles fot five dollars, We iiavo the largest stock of Dry Goods and General Merchandise' yeu ever saw; and to this wo hnvo added an Etnp >riuu Millinery De partment, which will be suporin tended by one of the most skiileil Milliners to be found anywhere. There goods are unexcelled in qual ity aud style-, and wo are oiler. them at prices far below all eompo tition. C. W. Hood & Sun, Har mony Grove, Ga. 10 tf. The business outlook for this see - tion is brighter than. Las Leon in many years. If ! lomer had a rail read to carry forth the rich treas ures of her people to the world, she would soon be noticed. Carnesville has Jud a big rail road meeting, and it will nut b many years till through connection will be made from the Air Line to South Carolina, by iiomsrr and Carnesville.. A. correcti on.—C, Vv - Li con o. Soa at Harmony Grove, have on iy one-car load of jute bagging. They also have one car load uf col - ton bugging contracted for an . 2,000 yards of cotton bagging no ~ in stock. No other persons have any interest in this bagging. They have some customers who prefer jute to cotton bagging, and, trying to please all in this, as in every thing else, have both kinds for sale. Cotton bagging is worth 12 3 -lets, to 13 cts. per yard Jute bagging is w®rth 10 per yard for 1 3-4 lbs , aud 11 cents for 2 lb., full weights. 'ielegrapuic. Antwerp, Sept. G.—Dynamite ex ploded to-day in a carriage factory in the vicinity of the bourse, killing sev eral persons and doing much damage to property. Ifeitions of the bourse were strnck by burning fragments an-. set on fire, esusiug a panic in that building, which was at the time crowd ed. The less of life ia appalling. It is known that 12G persons were killed. The cartridge factory was situated be hind tite docks, upon which millions of cartridges were being leaded. Ic was adjacent to petroleum stores, amt two large Russian petroleum ware houses were .-et oa fare and are now burnirg. Other stores are endagered. The police gendearmes and troops aro j assisting in the work ot extinguishing the flames, while priests and sisters of charity are looking after the injured. The city is erveioptd in a dense smoke. The explosion occurred in a work shop whore old cartridges wcie being | taken to pieces. Men and women were ! activedy at work, breaking them up, and 25,000,000 had been partly brok en. The fire is still jagiug and now coyere two acres. The flames shoot up to an immense height. Among the roar of flames there is a continuous succession of loud reports, supposed to be from the iguitiou and explosion of packages of cartridges. Beyond the Russian tanks and Nobles’ sheds there are numerous houses burning; ship ping at the Africa and American docks is in danger. Later—The number of deaths will probably reach 2.00. About 5(Ji) per sona were injured. The 1 will be many million francs. It will be im passible to extinguish the flames iu leas than twenty-lour hours; several vessels have been burned. Owing to the intense heat the firemen are unable i to approach the flames Learer thau luii yards. NG m.