The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 01, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. TWO. glue 'SolccMtj gtmiymtl. Official Organ of Banka County b-j PUBLISHED THURSDAY 75Cts.PerYear Subscription in Advance. locals 8 Ceuta Per Line First In sertien* Each Additional 5 Cents- Entered as Second Class Matter at the Homer, Ga., Fost Office. .Too. Barton. - Proprietor. G. \V. BROWN, Ma>*llie, Georgift. Will do a general practice: Col lecting a specialty. o. n. wTlson, Physician And Surgeon, .tlayxville, Weorgli Da. E F. ADAIU, DENTIST. Harmony Grove, Ga. tTgTunderwood, Physician And Surgeon, ManrrillO' Georgia- L. J. SHARP, PHYSICIAN & DR’GGIST, Harmony Grove. Ga LLC. STR Y CKLAN D, ~~ Physician And Surgeon, MojvUl. * Georgia- Ordinary’s Court, First Monday in each month. T. F Hill, Ordinary, Suporior Court, Third Mondays in Maicb and Sep tember. M. L. Hu chins, Judge. Chnroließ MAY&YILLE. Ban'ist-Hey W. S. MoCarty, pastor; ssrvices 2nd. Saturday and Sunday, snndav school every sab bath 10 a. m. „ „ Presbyterian—Re r . G. H. Cart lecge, pastoi; teivices 4*h Sunday. Onion sundey school every sabbath t Sim dm; Methodist —Rev.— —Du Yall, pastor, services 3rd. sanday in each month. —— HO R, Methodist, T. O. Korie, Pastor. Services Ist. Sunday in each month and Saturday before. Sunday school every p Hi* F/esb} lorian, G. H. Cftrtledge, Pas tor. Services 2nd. Sunday in each month. Bunday school ever/ sab bath 10 e. ro. Baptist* J. F. Goode, Pastors Serr ieos 4th. Sunday in each month sod Saturday before. Sunday school ev ery sabbath 10 a m. Lodges- Homer Lodge, No. 82,1. O. O. F. meets Ist. Tuesday in each month, W. C. Pool, noble grand, R. J. Dyary, secretary. Phi Delta Lod*s, No. 148, F. A. M. meets Ist. Fiiday night in each month: w. a. watson, w. M-, r. m. Edwards, a. w., 3 w. sumpter, 1 w., w. s. iong, sec'ty., w. c. 1 osr rison, treasurer, wiley Tii’dkiu, e. and„ o. n. oweo, j. and., Henry oreene, m. s. l. and. cash, j. s. Patents, Caveats and Trademarks obtained, and ali Patent buni ues* conducted for moderate fees. Onr office is opposite united states patent office, and we can se nate Prtcnt in less time than those remove from Washington. Send model, atawing or photo with do scriptions. advise patentable or not, free of ebarge; onr fee not due until patent secured. A ram phlet "How to obtain Puents,” with names of actual ciients in yt-ur state and eouaty, or town ser.t free. ] Add reus C A-SNOW & CO- , opp.patent office, \Vasbingtoo, I>. U. Terrible blood poison, body enur ed with sores, and two betites of P P P (Priekly Ash, Poke Toot and Potassium) eired the disetse, mak ag the parent lively a* a ten-year oid. <Llic Mcddu Journal. MCELREE’S WINE OFOARDfJI and Turn Fußb’ei Hlack Draught are tor sat by the blowing merchants in Harks and adjoiningCcua ies: J. D. Hill, Hon ar W. T. Doncan, Jswellsville. George Wiley, Jewellsnlle. Chairs Sweet, Alto. J. Lee Lcgrand, Cramer. A. N. Bellamy, Walnnt Hill. Hatcbr.oi k it Cos., Harmony Grove Power it Wilford, Harmony Grove Baugh and Brother. Mayaville. J C Sims. Apple * alley. J B. McWhorter, Fort Lamar. Mize And Wright, Arp. CORNS, ( • or amo WARTS, WtjTfWWFPAIjW O dicers Blanks For Sale At this Office. All kinds; over 5000 mortgage end promisory do;. e All others in proportion. Catarrh oiigiuaces in scrofulas taiaf. P P. P- purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures Citarrh NOTICE! Money To loan! Parties wanting to borrow mon ey cheap on farm lands, can get i t on very short notiee by calling t-> see me, cr writing ms at Jefferson, Jackson countv. Ga J w HILL, Jefferson, Ga. 51 4w. Rheaumatisin was so bad thrt James Irvin of savannah, could hardly walk from pain in his shonl der and joints of his legs. P P P (Prickly Ash Poke Root and Potas siam) was resorted to and Irjin is well and happy. Abbot’s East India Corn Paint tcinevos quiokly-eU corns, bunions and warts without paia. Georgia, Banks Bounty—To ali whom it may concern—W. J Many, admr., has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letters of c’ emission from said estate, and [ v. II pass upon the same on tbs Ist. Monday in June next. Mtrch 3,1890. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia, Banks County—Notice is hereby given that I consent ior my wife, Martha Jane Simmons, o become a public or free trader as provided by seetion 1760 of the Code ef this state. April 8, 1890. 49 3w. William simmons Georgia, Banks County. S. L Bowden, guardian of Johu A. Johnston, has in due form applied to the nndersigned for letters of dismission from said guardianship and 1 will pass open the same on the first Moiiday in May next. Given nndsr my hand and offi cial signiture this Feb. 3, 1890. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. ggocal sterns. Ihe wheat crop is coming out rapidly. Dr. C. N. Wilson has been quite sick this week. A fair attendance were out at prayermeeling last night. Trade is very good for this season. Cox & Underwood have a very neat drug store. There is a certain young pro fessor in town who says he is partial to ‘‘Carr s.” Several of the merchants have their “ads.” in this issue. Others will appear. j MeELREES WINE of CARDIU ' f r Female Diseases. Miss Alice Brewer is rapidly recovering from a severe spell of typhoid-pneumonia. MoELREE'S WINE of CARDUI ter Wtak Nerves. Several neir subscribsrs this week, and the promise of more. “Ueveled to the laterest of BanWa County-” MAYSVILLE, BANKS COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 1, IS9O. The Surprise Store! ' 115 Clayton St- ATHENS, GA. em-for Dry Goods, Notions, White Goods, Slices Anil Hats, Designs of Spring 1890, Send ns vonr Orders-if you can t Come. The Lo-est Wee., Prettiest Stylos, and Largest Stock. BRITTAIN & WALTHALL, PnorartToas. (Jol.S. 0. Dobb3 of Athens, spent a few hours on our streets Monday. Mr. Tom Boone, formally of this place, but now of Gaines ville, was in town Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Ilale of Athens, visited her sister, Mrs. I. A. Madden, last week. The burial ot Mr. John An derson took place at the to wn cemetery 11 a. m., Monday. Guess who it was that sat on the fence Monday night and broke it down* uarWINE OF CARDUI. a Tonic for Women Maysville has excellent wa ter. It is as good as there is in northeast Georgia. Gardens are looking well at present. The truck looks green and life-like. A large number of our citi zens attended the memorial ex ercises in the Gate Oily last Saturday. The Blind Tiger, it is said, growls less, and gives more lor the same amount of money than formally. ** Sheriff Scoggins of Homer, gave this office a pleasant busi ness and social call this nrorn ing. Miss May Irwin is spending several weeks in Washington, Ga. Her many friends wish her much pleasure. Several of Maysville’s young gents have the thanks of this office for assistance lent this week in getting up locals. Cha*. Whiting, formerly of this place, but now ot Atlanta, is visiting friends here this week. Caleb Yarbrough is building a store room. lie expects to be ready for business in a few weeks. lry BLACKJDRAUGHT tea lot Dyspepsia. There is nothing speaks more for civilization and industry than the railroads of the coun try. Every town should have railroad connection. Rev. Mr. Cartledge preached to a large congregation Sunday night. He took his text from 12:24 Hebrews. His argument, though short, was well pointed. Owing to the removal of the Journal last week, it is forced to appear on half-sheet this week. Will appear in usual size next. The Sunday-schools will de side next Sunday evening a, the Presbyterian church, as to the time and place of holding their first pic niu for the season. Messrs. Morgan Chaudler and Zeph. Campbell, accom panied by Misses Lula Brewer and Birdie Forbes, from Bush ville, attended preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday. BLACK DRAUGHT TEA Cures Constipation* Mr. J. 0. Yeargin reports some unknown intruder having knocked at his front door Mon day night about 12, IV lien he entered tlie hall with lamp in hand he saw someone walkout of the yard. Mr. Garrison visited hi* farm several miles east of nomer. Tuesday. lie reports- a good stand of cotton. Judge Hill, J. K. Thompson and Sheriff W. a. Scoggins of nomar, took the passenger at this place for Atlanta last week, on their way to the soldiers’ memorial exercises. Boys will go courting and sometimes drink the “dip” out of the sauce bowl and eat the peaches with the spoon. Go again. B , Miss N will pardon this little breach ofeat a-cat. there is a young man in Maysville who is partial tobru nettes, and as there is one less than usual, refuses to be com forted because she is visiting in one of Georgia’s historical cit ies this week. D. h. P. (Dock) Garrison of Cost, happened to bad luck Wednesday night of last week, iiis gin house, gin, fixtures, one bale of cotton and some cotton seed were is thought someone did it accidentally while stealing cottonseed. The loss is estimated at S6OO, Our capitalists are often seen grouped in ani under the awn ing of Cox & Underwood's Drug Store, and the burden of their conversation seems to be internal improvements; thuslv, new school house, a canning factory, a chair factory, etc. So mole it be. The Sunday schools at the Baptist church in the morning and the Presbyterian in the ev ening, last Sabbath, were inter esting. The attendance was good. There are no better re commendations for a town than cburdi-going people and live Sunday-schools. Would it not be well for the city council to consider the re moval of the old guano houses at their next meeting? Their removal would be a great im provement to the looks of the town —not speaking of the dan ger they invite to fire from pass iog trains. Mr. G. T. Bacon is one of our most public spirited men. He talks for improvements, manu facturing enterprises, etc., and does not stop here, but goes down in his pockets and invests in a chair factory, which will be in operation in a tow weeks. Who next, and what will you do for M.iysville. Mr. T. J. Carr will leave on the sth inst., for an extended visit to the Lone Star state. He says he will decide in Texas whether he will remain here or locate there. We hope when lie crosses the rubicon of his de cision, he will be on the side next to Maysville. He is a pub he spirited citizen, and we can not spare him. Col, g. W. Brown’s* school will give a picnic at Euri can Shoals, miles from town Saturday. A good gathering is expected. The uarmony Grove people gi\es a picnic at uurican Shoals to day. The JelTersou people gives one to morrow. Master Willie Brown takes the Journal around to its sub scribers to-day, and will do so every Thursday. Those wish ing to subscribe can put their names on his book. Ramem ber this is not a tair specimen sheet. The Journal will 6peak for itself in the future. It ex pects opposition and will wait for its appearance. Those having friends visiting them, or going off, will greatly favor this office by sending in their names. It is the desire of the Journal to run a personal col. The town is large enough. It will also favor if any one having relatives or friends gone West, will seal in their address to this office. Remember the place, up stairs in the Atkins’ building. John Anderson died of con sumption Sunday morning at his home in Jackson county, two miles from Maysville. He leaves a wife and three cliil dren. Mr. Anderson was a young man. He was also com paratively anew citizen. Hav ing recently moved in trom the mouatain counties of this stale. It is said that he has some rel atives living in this county. Rev. T. O. Rorie of Homer, gav) this office a pleasant call this morning. Bro. Rorie has newspaper fever. The young people had piite an enjoyable sociable at the res idence of Mr. W. J. Comer’s last Monday night, complimen tary to Miss Nannie Trotter, en the eve of her departure to Franklin, N. C., her home, af ter a visit of several weeks to her cousin, Mrs. A. V. Dead wvler. One of Mr. I. A. Madden’s salesmen seems to be on a de cline so far as the pleasures of this world are concerned, and is determined to t ry the salubri ous air of Fran kli n t h is su in me r. Subscriptions are being tak en up to build a High School here, already over $5OO dol lars have been subscribed. It will be called The Maysville Male and Female Academy. The incorporators and trustees propose to employ experienced and qualified teachers, locate them permanently. They pro pose to class all grades ot stud ies at $ 1 per month. The fund required to erect a suitable building is lorated at $l5OO or $2,000. Everybody help to push the good work. Citizens who have lived here for years give it as their hon est opinion that the town is on a boom. Maysville has the fa cilities her citizens will push them. She is surreunded by a good farming section. Her trade extends in Banks, Jack son and Hall. She hai good railroad facilities. Her mer chants can compete with any other town in northeast Geor gia in selling goods. Thoy car rv large and choice slocks. This is also a big Guano mar ket. The dealers sold out over a month past. However, if Comer Bros.’ new grade of their own make turns out satisfacto | rv, next spring will be a boom ' ing time with the farmers in low prices. The following is a list of the business and professions of this place: Physicians: M. P. Al exander, T. G. Underwood, 0. N. Wilson, H. C. Strickland, Buford. Lawyers, G. W. Brown. Drugs, Cox & Uunderweod. Merchants: Comer Bros., I A. Madden, W 0. J. Garrison, Carr & Bacon, Baugh Bros., Bates & Eberhart, J. C. Year gin, furniture, a. B. Means, postmaster, Bates, jeweler, Fancy groceries, O. Yar brough. McDonald & Williams, carpen ters, J. C. Miller, livery stable, vVallace& Son, blacksmithing and wood workmen, R. W. iiaulbrook, blacksmithing and wood work. Churches: Methodist, Pres byterian, Baptist. Schools: Maysville Academy for boys and girls, Prof. Weire, teacher. The above may not bo accu rate. They may be some omis sions. t clearapiiie. Birmingham, Ala., April 28. —Some excitement prevails at Nottingham, over the disap pearance ofoary Pittman, cash ier of the bank of Nottingham, and diligent search is being made for him. Pittman is .. so treasurer of Albany, oa. The condition of the bank is not known except through re ports. nomer, aa., April 28.—xhe Weekly Journal has taken its flight. * Editor Barton sighed for the railroad. The magic sound of the whistle on the Northeastern lured him away, * and Maysville captured him. A good, ener getic pian has left us.—Corres pondence in Constitution. Yes, he refused to longer re main where the sound of the whistle is never heard. It would be well for others to decide likewise. Athens, April 28.—Over a year ago, one night as the Geor gia train pulled in the city with its car loads of passengers, the pilot of the engine lifted a large beam from off the trestle which spans the Oconee, and thus saved a wreck and loss of life and property. The party who did the murderous deed was not spotted at that time, and after fruitless efforts, search tor the guilty wretch was aban doned. A short while since an other attempt was made to do the same thing, and the rail road authorities put a detec tive on the track of the villian ous train wrecker. Mr. B. O. W. Rose did his work most af fectively, and to day brought Tom Bunch, a young mulatto, into court, and charged him with that heinous crime. Bunch has confessed two attempts io wreck the train to a negro friend, who is to testify against him. The people are stirred up over the matter and wish the courts of justice to give | him the limit of the law’s pun. [ishment if he should be convict ed. NO. 59.