The Farmers journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1888-1889, January 30, 1889, Image 1

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VOL. ONE. THE FARMERS JOURNAL. r ~ T *'w*.wrwiiwnyy ww"‘r>nwrwiM7i ■hwww— . -V. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAY. 50 Cts. Per Year. Ssuhkci’ijxioti in AdTauce. Locala 8 Cents Per Line First Inser*> tion. £aoh Additional 5 Cents* Entered as Second Class Matter at the Homer, Ga., Post Office. •7no. Barton, - Proprietor. . jj.' *! w ii- ?■. i A. C. MOSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOMER, GEORGIA. Collections made and promptly remitted P. M. EDWARDS, Attorney at Law, HOMEK, GEOKOIA. Will practice in all the Courts flf the Western Circuit. W. I. PIKE, N AttesaeyAT Law. Jefferson, Geokgia. G. W. BROWN, qX Slaysville, Georgia. SGF~ Will do a general practice. Collecting a specialty.- James M. Merritt, Attorney and Counselor at Law, "'UJttysviite. Georgiia, Dr, A. H. Stapler, HOMER, GEORGIA. Special attention given to Surgery, Obstetrics and Chronic diseases of long standing. Y. D. LOCKHART. PhysiciaN, Momer, <leor{rla. J. W. Sumpter, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. li omer, Georgia. and Waggons made to order. Repairing a Specialty. ~lr!s7iiardman & sharp, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. SlKvmony, Grove, Ga. Churches* Presbyterian Church, services 2nd Sunday in each month, Her. G-. H. Cartledge, pastor. Methodist Church, services Ist Sunday in each month, and Saturday before, Revs. J. l>. Guimeis and Jno. I. Pen dergras, pastors. Baptist Church, 4 h Sunday in each month aud Saturday before, J. F. Goode pastor. Jy CdgCS ■ Homer Lodge, so. 82., I. O. O. F., meets Ist Tuesday in-each month, J. W. Sumpter, coble grand, T. F. Hill,, secretary. Phi Delta Lodge no. 148, F. A. M., meets Ist Friday night its each month, tv. a. watson, w. m.,p. h. Edwards, s. tv., 3. w. enmpter, 7. tv., w. s. Long, BCCt’y., w. c. J. Garrison, treasurer., vsilcy Treldkill, s. and., c. h. owen, J.d., EC-firy crceo s. e., a. J. cash, j. 6. THE FARMERS JOURNAL. Ordinary’s Ccnrt, First Monday# in each mouth. t.jt. Hill, ordinary. Superior Cturt. Third Mondays in Aloreh and Sep tember. m. n. nutehins jod^e. NOTICE! Hcpteiilber s2, SSBB. After tin's month no notices of any kind will bo inserted in this paper without the publication fees in advance fetiierili sate! Georgia. Banks Co.:—Will bo sold on the Lt Tuesday in March next, at the oourt. house in said county, with in the legal honrs of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, the following prop erty, to wit: One undiTided oao sixth interest in one hundred and twenty five acres, more or less of land lyinsr in said county adjoining lan<2#of J. K Thompson on the east, lands* of Borders on the south, lands of ILbe t Stevcrson on the west and lauds of R T. Thompson on the north. Sud property levied on aj ihe property of R. 0. Hardy, to satisfy fin execution issued from the justice’s court of t'ae 26b h district, g. m., of raid countr, in favor of Dr. Thos. Hayden against RC, Hardy. Levy made a ’id return ed to mo by J, E. Stephens, L. C. Al so at the same time and place, one divided one-twelfth interest in 125 acres of land, more or less, lying in said county, adjoining lands ot J. A, Tkomprom on the east, lands of Borders on the south, lands of Robert Steverson on the west, and lands of R. T. Thompson on the north. Said land levied ou as the property of Thos Hardy, to satisfy an execution issued from the justice’s court of the 208 dis trict, g. m., of said county, in favor of Dr. Thos. Hayden against Thomas Hardy. Levy made and returned to me by J. E. Stephens, L C. Jan. 28, 1889. W. A. Scoggins, 39 4w. Sheriff, B. C. adininiktrators sale. Georgia, Ranks Cos :—Agreeable to an order of the. court of ordinary of Banks county, will be sold at auction at the conrt house door of said county on the Ist Tuesday in March ctxt within the legal hours of sale the fid lowing property to wit, One rhare in the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, sold as the property of Miu yard Sanders, dec’d. Sold for the ben efit of the heirs of said estate. Terms cash. Jan. 33, 1889. T. f. Hill, 39 4w • oreiuary. Georgia, Batiks Co.—To all whom it may concern: Mary M. Coker, guar dian fer Lpther P., Jas. 8,. Margie L, and Alda B. Coker, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the es tate of said minors, and said applica tion will be heard on the Ist Moßday in March next. 29th day of January 1889. T. F. Hill, ordinary. 39 4w. G?orgiß, Banks county: —-To all whom it may concern, L. N. Turk, admr. of Jas. Norwood, dec’d., has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said es tate, and said application will fee heaid on the Ist Monday in May next. January 29, 1889. T. F. Hill, 39 3naoe, ordinary. Rabbits are said to be very plen tiful around here. _ Mrs. L Cox who has been very sick the past week is improving Monday was about the coldest day this winter. “Onward Ami v-!” HOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30, 1889. Money to loan on easy terras. From one to five years time. 3 mo?. P. M McELREE’S V.'iNE OFCABDU! ior Weak Nerves. n-mwix 1 - m 'ii him—ll si Baugh aui nro, Maysville, J c rims. Apple valley, j b Me vhiner, f T Lamar, j Lee Leorand, Cramers. Mr. P, M- Edwards claims to have had “’possum” to eat on his trip to Gainesville last week. Master Willie Lockhart has gone up to Habersham on a visit. School opened at the academy Monday morning—Mr. C. A Meeks in charge. Mr. Owen Chambers is getting his new dwelling nicely arranged and otherwise improving his newly settled premises. Perhaps that boy is the cause of it. Mr. J. E. Stephens proposes making some new improvements on the postoffice shortly, which will add much t.o its convenience. The roads are in a fair condition for hauling. It is not wise in citizens to bo always talking of moving off. This is no enceuragement for their sec tion to new settlers that might come in their midst, There is to be a “Bound Parly” at Mr. J. J. Hill’s Thursday night. As it is the first of the kind for sometime, it is presumed a good crowd will be present. as has been the case the Journal is a little behind this week. Cold weather is the cause, as soon as possible the Journal will be on time. Rev. Mr. Rorie preached his Ist sermon at the M. E. Church last Wednesday night. Mr- Rorie is fast making favorable impressions with the members of his circuil. On 4th page appears an agricul tural department. Correspond ents, as in local matters, are invit ed to this column, Write short ar ticles. Write plain, and only on one side of your paper. Subscribers who wish their pa per changed from one office to an other, will please notify the pub lisher, and not have their papers lying in the office. Then write they are not receiving their pa per. From the way farmers are mov ing around, they mean to make big crops this year. This is what it takes to put your country in a con dition free from debt. Mr- W, a, Watson, of the Bush villc neighborhood, is the boss tur nip raiser. Last week Mr. G C. Forbes exhibited four of Mr. Vv at son’s turnips, which weighed 124 pounds. These were not the larg est in tho patch. K3 BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Gunnels, power & 00, Harmony Grove, d-s Hardman and Bharp, Harmony Grove, A dear skin adds to Uie beauty of a fins face and of'ens Ip*vlh a charm to homolinef<(*. To beautify your com plexion. yon should purify you*" blood with Ayer’s fiart-aparilla. As a tonic and alterative medicine, has no eqcal. Pries sl. Six bottlee for five dollars. Mr. J. 2L Baker, a student of Dahlonega, and who delivered a number of Hitchcock’s Analsys of fhe Bible in this county last fall, is getting up a school at Nails Creek A correspondent from Daniels ville to the Banner- iVatchman, comments very highly on that vil lage having a faithful mail carrier. Homer has just as good. Mr. Mc- Donald “toats the mail” rain or shino. Mr. James Brooks, a citizen of Banks, is near 80 years ot age. He was never sued in his life and says he has not owed a man a “thrip'’ in 40 years. But few there are of this kind of man. MsElree’s WiNE OF CAfiDUI for female diseases. j E iiepiieus, Homer. | The examinations of teachers for the public schools throughout the county, took place yesterday and to-day, with Rev. Mr, Gunnells at the helm. Teachers were exam ined at the Homer Academy. For more than 4o yssaia. Avar’s Cherry Pectoral has beea successfully prescribed ia cauvs cf coosumpnoii. This medicine dways affjrJs g-t-at ie lief in pulmonary diseases. Ass your druggists fer it. Old Boreas got on a tear last Saturday night and blowed things sky high during Sunday and Mon day. Monday it snowed during the greater part of the day, and the ground froze light and hard. At the time of going to press the weather is fair and calm An inquest was held last Friday over the body of Mr. Wm.N. Dol ton, a young man aged about six teen, living six miles north of Ho mer. The young man started out to do a day’s work and on his way fell dead in the field. The verdict of the jury was heart disease. Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia, aeo w wilev, wt muKan. Jeweilsville Weep not! —Though it stood the burning rays of many a summer’s heat, and Ihe wiltenng cold of many a winter’s chilling blast, yet it died a martyr to the ax:—the okl mulberry tree that stood in rear of the Journal office; that used to send forth its smiles of shade on Mr. W, F. Hill, as he was seated at the window performing his work. It is now a victim to Mr. Garrison’s smiles of satisfation at its death, CSTWINE CF CARD'JI, a Tonic for Women, chas sweet, Alto. a N Bsillamy, walnut Hill, uatbccck & Cos, walnut Hill, After the Board of Education had organized and settled down !<> work on Tuesday morning an officer appeared wifh a warrant for the* ar rest of oae of the colored appli cants for license. This took the darkey by surprise. The Roverli ed commissioner first looked ag hast, and then smiled a bland ap proval of the magistry of the Jaw, and allowed the would-be-teacher to depart in peace. The last seen of him he was going toward Har mony Grove with his hands Ltd with a stout piece of rope. JVlcESree’s WSne of Carcta? and THEDFOap’S black-oraucht are for sale by tlie following merchants in in Banks i.d adjoining collude.-.: J E Ate. -bens, Hocper, w t Dauoan an i o>. w wiley, jevvelLxille, eba* sweet, Alto, j Leo Legrand, craraer, an Kellainy, walnut nill, liathcock and c >.. and Power and cunnelle. irani-'tygr.-ve, Baugh iud bio., Mayavilie, 7 c vims, Apple vailev, ; b m jwortfr, r >it namar. Mr. Gordon, canvasser for fhe sewing machine attachment was in town one day last week, and exhib ited the attachment at this office. |lt consists of Iwo arms coupled to gether by a spring. This puls them in elbow-shape. Atone end of these pieces is a hinge; this is fastened to the machine—tna oth er arm is the handle, and will run the machine with the slightest pressure and ease. It would seem a great improvement and rest from the (reddle so laboriously used and tiresome to the feet. Mr. Gorloa expects to move hi family here shortly and will make Homer his headquarters. Charleston, S. C„ J on. 29 —There occerrei on Market street, a premia ent tfcoroug htaro, ibis afte.meon, one of the most horrible incidents perhaps witnessed upon a public thoroughfare About sp. m. a little n-*gro girl, en veloped in flames, dirted out of a door way, aid rcanhit g tbo middle of the street, fell down, wtiite the dime gradually burnt her. Three men rush od up, and v.i.h a struggle put out the flames, managing to drag the barsing clothing away, but in doins this they peeled the fk'n horn tho body. The child is still alive, but enffering with pain, was finally picked up and car iiod to a bouse, and was sent to the hospital in an ambaleaie. She will hardly survive, mr luvher had gone out to woik, having three children n the house. Ti.e eldest dropped in the firo and was burned as above stated Tho most disgraeeinl incident, ti e were t-oveial policemen uloic oi betn though oi telephoning to thy hospital ior the ambulance nutll a e.ti zen suggested the plea. The mao were evidently ba vildcrod and para! yzed by tho scoidenr. Washington. Jan. 29—It is learned to-night from genslemett who*e Infor mation i- direct that tour places in ri-o cabinet haw been definitely settled bv Harrison, while not all of them have scooped they wilt. NO. 39.