The Harmony Grove echo. (Harmony Grove, Ga. [Commerce, Ga.]) 1893-1897, January 21, 1897, Image 3

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W6sy S© Tak© Pplasy to Operate L Ara features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, ef.ic.QLt, thorough. As one man said: *• You never know yon . , __ _ have taken a pill till tis all I-• D3 over.” 2.**. C. I. Iloodcc Cos., [ r-*' i *, Vi.*v Proprietors. Lowell, Mass. “ L i_. b The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. £ IIARLES M. WALKER, A TTO RNK Y- A T- 1. A AY, Harmony Grove, Ga, > Will practice in nil the courts of Jackson Banks. Franklin and Madison counties. Prompt attention given to all business. yy G. SHARP, Dentist, MAYSVILI.E, GA. Office with Dr. 11. C. Strickland. J)R. W. 15. JACKSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. * Office over Rates’ Jewelry Store. w. STARK, Attoiixey-at-law, Harmony Grove, Ga Office. North astern Bank Building. piKE & AYERS, _ Attorneys-at-law, Jefferson, Ga. in all the Coits. (Ilfice over the Bank. QOE. W. BROWN, Attorney and counsellor-at-law, Jefferson, Ga. AVi 11 do a general practice. Collecting, Com mercial Law and Criminal Practice, Specialties. piIAS. B. HENRY, Attorney-at-law, Jefferson, Ga. p C. ARMISTEAD, Attorney-at-law, Jefferson, Ga. Will practice in all the Courts. 1> B. RUSSELL, 11 • Attorney-a t-L aw . Winder, Ga. Town Topics And Personal Mention* Col. Brown of Athens attended court here yesterday. Mr. W. B. Power spent a few days last week in Augusta. All good mothers keep I)r. Tioli enor’s Antiseptic to nse when the children get hurt or have colic. Only 50 cts a bottle. Dr. W. B. Hardman spent last Friday in Atlanta on business. Judge J. I>. Estese of Gainesville was in town a short while last Fri day. “What’s the matter” with giving your horse or mule a dose cf Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic when he lias colic? It will cure him and that’s what you want. Capt. J. R. Little and Mr. AY. T. Harbor are m Missouri this week buying stock. Col. It. L. J. Smith went down to F.lberton last Friday night on pro fessional business. J. F. Dowdy of Winterville is vis iting his brother Mr. J. W. Dowdy on Carnesville street. Why not call and have your eyes examined free of charge at C. S. Bate’s Jewelry Store, There con be no incarnation or suppuration in any wound properly dressed with Dr. Tichenor’s Anti septic. If you don’t believe it just try it, —then you’ll know. Mr. R. I). Moore one of the most prosperous farmers in Dry Pond dis trict was in the Grove a short while Tuesday* afternoon. Miss Genna Fort son of Elbert county is visiting Airs. C. J. Hood on North Elm street. Notice the “ad” of .Nunn and Wil hite in another column and don’t fail to see them before buying your harness. A young man visitor arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Pittman last Friday. He will make that his home. Look out for that dynamo and plating outfit at C. S. Bate’s Jewelry Store. W. L. Little has been at home for several days confined to his room with La Grippe. We are glad to see him on the streets again. PERFECT and permanent are tne cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure,' rich, healthy, life and health-giving SLCOD. Mr. R. D. Moore was in town this morning to get a coffin for Mr, Por ter who died at his home near Dry Pond last night. Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic smells like peppermeul candy and is “just | as good” but for a different purpose. Try it next time you get hurt or have a colic. Only 50 cents. Xo use to throw away your watch | because its brass; just have it gold | plated at C. S. Bute’s Jewelry Ston and be in the band wagon. Miss Eula Witcher, a charming young lady from Athens, after spend ing several days with .Miss Michael at the Central Hotel, returned to her home in Athens to-day. When you get hurt, use Dr. Tich enor’s Antiseptic. You’ll never know just how good it is until you try if. Only 50 cts. at your drug gists. The Atlanta Journal “sho” did spank the baby Tuesday evening The little lying thing ought to hi “spanked” good, but its mama is tc blame for she yet the example. It preserves the flesh when lacer ated or wounded in any way. Stops the bleeding, stops the pain and heals quicker than anything. That is what Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic does. Try it when you get hurt. Commencing with next week’s issue we will print both sides of our paper at home. Hie “Echo” is go ing to be a paper in spite of these pull-backs. If you can’t help us shut your mouth and get out of the way. Miss Mildred Rutherford’s new hook entitled “Mannie Brown and Edward Kennedy” for sale at one dollar a copy at Ilardman & Shan kle’s. Why don’t you dress that wound with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic in stead of that old greasy salve or ointment? It will prevent or remove inflammation and soreness and heal it much quicker and is so much cleaner and more pleasant. Those wishing to contribute to the box the Baptist ladies are getting up for a missionary's family m foreign fields will please send their contribu tions to Mrs. 11. (). Williford instead of Mrs. Dobbs as was stated in circulars already sent out. From a letter received yesterday by .Mr. J. X. Telford from Rev. 11. S. Aliyn in South America we learn that Mrs. Aliyn has been very low with La Grippe and for two days was not expected to live but is now improving. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, In Memory of oar Beloved W. C, Oliver. W herens, Divine Providence has in Ilis wisdom seen fit to remove from our midst on Xov. 24, 1890 brother W. Oliver a most worthy-' member of New Salem Grange, and an honest soil of Rev. Jackson Oliver deceased; and whereas he possessed many excellent traits of character and true manhood, being a successful farmer, a good and loyal citizen, the best of neighbors, a man without an enemy, a very kind and devoted husband and father, a man of-ex cellent judgement which made him a wise counselor, and we sincerely believe an humble and true disciple of the meek and lowly Jesus, there fore be it Resolved first That in the death of brother W. C. Oliver, his bereaved family have sustained a great and ii reparable loss. This Grange in which he was long honored with one of its highest offices is deprived of a most worthy and efficient member: his church has laid to rest one of its most conscien tious and faithful teachers: the com munity one of its kindest and oblig ing neighbors: the county one of its purest and noblest citizens:—all mourn his loss. Resolved second, That we hereby | express our deepest sympathy for the stricken family of our beloved | brother: that we commend them to i the loving care and keeping of Him •‘who doetli all things well,” and pra\ that this sad affliction may work out for their good as well as our own. Resolved third, That a page upon our minute book be inscribed to his memory; that the resolutions be duly recorded, and that a copy of same |be furnished the family of the de- Jceased. W. T. M. IJrock, W. G. Parks, J. L- Telford, Committee. Y.IRED WIOTHERS find help ■ in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. MAYSVILLE. Mr. B. W. White has had his dwelling house repaired and paint ed and nobody in town has got a neater cottage home than lie. Richard Lyle cut his foot badly with an ax last Tuesday. Mr. 11. J. David is erecting a warehouse on the railroad right of-way and will be in the guano business here this season. Mr. C. T. Bacon is arranging to run a corn mill in connection with his chair factory. This enterprise will !>e of great convenience to the citizens here and we hope a profitable investment for him. We Maysville folks want the Harmony Grove ’Phone Cos. to make haste and extend the line up the road. We want to talk to Grillsville and Gainesville a min ute Mrs. IL. W. "Wooding has return ed from visiting her many rela tives and friends in Atlanta and Hegansville. Prof. Neal’s school is still flour ishing. There are near one hun dred and fifty pupils now on roll, and many more are expected to enter soon. We can safe ly say that Prof. Neal will have as good a school as has been seen in Maysville in a great while. At the residence of Mr. If. D. Watkins yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon at two o’clock Miss Fannie Cochran and Mr. A. S. Eberliavt were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Immediately after the marriage they departed, amid the inclement weather, for the bride’s father, Mr. W. T. Cochran. Many of their relatives and friends accom panied them. They will remain over there a day or two after which they will return to. Maysville and move and prepare to go to house keeping. Miss Fannie is an accom plished young lady while Mr Eber hart is a young energetic good busi ness man. We extend to the new couple our heartiest congratulations and wish them much success in life. Among the many presents present ed to them are as follows: J. R. Carr Sc Cos., one suite furniture; Mr. and Its, T. J. Carr, one rocker; Messrs H. S. Wooding and 0. W. McCurdy, one silver sugar dish and shell; Mr. Morgan White, one picture and frame; Miss Lucy Newton, one lamp; Miss Fannie Lee Atkins, one centre table; Mr. Ed Garrison, one lamp; Drs. C. X. and W, 8. Wilson, one set silver spoons, one set chairs and water set; Mr. Parker Watkins, one rocker; Mr. J, L. Christian, one sal nl dish and sugar bowl; Misses Charlie Everlyn and Dona Comer, one picture frame. “GREATEST OK EARTH.” S>?.*. Miles’ lEestorative Nci-vime. Mr. R. T. Caldwell, is book-keeper In the First National Rank of Fulton, Ky. "I was completely run down, My nerves became so unstrung through loss of sloop and worry that I felt sure I would bo com pelled to give up my position. I would lio awake ali night long, and it took but little \ U I ItHR Caldwell. to shake mo im so that I could not possibly attend to my business as I should. In connection with this I had liver trouble, heav? -ess about the stcmoch, and pains in differ,, nfi paits of my body. I was also much reduced in flesh. I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles 5 Restorative Nervine. I first procured a trial bottle from a local druggist and good results quickly followed. I then procure! i a dollar bottle, and by the time I had used this up I was a different man. I am now on my third bottle and am able to sleep soundly and eat regularly, something 1 could not possibly do before taking your Nervine. I am now fully recovered, and do not hesitate to pronounce Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine the Greatest nervine on earth." Fulton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at $1,6 bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Re f‘Stb Maysville, Ga., Jan. 7, 1897. Editor Harmony Grove, Echo, Dear sir: Will you kindly publish the following notice: “Mr. George O. Shackleford and Miss Cinthia M. Garner, all of Jack son Cos. Ga., were secretly married by me, at my home in Maysville, Ga. in the presence of my wife, on the eighth day of March 1896. The mar riage license were issued by W. L. Calhoun Ordinary of Fulton county Georgia. Respectfully, R. D. Hawkins, CASTORIA. dgkatnre wrapper. Pigs for Sale. A few choice, thrifty pigs now ready to put in pen. Bermuda Dairy. BEREA. The building committee of Berea Academy met at the Academy Jan. 16, and after they got through with business passed the following resolu tions: Whereas, it became necessary for us to enlarge our school building, he it Resolved That we tender our thanks to the surrounding country for their aid in doing so. Resolved That we tender our thanks to the citizens of Harmony Grove for their very liberal contri butions. J. T. Strickland has sold out his stock of goods to Uncle Henry Hawks. The Hawks’ store is now inn by the original Uncle Henry. Berea can now boast of a good school building and our school is flourishing under the tutorship of Prof A. P. X. Unaenvood of Carnesville, Ga, and it bids fair to be one of the best schools ever taught at Berea for Prof. Underwood is an enthusi astic teacher. Rev. J. F. Goode of Carnesville having been called to the pastoral ship of Berea church is expected to be with us next Saturday and Sun day. Come out and bear him. Berea is not behind in the line of progress. Mr. W. M. Thurman lias built a nice residence, and a nice domicile can be seen from afar erec ted by Mr. Ell Hawks, and we are of the opinion that there are several girls that would like to be the happy one to watch Ell to and from the farm through those glass doors. We are glad to say that Mr. J. A. Sailors of Ila has moved into our community. He resides at the old Uncle Flick Sailors place. Also Messrs John Robertson and John Day of Santifee district have moved to the White place,. Miss Ina Strickland has been quite sick for the last week but glad to sav she is improving to the delight of all her friends especially a certain young man in our settlement. Mr. Reuben Benton is right sick at this writing but we hope to see him out again in a few days. The young people enjoyed a nice party at Mr. Howell Roddys Satur (lav night the 16th. We are sorry that last Sunday was such a bad day on Mr Jesse L. Smith’s account, for you know he wanted to sport that new buggy. It is Thought by Many when, the Creator said to woman “in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children,” that a curse was pro nounced, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses tc her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be realized, in full vigor and strength. “Mother s Friend" so relaxes necessary.. change takes place i t li O U t Foreboding and at the trying hour makes Child-birth easy, as eo many hap py mothers have experienced. Nothing but “Mother's Friend “ does this. Don’t be deceived. “Mother’s Friend” is the greatest remedy ever put on the market,and ail my customers praise it highly.”—W.H.King & Cos., Whitewright, Tex. Sent by Mail,on receipt cf price, SI.OO COTTLE. Book ‘‘To Expectant Mothers” mailed in e, con? taining valuable iniormation and voluntary testimonials. The BRADFLiLD REGULATOR CO..ATLAHTA.GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Discovery Saved His Life- Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Hea- j versville, 111., says: “To Dr. King’s | New Discovery I owe my life. Was I taken with La Grippe and tried all j the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and to’d 1 could not live. Having Dr. King’s j New Discovery in my store I sent j for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it.” Get a free trial at L. J. Sharp cfc Bro.’s durg store. Buckleu’s Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the wolrld for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, LTcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For Sale by L. J. Sharp Sc Bro. Wonderful are the cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because as the one true blood purifier, it. makes pure, rich, healthy, life-giving Hood’s Pills for the liver and bowels, act easily, yet promptly. 25c. •• ' " •* AVegc table Prep ara (ion for As siitulating theToodandßegula- ILn£ the Stomachs and Dowels of Prdfficles Digestion,CheeTfu!- nebs and Rest. Con tains neither Opium.Morptune nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. JKc.-jv of Old Hr SAMUEL PITCHER J\w:nLm SccJL “ jf/x.Scrma * ] lA rAcl/c Sails I sfn/ss Seed *■ Jhsperrmnt - > lit Carbonate So la, * I Ji&rm Seed - | Clarified Sugar . J hihteyreen- Flavor. J Aperfect Remedy for fonstipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS ©F SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of KEW YORK. BSPSiili/ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Tourist Sleeping- Car Line Between Washing ton and San Francisco, The Southern Railway and its connections (the A. & W. P., L. Sc X. and Southern Pacific) have in augurated a Tourist Sleeping Car Line between Washington and San Francisco, via Atlanta, New Orleans and Los Angeles. This sleeping car goes through without change, leav ing Washington every Saturday morning at 11.15, and is accompa nied by a personal conductor and Pullman’ porter, who go through. The Pullman fare for double berth is §7.00 from Washington to San Francisco. This service is especially Ur the convenience of parties holding.sec ond-class tickets, though first-class I tickets are good in the car. Further information may he oh- j tamed from any Southern Railway or Southern Pacific agent or official, or from A. J, Poston, General Agent, 511 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash ington, TANARUS). C., or from W. A. Turk, G. P. A„ Sou. Ry., Washington, D. C. How to Enjoy Good Health- If von are suffering with any skin or blood disease, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Ulcers, Old Sores, General Debility, etc., send stamp to the Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga., for book of wonderful cures, free. This book will point the way to speedy recovery. Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) is manufactured after a long tested prescription of an eminent physician, and is the best building-up and blood purifying medicine in the world. Beware of substitutes. Price SI.OO for large bottle See advertise ment elsewhere. For sale by Druggists. PntUQIIMBTtniy OuNoumrnuft Os is rp ois^ Mil Bfc T. A. Slocum, M. C , tlie Great Chemist and Scientist, V/ill Send Free, to the Afflicted Three Bottles of 'His Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles Nothing could be fairer, more philanthropic or carry more joy to the afflicted, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C., of New York City, Confident that lie lias discovered a reliable cure for consumption and j all bronchial, throat and lung dis- ! eases, general decline and weakness, ! loss of flesh and all conditions of j wasting, and to make its great merits j known, he will send, free, three bot tles to any reader of the Echo who may be suffering. Already this “new scientific course of medicine'’ has permantly cured thousands of appearently hopeless eases. The Doctor considers it his relig ious duty—a duty which he owes to humanity—to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the dreaded con sumption to be a curable disease be yond any doubt, and has on file m his American and European laboratories i testimonials of experience from those benefitted and ctund, in all parts of the world. Don’t ‘delay until it is too late. COll - ■ . sumptiop; uninterrupted, means spec ly sind certain death. Address T. A. Sfocum, AI. C„ 98 Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, five express and posloffice address, land please mention reading ibis article in the Echo. Jr— —•- 1- __ NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles’ Pain Pill“ “time cent a dose. At all druggists SEE THAT THE 8 FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE ““OF IS ON THE j WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OB 1 Oastoria is pat rp in ono-siso tattles only. It is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to soil yon anything cl so on tho plea or promise that it isf 11 just a3 good-’ and "will answer every pur pose,' 1 -fti“Sco that you get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. S5 cx * wrapper. : 1 ff* \ Li i ! jE.O SmSth ; r • ? STO A *!5 'pfpgTO Wril C ,r3trS * To AHaut.i. ( I'.ai'i,. ... August-!. AthoiK, Wilmington, Now Orlcan, u . : .i Now y o rk. n OB . ton, Hiclimond, Washington', 3\ w r.irk, Ports mouth, Schedule in effect IJov. 22, 1296- SOUTHBOUND. No. P i. No. 41 r v. Now York pm *9 (.; p;r i.v. Philadelphia . . . . :> ]..■ :n 12 e.vam Lv. Brltimoiv Hi inn * 2 Pf-am Ia . W as! . <rt• -a ... .1 -i a n> I.V. Richmond . . . . ii <1 > ; : I.v. Ni.ri'in !< 1 i -.ri -n . ■■ ; ... i.v. t I.v. Woltlon ;: .J I. v;ni *it r>safn AO. Henderson . . . .*4 :;r im 1 : ■ • :: Ai'. Dumam . . , . . -,-7 "Siam -;TTTipm Ucjiurbrne . ■ ! 1 .on A r. Raleigh . . . *5 .%.> t:.i A 84pm 'vSanford . . . 7 I!.: u 4 sspm s.iniAvni Pint'.- . . s ivam r> -liipm Ai 1 . llamk't . . . . ii; 55pm Ar. Wados’.ioro . . 9 5.;r.m 8 Ol’pm Ar. Monroe . . .10 LOani ,s 55pm Ar. Ciiarlotto . . .*ll SJjpit *Tnliupm Ar. Chester i .Pi ospm ’ 10 : J .2pm Ar. Civnt,m . . . 1 •;Spin 11 sSpm Ar. Greeny.- r>d . . 2 ".pin l noinr. Ar. Abbeville . . . 0 copm 1 82;im \r. hilberton . . .4 t'bpni 2 111 lam Ar. Alliens . . .5 ! ipm 8 nsam Ar. Winder . . . 3 .V.lpm 4 21am A '. Atlanta (C. TANARUS.) . ti 45pm 5 20am northbound! No 402 No 3S I. Atlanta (C. TANARUS.) Al 2 ooii’n =*-.s 10pm •* Alliens • . . . 2 55pm 11 ifipm •• Elbertou . , .4 00pm 12 “ Abbeville . . . 5 bbpi.i l 47inn Greenwood . . . 5 80pm 2 15am •• Clinton . . . !! 25pm i! 10am •' Chester * * * * . :■ .pm 4 48iim •• Charlotte . . . '•?* r 'pm 25am •• Monroe . . . • 9 15pm 6 18am “ Hamlet . . . .10 il'ipni S 15am Southern l’ines . .II .'iym 9 15am " Raleigh . . . 2tsam -X-13 31am Ar. Durham . . . |-7 02am yl 00pm i.v. Durliam . ■ .44 O'lmi (i 1 beam Ar. Weldon . . . -A] i)snm *0 i.iipm “ Richmond . . . 0 4!)am (> 4Gpn< • Washington . . 10 4 "'am 11 10pm “ Baltimore , . • . 12 o u'n 12 Lam " Philadelphia ... 2 ’.’"pin 8 15am " New York . . . *1 58pm #0 53am ** Portsmouth . . .7 .'i l :l 5 -Vljiin " Norfork . . . #7 50am (> loom *i)aily. '(-Daily except Sunday. Nos. 193 and 402—“Tlie Atlanta Special’ Solid Vestibule i Train o£ Pullman .Sleepers and Coaches boPVet u Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers n Portsmouth and Charlotte. Nos. 41 and 33—“ The S. A. L- Express,” ■Sold Train Coaches and Pullman Sleepers be tweeu Portsmouth and Atlanta. For Tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. NEWI.AND,Geu. Agi. Pass. Dept, WmB.CLEMENTS,Tarv. las-. Agt., II Kimball 4.L .use, Atlanta, Ga K. ST. .JOHN. Vit e-Pr.v. and G n’l Mgr. . K. MelilCE. i i.-a’l Sup. •'int-en lent. 11. W. H.GEOVriK. Trailie Mgr r.J. ANDE dSCN, t.i n’l Pass Vgt. Generaloilites, PORTSMOUTH, V ft fif :-l 8 m M n W ur> caa tWok IsC A3s■: H : 3 WSJ r.hHH <;f some siinplo f;CiiB.,W A if. 8 S tU V)ti thipg to patent? Protect vour ideas; tliev may bring; you wealth. Write JOHN WifiDDF.UUURN - CO.. Patent Attor neys, Washington, I>. C. t for their SI,BOO prizo oiler and list oi two Hundred. inventions wanted. An Atlanta Enterprise of Great Merit. If affords us pleasure to call espe cial attention to the advertisement of “The Mothers’ Friend.” appearing in this issue. The Trad field Regulator Cos., of Atlanta, Ga., have at great expense issued a most attractive and merit oriojis hook, winch they mail free, containing information of the great est value and importance to all ladies expecting to become mothers. That the “Mothers’ Friend’’ is a remedy wonderful in its effects, and relieves the expectant mother of in credible suffering and robs the final hour of confinement of its dread, pain and terror, is fully attested by the experience of happy mothers all over this continent. A perusal of the book will con vince any lady, and the use of “Mothers’ Friend cause her to be come its enthusiastic friend, blessing the hour when first she heard of it i and was induced to use it. Send your name and address to | The Brad field Regulator Cos., Atlan ! t.a, Ga., and receive in return, free, | this excellent book, “To Expectant j Mothers,” containing information of i value to all ladies. $5.09 REWARD IN GOLD. |To any ono who will find and de liver my young, white and spec k eled mtter dog. Di. appeared De cember 27ifi. L. (I. Hardman, Harmony Grove, Ga. WE ARE HERE AG-II This spring- with an entirely new stoe* DRY GOODS, NOTJQN^^M SHOES AND GROC^W^P W e have the goods and yon need tlM| you liave the money and we need it, so we can make it of mutual benefit. Call and see for yourself. W e arc agents for the Worcester, corset T. E. KEY & CO. WATSON BROS., Contractors and Builders, DEALERS IN Lumber, Doors, Sash and Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS MATERIAL. Estimates ©n Building and Materials Furnished an Application. OFFICE AND PLANING MILL AT ATHENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. Shop ’Phone No. 40. Residence ’Phone No. 143. ATHENS, GA. Wis and Coca Cola j flake Good Winter Drinks. SI We are dispensing* more of them this winter than ever before at the same? season f WE SELL Hot Chocolate and Hot Coffee We do the paint and oil trade of this section. Get our prices before buying. 3W. O. X l ar cl man &: HARMONY GROVE, GA. r-y.-7?A hi O. GU&SSAHTEE JOBK .Crlf eh H g E t TOBACCO $ iP§ 6u tii i'i3 Ei 4-y HK® HABIT ifUlllElgß Over I/t'O,ooo boxes sold. 300.000 cures pvcvo poxrcr to destroy tbs desire fer tobacco in any lorm No-to-bac is the croato&t nerve-food m tbe world. Many tgaiu 10 pounds in 10 days and it never l'-iils to make the weak Impotent man strong', -1;. hied. We expect you to bcliovo what wo say. for a euro is absolutely guaranteed by druggists every v. hold. Send for our bookl et ‘'Don’tTobacco A;?it and pcjos • Your i-dfe Away,” written guarantee and free sample. Address TUJ£ 3TjSJSJLiI&i t* £££>'JJL £l) Y CO., Chicago or A’cw York. Sold and Guaranteed by L. G. Hardman & Bro. In order to make room for our spring goods we are offering our line of Mug, Slices, Hats and NecKWear at greatly reduced prices. This is not merely an advertisement but just what we are doing. \A/e are NOT selling out at cost. \ye are not going out of business but if you will buy from us we will save you sfeme money. Uardman=Shankle ndse.Co. Next door to Hardman Bros.’ Drug Store. 1 .