The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1906, Image 5

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Obituary. Again the death antrel has visited our family and Mrs i J Pruitt is no more. Many, who on the morning of June the fourth heard the Concord bell toll, and counted the four score strokes, knew that Grandmother Pruitt was numbered with the dead. After fifty-three days of intense suffering she passed peacefully a way at the home of her daughter, Mrs S C Tatum, She was first married to Major L Moorhead. Eight children blessed their union, six of whom are still living. One, her eldest son, was killed at Petersburg dur ing the Civil War and a little girl having died in infancy. The living are Messrs W S Moorhead, of Crews, Texas, M J Moorhead, of Madison. Ga., D T Moorehad, of Arnett, Okla. Mesdames Mary E Burress, of Anderson, S C., Maggie A Pruitt, of Ft Worth, Texas, and Sallie C Tatum, of this place. All of whom, except Mrs Pruitt, visited her durtng her last illness. Mr Moorhead died during the war and later she was married to Early E Pruitt who, too, has long since ventured into the unknown world. She joined the Baptist church at the age of eighteen and has since lived so as to be worthy to be called a ehristian. She is a member of Concord church, to which place she dearly loved to go and there, also, is her last resting place. The funeral exercises were conducted by Rev J R Stone. To the bereaved I will say, it is hard to give up mother or grand mother, but she has gone to greet her own. Let us hope and pray that we, too, may greet our loved ones in heaven and not one of our hort shall boleft .out. r Pray earnestly and unceasingly that her children who are still in sin may be made to see their true condition and repent ere it is too late, God grant that those of her grand children, who are still out of the ark of safety may turn and live for God to meet their dear old grandmother once iho^e. Her granddaughter^ Mrs Alfred M Light. In Memory of Mrs. AdaTSearden. ‘‘The resurrection and life llow sweet those wordFsound now since death has placed his chaplet on our cherished s’ster’s brow. We looked up on the dim closed eyes and helpless form who loved and prayed for us, now silent in her bier, She lived and loved ; yea what that love was we know in part, but in God’s court we will true knowledge find. j&She from her labor now may rest, from her sweet soul all tumult gone, and it is now a joy to think her work will follow on. The Master spared her here for many years to help the weak and. dry the mourners’ tear. As sister and wife how well she bore her part with willing, patient, helpful hands, with tender loving heart. Sorrow needs must come to all who are of woman born. Her lot life had many a war, its roses many a thorn, and yet h°r glorious faith stood through every grief and loss; she took her burden prayerful ly to our blessed Savior’s cross. The dear sweet face so well beloved is hidden from our view. We see no more the smiling face, tender eyes of brown, but oh, the resurrection ! How our hearts thrill at the thought that Christ, a victor ovet death for all his people have fought. She is not dead, No, no. .1 hank God, the life eternal is now hers. No more that faithful heart can feel the weight of earthly cares. The one she lcved and served so well has folded on his breast with tender arms our dear sister an#giv en her sweeter rest, and we shall see her face again. Then let us not regret that she is gone, for well we know she can never torget her loved ones here; and may He, since God himself is love, help us to struggle bravely on until we meet .above, ' • Her sister, Ida Myers. Twenty Minutes Time Enough? To Cure the Worst Headache From Any Cause —New Reduction Method. Most headaches and pains yield instantly to the new Reduction Method—Dr. Shoop’s Twenty Minute Headache Cure. The cause for thssa pains is congestion— a rushing of blood to the nerve centers —which distends the veins to nearly the bursting point. Swollen and enlarged, these veins and capillaries exert an irritating pressure on the myriads, of nerve branches and fibres. Then, there’s a >&pain. and finally that excruciating, cease- /ffMkless ache. Thi9 new Reduction Method / 2SwSSv, disperses the blood, distributes t h and di rects it to the channels. It frees the nerve aSA iTj't from all pressure and irritation—the pains and aches disap pear because /tS g fjppjjY© gjKV their cause has been moved. You may sand reme dies—you mayNsriTSl drug and stu pify the nerves x into submission —but the remedy which brings prompt relief and v'.'gJHSv permanent cure will be successful because it reduces the congestion —it must embody tho Reduction Method, v Medicine has thus found a way—simple and sure, yet the only way —to thoroughly overcome these attacks of Head ache and Neuralgia. The effect of Dr. Shoop’s Twenty Minute Headache Cure is prompt—per fectly suited to all forms of Headache and abso lutely positive in every temperament. For tale and recommended bv ALL DEALERS. Deadly Serpent Rites are as common in India as are stomach and Liver disorders with us. For tlie latter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters ; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennetts— ville, S. C.. says: “They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver.’ s^ Sc lectric Bitters cure chills and fev er, malaria, biliousness, lame bsck, kidney troubles and bladder disor ders. Sold on guarantee by Dr John Hockenhull druggist. Price 50c. THE STRONGEST EV ER GIVEN. Extracts From the Strong est Indorsements Ever Given an American Busi ness College. Ex-Governor Candler, of Atlan ta, Ga., after testing a three months graduate of the Byrne Simplified Shorthand, says ‘‘she is more pro ficient than many stenographers who have had as many years in struction and practice.” The St. Louis Post Dispatch states that, ‘•Little nine year old Margaret Simpson, a Byrne Simplified ste nographer, is the most proficient stenographer of her age in the world.” Mrs W G Taylor, of Coleman, Texas, who holds the world’s record, writing 178 words to the minute, unfamiliar matter, after four weeks and five days study, says, “The Byrne Simplified Shorthand is not only speedy, but simple aud legible.” Ex-Governor Hubbard, of Texas, said that the Byrne Business Colleges were, in his opinion, the most thorough in scholarship and mode of instruc tion, F A Kuhns, Second Asst. Post Master General, of Washing ton, D, C., says “In the National Library, I have examined carefully every system of shorthand copy righted, and have become convinced that the Byrne is the nest ” J E Webb, Pauls Valley, I. TANARUS., United States Court Reporter, says the Byrne Simplified Shorthand has no equal for court, reporting. Miss Mary Adair, of Maben, Miss., says she first studied Pitman Shorthand flien the Byrne, and tbat she found the advantages of the Byrne almost incredible, Mr Will Barnett, cf the U S Treasury Dept., at Wash ington, D C., says the Byrne Prac tical Bookkeeping is all that is claimed for it, and advises those contemplating taking a course to take none except the Byrne. Mr Ward S Ireland, official court re porter of the 68rd Judicial District of Texas, says, after failing, on six different - Pitmanic systems of shorthand, lie entered a Byrne Bus iness College, finished the course and began court reporting in five weeks, and that he stands ready to meet any writer of any other system in the world who has not had more than twice the shorthand experience of himself. Hon Jno II Reagan of Jeff Davis’ Cabinet says the Byrne Business Colleges are rendering important and valua ble service by the class of thorough ly instructed and efficient students they are turning out. Write for catalogue and read full indorsements of the above, and many others. Address any one of the Byrne Busiaess Colleges, They rre located as follows • Atlanta Com’l College, 24 1-2 Whitehall St.f Atlanta, Ga., Capital City Bus iness College, Guthrie, O. TANARUS., Ty ler Commercial College, Tyler Texas. Memphis Com’l College, 40 North Second St., Memphis, Tenn. Asa convenience to schools, we furnish in leaflet form ; Bibie les sons. which gives the same matter as the Advanced Quarterly ; Jun ior Lessons, which corresponds to the Junior Quarterly; and Prima ry Lessons, which corresponds to the Primary Quarterly, one lesson on each leaf. She—Are you sure you could enough to support two? He—Oh, we’ll be one then, dear NOTICE. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. To the Citizens of said count}': Notice is hereby given that the next General Assembly of Georgia, which con venes on the 27th day of June, 1906, will be asked to pass a compulsory local drain age act entitled as follows : An act to provide for the removal of obstructions of all kinds, other than dams used for operating machinery of anv kind, from the rivers, creeks and other running streams in Forsyth county, ex cept such as form the fine of said county, and for the removal of shrubs, under growth. stumps, roots, rocks and other lateral obstructions of all kinds, and all projections and indentations resulting from said obstructions: to compel the owners of land in said county to, in which said streams may flow, to remove said obstructions; to provide in what manner the same may be removed, when said land owners neglect or refuse to re move such obstruction, and to provide compensation therefor ; to provide for the drainage of the lands in said county through which said streams flow, and the extension of drains or ditches through the lands of another, and to provide for the payment of all damages which may be sustained by such land owners through whose land such drains or ditches shall be cut or extended, and for all other pur nosps, Respectfully, A H WOODLIFF. Tliis May 28, 1906. SALESMEN WANTED—Three sales men wanted for our new Railroad County and Stat-: Survey of Georgia. Just off the press and absolutely new Prepared to meet the enormous demand fora map showing the new counties re cently established. A splendid oppor tunity for energetic men. Rand, McNally & Cos,, Chicago, 111, GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. I'O all whom it may concern: Mrs M L Baker having made application to me foi peimanent letters of administration upon the estate of Ransom Tedder, late of said county, deceased, notice is here by given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to lie held on the first Monday in July, 1900. Given under my hand and official signature, this 22rd day of May, 1006, 11. V. JONES, Ordinary. Three Salesmen Wanted to han dle our new County and Township Wall Map of Georgia. Just off the press and absolutely new. Prepared to meet the euormous demand for an up-to-date map showing the New Counties recently es tablished. A splendid opportunity for energetic men. Hand, McNally .& Cos., Chicago, 111. [PATENTS I and TRADE-MARKS promptly obtiimd is I all countries, or no 1 ue. V*,, ot.uuu PATENTS I THAT PAY, advertise them thoroughly, at omi I expanse, and help you to success. I Send model, photo or sketch for FREE repo-t lon patentability. 29 years’ practice. SUR- I PASSING REFERENCES. ForfreeOuida I Book on Profitable Patents write to I 503-505 Seventh Street, I WASHINGTON, P. C. [D-SWIFPMsj ANNOUNCEMENTS, The Latest Happenings in Local Politics. For Tax Receiver. To tho Voters of Forsyth Couuty: I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Receiver of said county, promising if elected, to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, and to call on you as much as possible, at your homes, for your tax returns. Yours respectfully, GEORGE W, INGRAM. For Tax Collector. To the Voters of Forsyth Couuty: At the solicitation of friends I an nounce mvself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the action of the Democratic party of Forsyth county and if I am the choice of the people I agree to conduct the Onsiuessof the of fice to the best of mv ability, WM. W. HOLCOMB. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Forsyth County: 1/ T hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Forsyth county, and I promise the people, if elected, to dis charge my duties to the best of my abil ity. For ray Deputies will have W. W. Glover, of Bell’s district, and 11. J. Wolfe, of Coal Mountain. I will appre preciate the support of the people. Respectfully, JAMES SANDERS. For Representative, To ihe Voters'of Forsyth Countv: [/ At the solicitation of numerous friends from various sections of the county, I announce my candidacy for Representa tive of Forsyth County, subject to the action of the Democratic party, promis ing if elected to faithfully represent you Respectfully, M. B. RICE. For Representative. \ Thankful for past favors and liOHtJrs from the people of Forsyth countv, ar,d actuated by a desire to render my coun ty and her citizens further and more able service, I announce myself a cand idate for the General Assembly of Geor gia, for a second term. During my pres ent term as the representative of the people, and for the people, I have spared no effort to look after the interest of the county in general, nor to aid such as have applied to me for individual relief or redress in any way. Feeling more able to render more faithful service in the future should I be permitted to represent your interest in the General Assembly of Georgia for a second term, and earnestly soliciting your support in the general election, I remain, * You: - humble servant, A. 11. WOODLIFF, For Treasurer. To the Voters of Forsyth County: At the solicitation of my friends, and in accordance with my desire for the of fice, I announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic party. I am an afflicted man, unable to do man ual labor, and have been for ten years, and I earnestly ask the support of the people of Forsyth county. II elected I promise that the duties of the office will be discharged faithfully and impartially Respectfully \ / ,J. E. BOLINGT/ _— y- For the Senate. To the Voters of Forsyth County, v/ I hereby announce myself a candidate for the State Senate, from this tne 39th Senatorial Distriotof Georgia, my candi dacy being subject to the action of the Democratic Party of Forsyth County. By rotation this is the year for For syth county to name the candidate. I most earnestly solicit your support If elected my efforts will be put forth to the end that 1 may prove worthy of your confidence. Respectfully, LEWIS A. HENDERSON. WANTED; by Chicago wholesale and mail order liousa, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary S2O and expenses paid weekly;expense money advanced, Work pleasant; position permanent. No in vestment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. SUPERINTENDENT, 132 Lake St., Chi cago, 111. KlLL.the COUGH a-io CURE THE LUNGS ai ™ Dr. King's New Oiscovery /7CNSUMPTION f rice ! MjK § OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO j ISOLDS Free Trial. I Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROU3- j LES, or MONEY BACK. Bring ns your job work. For Clerk Superior Court. To the Voters of Forsyth County. By the solicitation of many friends i hereby announce mjself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this county, Bubject to the action of the Democratic party, and if elected, promise to give good and faithful ser vice. Respectfully, J. LINTON HEARD For Tax Receiver. To the Voters of Forsyth County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the action ot the Democratic Tarty of Forsyth county. I promise, if elected, jto discharge the duties of tho office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, 11. P. HOLBROOK. For Clerk. GEO RGI A—FO RS YTII COUN TY. To the voters of said county: 1 here by announce myself a candidate for tho of Clerk of the Superior Court of said oounty, and promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faith fully and impartially, I earnestly ask the support of tho peo ple of the couutv. EARLY E. BRANNON. For lax Collector 'GEO RG I A—FO RS Y Tll CO UNT Y. In accordance with my own desires as well as at the solicitation of my friends, I hereby announce myself as an inde pendent candidate for the office of Tax Collector of said county at the ensuing October election. While lam an afflict ed man, unable to do manual labor, 1 do not ask for the office as a matter of char ity. It has become customary in this county to give an incumbent two terms in office. 1 feel that my success in col lecting and paying into the treasury of the county the enormous tax made nec essary the past year on account of our new couit house, is evidence of my faithfulness as well asof my competency to discharge the duties of the office. I now return thanks to each and all o r my friends whoso kindly and cheerfully voted for me in the last election for their generous support, and pledge myself if re-elected this fall, not to be before them again for this office, Respectfully, y. E. WESTBROOK. April 10, 1000. * For Treasurer. To the voters of Forsytli County: At the request of my friends, and in accordance with my desire lor the office, 1 announce rify ctsrnfirfJley fv>rv)rjw otfleo - of County Treasurer. I respectfully so licit your support. If elected the people will find me on hand in tho office and the public money safeguarded. FRANK W. WILLIAMS, April 14. lIHHS. For Sheriff'. To the voters of Forsyth County: After giving the matter due consider ation, I announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of For syth county, subject to the action of'the democratic party. I sincerely thank the voters of the county for the trust they have seen proper to repose in me by giv ing me the offi e the present term; and if after giving my candidacy due consid eration, you see proper to again elect me to the ollice L promise to the utinoßt of ray ability to give you a faithful, honest and conscientious administration of the office, having for my single purpose the performance of my dixies in such a that I shall merit you* friendship and prove worthy of your ciftjfdence. J will have foix my deputies J. F. Spence of Big Creek and E II Patterson of Chestatee distrjpts, who have in the perfoimance of the duties of the office for the present- term. rendered me vain able and faithfm Service. Respectfully, 11. W, SHADBUKN. ’ STEVENS ___ -v S ~* r IU SHOOT i arc aiming nt JPistsls m Hanger will be forwarded for 10 cents in stamps. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Cos., P. 0. Box 4096 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. S. A.