The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1906, Image 7

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BRYAN BOOM IS LAUNCHED By Democrats of Indiana in Their State Convention. THREE STATES ON RECORD Editor Watterson of Courier-Journal Fall Into Line and Prophecies Ne braskan's Nomination. Democrats of Indiana, in convention, at Indianapolis, Thursday, adopted a platform strongly indorsing W. J. Bry an for the presidency, and selected a state ticket for all offices except gov ernor and reporter of the supreme court. Benjamin F. Shively of South Bend, former congressman from the thirteenth Indiana district, was perma nent chairman. Referring to W. J. Bryan he said: “That which is today eulogized and approved as broad statesmanship and patriotism in Theodore Roosevelt, was a tew years ago denounced as reac tionary, revolutionary and unpatriotic in William Jennings Bryan. The af tersight of the one is almost equal to the foresight of the other.” The resolutions committee report was read by Samuel I. Ralston, and among other tilings it said: “The dem ocracy of Indiana, in convention as sembled, sends greetings across the sea to that wise and conservative statesman, unaltering patriot and su perb leader, William Jennings Bryan, and pledges its vote in convention and the electoral vote of Indiana to him for president in 1908. “For nearly ten years the republi can party has been in absolute con trol in all departments in the na tional government, with power to change unjust conditions and to rec tify evils. Yet, during that time co lossal combinations of capital have dominated the people and have sti fled competition and unfairly limited the opportunity of the individual cit izen. Wealth thereby illegally ob tained has been unsparingly used to control, legislation and corrupt elec tions. No honest effort has been made or is being made by republican y “l©gislaljon to cure or eradicate these evils. W£ denounce th h.ypoc,rUy of the republican party which, while pre tending to legislate against these con ditions, deals only with the symptoms and not with the disease. The unfair, tyrannical features of the so-called ‘protective tariff’ have made these things possible, and no permanent re lief can be secured until its obnoxious features are removed. We demand that this be done by a tariff for revenue only.” The following were nominated: Sec retary of state, James F. Cox, Colum bus; auditor, Marian Baiely, Lizton; treasurer, John Isenbarger, North manchester; attorney general, Walter J. Lotz, Muncie. Editor Watterson in Line. In Friday’s Courier-Journal (Louis ville, Ky.), under the coption ‘‘Hur rah for Bryan,” Henry Watterson domes out flatfoctedly for the Nebras ka statesman as the democratic nom inee for president, and predicts Ills nomination by states before the meet ing of the convention. He says that Cleveland and all sound-money demo crats will support him. FUNERAL OF SENATOR GORVHN. Services in Washington Were Simple in Accordance With His Wishes. With simplicity and complete ab sence of ostentation, the funeral ser vices of the late Senator Arthur P. Gorman of Maryland took place in Washington Thursday from his late residence. Before the services began many prominent men and nearly all of Sen ator Gorman’s closest political asso ciates in Maryland, as well as col leagues from the senate and house, in addition to members of congres sional committees, were afforded an opportunity to view the body. The body was placed in a vault in Oak Hill cemetery, temporarily. ARKANSAS DEMOCRATS WRANGLE. Convention Only Able to Effect Temporary Organization First Day. The Arkansas democratic state con vention convened in Hot Springs on Tuesday at 10:30 o’clock, and after a stormy session, effected only a tem porary organization, with Judge J. W. Evans of Booneville, chairman, and Hugh Corry of Texarkana, secretary. For two hours during the afternoon, while plans were on foot for the tem porary organization, pandemcnium reigned, and the presiding officer lost entire control of the convention. KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered. Two Years—Relieved in Three Months , MR. C. B. FI/iER, Mt. Sterling, Ky„ writes: “J have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. “Last March 1 commenced using Peruna and continued for three months. 1 have j not used it since, nor have i felt a pain. “I believe that 1 am well and l there fore give my highest commendation to the curative powers of Peruna.’' Pe-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. 11. Ssimser, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: “I bad not Seen well for about four years. 1 had kidney trouble, and, in /act, felt badly nearly all Ihe time. “This summer i got so very bad l thought 1 would try Peruna, so 1 wrote to you and began at once to take Peruna and Manalin. “I took only two bottles of Peruna and one of Manalin, and now 1 feel better than i have for some time. “I feel that Peruna and Manalin cured me and made a different woman of me al together. 1 bless the day 1 picked up the little book and read of your Peruna.'' It is the business of the kidneys to remove from the blood all poisonous materials. They must be active all the •time, else the system suffers. There are times when they need a little assistance. Peruna is exactly this sort of a remedy. It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys service at a time when they were not able to bear their own burdens. An Honest Man. Cassius R. Peck, assistant United States district attorney of Oklahoma, at a banquet in Guthrie recently spoke on honesty. One thing he said was this: “What are we coming to? Are we coming to such a pass that our ideas of an honest man will correspond with the idea of old Hiram Stroode? “Hiram Stroode, for the seventh time, was about to fail. He called in an expert accountant to disentangle his books. The accountant, after two days’ work, announced to Hiram that he would be able to pay his creditors four cents on the dollar. “At this news the old man looked vexed. “ ‘Heretofore,’ he said, frowning, ‘I have always paid ten cents on the dol lar.’ “A virtuous and benevolent expres sion spread over his face. “ ‘And I will do so now,’ he resumed. ‘I will make up the difference out of my own pocket.’ ” Chorus Girls Ways. The stage and its environments as a factor upon the morals and deport ment of the girls who compose the chorus has been argued pro and con for ages, but no solution is fully ac cepted. Many persons depict the life of the chorus girl as one of danger, studded with innumerable pitfalls. An equal number of opinions uphold stage life by saying there are good and bad people in every employment, and that stage girls are usually deserving of greater consideration than is accord ed them. One thing in which nearly all chor us girls are alike is indifference to their word. These girls care little for their promises. To the average chor us girl a signed contract is like a piece of waste paper, unless she real ly wants the engagement. In that case she will hold on to the contract like grim death. Managers are busy men, but they have been known to resort to law to compel the heedless young lady to respect the paper she has signed.— Philadelphia Record. How They Benefited Him. “What books have benefited you most?” the young reported Inquired of the fabulously rich man. “Law books,” the Froesus promptly replied.. “My father intended me for a lawyer, but I failed to pass my examination and now I’m worth fifty millions.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Perspiring Feet. A thin layer of any astringent powdST, If placed in the boot, will lessen perspira tion. Tannic acid and alum are cheap and strong. You Look Prematurely Old Labor in Old Times, Twelve hours in winter and 14 in sum mer was a fair average day’s work. But in Lyons in 1571 the printers worked from two o’clock in the morning till eight or nine in the evening. In other trades the working hours were often from four in the morning till nine at night or from live to ten. Workers in the same metier generally lived together in the same street. But the maitre-artisan had his own maison. The ground floor was his shop or workshop: above was his bed room, which was also the sitting and eating room; a small room adjoining accommodated his children, and above was a garret where various commodi ties were stored.—Work and Workers. Deep Dreatmng. It is a good thing for weak lungs. You can learn it by practicing it daily. ! Take long, deep breaths. That is about all there is to it. Throw back your shoulders and fill your lungs full of air. Then gently expel the air. Fish Salad. Mix with chopped fish an equal quantity of cut celery, chopped cab bage or shredded lettuce. Three salt anchovies chopped with a dozen capers may be added before mixing in the dressing. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitarv Lotion: never fails, bold by Drug gists. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. E. Detchon, Crawfordsville. Ind. sl. Germany has 29,300 physicians, averaging one to every 1700 inhabitants. Dr. Higgers Huckleberry Cordial Cures All Stomach Troubles, Teething Children, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc. At Druggists 25c and 50c per bottle. French Commodity. Potato starch is used in France to sweeten sour grape juice. STOPS BELCHING. Cared Bari Breath— Positive ami Instant Cnre Free— No Drug*— Cures by Absorption. A sweet breath is oriceless. Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers will cure bad breath and bad taste instantly. Belching and bad taste indicate offensive breath, which is due to stomach trouble. Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers purify the stomach and stop belching, by absorbing foul gases that arise from undigested food, and by supplying the digestive organs with natural solvents for food. Thev relieve ea or car sickness and nau sea of any kind. They quickly cure headache, correct the ill effect of excessive eating or drinking. They will destroy a t-obacco, whisky or onion breath instantly. They stop fermentation in the stomach, acute indigestion, cramps, colic, gas in the stomach and intestines, distended abdo men. heartburn, bad complexion, dizzy spells or any other, affliction arising from a diseased stomach.' We know Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want you to know it. This offer may not appear again. I 16166 GOOD FOR 25c. 143 Pend this coupon with your name I and address and your dniggist’s name I I and 10c. in stamps or silver,- and we (■ I will supply you a sample free if you I have never used Mull’s Anti-Belch I Wafers, and will also send vou acer- I tifieate good for 25c. toward the pur- I chase of more Belch Wafers. You will I find them invaluable for stomach trou- I We; cures bv absorption. Address 1 Mull’s Grapv Tovtc Cos.. 328 3d Ave., Rock Island, 111. ! | Oive Full Address and Write Plainly. All druggists. 50c. per box, or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. A Spring Coat. One of the new spring coats Is of gray and white invisible check, and is trimmed with white. SEVEN YEARS ACO. A Rochester Chemist Found a Singularly Effective Medicine. William A. Franklin, of the Franklin & Palmer Chemical Cos., Rochester, N. HY., writes: “Seven years ago I was suffering very much through the failure of the kid neys to eliminate the uric acid from back was very lame and ached if I over exerted myself In the least degree. At times I was weighed down with a feel ing of languor and depression and suf fered continually from annoying irreg ularities of tlia kidney secretions. I procured a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and began using them. I found prompt relief from the aching and lameness In my back,- and by the time I bad taken three boxes I was cured of all irregularities.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. Ir aurance in Franca France has now forbidden by law the Insuring of the lives of children under 12 years of age. Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use “ LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Price, SI.OO, retail. FITS.St. Vitus’ Dnee:Nervons Disease* nor manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. t 2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr.. H. 11. Emsa, Ld., 531 Arch Hi..Phiin., Px. Great quantities of textile machinery are being exported. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething.softens the <ru ms. reduces inflamma ■ tion, allays pain, euras wind coljc.2soa bottle The Russian Czar is fully a head shorter than the Czarina. Old bachelors all were Newton. Des cartes. Spinoza. Michael Angelo. Kant. Voltaire. Gibbon. Beethoven. Sir Fran cis Drake. Watts. Cooper. Hume. Washington Irving, Whittier and Walt Whitman. T)fnri Citnnof Hr. Cnrsit hvloeal applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is onlv one wav to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous linint of the F.ustaehian Tube. When this tube isin flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect bearing. and when it Is “Otirolv "loscd Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken on* and this tube re stored to its normal condition, bearing wili be destroyed forever. Nine cases out often are caused by catarrh .which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnessf caused bv catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Pend for circulars free. F.J.Ohvnkv A Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Trade of the United States with Spain and Portugal amounted in the fiscal year 1005 'o < vc v thirty-four mil lion dollars, against ies than twenty millions in 1895. a decade earlier. FACE ALL BROKEN OUT. Troubled Almost a Year Complexion Now Perfect and Skin Soft, White and Velvety. “I had. been troubled -with a break ing out on my face and arms for almost a year and had the services of several physicians, but they didn’t seem to do any good. Some time ago one of my friends recommended Cuticura to me. 1 secured some, and after using it several months I was completely cured. I can highly recommend Cuticura Soap as be ing the very best complexion soap made. It creates a perfect complexion, leaving the skin soft, white, and velvety. I now use Cuticura Soap all the time and rec ommend its use to my friends. Maud Log gins, R. F. D. No. 1, Sylvia, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1905.” Return of Foulards. Foulards, voiles and other loosely waven fabrics will be again In-favor. 7rT CP AAA BANK DEPOSIT CtX'JaVrvFvJ R.R. Fare Paid. Note* Taken 7 500 FREE COURSES KBHEHWBR Boardat Cost. Write Quick GEOR6IA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon. Ga. Products caaUa you to enjoy ycxtm meals wkhoto haviag to ipead bell your time Inswap them over • hot coak-rtove. All ths making n done iu Libby’• kitchen—a kitchen a* clean and a. yew own, apd there'. ootiM for you to do but enjoy the remit Libby'. Product, are aaleatod meat*, —okwd by cooiu who know how, and ooiy (ha good porta packed. Far a quick and dehmoua lunch any Fete, in dooaa ar out tty Libby’a Mel roao Pate—wid> Libby a Camp Sauce. Llb.r, * Uktj, Chlfao llJ||| a PP'|| Wbent, BO Bush- In per acre. Inf i M S ► K Catiitoiro# and sample, i-ruk. XV fllu I kll kill jar eee. (.0. Hum.. I ~L* l>rM.i,Nl, Wtmk CAPUDINE ■ 1 IMMIDIATO.T cats m ° To ** < ' ** ai> 41 OrvAtf*. Beaver in New York State. Although since 1870 the beaver ha. continuously hovered on the point o extinction in the Empire state, then has never been a time when the Norti. woods did not contain at least cm wild colony. I have in my possession fresh beaver cuttings which were ob tained within the past five years from two different localities in Franklin county, and at present there is In this county, in the waters northwest of Up per Saranac lake, a small family— perhaps two distinct families —which are undoubtedly the direct descendants of the original wild stock. —From “Bringing Back the Beaver,” by Karry V. Radford, in Four-Track News. IS STRICT CONFIDENCE. Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham'i Advice and Help. She Has Guldail Thousands to Health.* How Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound Cured Mrs. Allae Berryhlll. t ' lat * he can WI - ib * | her tha rnost^prf- VL - details about ‘t .know that her let ter will be seen by woman only. Many thousand. * *— of cases of female diseases come be fore Mrs. Pinkham every year, some personally, others by mail. Mrs. Pink ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. l'inkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and sinoe her de cease she has been advising sick women free of charge. Mr*. Pinkham never violates the con fidence of women, and every testimon ial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of tha writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as she has been. Mrs. Alice Berrvhill, of >l3 Boyce Street, Chattanooga, Tenn., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— “ Three years life looked dark to me. I had ulceration and inflammation of the female organs and was In a serious condition. “My health was broken dowm and the doctor told me that if I wee not op erated upon I would die within six months. I told him I would have no operation but would try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound. He tried to influence m against it but I sent for the medicine that same day and busu to use rt faithfully. Within five days I felt relief but was not” entirely cured until I used it for some time. “ Your medicine is certainly fine. I have induced several friends and neighbors to take it arid I knew more than a dozen who had female troubles and who to-day are os well and strong as I am from using your Vege table Compound.” Juat as surely as Mrs. Berryhili waa cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound cure every worn?a suffering from any form of female ilia. If you are sick write Mrs. Pinkham for advioe It is tree and always help ful. Malsby & Cos. 4i South Forsyth St„ Atlanta, Ga, A? Portable ami Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line Carried in stock for IM MEDIA TE DELI VER T. Bast Machinery, Lowest P-lces and Beat Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. You Cannot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and oatarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Mut, THE DAISY FLY KILLER Afford* co tutor to *r rj horn*. On# % fcOc. box la* tbe •* tire *e*4oii Harm* *- u. bl PKaa .ear.. L*e mo win hot **>i 1 injure ouoe anti you win never be without T <ie*H#r, sent X^S. ATLANTA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE S4 1-3 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. The Famous Byrne Bymplifled Shorthand and Practical Bookkeeping taught In half tha usual time of other systems, and at half the usual cost. 1 50 to i75 position secured or tuition refunded. Write for free catalogue, giving full particulars. * sa’tS Thompson's Eye later (At24-’O6)