The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 07, 1923, Image 3

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WOSESPERCENT AS UUM rtx PEOPLE MUST APPROVE TC MAKE LAW SOLONS TAKE RECESS STATE NEWS OF INTEREST Brief News Items Gathered Here And There From All Sections Of The State j Atlanta. —By vote of 141 to 51 —5 more than the requisite constitutional majority—the Georgia houses of rep resentatives passed the Lankford hill providing for the levying of an in come tax for the support of the state of Georgia. As the measure is a constitutional amendment, it is necessary that the affirmative vote be a two-thirds ma jority of the total membership of the house, or 138 votes, two-thirds of the roll of 206 members. It will be nec essary, before the provisions of the bill are finally adopted into the Con stitution of the state, that the action of the legislature be ratified by the voters of the state at the polls at the next general election, in November, 1524. Both houses of the general assembly took recess Thanksgiving, and will re convene December 3, a joint resolu tion calling for this disposal of the Thanksgiving week-end having been adopted. An attempt to make the four-day recess “dies non,” or without pay, failed, the members having vot ed to receive their seven dollar per die msalary just as though they were in session. At the hour of adjournment the house was debating the Ennis revenue measure, which provides for a reve nue department with a commissioner of revenue and deputies, whose duties shall be the collection of delinquent taxes. Several substitute measures were offered to this bill. One, by Repre sentative Milner, of Dodge, would place the revenue department under jurisdiction of the comptroller gen eral, and provide for an additional SIOO,OOO bond for that' official, the premium to be paid by the state, It also provides for six field agents at a salary of S2OO per month each. Before the recess, the senate voted to table the substitute offered by Senator Stephens Pace for the Phil lips budget bill providing for the cre ation of a budget commission, which would regulate. expenditure of state funds and recommend appropriations for the various state departments. Denounced as pernicious in princi ple, ineffective in operation, its pro visions flagrantly disregarded, its spir it violated, the general tax act, amend ed in many essentials, was passed by the senate. Only three votes were re corded against its adoption, though the senate was practically unanimous In scoring its provisions, as a whole. Contested provisions of the bill were disposed of as follows: Grand opera tax, as provided by the house, repealed. Special tax on high grade candy, as proposed by the senate finance committee, defeated, unanimously. Proposed increase in the tax on the gross premiums of insurance com panies, as provided by the house, de feated. The senate accepted a substitute for the committee amendment increasing the occcupation tax on moving picture film distributors. The substitute fixes a graduated tax ranging from SSO to SI,OOO a year, based on the gross business of the distributor. Industrial Survey Near Cartersville Cartersville. —After listening to an address by Charles A. McKeand, gen eral industrial agent for the Seaboard Air Line railroad, the Cartersville Chamber of Commerce unanimously indorsed the proposal calling for an industrial survey of this district, which is to be made by Lockwood, Greene & Cos., of Cleveland. Under the proposal made by Mr. McKeand, the seaboard proposes to pay half the co"t of the survey, the other half to be raised locally. J. W. Vaughan, president of tbo chamber of com merce. said he heartily indorsed the proposal, and Joseph S. Calhoun, a leading business man, moved its In dorsement. Presbyterian Fund Drive In Savannah Savannah. Malcolm and J. B. Lockhart, with a team of other work ers -live in all—are canvassing the Presbvterians of Savannah in the in terest' of the fund of $600,000 being raised for Davidson college, -N. C., tls college of the denomination back ed by Georgia and the two Carollnas. Much success has been met by the workers; $500,000 of the amount has been pledged, mostly by North Caro lina; $40,000 is asked of Atlanta, and $60,000 of the rest of the state. Bail Refused Lockhart In Proba Macon. — Judge ¥■ A. Mathews In Bibl, superior court refused bail to jj E i ockhart, held for murder in connection with the death of his wife, Mrs Bessie Lockhart on November 1. The hearing lasted three days, during which the state endeavored to show that Lockhart was responsible for the (ire which ignited Mrs. Lockhart’s 1 ,i and burned her so badly that she dl cd a short time afterward, alter _, v ln E birth to a baby, who also died a few days later as a result of the ig nition. „ SHERIFF'S SALE. Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold at public outcry before the court house door in the town of Cumming, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Jan, 1924,: One Fordson Tractor, motor No. F-1701, with complete attach ments consisting of One No. 3 Oliver tractor plow; one Disc plow and other attachments; one Oakland touring car, mo tor No. C-1357; one black horse mule; one bay mare mule, each about 7 years old, and each weighing abo'ut 800 lbs; a lot of black-smith tools consisting of 2 anvils; 2. blow-ers; one vice one tire wringer; one gas en gine ; one planing mill; 5 wheel wrenches; lot of planes; brace and bits; 2 hand saws 2 draw ing knives; 8 pairs of tongs; 8 hammers; 3 line shafts; 7 pul leys and other tools, levied up on as the property of Geo. M. Blackstone under and by virtue of a fi. fa. issued by H. S. Brooks Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, upon the foreclosure of a chattel mort gage, dated day of 192...., in favor of T. R. Ben nett, Supt. of Banks in and for said State, for the use of the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Cumming, Ga., against the said Geo. M. Blackstone. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold: A lot of fodder, 1500 bundles more or less, in the barn at the place where the defendant, G. M. Blackstone has resided the past year, and fifty bushels, more or less of corn, in the crib, and a lot of corn ungathered in the field estimated at 100 bushels; and a lot of cotton seed in the barn, estimated at 10-00 lbs.; lot of cotton on the porch esti mated at 200 lbs; and a lot of cotton ungathered in the field estimated at 600 lbs—the corn, fodder, cotton and cotton seed raised by the defendant G. M. Blackstone on the land known as the J. P. Fowler land and the Farmers & Merchants Bank land in said county. Levied upon as the property of the de fendant, G. M. Blackstone, under and by virtue of a fi. fa. in favor of T. R. Bennett, Sup‘t of Banks in and for said -state, for the use of the Farmers & Merchants Bank against the said G. M. Blackstone, issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth coun ty, upon the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage made by the said G. M. Blackstone to said Farmers & Merchants Bank, on the 29th day of September, 1923. Also, at the same time and place will be sold One bay horse mule, one-eyed, about 7 years old, weighing about. 1000 lbs; 1 Goldsboro steel-tire top buggy, found in the possession of C. V. Blackstone, and levied upon as his property under and by virtue of a fi. fa issued by H. 5 Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in favor of T. R. Bennett, Supt. of Banks in and for said State, for ■he use of the Farmers & Mer chants Bank against the said C. V. Blackstone upon the fore closure of a chattel mortgage made by him to said Farmers 6 Merchants Bank, dated the Bth day of Dec. 1921. Also at the same time and place will be sold 1 Oakland Six touring car, motor No. C-36180, known as the Mrs. E. L. Tatum car, found in the po session of Roy P. Otwell at his garage in Cumming, Ga., and levied upon as the property of J. E. Clayton, under and by vir tue of a fi. fa. issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in favor of T. R. Bennett, Supt. of Banks in and for said State, for the use of the Farmers & Merchants Bank against the said J. E. Clayton upon the foreclosure of a mortgage made by him to the said Farmers & Merchants Bank on the 16th day of Nov. 1921. Also, at the same time and place will be sold 1 Ford truck model No. 5-41918, known as the R. W. Echols truck, found in the possession of S. S. An drews, the defendant, and lev ied upon as his property under and by virtue of a fi. fa. issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in favor of T. R. Bennett, Supt. of Banks in and for said State, for the use of the Farmers & Merchants Bank against the said S. S. Andrews upon the foreclosure of a mortgage made by him to the said Farmers & Merchants Bank, on the 31st day of Dec. 1921. Also at the same tunc and place will be sold 1000 lbs, of seed cotton, now in the field and iuigathered, growing 8 acres of land rented by J. L. Hulsey from Candler Clement for the present year, and I bay mare mule about 12 years old, and 1 sorrel horse about 6 years _old; 1 Ford touring ca’r, motor No. 2113246, levied up on as the property of J. L. Hul sey and found in his possession, under and by virtue of a fi. fa. issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in favor of T. R. Ben nett, Supt. of Banks in and for said State, for the use of the Farmers & Merchants Bank a gainst the said J. L. Hulsey up on the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage made by him to the said Farmers & Merchants Bank, dated June 26, 1923. / Also at the same time and place: i Bay mare mule about 14 years old, weight about 900 lbs., found in the possession of J. D. Williams and levied upon 1 as his property under and by j virtue of a fi. fa. issued by *H. j S. Brooks, Clerk of the superior' Court of Forsyth County, in fav, or of T. R. Bennett, Sup‘t of Banks in and for said State, for the use of the Farmers & Mer chants Bank against the said J. D. Williams, upon the fore closure of a chattel Mortgage made by him to said- Farmers! & Merchants Bank/dated 23rd day of June, 1923. Also, at the same time and piace, will be sold: One Ford automobile, 1918 model, known as the John D. Black Car. Lev ied upon as the property of Mack Smith, the defendant, found in his possession, under and by virtue of a fi. fa. in fav or of T. R. Bennett, Sup‘t of Banks in and for said state, for the use of the Farmers & Mer chants Bank against the said Mack Smith, issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth £ounty, upon the foreclosure of a mortgage made by the said Mack Smith to said Farmers & Merchants Bank, on the 27th day of June 1923. Also, at the same time and 1 place, will be sold: One black horse mule, about 12 years old, weight about 900 pounds. Lev ied upon as the property of A. S. Elrod,'found in his possess ion, under and by virtue of a fi fa. in favor of T. R. Bennett, 1 Sup‘t of Banks in and for said ! state, fot the use of the Far mers & Merchants Bank a gainst the said A. S. Elrod, is sued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth County, upon the foreclosure of a mortgage made by the said; A. S. Elrod to the said Farmers; & Merchants Bank on the 24th day of December, 1921. Also, at the .same time and place, will be sold: What is known as the North Georgian | office in the town of Cumming, situated on a lot fronting 26 feet on the south side of the street, running out East from; the northeast corner of the Pub; lie Square and running back 70 feet south on alley leading to cemetery. And the plant of ■ the said North Georgian there- 1 in,’ consisting of 1 Country, Campbell newspaper press; 21 job presses, 1 2-horse Foosj gasoline engine, 2 cabinets and j a lot of type, some type stands,; 1 Oliver typewriter, 2 Imposing stones, and the other variofis articles connected with said plant. Levied upon as the j property of the defendant, J. j E. Kirby, found in his possess ion, under and by virtue of a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Forsyth County, in favor of W. S. & C. E. Davenport a gainst said J. E. Kirby and by said plaintiffs transferred for value received to T. R. Bennett, Sup‘t of Banks for the state of Georgia, and his successors in office, for the use of the Far mers & Merchants Bank at Cumming, Ga. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold: 34,000 feet of pine lumber, some 2x4, 2x6, Ix 6, Ixß, Ixl2, and ten and 12 feet long. Found on lands of Parker Stone, and in the pos session of T. A. Stone. Levied upon as the property of T. A. Stone under and by virtue of a fi. fa. in favor of Brannon, Phill ips & Francis, issued by H. S. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior fourt of said county upon the foreclosure of a Sawyers or Sawmilling lien upon said prop erty in favor of said plaintiffs against the said T. A. Stone. This Dec. sth, 1923. R. L. Holbrook, Sheriff. Old-Time Condiment. Vinegar and asafetida mixed were the chief and favorite cruet condiment 3D the tables of antiquity and of Um middle age*. SHERIFF'S SALE. Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold before the court house door, in the to wn of Cura ming in said county, within the (legal hours of sale, to the high jest bidder for cash, on the Ist [Tuesday in January, 1924, the ‘following property to wit: All jof lot of land No. 889, and the east half of lot of land No. 890 'and four acres, more or less of ilotNo. 912, being located in the jthe north east corner of said (lot described as follows: com mencing at north east corner jand running south ninety one -yards; thence a little north of east two hundred and nineteen yards; thence in a north west direction sixty yards to a point ! on the original east and west line two hundred and fifty yards from the north east cor- ner to the starting point; also two acres, more or less in the south east corner of lot No. 840, commencing at the south east corner of said lot; thence north along the original line to a cer tain stake; thence west to a terrace; thence nearly south to the original east and west line; thence east along said east and west line to the starting point; all of said land lying and being in the Second district and first section of Forsyth county, Georgia, making in all sixty six acres, more or less A part of the above describ ed land is located in the Big Creek Drainage District of For syth county, and is sold subject to the future annual assess ments against the same up to and including the year 1931,. Said sixty six acres of land more or less, as above describ ed, levied upon as the property of T. A. Stone to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of the Milton County Bank against the said T. A. Stone as principal and J. |H. Bagwell and William Mad dox as endorsers; and also an execution in favor of The Big j Creek Drainage District here tofore issued against a portion of said land, and on the 3rd, day of July, 1923 satisfied by the Milton County Bank, the same amounting to $138.00 at that time, together with inter est on the same. Also, one Dodge Roadster au tdmobile motor number 573576 and one black mule about nine /ears old, weight about eleven hundred pounds. All of said property levied upon as the property of T. A. Stone to satisfy said liens in favor of said bank against said Stone. Levy made by J. B. Wallace, Deputy Sheriff, and turned ov er to me for the purpose of sale Tenant in possession and de fendant in fi. fa. notified of the time and place of sale in terms of the law. Also, at the same time and place: 13 stacks, more or less of hay, grown on the lands of N. E. Montgomery, found in possession of E. E. Reid. Lev ied upon as the property of the said E, E. Reid, under and by virtue of a fi. fa. issfied from the Superior Court of said coun ty in favor of -John D. Black, against the said E. E. Reid. Aso, at the same time and place: One bay horse mule, a bout 12 years old, weight a bout 700 lbs. and one bay marc rnule about 14 years old weight about 700 lbs. and 1 two-horse Bagwell wagon. Levied upon [as the property of J. G. Anglin [under and by virtue of a fi. fa. [issued from the Superior Court 'of said county in favor of M. R. ;Hooper, for the use of the Officers Court against -T. A. An Mary I. Garrett, Noah An glin, J. G. Anglin, et. al. This Dec. 5, 1923. R. L. Holbrook, Sheriff. - Georgia, Forsyth Comity. To all whom it may concern: L. E. Tatum having made appli cation to me for perm aicnt let ters of admisint' - ation upon the estate of Mrs. S. C. Tatum late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that aid appli cation will be heard at the reg ular term of Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in Jan. 1924. Given under my hand and official signature, this sth day of Dec. 1923. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Km? the Children Busy. u.. i.du 1 ’ to do little tfclr stoat the home It train* them to be useful, not swkwiM In Inter, end more Important efft-’r*: It gives them occ.ipstlon whtlle they u-e i! find It guards against *elfi'V idle, unhandy members of an oi -r toe.- ,- Occu patlon makes hfipplnces. and orcupa lion cannot be acquired too young. T GBLIC. We Inive Opencc a (in rage on Dull lonega Sirt'ol, in (he place whore F- L, Bradford for ■lv operated, and are prepared to and > your automobile repair wark in a satisfactory man ner at reasonable* prices, Also, we carry genuine Ford parts, oil, greases, etc. Bring us your work and get sat isfaction. Phone 21. Yours for good work, SLACaS t , f V/LER & 00. j/jl Gift tlKi!^Wsjc-y n (liuinq r.g A gift that has an all-round use—that renews the Christmas thought each day—is a welcome gift. Watermans! \ Fountain Pen 1 Makes such a gift. Ask to see the black-and-red blended holder. You. will like it, so will the friend to whom you give. HARVIEjSIMPSON, Cumming, Ga. CUMMING OARAGE 200 pairs of Mud.Chaii all sizes, a number of Ford JJatteries, Pumps, Jacks, ~o; , Curtains, and other ac cessories marked at special prices for a TEN DAY SALE A large shinment’of Tires and Tubes priced as low as low as can be bought anywhere, and guaranteed and backed up here by us, vlv ii makes it better for you, so come and let’s do some t u it ..s and both be benefitted thereby. We handle the Dodge C . 1 ernational Harvester line, of Machinery. Trucks ant i tetors. the famous Delco Light and Water System and wi thank you to come to see us, or call phone No. < and we willjcomu to see you. We are in POSITION TO GIVE TERMS on all Tractors, Plows, Ddc > Plants or Machinery we sell as well as on A jtomobiies and trucks, Cumming Garage, ASK US ABOUT TIL’ J UT DODGE TRUCK.