Newspaper Page Text
AND CENTS. . . .
The people of the south are practicing econ
omy to-day more closely than ever, and it is
right. A penny saved is a penny made.
The Way to Save
Pennies is to buy your Fall and Winter Goods
where you can get the biggest value for your
money. Besides you want something that is
stylish and up to date, and the place where all
these qualities are combined is
Thompson Hiles & Co.
Our Mr. Martin has just returned from Cincin
nati where he bought an elegant line of season
able and Stylish goods for the Fall and Winter
trade, which we will offer at Bed rock prices.
We had a magnigicent trade last spring and we
are determined to keep it up.
Low Prices
And a good quality of goods will always draw the
trade, and to these two features in our present
stock we call the especial attention of the public.
It will be to your interest to call and see these
Elegant New Goods
Whether you are ready to buy or not. It
costs you nothing to look, and when you see
our values and prices you will come again.
The ladies are especially invited to see our
Dress Goods.
Thompson Hiles & Co.
News fit Home.
Money to loan on farms. Five
years time. Terms easy.
Jno. D. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Milner spent
Monday at Raccoon with the family of
Mr. J. 11. Wyatt.
Miss Berta Maddox is entertaining
Miss Lillis Wood, a charming youag
lady of Cedartown.—Sunday's Hustler.
Our new receipts are all the rage
just now. Call in and secure one.
They are bents.
Guns! Guns! We have the cheapest
and best line of Guns in town, from
$1.25 to $35.00. J. X. Rrsii & Co.
Messrs. Alex Bonny man. of Rome.
William Wadley, of Bolingbroke. and
W. G. _ Raoul, of Atlanta, spent last
Fridag evening in town.
X. 11. Gilreath and Miss Mary J.
Trout, of Trion, were married yester
day al that place.,Rev. W. A. Milner
M e Uave some bills to meet, at d
therefore must collect what is due us.
This applies to you if you arc due us
any amount. J. X. Kvsh & Co.
Hon. Wesley Shropshire’s majority
in the district was 2,16 S votes. Chat
tooga gave him tiOii. Floyd 951 and
Bartow 551.
Messrs W. J. Jennings, Joe Majors,
11. C. Etheridge and several other
Menlo people passed through town last
Thursday, enroute to the Baptist Asso
ciation which was held in Dirttown
valley last Saturday and Sunday.
Our Dress Goods department is a
blazing panaroma of beauty, the most
extensive stock, embracing the latest
weaves and colorings await vour in
spection at prices lower than ever. Do
not fail to see this stock.
Hollis & Hinton.
Mr. H. Loveless, who for a long
number of years had lived near Rac
coon mills, died last Thursday, after a
most painful illness of two or three
weeks. Mr. Loveless was a good citi
zen.and had numerous friends through
out the county who will regret to hear
of his death.
We have the best stock of open and
top Buggies, Surries. Hacks and Carts
vou have seen in a long time. Prices
cheap to good. It will pay you to ex
amine them before buying.
r lkghorn & Henry
w. A. Edwards paid the News office
a call last Saturday and remembered
the editor while here. He is just re
covering from a long and serious at
tack of sickness.
M e have this season the best and
most complete stock of Clothing ever
opened in Summerville. Come and
see for yourself. Prices lower than
ever before. Hollis & Hinton.
A matrimonial wave is agitating the
society of our fair sister city, Rome.
A number of brilliant marriages have
occurred there recently, and others
have been announced for the near fu
Mr. J. P. Bouchillon. of Tulip, this
county, happened to a very bad acci
dent the latter part of last week, whidS
will confine him to his room for some
time. Mr. Bouchillon was riding horse
back when his horse fell down. Mr
Bouchillon's leg was caught beneath
the animal's body and was badly brok
en. Ihe sufferer is an aged man, and
the unfortunate accident will be very
serious as well as painful to one so far
advanced in life.
Where to Buy,
Why just come right into my store
and you will be gladly served. Mv
short profits and quick cash sales have
gladdened the hearts and brightened
the homes of many buyers and have
stimulated and enabled me to press
onward buying and selling. Frostv
mornings and biting winds may soon
be coming, but each week fresh goods
will be arriving according to demands,
so that the comforts of life may be had
at most reasonable prices and in ac
eordance with the customers' strictest
views to economy. The pleasing
prospects for a coming administration
of prosperity will not cloche and feed
the homefolks this fall. The cotton
and other crops will not be plenteous,
yet there will be opportunity for par
ents to teach more thoroughly habits
of industry and economy, and I will
have the opportunity of demonstrating
to my customers that -a friend in
need is a friend indeed.” Mv rem
nant stock of shoes and otbei goods
brought over will be offered at half
price. When I bid you goodby I will
. expect you to come again for the sale
will be of mutual benefit.
J. W. Pitts-
WANTED some corn on subscrip
Hon. S. E. Jones, Kartah, attended
i the Ewing-Lester wedding.
Mrs. S. B. Hawkins left Friday for
a vtsit in Summerville.
Dress Goods, Clothing and Shoes.
Hollis & Hinton.
Col. J. D. Taylor spent last Friday
in Rome.
Mr. Clemmon Burke, of Trenton,
. spent Sunday in town with friends.
Mr. C. C. Daly, the popular insur
ance man, was in town the first of the
. week.
Mrs. W. H. I’enn returned last Fri
' day from a pleasant visit to Mrs. S. F.
' Taylor in Rome.
Mrs. M. J. Barksdale has returned
■ from a very pleasant visit to friends at
Miss Janie Branner, of Trion, has
been visiting relatives at Raccoon re
Mrs. B. 11. Edmondson, after spend
ing several weeks in the city, has re
turned to her home in Summerville.
Misses Kate Cain and Floy Milner
went out to Mr. Gamble’s home on a
brief visit.
Our Shoe stock contains what you
are looking for. Our prices are just
right. Hollis & Hinton.
Col. R.M. W. Glenn, of LaFayette,
was in attendance on our county court
Messrs. Lowe and Hutchens, of
Trion, were serving their country as
jurors in the county court Monday.
Our clothing has been bought for
cash, direct from the manufacturers,
and our prices cannot be met.
Cleghorn & Henry.
Miss Janie Morton, of Subligna, en
terred school here last week. She is
boarding with -her sister, Mrs. B. R.
As for Shoes our stock is immense,
and our competitors can not equal our
prices or styles.
Cleghorn & Henry.
Mr. A. W. Shropshire, who is at
present in Rome buying cotton for the
Trion M’f’g., Co., spent last Sunday
in town.
Washington Axes. Don’t buy any
other kind. Fully Guaranteed. If one
breaks, bring it back and get one free.
J. N. Rush & Co.
Quite a large party of young people
from this place attended the closin g
exercises of Miss Carrie Agnew’s
school at Raccoon last Friday night.
Henry Waters was found guilty of
a misdemeanor in the county court
here yesterday and was fined §4O in
clusive of all costs. No other business
of importance was transacted.
W. D. Hix left Monday evening for
Shaw, Ga., where he will open up an
iron mine on the property of E. W.
In magnitude and variety our Shoe
stock heads the list. We are in posi
tion to. and will save you money on
your Shoe purchases.
Hollis & Hinton.
This issue of the News is far short
of what we hope to make the paper in
future. Sorry paper and delay caused
by the election have prevented a better
issue this week.
Our stock of goods in every line is
full, new and complete, and we will
meet all competition in everything if
you will give us a trial.
Cleghorn & Henry.
Dr. T. S. Brown returned from his
father’s home at Gaylesville, where he
has been for the last th’ee weeks,
quite sick with fever. He is now im
proving nicely but is still quite weak
from his recent sickness.
We have the largest stock of Men’s,
Youth’s and Children’s Clothing ever
shown under one roof in Summerville.
To see these goods is to buy them for
our prices are certainly the lowest.
We will prove every assertion that we
make if you will come and see us.
Hollis & Hinton.
Billy Hinton has just purchased a
fine Lefevre breechloader, and while
out on the river the other morn in"
killed a Mallard duck with it. In ad
dition he has killed a large number of
squirrels with his new weapon.
Miss Lola Scarborough, one of the
most artistic trimmers in the
south is in charge of our
Millinery Department this sea
son. Shelias just returned from mar
ket thoroughly posted as to the pre
vailing up-to-date styles. She has
purchased a most magnificent aggre
gation of novelties pertaining to this
line and will certainly sell you your
Hats this season if strictly correct
styles and lowest prices are what you
desire. Do not make the mistake
by buying elsewhere before you see
this stock. Hollis & Hinton.
> Your Old Suit
May need cleaning. If so, I can
make it look almost as good as new,at
very small cost. All I ask is a trial.
11. 11. Molzon.
All persons are warned, under pen
: alty of law, not to hire or in any way
harbor my son. Love Powell, who has
left home without my consent.
B. 11. Powell.
Special Notice.
All parties having relatives or friends
buried at the Matthew Johnson grave
yard are requested to meet there next
Tuesday to clean off the grounds.
Please come prepared to do a full day’s
work, as it is badly needed.
A New Idea.
With cvery’Dress Pattern and trim
mings, costing §2.00 or more we will
give a pattern to make the dress by,
free. These patterns are as good as
the best, and are used by the best
Thompson Hiles & Co.
Miss Addle Lunam,
Fashionable and Artistic
Parlors Over the Store of
Ladies’ Wraps.
We have just received a magnificent
assortment of Ladies’ Capes. Elegan t
plush and Beaver goods and are pre
pared to surprise you with low prices.
Do not fail to call and see them, it
means money to you.
Hollis & Hinton.
Last Friday evening Miss Guthrie
gave an entertainment at Chattooga-
Ville. The proceeds, which amounted
to about §2O, were given to finish pay
ing for the seats in the academy. De
licious refreshment consisting of sand
wiches, cakes, etc., were served and
the affair was a great success, socially
as well as financially. Miss Guthrie,
to whose enterprise this was due, is
teacher in the Chattoogaville school,
and is a very energetic young woman,
having labored very successfully to
advance the school in every possible
That Joyful feeling.
With the exhilarating sense of
renewed health and strength and
internal cleanliness, which follows
the use of Syrup of Figs, is
unknown to the few who have not
progressed beyond the old time
medicines and the cheap substi
tutes sometimes offered but never
accepted by the well informed.
English Grammar.
In the monthly examination held at
the academy last Friday on this sub
ject the standing of each pupil in the
advanced class was as follows: Maud
Sewell 100; Minnie Henry 100; Annie
Mallett 100; Mattie Wilson 100; Lula
Jenkins 100; May Evins 100; Joe
Street 100; Ana Bryan 90; Kate Cain
90; Mary Hollis 90; Charles Merritt
90; Duncan Bryan 90; Mary Wilson
80; Hill King 70; Clyde Clemmons 70;
Lula Eubanks 50; in the intermediate
class, Thomas Clemmons 100; Kittie
Henry 100; Imo Dalton 100; Julia
King 100: Tennie Mallett 90; Ethel
Dunn 90; Daisy Kellett 90; Lucy
Street 90: Ruff Hollis 80; Walter God
win 70; Charles Maxey 60; Lucile
Roan 40.
A deduction of 10 percent was made
for each question missed.
w •*> "isl vHsF
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts—gentle efforts—pleasant efforts—
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness arc not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle. which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
tnay be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
»-2d and gives most general satisfaction.
fag Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Ml
Bflin tine- Sold by druggists. ET
The Ebb and Flow
of the trade tide is like that of th
Ocean. The slack water of summer
business is no sooner reached than
the flood tide of fall sets in. This will
soon be upon us in resistless volume.
We foresaw it.
We’ve been preparing for it for weeks. We are
ready for it. Been doing some masterful buying for
you. Ail that is newest and best wait your inspec=
tion and approval.
The Dress Goods Section
invites you with a truly magnificent assortment of rich ra
diance. Art has borrowed from the rich autumnal colorings
of nature. Nothing glaring, or specially pronounced but rich
suggestions of color and tone, such as any woman of refined
taste would admire. Mang of these woven beauties are con
fined to us for this section. Gome in and look them through;
view them by the dear light of day and remember par
ticularly, that no woman’s wardrobe is complete without at
least one good black gown, and we’re in shape to gown the
country. Handsome lustre, unique brocade effects, fine fig
ured Mohairs.
Standard all wool and silk and wool plain
and plaids materials all fresh from foreign looms and with a
modesty of price that will make you ready buyers.
Millinery Distinctively StylisH.
One of the most important features in Ladies’ attire is the
“Hat.” It should be correct in shape, correct in tone, artis
tically formed that the effect may blend happily with both
the complexion and peculiar charms of the wearer. Miss
Scarborough who has charge of this department possesses be
yond comparison that artistic skill and happy faculty of
meeting perfectly and satisfactorily the requirements of every
customer. With unquestioned ability and a stock at her dis
posal, comprising all the latest effects pertaining to the line,
the trade will not be disappointed when they visit this de
partment, and we will add that here the very lowest prices
Clothing, True to Color, and Perfect in Fit,
is what men desire; this coupled with a distinctive and al
ways desireable feature LOW PRICES should bring to us
this season a large percentage of the Clothing trade of this
section this season, for we have a stock that is immense and
is suggestive of all the features above named. Wo expect
you to see this stock, as to results we have no fears.
The additional space added to this line naturally implies
that we are selling Shoes, to have made such wonderful pro
gress in this department our prices must be right, it is suffic
ient to say if you will lock our Shoe Stock through, yourself
and family will be shod from our shelves and a friendly
handshake will greet us thereafter.
that goes to make up a first-class “DRY GOODS STORE” is
here. We confidently expect you to visit us, examine criti
cally our offerings, and whether you bring
you will find us ever ready to cater to your wishes just as we
would expect you to deal with us were we to exchange places
at the counter.
Soliciting Your Presence,
We are Your Friends,
Hollis & Hinton.
W* a. ‘ 2“ ‘ . v - -- ■
f iwmii IN TWO W£EK&
Why waste tints, mcney and health with “doctors” rful “cure
specifics, etc., whan I will acncl IREE the pre st riplK ■. of a new
positive remedy for the prompt. laMiiiv: cure of Lost
Nightly Lmiwons, Kervaas WV.- .tnesn iu old or
young men, Varicocele, Irapoteney, andtoeu.i , stunted
euros*. aftcb. * arfc * ’Z’’* o Weeki, Isend thi* pm# option Freeof
no humbug or advertising cat. .h ar :;c it. Any
good ..ruggivt or pbysi.i&E can pu. nup for yon, as everything is plain and -ample z? HI -k in return
The nriw i direct, or advise your g co after