The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, November 11, 1896, Image 8

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k STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. CONAN DOYLE. PART ONE. [Being a reprint from the reminiscences of John 11. Watson, M. D., late of the army medical department.] “What do j’ou mean?” The constable’s features broadened into a grin. “I’ve seen many a drunk chap in my time,” he said, “but never any one so cryin drunk as that cove. Ho was at the gate when I camo out a-leanin up agin the railin’s and a-singin at the pitch of his lungs about Colum bine’s new fangled banner or some such stuff. He couldn’t stand, far less help. ” “What sort of a man was he?” asked Sherlock Holmes. John Rance appeared to be somewhat irritated at this digression. “He was an uncommon drunk sort o’ man, ” he said. “He’d ha' found bisself in the station if we hadn’t been so took up.” “His face, his dress. Didn’t you no tice them?” Holmes broke in impatient ly- • “I should think I did notice them, seeing that I had to prop him up, me and Mureinr between us. He was a long chap, with a red face, the lower part muffled round”— ‘‘Th it will do!” cried Holmes. “What became of him?” “We'd enough to do without lookin aft-r him,” tht) policeman said in an i; • cif-ved voice. ”I’ll wager he found Lis way home all right.” “How was ho dr. ssed?” "A I rown overcoat.” “Il .ih -a whip in his hand?” “A whip—no. ” mu t h.iv ■ 1 ft it behind, ” mut ter.-I r •<• in i “Yoa didn’t hap pen l > -e or h- ,r a cab after that?” * * *4 0. ” ‘ i’..- r s a half « ivcreign for ycu, ” my c - ; .«ri m sail, standing up and t : his |,at. ”1 an afraid, Rance, l!i:.t y i will never rise in the force, ’i i.-.' I. a.I < : years,l In for use as well as <-r’l.'-.-.i;- nt Y-t might have r X >:r i - .mt's s'ripos last night, 'i'll i i.ui w;:o> i > ..a ial.i tn your hands t- t.i • m:.a x.’ha l ol ls the clew of this r - t iv a::-l who t we are seeking, 'l l:- in '.i nos ,-,;ing about it now. 1 tell y a that it is so. Come along, doctor We st: rt.-d off f r the cab together, l-.' i ■ -ir informant incredulous, but obw- ■ <! .• ”’1 L>ln - :d.-ring f 1!” Holmes said bitt, r'v a< w > drove b .clf-fo our lodg togs “.last to third: < f his having such i:: . ir.ibla let i.f good luck and not t ; : :-..snt,;g • . f it. ” 'l a s r ”i r ii t'.i-> • s‘i’l It D t •r ; I ipriou ! this tai- I. : rl. i < t the s- <• on I party ii tip-. r -tiv Eat why should he <•■> ’■ -t. . .t ■L > -- aft-.r l uvitig it ’lll. t I . •> t it. ■ w :v <;T ” ‘ •1. ■t: : ’ m-m, th • ri:: ; That was V ■ :■ ! ■ . . .■•!: I r If we 1: vo no < r ■ I V. •1;: ig hi a w t e.m al i t o-.r li.w with the ring. 1 M.,.1 I. ,ve ’.'l'l. do, • r I'ii l:,y you two toon that I have him 1 must thank you i r it all. 1 mi;.at m-.t have gone but |.>r you ami s » have missed the finest study 1 ev.r came across. A study in searled <!:' Why sli'.u’dn t v.e use a lift • t jarg >u? There's the scarlet Im . t <•; m-.ird-. r running through the coin! -s > ; in < t 1..’-,-, unit our duty is to i; ' i it an 1 :.v hue it and expo e ever.' t . U if it A l now for lunch un it> n t r .W: :n:.:i Neruda. IL r at til; hr 1 w:::g are splendid. Wiiit s that little thing of Chopin s she plays s.» imtguitici nt ly. Tra la la lira lira lay Lean in T back in the cab. this ama teur bio >.lbnand earn! til away like a lark, w.nlo I i.h -imti I up m the many sidudm s of Cjj !m. i:m mind I”. A: TER V war iiiorui.ig s ma moils had been too lujeh I t my weak health, and I was t .red cut i:i the afternoon After Holmes departure for t-io concert, i laydown upon the sofa mid eudvavored to get a coup!, i f hour .- sleep It was a use less attempt My mind had been too much vxeit.d by ml that had occurred, mid tn ■ < .- - t f - mid surwises erow-,ied in.u it Every time that 1 closed my eyes I saw b sere mo the dis torted, balk* nlik? ccuntinance of the murdered man. So sinister was the ex pressiou which that face had produced upon me that 1 found it difficult to feel anything but gratitude for him who had removed its owner from the world. If ever human features bespoke vice of the most malignant type, they were certain ly those of Enoch J Drebber of Cleve land. Still I recognized that justice must be done, and that the depravity of the victim was no condonement in the eyes of the law The more I thought of it. the more ex traordinary did my companion’s hypoth esis that the man had been poisoned ap pear. I remembered how he had sniffed his lips and had no doubt that he had detected something which had given rise to the idea. Then, again, if not poison, what had caused the man’s death since there was neither wound nor marks of strangulation. But, on the other hand, whose blood was that which lay so thickly upon the floor? There was no signs of a struggle, nor had the victim any weapon with which he might have wounded an antagonist As long as all these questions were un solved 1 felt that sleep would be no easy matter either for Holmes or myself. His quiet self confident manner convinced me that he had already formed a theory which explained all the facts, though what it was I could not for an instant conjecture. He was very late in returuing, so late that 1 knew that the concert could not have detained him all the time. Dinner was on the table before he appeared. (TO BE CONTIXVEXI.J Sensation in Romel Immense Stock of Goods at Cost! Eighty Thousand Dollars Worth of High Grade Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, etc, etc, in Rome at Cost! We throv? our Great Stock of Goods on the market, and, to prepare for a change in the busi ness, We Are Going to Sell it. Tou can buy anything in this House from top to bottom, from front to rear— any article, e'aery piece, parcel, item or measure At What It Cost Us! - ~ •4MIII llllllllllMlllU i'll I,! 11l \ * M jlll ibisk ■' < WkhSh^&?4. > - "a 4 i-• t- '■ -x- ,; —I n W 1k Oss ■ S fIM I I When are you coming to Rome? Do not put it off too long if you want to buy anything. The Goods offered you at Prime Cost, are first=class in every particular, new and up=to=date merchandise and that vou can buy them as offered is AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. Come to see us. We’ll do just what we advertise. You can get anything in this immense stock at What It Cost Us. Come at once and save big money on your purchases. Bass Bros., & Company. Notice. I have some cattle strayed off the mountain into the valley. I will reward any one in the valley who will put them up and drop me a card where I can get them. They are marked with both ears cropped and a label in the end of the right ear, and branded low down on the right side with J. C. Address me at Sharps, Ga. J. M. Clarkson. POOR DIGESTION leads to nervousness, chronic dyspepsia and great misery. The best remedy is HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Women constitute two-thirds of i all the church members in the i United States, but only 1-13 of all the criminals. Mm make up 12-18 iof all the criminals and only 1-3 ’ of the church members. Bryan's campaign was the m st . remarkable in the history of the ! nation. He traveled over 17.00) miles, through twenty-seven differ ent states, and made over 500 ■ | speeches. 35ECULIAR in combination, pro si jioruonanil preparation of ingredi ents. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great 1 curative value. You should TRY IT, Georgia Notes. Pickpockets are getting in their work around the depot at Atlanta. J. H. Mathis, of Rock Mills, Ala., has established a pottery at Colum bus, Ga. i Hon. E. B. Lewis, of Montezuma is a candidate to fill the unexpired term of Judge Crisp in the Fifty fourth congsess. Ten families in Upton county have decided to change their loca tion and will settle in southern 1 Georgia, near Sycamore. A movement is on foot in Har- mony Grove t > move the county line of Banks so as to include Ma rysville and Harmony Grove and to change the county seat. ■ Governor Atkinson yesterday of fered a reward of S2O) for the ar- ■ rest and d.-livery of G. B. Adams Ito the sheriff of Miller county, 1 wanted for the murder of Robert ; Cook. ' President Lyman Hall, of the Georgia School of Technology, in I his report to the commissioners, says that th? dormitories are filled I and two additional houses have been rented. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. T, ROAN. Office in Hollis & Hinton Block. SUMMERVILLE GA. lam prepared to treat Rupture, Hemorrhoids, Fistula in Ano, without ligature or knife or drawing blood. My operations are quite painless. Consultation free. A~L. MURPHY, Jeweler. MENLO, GEORGIA Repairing a specialty. All work neatly and cheaply executed and satis faction guaranteed. Give me a call. 11. J. Arnold ‘ Dentist, LaFayette, - - Ga Does first class Dental work of all kinds. Will visit Trion once a month WESLEY SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-at-Law Summerville, - - Ga W. K. KISSIS. J. w. STARING. IAN IS & STARLING— Attoi neys-at-Law. MASONIC TEMPLE. ROME, - - - GA. Will practice in all the courts of north Georgia. ’"'"tTjTT (arris, * LAWYER, Summerville, Ga. T. S. Brown; Dentist. '•ffice over Hollis & Hinton’s store •'Ui inierville, Ga. All Dental opera ticns neatly performed and work guar anteed. I i ices reascnnl le. C L. ODELL Attorney at Law. SUMMERVILLE GA. Strict attention given to all business nlrustcd ™ Western & Atlantic R. R. (3ATTLEIIELDS LINE) AND Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS and ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat- tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col- orado Resorts. For Maps, Folders, Sleeping Car Reservation and any information about Rates, Schedules, eta. write or apply to G B. WALKER, J. A. THOMAS, Ticket Agent, licket Agent, Union Depot, No. 8 Kimball House, ATLANTA, GA. C. K. AYER, A L. EDMONDSON, Ticket Agent, Chattanooga, Rome, Ga. Tenn. JOS. M. BROWN, CHAS. E. HARMAN, Traffic Manager, Gen. Pass. Agt., ATLANTA, GA. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. ■ Ihe Best Salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilhins, Coras and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25cents per box. for sale by H. H. Arrington. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. * Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.