The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, January 07, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. XXI NO. 44 TIME ADDS TO HOR- ROR OF EARTHQUAKE. SUFFERING FROM THE EARTH QU.'cKE DISASTER BEYOND DE SCRIPTION—DEATH LIST CON .■* TNUES TO GROW. Rome, Jan. 4.—As each day goes by, tihe disaster appears more horri ble, terrifying and immense. It is without precedent in the history of the world. The early dispatches epoke of over 150,000 dead. This num ber doubtless will be exceeded, lor now It Is conservatively estimated that 200,000 persons perished misera bly in this staggering catastrophe and the worst is not yet known. The scourge has not yet done its final work. The tremblings of the earth con tinue with sinister rumbling, and at times jets of boiling water surge from the crevices. The sources of tihe stream® are poisoned with putrid matter. In spite of herculean efforts, the V- succor still is insufficient. In the more remote regions the unhappy in jured are dying for want of food and medical treatment. Dogs and swine, enraged by hunger, spring upon the wounded and devour them. Insatia ble fire and uncontrolled famine will inexorablj - claim their victims. Not one among the rescuers has Shown more self-sacrifice than King Victor Emmanuel, and the queen, too, has taxed her health and strength to the utmost In giving relief and assist ance to the injured. Anxiety for the sovereigns is increasing in Rome. Having done all that it was possi ble to do In the districts laid waste by the earthquake, the king and queen of Italy are returning to Rome. They have spent the last four days among the ruins of Sicily and Calabria, the king directing the work of rescue and relief, and the queen ministering to (She injured. There is a feeling of re lief in Italy that their majesties are coming home. Eruption of Volcano Follows Earth quake. Rome, Jan. 4. —A violent earth shock, lasting three seconds, and dur ing which the Stromboli volcano be gan eruption, occurred in Stromboli Island yesterday. The phenomenon was accompanied by prolonged dull rumblings. The houses on the island were badly dam aged, and the populace fled to the streets in panic, but no one was hurt. United States Sends Relief. Washington, Jan. 4.—President Roosevelt Saturday announced that he has sent two supply ships with $300,- 000 worth of supplies to Italy, that be will ask congress for additional wld, and that he has offered the use of the battleship fleet to Italy. The announcement is made in a telegram made public at the white house, which the president sent to Patrick F. McGowan, chairman of the American Italian general relief com mittee, New York city. President Answers Housp Resolution. Washington, Jan. 4.—Replying to the resolution of the house of repre sentatives asking the president to ex plain the references to the secret ser vice in his recent annual message, Mr. Roosevelt sent a special commu nication to the house. He declares that the representatives l are wholly unjustified in assuming I that the language of the message, b which commented on the prohibition placed by congress on the use of se- I cret service men in cases than those of counterfeiting (“and one or two other matters which can be disregard ed'’), is Intended to cast a slur upon them. The real issue, says Mr. Roosevelt, 1«. "Does congress desire that the gov ernment shall have at its disposal the most elnclent instrument for the de taction of criminals and the preven tion and punishment of crime, or does it not?” He cites cases in which the secret service has secured evidence enough to convict offenders against the fed eral laws. Supreme Court of Baseball Meets Cincinnati, Jan. 4.—The men who are filled from hat to shoe with the history, customs and n les of bar e _ ball, who know more about the ration al game as it is played today than the late Henry Chadwick, its "father,” got together here today in the meeting off the national commission. Before the meeting is over several pages will bo added to the history of baseball, if present indications do not lie. The Summerville News. TRION i News Notes of Interest From The Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams and children of Welcome HUI moved back to Trion Tuesday. I The sociable given by Miss Haw kins in Dry Valley was enjoyed by I . many. ; I Miss Maggie Green has returned from visiting Miss Lillie Powell in Carters vile. Mrs. Jno. A. Jones and daughter, .'Maty Allgood, have returned to their home in Dalton. i j Miss Hattie Bale Jones of Summer- I ville spent a few days with Mrs. M. jG. Merrit last week. Rev. H. M. Strozierdelivered a most able sermon at the Methodist church ■ ! Sunday. ! I Mr. Vance Myers or Waterville vis . ited friends in town the past week. I Clara, the infant child of Mrs. Par- ■ is, is quite ill. Mr. Newt Jackson of Rome is vis ' iting his mother, Mrs Martha Jackson in Broomtown. i Mrs. Fanie Stowe of Lindale will mak . Trion her home. Mr. Fowler and family moved here last, week. Misses Sallie and Nonnie Pullen vis ited relatives in Summerville Sunday. S. Spear and Misses Dora and Ed ' hie of Need More visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. R. F. Roberson spent Tuesday in Rome. Wiley Davis and grandchildren went down to Rome Sunday. Messrs. Allen Justice, Fred Thomas . James Hawkins and Deed Ratliff re , turned Monday to eshool atPowder Springs. i Henry Clark and daughter visited rel atives! n Rome Saturday and Sunday. , Miss Bell Thomas entertained several o sher friens New Years of her of her friends New Years with a spec the day party. Those present were: Messrs. Oscar Story and Joe Bellah McGinnis of Summerville, Allen Jus tice, Deed Ratliff, Misses Martha Mit ting, Pearl Dalton, Besie Allen, of ' Summerville,Pearl Burney of Lyerly, Louise Shuford of Lafayette, and May Wilkes of Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs. Emma Walker of Lindale is ' visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Christal ■ this week. i The Womans’ Foreign Study Class , met at Mrs. Helen Harpers Sunday al ternoon. This was the second meeting of ; the class and much interest is shown i among the members. Mrs. C. P Thom . son and Mrs. Clark became mem bersat this meeting. The next meetin i will be held at Mrs. C. P. Thompsons , on Sunday, January 24. Miss Alice Richards o fMadisonville l Ten., returned to her home Friday as , ter spending the holidays with her sii , ter, Mrs. A. F. Mahan. , J. E. Sisk is ill this week. Mr. Jim Majors of Menlo visited friends here Sunday. Messrs. P. L. Martin, Frankand Gent ’ McWilliams, Rude Myers and Misses Lula Lowe, Cannie Adams, Maude an< Mattie Funderburk, Mollie Hawkins went, up to Waterville Wednesday to atend the party given at the homeof Miss Nera Martin. Miss Addie Brannan of Aribi is expected to return Wednesday and resume her music class. ’ A. A. Strock spent Sunday in Lafay ’ ete. 1 G. L. Fulmer of Jackson, Ga. is vis- i ng relatives here. ' Jesse Tucker returned to Rome Sm 1 day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Newt Gray a 1 son, on Jan. 3. Dr. L. A. Mallicoat has been suffer ’ ing with a rising on his arm. ' but is better at. present. M. C. Funderburk left Tuesdty for Rome and other points. I Miss Elizabeth Webb and Frank By ’I ars were married by T. J. Ander son Jan. 1. 1 Miss Essie Fletcher and Harlis John I son were quarried by RevA. F. Mahan ■ Dec. 24. Messrs. Alfred and DeForest Hamil ton left Tuesday for Culver, Ind. Mrs. Hugh Eilenburg and sou, Al ’ fred, visited Mrs. George Bailey in ! Summerville Sunday. Samuel Thompson of Delia Texas is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. E. Sisk. J - Miss Minnie Nix visited friends here II Sunday. ’ J. D. and Troxie Gulledge of Al- 3 abama City returned home after vis 1 i iting relatives here. Mr. M. Chrystol and family moved] 'hereMonday from Lafayette. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY JANUARY ,7 1909 GORE NEWS The Christmas tree at Gore school house on Dec. 26th was quite a suc cess. After a Scripture lesson and prayer by Prof. Walter Weaver San ta Claus came forward and distribu ted his gifts to the pupils of the school, making each child happy, as is his way of doing things. Then be gan the sale of the boxes which amounted to $24.55, which will be us ed in repairing the schol house. Then came the cake walk The cake was awarded to Miss Pearl Dunwoody and Mr. T. M. Ballenger. A prize for the prettiest young lady was awarded to Mis Pearl Dunwody and the prize for the ugliest man to T. M. Ballenger. Prof. We'.ver is one of Georgias best teachers and the school at Gore is in a flourishing condition. Miss Willie Drummond and Ed gar -Cordle were married at the res ident 2 of the bride’s parents Wednes day afternoon, Rev. B. F. Hunt offici ating. Miss Wilie Owings and Mr. Chesley Gaines were married on the24th of Dec. at the residence of the W. H. Owings, Rev. B. F. Hunt performing the ceremony. Miss Edna Johnson who has been at. Ashevile, N. C. for several months has returned much Improved in healtl Miss Gwen Westmorland of Wood stock, Ga., is visiting friends here. Mis Ada Gaskins spent last week with relatives at Pennville. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bakervlsited rel atives near Lafayette Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Sim Smith of Pennville visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. J. V. Wheeler visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Bessie Maxey of Summerville was the guest of the Misses Ballen ger Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Gordon of Pleasant Valley spent Thursday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Patrick vis ited relatives in Alabama last week. Misses Alice and Mary New re turned Thursday from a week’s vis it with relatives at Carrollton. Ralph Crain left Friday for thy Ber ry school where he goes to be npu pil for the term. Patsy. DIRTTOWN Move! move! !move! Some peo ple will move. They get started to moving and cant be still. Every one has moved in our burg and some twice. Mr. Joe Palmer left Jan. 1 to enter the Rome Business College. der the up-to-date management of Miss Lillie Gains. Miss Jo Hardwick passde through here Sunday enroute to Montvale to resume her duties as teacher at that’ place. School began at Bethel Monday un- Mr. James Dempsy of Armuchee spent last week here. Miss Mattie Jones of Atlanta is here for an extended visit to home folk. Miss Eddie Mahan is the charming guest of Misses Dora and Willie Speei Robt. Pettyjohn of Dry Creek was here recently. Miss Myrtle House of Holland was the charming guest of Misses Essie and Dollie Williams last week. L. M. Mahan of Rome visited Miss Eddie Mahan recently. Mr. W. L. Gore of Chattanooga was here last week The Box Super at Behtel was quite a success. $13.00 was realized forth improvement of the school building. Messrs. Will Sims and H. Walker of Rome visited here last week. Messre. Chas. Christian and Claud William pent Sunday near Lyerly Chas Pledger of near Lyerly was he Satuday. Pof. G. M. Chistian left Sunday so Floyd Springs to resume his duties as teacher at. that place. Jesse Williams spent Sunday in Rome. Brown Eyes. Always have Kenedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup brandy, especially for the children. It tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures the cold by gently moving the bowels through its laxative principle, and at the same time it is soothing for throat irritation, thereby stopping the cough. Th er* is nothing as good. Sold by Summerville Drug Co. For health and happiness—Dewitt’s , Little Early Risers-small, easy, pleasant little pills, the i made SoM by M,mmerville LYERLY Rev. A. F. Mahanof Trion filled his regular appointmentss here Saturday and Sunday. W T F Strange and family left Tues day for Rome to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs B. F. Starkhave return ed home after spending the holidays with the latter’s parents, in Atlanta. Messrs. Archie Hill and Grady Dos ter left Sunday for Cave Springs, where they will enter school at th*) Hearn Academy. Mrs. Kinebrew and children have returned to Rome after a weeks vis it. to relatives here. Miss Lena Shamblin entertained at dinner Wednesday Misses Nell and Trezevant Lee, Eula Bryan of Rome. Mattie Lou Moss, Cleo Bryant, and Mary Lizzie Rose Messrs Walter Per ry, Alfred Bryant, and John Shamblin of Broomtown. Ala. Mrs. J. W. Gober and Miss Maude Gober and Master Earl Gober of Car tersville spent the week end with friends here. Miss Hattie Henderson left Sunday for Zebulon to resume her position in the school there. Mr. and Mrs. A. L .Welchan of Ne\ York City are spending some, time here the guest of J. H. Hill and fami ly. Mr. and Mrs. G. Holland of Hol land were here Sunday. Several from here attended court in Summerville Monday. Miss Trezervant Lee delightfully ei tertained at dinner Wednesday even ing. The guests included Misses Kate Bolling of Summervile, Eula Bryan of Rome, Dorothy Wallace of Lincoln, 11 Hattie Henderson, Lucie and Fannie . Hattie Henderson, Lucie and Fan nie Porter, Pearl Burney, Lena Sham blin, Mattie Lou Moss, Mary Lizzie Rose, and Vivian Siniard; Col. J. T. Jolly and Ed Lee of Summerville,Lon Worsham and Rufus Brlson of Hol land, Walter Perry, Alfred Bryant, George Henderson, Mr. McCutchen, J. Crumley, Grady Doster, Archie Hill and Janies Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Georgi Harperand Mrs. C. S. Holland of Hol land. HARRISBURG Harrisburg Lodge No. 392 I. O. O. I met last Saturday night in regular session and installed the following of ifeers: R. L. Rich.N. G. R. V. Thur man, V. G.; J. L. Wright, Sec., W. Ford, Treas.; J. D. Boyles, Warden, A. M. Martin, Conductor; I. R. Ford, R. S. J. B. Henson, L. S. C. R. Chandie, R. S. to V. G.; T. R. Allman S T ‘uinunp 'M O!’D ’A <>) ’S T S. A. Barfield, I. G.;S. T. Gilreath, O. G.;J. W. Wood, Chap. The young people enjoyed a party at Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Ford’s Friday night. Miss Lucile Jay spent Friday and Saturday the guest of M iss Dora Fori Mr. J. C. Conn of Chattanooga was in our burg last week on business. Mrs. W. F. Ford is indisposed at. this writing. Valley Boy. TELOGA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter of An niston, Ala., spent the holidays with the family of A. M. Chandler. Ira Dean of Alabama Cityreturned home Saturday after spending sev eral days with his father and fami ly J. P. Simmons died very suddenly at the Mountain last. Thursday night. J was burled by the order of Odd Fel lows in the Mt. Olive cemetery. B. F. Thompson of Chatanoga spent a few days of lasst week here with friends J. R. McCamy of Columbus spent, a few days during Chrletmas with horn folks. D. A. Hemphill and J. F. McWhorte made a business trip to Rome Thursday. Charlie Shaw and Miss Jewel Bai ley and Walter Hood and Miss Fan nie Chandler were married Sunday at the residence of D. A. Hemphll. We wish them a pleasent journey througl life. The young people enjoyed a singing at.l.S.Sitton’s Sunday evening. A. T. Leslie of Chelsea was among the visitors here Sunday. Jamie. Many little liven have been saved by Foley’s Honey anc' Tar, for coughs, colds, croup .nd whooping cough. It is the only safe remedy for infanta and children as it contains u opiates or other narcotic drugs, and childr- n like Foley’s Honey and Tar. Careful j mothers keep a bottle in th* ou k Refuse substitutes. Sold by ai n> ,■ MENLO i 1908 has passed away and a new year has taken the place of the old year. Everybody has prospered and done well. Now we may all turn a new leaf and try to do better. Our litle town has done well. We have built a six thousand dollar church, a nine thousand dollar school house, an a lot of other buildings and have gaii ed about 100 people within the past twelve months and we hope to double this amount within the next twelve months. Our farmers must look out tills year and diminish their crops. Add live stock as a regular product of the farm- If they would prosper and the system management and maintained by the ad van* g m ''chants, hold ing tde tiller of the soil Io cotton is bad policy. It is bad for us all for unless the. farmers prosper we of the city will be handicapped in any and a busines undertaking. No one das of men can prosper uti les the e h gci ;ty for al The school building is complet ed and school will c'lrn'inee Mon day in the now building. Mrs. H. E. Thomas, Miss Glenner Thomas ans Mrs. F. .1. Kenedy and children, Mamie and Nora and Chil ly Ballard all visited relatives at. Loe burg, Ala. last week. Rev. Guille and Rev. J. 0, Brand filled their regular appointments here Sunday. Alpine Lodge No. 211 F. & A. M. A. M. at a regular meeting last Sat urday afternoon elected Hie follow ing officers Io serve the ensuing year Dr. E. M. Jennings, W. M.O. D. Wy att, S. W„ Sam M. Baker,J . W. S. S. Lawrence. Treas., G. T. Horton,Sec retary, Seab M. Baker, Chaqlain, W. P. Heath, S. D„ J. D. Cook, J. D„ G. A. Kling, 8,8., T. J. Baker, J. S„ Robt. Deering, Tyler. M. F. Ballard. MONTVALE The singing school at this place is progressing nicely under the man age ment of Prof. Sparks. Miss Jo Hardwick bus returned from Holland to resume Iler duties as teacher in the literary school here Mrs. F. C. Irvine and children of Dirttown were visiting relatives here a few days the. past week. Shelly Hall and sister Miss May. lets for Louisiana Wednesday. They will make that place their future lion Mrs. Tom Salmon of Armuchee spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. D. W. Smith at that place. Rev, S. L. Williams, Rome, was v(h iting here Friday. iry Perry of Silver Hill Is attend ing the singing school hero. Mrs. Buck Broom and family of Suhllgna spent Friday with relatives here. Quite a pleasant occasion for the young folk was a candy pulling at tin home of F. M. Maynor Tuesday night M. M. While and daughter of Os t.anala Station spent a few days In recently witli relatives here . Miss Mabel Broom and Flossie 0 Barr of Suhllgna were visiting here Monday. R. L. Moore and wife spent Sunday witli his father who is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker of Dirt town spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. Misses Ruth and Alice Salmon of Armuchee visited relatives near here Saturday and Sunday. At. Hie meeting of Montvale Chap ter No. 3 O. E. S. Hie following of ficers wer7e elected: Mrs. Joe Ham mond. Worthy Matron; Mr. Ilammom Worthy Patron; Mrs. B. F. Imnnawaj Associate Matron; Miss Sallie Jordon Secretary; B. F. Dunnaway, Treasur er. W. 'l'. Roper, Conductor; Mrs. Heigwood, Associate Conductor; Rev, K. Jordan, Chaplain; B. E. Dim naway, Marshall, Mrs Carl Rop< r, Adah; Mrs. Charlie Fowler, Ruth; Mi C. L. Bagwell, Esther; Miss Lillie Gaines, Martha , and Mrs. B. E. Dun woody, Electa; G. W. Jordon, Warden W. T. Roper, Sentinel; The officers will be installed the fourth Satur day in January. Blue Bird Came Near Choking to Death. A little boy, the son of Chris. D. i Peterson, a well known resident of the village of Jacksonville, lowa, had ' a sudden and violent attack of croup. 1 Much thick stringy phlegm came up aftor giving Ciiamberlain’s Cough i 1 Remedy. Mr. Peterson says: “I think he would have choked to death had we not given this remedy.” For sale by Summerville Drug Co. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR MESSAGE LAUGHED AT. CONGRESS IN HIGH GLEE OVER PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. NOT TAKEN SERIOUS. Washington, Jun. s.—Judge Grigg* preoiipdtated the liveliest sensation wthtoh marked the session of congress yesterday. Ijaughtler on both side® of house, derisive laughter, mirth ful 1-augihter, punctuated the reading r>f the special message on the secret service sent to the lower house by Presidenit Roosevelt. Ait. the conclu sion of the reading, Judge Griggs se cured the floor and moved that the meswuge bo returned to the pnx-siden-t. This was uulooked for, and had t'he effect of a bomb. Immediately the judge win® surrounded by his demo cratic coKeagiuos Champ Clark and Dourke Ceckran, wbc were -.tting near the Georgian, appealed to him to wiflidiraw Ms motion. Judge Griggs finally withdrew his motion, which had been offered as an am-andment to that of Mr. Porkins, providinig for the reference of the special auessage- to the committee which had eouslderwd the wlginal par agraiph from tihe president's anm ♦’ message, to which congresu took ex oejitlon. Navy to Have Great Wireless Plant. Washington, Jan. 5. —Today marks the expiration of the time set by the navy d'eixartment for the receipt, of bids tor the equipment of the vessels and sfliore stations of the United S'tatee navy with new wireless teleg raphy apparatus. Wlhen tlie contract for the construc tion of the apparatus Is satisfactorily fulfilled tihe wireless equipment of our navy wifi have no pew on earth and sea. The department will be able to oommiunicaie quickly with any ship of the navy, no nuiKer where it may be stationed. Prohibition for Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. s.—The Ten legislature, which convened iiere yesterday, was organized by ad vocates of state wide prohibition. Wil liam Kinney, of Haywood county. Is speaker of tihe senaite, whils Hlllsman M. 'Day lor, of Gibson county, presides over tlie house. 'Both belong to th© (Mitl-adniinlstration faction of the dem ocratic party. Yosterdey's action la a defeat tor the adherents of Goyernor Patterson, who are opposing the proposed enact ment of state-wide prohibition laws. .It. was broiiglii about by a coalition of republicans and anti Patterson dem ocrats. Rebate Must be Paid by C. & A. Washington, Jan. s.—The rebate case of the government against the Ulricago and Alton llallroail Company in the United States circuit court tor t'he northern district of Illlubis, in which the company and its officers were fined $60,000 on the charge of making a refund to Kansas City pack ers as tes-rndnal dhiwrgo®, was yester day decided by the supreme ' the United States against th* pasiy. Congress Voted SBOO,OOO for Sufferer®. Wlitohln-gton, Jan. s.—Bountiful pro vision tor the earthquake sufferers of Italy was made by congress yos tor day, ansi tliwt, too, by unanimous vote. In tfce house there was vigorous hanidchapping as the bill carrying the appropriation war, sent on its way. The miunlilcent sum of SBOO,OOO was granted almost Immediately after the re<M-t>Mon in both house® of a mewtage from the president calling attention to the oalaimity and the pressing need for aid for the etrloken stater nation. Hall County Corn Won Prlre. Gainesville, Ga., Jan. 6.—A letter from Congressman Thomas M. Bell abates that the national bureau expert. Dr. 9hamel, who has been in Georgia fr/r the past season, has announced that J. M. Wbelchel, of Hall county, has won the first prize and other prizes at the contest at Omaha, Neb., over all contestants for the oom prize® in the Bouthem zone. Every Woman Will be Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, called Mother Gray’s AUSTBALIAN-LEAF. It is theonly certain regulator. Cures female, weakness and Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles At all Druggists or by mail 50 ct . inrole i FREE. Address, The Mothe* J?ayCo., | De Roy, N- Y,