The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 22, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUIST : TE,EJ3-AZETTE(“° ,sn " CT ■ T -I T U E S DIA y, January 22, 1799. |N O . P * *■ • J & ___ I. •- r * " -#£ ISO V A bid TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUiDE THE IV.-jT, —- /_—- ; . „ "loUISVILLE : Publilhed every Tuelday, by ACROSS DAY, at three dollars per ana. payable hals yearly m adva ice. 'Jorj*Br.jCUeetTTys nr ■ *■ s PROPOSALS L- r.t yhisig.h s.iicrtji“ PAPER, eniitUd. the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T. Th- LOUISVILLE GAZETTE JhM he (sst r y printed, vn a drmystzt. (os no tch th s n shUmen) and delivered so Su'+rih rs in town ijsry Tu (day, and to dijiant Su srib rs by the »/lpced* rnveyarr*. 'jj price to Sus rihers—three dollars per ■ w ws, payable hals yeatsy in aJ ’ance W Advert is ementt inserted on rtasnaole Rr Essays, Articles os I ttllig'.nce. and Inrenicas/ins os an ins res.itg ratu e. <wiii he \isjiy received, and sriH/y attended to. \ —— '*aG*ggs%S****” — To the PUBLIC. v ' the advice os a number os resstHah/e z*n •os this town the Ed tor sub-%;ts the above [public eye . Pledges himses to adopt a tine ndl/H, which , he thinks cannot ja*l to s:cr*e the approbation os allthat he is determined 'lh»e to the (JriOrhn n'tiihtv. The (ISVILLE GAZETTE pall ever he open. , 'tp irtiet-~~inslutnced by none. ie will con st ntly endeavor to presne.t hrs read s \oith the laseji ani moji auth nticatei Foreign I Domesie Intelligence. It will be ids parti sudy to reader it a use ed ani entertaining V An! hopes by his aJJiJuity and s \ '.St at \n to husness , to meet with the patronage os J in 1 rents public. The utiTty os <• paper , on the t phposed , musi appear obvhus to every ore. )sith tkse p’osrjjins, and ari lit net on the I {sarts os LcuisiHie , and the public in ■ )e remains with due rc/pesl. th ir obedient st, AMBROSE DAT. Ss'jille, January 22, 1799* ks SUB S GUI E, £ is JiSS leave to the Chix-ns o* Louisville, and the nc*gh' >l rhood :cnr, that he purpul>s irs hing a >1 in Lowisvilke, providing he m.etj, -ao 'i ragerru’tu 1. ■i' t«arh? r 2. ’Atsh resn- & * v.lil he es sollows : that is, h-c will isr, teacji <5l hours every de.y ? vyjih y intermislion. In summer, he vvii, j (tight hours every dn;', v irh 0..a jiniesmiiiion, v-ili co;.ii :c him -1 thirty soh <lars ; but privileged 111 illy, to tak.s youth;, wh,» may 0 learu somc Qn-mi-hcs os will ♦■e-irh his SchoHrr, v : h a- dT >n, siouli it be wiped, 1, V/si- Ariih nette, Geo nctry, Tr gino- S irvcying- the 1 heo-y os ’>(vi , in six tsOs j the use os ipa Globes, I and cclcdia) ; G anhy, Element: Ironomy, with an .'usy msih'Kj os lating the magnuudet and dTUaccs Heavenly b >cii2 ; the E'eipiiitj ci cal, Natn-al Phi r* ophv, agrccasclo ‘.tuson, wi h a rumhcros ether us '- 'anches. /.ad all tv?, sor Tvdv' • pvr, c. 1 Qnc Dokir k a I w sl r S hod to r irmten cc as s on a; :■_ !r isSaic’it To vGri pt ion, an’ a ho led, Ihe ii j’dz zz tha sczi. e S.ibhcribcr Bin; as h rasels. tha- h: Rive gensral sar-visaiTciOa io <h-.k- r v. ■>r Gcnt’c.rir . ’G m-.-ty shvo: hint :trx Ain Children., as he b'.-h :TIC I.T v u'b in ' tarhiug !,t - NORF.VV Buani. h’* rh- ten I** pint j ■ u how t) /hoot. V '* in race on i,t the min /. • I is • UA R ; KL e, ; . o .r.- .1 ¥ BTT«. y . ■/. a *' ii -Einj;s Ps TM} e'vc p.tir round G >H Wir.-s Is tc tail tna day w. Tac in. a th ■Skjw cr o tie Ladies mj-'ms red do. dc. y£ sAiTcr Tea wad-lie Ladles jp do, do. do. S-.'ver Boot 3uckl 1 ■ 1 % r ci Piatcd S u'<; ■J |s. s n ' o r os Knr; C’-j-cs ily ’ air 01 i>i u ‘ icMv'it I' V h> s I y\ls nd Nstrdlci % Pea:! Cm to .3 \ 9 s 1 nv.l). - . o. do. . 1 HO st ing atR i ¥•> IT ,\r - t PI. Pu .der m, I os IGrr.a i m Mi\u % s Slii-ing Soap TO, *V? - i V I Jo be Rented or leased, , . ~ a 1 \v O STOH y A?*•£ 1- - ‘ G [g U g tc Cag k oT * 2, a Cl- j,- imp lj * ‘ V!r vr;! s i - I'isli.JsTOKE. Pollc.i. IMsslraaßwS s’- rn ‘ hr I - -IB - - sa si :> ■ s '■* u Er.qui oc s J G« ;:e r . L-Jiiis. lic 4 Ivl r; 1 .S ua jjmiary Zl. i cn Oil a svassr a «‘ Y » rr p, -I lb' b'> i '\r?, s! , Ak J i'i^^PROFF:.,. I L. ; A r- v '; L Jv , i c.i Paul, . \ w v > ■ x r . a - ;r. ur-, :sb tu 26 • ?r --; . i vi.-r.siy • j'x '• •• se-> - r --’ C s V l kco k t.c. it U tw. -■ i,i>ar h:' Kj; gr 11 dO'»’n 'h ' ■ \ v - vF.9iri will b- givral J • - :,i -g > v,il ' r hi aiu a»/ " ! ‘bi“ *■•'* *, or wi 1 j;u. iiiso;c*.» a.rc i*c ir.a; Lu s, D..V..1 T 2rrv , Tssierson County., J)i. 22 DANIEL NOOWELL, Boot mi. the MuJur, Ts::" Ehoo 1 ’r.'-.jlsUTi 3i-'.j;>cUArCcy, to G*Ea:D ST R Is 1 • Ci- ell vo k his ill wi 'J e- ' lib ntatUitl zat c‘ i a;c’i. ’/ 'January 7.2. s ~E3ZKIrS T3vokes“ Rts 'tP. c ..!N tn'-.ryj Vi Trimh in /ta>tiru/ar. j tJk 7 thpiMcrkV ' J '■ j ss.j yro-i I ds c ’■ ' i ' “ A s £xtp 3ivl SUPPLY OF Dry Go jh G.oseries, V/biesi resers Jprsjsnt «i combi te as o c i ti s> r s‘ e ' L, re ,1 ‘ ’ u> ' t 'uh ie U’l/ sc/l low} or Cajj- the sallowing Hr* #<v>V r JT trtr- 1, ,* ► r • F'/D* C t.iU -.ihANlßioatl ;v; a {v ; . : C... (/ UV. " iTI . Is -i Ivcigro <iCi ' l ; a! ; Gr r - ’ C 1 1 ..'v ,-J p.>w’ •. 1 ■ *V '“'l b 0 ,J en: os ‘ i sl’ns j(, .sj z a t ». il.n Haii. s rclutss A bam .j ' -&■ •• -- ot »lu^cs p- >- •, s-rji < ’.mi i<*’.;•( , r.l'.Cc VVVCI VC T to*, cs Li ! : ;; x j>;. (, I in' Ila.i'lißiv? c . p,rc i -V rIV-A t-c:l D’\: Am'» T VO :>i < l ■ a -- 1 B ■ " L. ,1 ; ■* Il.jss Chi. H;l 71 ' - i‘ ■ • IV.S.S •?’ 7 D ./ Er... j -ua aii?con: jP . - 1 “ d ■2..1 • il )tc J ‘ i ‘Tp r ■ <’ s -' • i • I $ .j. .T-’ i, ,:i s bb mi x | ; !K V' E<i » •■■■■. b i A,. 0 .'Vi3 < -C • L‘ ’V vz Van s' 14' hi z 1 ■■■'-'• -■' * ?1 0m , J •■•• x ■ :z. 1, >s iM ■» ato.u n^s I Till VI 2■ > ' , s 1 ~ll 0 O, j 1 iji -ic.i 0* La iic S - ,n -;* j'w u -n os - ’ Cra .us i 7i* <»••!.( • i-t i ‘ •' I B-n-ors } T •(’ 7.. u t tint ... Shoes j 7' -j ■ • i r ‘i y C nit)4 j } • J as t' 1 nh-i T ■ b o' H 1 T.< .:«d 1 17 ■’! l\ -hj j*' A ■ vi»*. A*h - J : hr:.J ’ ! - vS a i| .1 uwhsl Cr.rd;, os iho bsst . iv s .p(l jI. r V/ or a \-l biioi :: . ! • T ■ vk. is • ' w v < » j ..11-is; . T 3 i .ir , s1 r {Mill Pi 1 Mill ois Js j a; ca ,i S. i.-.Ks j T./ 0„i- I v. w . , se • . i ’'l co’atc. . A I 4 s’' 1 ■. os I iquors. ‘2r .. _ - ** t ■ h q r g 1 C E. H s ;'■ . ; ’ 0 00l ’ c t N• v U ' h “ ? ; T ’’ F q . s ; !•. (,_ • ui tvcr, t*T { be- 1 T' • * i'-' r h ■ str t « s *, ~. Ah" v. 1 0 Ihe l>v lu»» ! k.t <i», G ; -. a Mn 11. r.ry Pen non ton. ac. .v', a*. V by* j From an Enghjk Magazine. V i w 51 ‘ extracpdixart jp/stascs os HEROISM. A PERSON os the meancst birth, and os no sort os educa ■ tion, had manied a young wo .nan os the sime st amp, rema’k n able sor nothing but her . indus • try ; and h.,d lived with her so .J many yea-s, that he hid a little y samily, whose bread was in a much, greater tncasure owing to i the labor os the mother than to ’ his. It happened that a. savorite . child became Tick ; parental as sedioii was os as much sorce in the bread os his humble mother, as in thole os the highell stacion. I The sather was as as jusual; and the attendance (lac | bestowed on the sick ins nt tc k I up { > much os that time (he u'ed i to speiid in labor, that a terrible I want en sued. The mother could have bone this well her Tels ; bat I the sate os a sick insant, perish ingos samine, was too much sor 1 o “ her to bear. Aker many sruit less attempts to borrow, and even to DC g, os every body slic knew, the anguilh os her heait tk* at o ice os terror and con sacade, and (be private ly took out os the house os the ipeiTon who had been used to | employ her, a srnall Turn os |money srom a large quantity ; buT not without the moll sirm resolution os replacing it srom the prosits os her suture labor, a double portion os which sile iresolved on persorming, when i her child should recover. B To e the csFetls os the little relies she had obtained at this dear rate could be known upon tha child, the money was missed : the mother who hid been beg inner there in vain, was suspcTt '■JO ' . I cd ; and on (barenmg her pjor ajjaitmcnt, someos the identical pjeces which h id been taken srom the drawers os the owner were bund. It was in vam that the unhan ay woman pleaded her known ntccsli ies ; the cruel owner os 1 iie money was deas to all remon dlances, and slie was sent to on Ton. Not the horrors os a dungeon could remove a mo 'lciN sondneus bum this unhap pi/ creature's breast; slie peti-/ tjoned lor le ve to have her djymg insant with he': but the tjnor have sew siends ; and even j:his humble req lest was dented. | The little creature was conmn t r pd to th* care os the panjh, and j (-H a sactihce to the uluai ne s rH A M Ihe husband, v/ho was rather Is a though ITs and ill', than '( vilDtaous diipohtAn, was aow * awakened so reslection ; he sa r his wise osen, ani always be h.aved to her with a kindness to which sne had not been accus tomed, but with a mixture os reserve and sccrecy that shc w s unable to penetrate : in sliort, hu was present at the trial; when the prooss appeared too plain to I admit os any evasion or desence ; . j this wretched couple we«e strurk ; with additional and unspeakable ‘surprise, on sinding that a cii cumltance which they had not besore thought os that os sorc ; ing a lock to get a: the money ) rendered the crime capi al. As loon as this was diseovered, the husband, besore any thing sar ther was done, begged penms sion to spcak with hts unhappv wise, and thus addsellcd her : “ 1 have bv'en a villain; and though no law reaches my crime os idleness, it is that wh ch oc casioned your missortune. Wc have two children yet remain ing ; I can be os no servicc to them or to the world, but you may suslFer me to take this crime upon niysels; and let me die, who deserve it r not you. who merit th« greatest rewards sor what is salstiy supposed a The dread os death prevailed with the unhappy worn m ; and the husband then addrclsing hitnscls to the judge, Did— M you will not lec horv Ji tic witnesses are regarded. I alone committed that crime sor wnich you are going to condemn this innocent woman, and I canno: see her susFcr For it." He added circumstances, which he ha i previoully concerted in his min'’, and which were (o well laid toge ther, that the very wicuell a themselvcs we:e satissied; the court we e convinced, the wo man acquitted, and leutencc palled on the ha (band. V/e instanre this as a pjoos os the bighest pitch os heroism, in a person as (ar srom the ( hi* rad r os a gicat man, ot hero« as any one could be ; a '•d vv a c happy in an oppo.r c c t sh wing the wot id, virtues are osten att' s - ci'cumstances os \ T . could no way be sr*. unhappy wor / / d*'eaa os >,—•— ignominious •' ch /L, m ide h<:r c s ad . . r • • * j sil generosity in . : oa uw at trial, nr. g?c and The could not u<*ar % ' tl 'M. os seeing her smsba . i l'-- )P her ossence Ssje a r ; r lt i - .;y co rise [sed ncr cn ne, and T . ... ed tho serret os the couveda.-««n which had proceeded her IT - hand’s taking ’t upon hisn’eis. The j idgs, wlij had i.o* yc;