The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 22, 1799, Image 2

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Ipsy tile 'own, was s\ urk with | snch an inllance oF mutual asTe* r sion art 1 gen roxirv, intbc breads os n'**ple os Fo lo v a rank ; and he sa v the worn 1 in p i *a <% and m«de her rrl »t the tv hole Ooy ; n ronsirp ten *e os wh'ch the reader will nor wonder that hepudonel ho'h, and th-t a lise os industry and ll ppiness i i the generous sonp'e succtcdcd this tenihie event. |Ssgrjwmrr , y J a *w ' W. ■» »'-wwwwiM‘ Late Foreign r nte'ligence, ITALY — p \i> u a, oa. 11. Yeslerday two cou icr« pi sed th ough this chv sor Vien a srom Nst Th *ir di patches contain the Fa e»FM dr . The Eng’ish and Russian sleets h d appe ned 'besore, an I u ? rm ne ed bomba l din* the capi a* 1 h y had landed troops, an 1 had taken V letta. VIEN hi \> O£lober 13. As nothing; surther is so he apprehended r orn the tel ellion in 1 utkev> thc’Fulsim tioops which woe iYut’ in? th ou h Mod vi t an! Wi la hi , Id Wi 1.1 n, have Cniui.lned ill n Toute towards Italv. For the o her two ro irons dosl n d I i Gerrnany, tht emperor his di jv6l d magizmesso bepiov d d ju his he ed «. y doom ions. T c RnHi an sl e when has p Ts<dl the Dardanelles, his a pnr number os cro ys on boutd* BERLIN, ra her Theic is always much buslle in our inin slry. Ihe anlwer lo the Usl no e os our m n st r at K* asladt, is w tiled to- with much impitience. N twith st » dihii it is h dteved that he e v i I he peace, became theie are evident prooss os the paiiHcj dilposuion os the Fitoch cute tory. M I I. A N, Oa>h-2 7 . Thev write us srom V .ni e that there aie a number t • til- i t i n ttoops theie, e\<* c h g with sr at a6b itvi A I thole in o rt ♦ siima are s l owing thri ex mpV, and pr pa innr«c le os wu sor the sl sl campaign. L The g z;cte.s os V nice and s Vienna announ r e th t a Rtdsi.m ® sq<ndioii has ent red the M *di ■te ration and taken pollelli n R’h the island os Zia e, in die Hpnneos Pad ill. and hkcwise ■ tb t e has been de- A (ented ne-r j) mietta. ® O e Jjp ruv j, umilins tnusi him led upon the uro- PS^ \\ >‘sy ,ur amb dlidnr Fouche L- X m es) as soon as lie hcaul sie ievolution Ipo en os, by A'hich ah ibe depiri s expehed by lhouve were ui lla cs, [ i Is anpra s tha’ he c tild mix pre rnt i ) went to the guiesd in r 1 ui and demanded what power be had to iuak.c ibidie chmges. *Tt is siid. general *n^wsr''^ , th't he had au horny srom t>e dir Q irv os Frame since the 26 h <s eptember, to in Inch m inner .is He slmu’d judge sceiiary sor the os It • y. *• Them is snmr’bing m\'sle »i ms in ih'‘ whot* os this bu ji n' (s Si ih r isie dir st is noi he amhasl dor unde sl i d it. “ Ats< nd to t t" ; n an <y isls rice < I somteen months our d n slo’ V h s been changed hair tines, et I <isl the m j tity os *h«rn, wi hunt ronnli g th jusl disi rsTion i I S’ bell mi, «.nd r<»o ihi, who went out, by th« mnslitu’i »n, m ioiat on, » evei si less we h ve h d luuit to di rt} rs in tie • one. Tw nty th i I nd troni s ;oe ext ecled to aroV- utic ill the p civ nt <le Ocl » e 3*. YeslerdaV mo nu»g lie gates os our city wp i slint. Th * [r' ops were paia li d m*>v ailv, a d tt was that Htnnn the Kreruh gerr*i ( d de manded ih* ddmisli not ilnee menhersos the d estor , and i pin os ou d pu u-s ; ih s re qnesl was im i ed*a ely gr n ed, ,i <1 ihe hr deli geueial • omm i ted leve al c s t iole who hid I eele I) 'on ed to the legisli ure, ro ien ace them. hi s eve t was ent re’y iinex pe£l d, as F >ur he (os N n « j v.’he i he ar iv< d, d rht ed to; our d restmv that there sli uld J hu in » iit in«llau ail i e j op ra ions os Ids piede. dlor Ti nave. j So ue anrr r d ,, e and others blame h s trm aclions ac ord- ! i g t<) th- p itv t > which t!i v j are at a- h-d. B it. the va iety | and ch egos opmWnS w 1 be ve y g*ea(, u til we k> ow Uo n !‘a s in 'i h *e savo* rh * French d vTioiy wil j) on m ce. It appe os iha hv ua cno he. n a qud it* I wth the ir cumslance, *r« m th gna' (, e iieutralpy aii J p o oun i U enc < s 'sie n w e voy. The Fo hell t mops anivc ler by so red ma'Ches; hi ere ve y holy aloiic the niag«z' ns and the soil denes at Bel i i a e in m.kmg ba Is and b »ms s. Ihe geneial tn chies h<s \ilitel »he tomsic.»- tl ms s M ii in, Pe c siiem and te whole sront c . He hs o • dered in<tny new woks i \ ihe'o pi res, and has hid ar.i.L y lianipOited .u them. PARI c , O lih r 28. An s'rgliih sqndr.ui has pasT cl Gihr.i ta-, bound cp she Mcditc naneati. with troojjs on i bbaid, luppoh d to sre intended lo an attack upo » Ma ta They wiite srom N.i) es ihct admiral \elson h'sleUth tplacc to ictutntoihe c all os 1 jwpt. November 6* OiTicial accounts reren* ; srni Kaita ! t, 1 ay, that a squadruhj with troops on tl'ar*;, 'htsivc wnteiei UiC wicdr.en vv:uu s wi'ii v to aPack Mdta.l -j*{ r prd 1c g ior is w pbat in d sli mid be I ngssj Russn d ca k (Konld ta* I it; butis.ernn?r°r h 'S dernan ed thatn\c.X' this shouid hap pen, u:il he tc st vert to 1 sormer pitslonj lie is willing ) 0r the* irenr, th r a tc rrtMe ex rr plchuulci sie made os the giandnii ' *nd seme os the print* plc' Kers, who are lu - pested th w g veil this , to Bitomi D. r l lie sat Kng’ish g-ze't s as serts, thal'hh sb p La Hot he was not sk ■» tip, but that she ha" Lou h willy# \\ e leai Bern Vienna, that letse s\ e 1 ctis ed iheic sor the 1 mkilll ar.hulla lor at Pans, cantainvig hs 1 e all. |No 9. It apbra; cei a n the Finch vrnm. nt h.>vc sent two « oinrriistor.eis to P.'i a el phia, to tnninate amicably 'he c xiUih'g 1!; i e.. blw mi the F enc’h is id he United Stales. \ j os os this all r -110 1 it v d tlmt Ihe I rertcn g [a t have shewn an ardent t v 1 n lor c<mci li ting mtn ,i ih t power, noLvithll.i .hn t laic rHo'u lio s os t o EXF.CUTVt ige to ht \.|nrilos sive hundred, t \ B urn.d e, 301 h Oi* \ ) ear, Ct s :zn * s. luniit" t r 1 yester d vo u m I j* v 0 to tsie rehe hon, ulv [\ »rianisesled itse 1 in sorne pa t oi the depart mmt, re-uni ed by the a 6l os the p'h Ven h rhaire the Th ! yea•. Th it rebel 16i has ma*'i s- sle lui Is !n ave y ga< Vv»us manner - ; the gneva c*s os the coriscnp i n i w appe rs to he only a pr t \r ; h is d e esF 6ls s •' e tic els os Eng an 1, a d an ‘nr sn I he rm I a ’e»s os slic re eslion a e men lo tn* Hy it ach H, s me o he cbde-vant Ij Ivj one. and I me to tie stad(- ho'H *r Tiie levolmionisls < ln s!\> cortsisl os sorne priesD, monk , vagabonds and lo tim ers The iree os I b'ery hi* he n t.iicn aw«y, and crolies h >ve been su (1 m ed m their slead. r n* mbc os iheiebe's we r t ? e orange cc ckade, and others hive the impeiial eagle! on t!i i; Fandatds. j The exc u i\e di eclevy has taken the molt adi *e , nd vioo. r ns me sares to suppreE The revolt, ,nH h yhi\V*go;d L.a lon o hope sur ro np e e lu> ce s ; they will put a Hn ih no st okc to the re volt arid bi a t pundhmen the gnlh heT cannot yet insoim y, LI p t jii e wM be any oc *asion neu . ie , gislili e tnea u ts sor the tory piietLs, nor soithe lequlJ liponist deletters i i <m'ciav__ tliey wm s >1 dispitdes to [c \' thole meatures waiei m.y b; th night necell uy. Tiie (iiiettuiy would thiukii i want in ♦heir snost Trhpois a - t »!uty, is they did not decide Uiat they slatter \ 0 Psipp cis the comn otrons whiisi nave brnke cut —they carm t slatter rh‘ mselvcs at the sade tone to hinder i s breaking again, a 5 sn gas hey have nst t their dilpub 1 sec’ct s un(^s tussi ent to discover by t jjJ t mean a all «he manceuvres os rse* B it sh and the oihcr enernVi jos ti e rcpul lie. The y ( isre si ni ut bsrecn hundred thousi nd sr ncs is neccllaiy s or th't ju*p se ; and they invite you to 'a’e th’S m< sTage intb j’iinmediate . nd serious consides atii n, ITriLttARD, Preside-s. » La Gards, Sec'iy General 1 i ■ —■■ i—... I LOUISViLL TUESDAY, J mart 1 1, >799. 1 PROCEEDINGS! • I OrT H E LegislatU toj the State os -Georgi , | Beg m and he ld at Loui viile, on the leccnd Tucsday ia January, 1799. i . . House os Representative Tuesaay , January 8. The h mse aAT muled at tc o'c oct —1 quorum being sour : ed, members p elent pre > ceeded to take *he oath require by the constuution. | A :jou nd. . J Wedncsdav t January g. 1 > Tire houle met puriiiaht il i adj rnrnment. I ral members appeare® s were qualisied, and took th® 1 leass, H On rrotVm, the house pr® ceeded to the choice os a vSpe® cr; when, the ba lots be® counted, it appear* d that D® VIO M£R IWE FH H, tm was utlaniinousl»■ desied. I he house the 1 proceeded® (he cho’ce os a cleik—~wh n 1 counting 'he ballots it appeal® th't Mr. James M. Simmoj® vve.s chos n. I A mcslTage srom the sen.® insorming xhe house, that 1® had appo ntd’d the Hon R®, bert wanton, eih. 1 the r P esidenjt, and Mr. ui® liam Rußer lsos, as thin® ,cictaiy. \ J ’ A meslage srbrVi the (}:rr‘® insoim,ng the huu r e, rh t ih® Tad appointed a cA’tnmi;tee® join a comini;t e uwa p*'® the hc'use, to intoirn¥^ s Estt It n y the Gove nor h g slatu’e ?>ie now c %n v 'P e t a com mi tee ot ihice o *® jcco?dinghy. rslL I I v v ever a I Ajj pointed. Mr. ii s’om cs both I,; ] ..ssemblv .' ' e, 1 \ u ] aslinned di i is