The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 29, 1799, Image 3

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-.nremenf of th? yen; acir "mftaace u.iparalclled fmce; t -! ie fi r ll fettl-merit or the 1011 . r ohb n s have indeed been committed, and one mm, Sen irnin dims, of Camden, was *ki*lcd in the m mth of May ]!dl , hat on dem mding ’ the decided them to be Flo rida I nd ans, and that Tims was killed in their purfuit w thout the bounds of the United dates. The avcifion which the legif latnre (hewed to mnningthe line, and the concfp cadence between the agent and rnyfclf marked No 6, as to the quanta n of property whi h might be exped ed to be received in cafe a depu tation took place, induced me to delay appointing commiffion ers to demand it from the Creek nation, and to fubmitit for your confideration. The (latement fjom major Abner Hammond, whom I fhould have appointed as one of them, had I conceived the ftep proper, will convince ycur h notable bodies that the delay has not bet n improper and that an appointment would only have been productive ofex pencc to the (late, and chagrin to her cit’zens, who have (offer ed from their depredations* — That appointment, or the pro priety of an application to con grefs for compenfation, you will decide on. The papers maikcd No. 7, will fo fully explain themlelves on the fubjeCt of the enclofurd of the flaie horde yard, that it vvouUt'L-c a ttetpots on your time to add more than that, although the power of contract”was not p'ufcft, and a brick wall would have been preferable, as being move duv bio ; yet, as the weak as it is, adds relpe&ability to the ft 'ite building, an equitable pi ice fbou!d t?e allowed the workman ; the !urn contracted for appeared to me to be extravagant, but you are better judges than my-' (elf and m ly not deem it un reasonable. In the month of May, the ftate convention met, and form ed that conflitution under which you hold your feats. No doubt, it has its impeifeClions ; for it is imt the lot of human wlfdom in any of its attempts, to be free fr°m them—but I have with p eafure heard of its being ap plauded in other (bites, and, 1 venture to exprefs my opinion, inat it is as little exceptionable as ITl °d in the Union. It could not be cxpcffled that this, or that detached part of the (late fhould reap ail the benefits arifing fiom I n : ana to give a little, to gain ? ,a ' e , is the fate of human ? ciet y* ‘inch as it is, however, J L peoplr, our fovereign, have i-nwd it, and jj. j s our duty, feivarts, to obey it. v s a ve no right 10 claim a part deny a part-To fupport clau(e and proteft: againd • 1 ‘ tner chufe ; for although, it 1 l,u °i that vadous coullmc- Ciay be placed on a Gnglc fe£b’Oii, ns to th* nmnini or operation of tint le t on, until ’explained and decided oniby law, yet the great tfhole ! he protended and implicitly obey ed, until altered by conllitu tional m :’ans, both by the Jegif lative branches under the oaths heir members take, and every other department of government To potell and declare againff being bound by certain parts of the conflitution, is, in my opin ion mutiny, to fay no worfc, againd the mijelly of the peo ple ; and I hope, however un fa fhionabfe, that the govern ment of Georgia is not yet arri ved to that point of difrefpehl foi th it fountain of power, as to confi drr the conflitution willed by them as a cobweb, and the charader of their rights as a bauble, to be broken through or torn to pieces as felf-interell or circumdances may fuit. It is our duty, as public fervants, pveferve and defend it, as the rock of the people's happinefs, and the creed of their political bdvalion. I am forry on this head to by be fore you a tranla&ion, which has made much node throughout the ftate, and may require fome of your attention. Two members cf the late convention declined figning the conftitulion, ‘ for reafooa they declared to be contained io a paper, which the convention refuted to notice, or to have entered on their journal. Some lime after the cooftitu tion took effed, a publication was in ferted in the Aujufta Sm.hein Ccnti ne!, by two officers of high grade io your jn litia, pu porting to be ihcp\. per pnTcnred to the convention ; anj which in public print, appeared to be a proteft aganit the lstb and 17th fedi- Oijs of the firft article of the conltuu tion, under the fignatures of brigadier general James Guuu and Th >mas Glaf cock. Ou lorne observations made thereon ; this paoteft againft the rights of the citizens of Georgia, was again' in the publ c prints avowed, and offici ally authenticated by Jofeph Huichin | fon, a no ary public adding under the authority of the ftate. The executive taking into conflJera I lion, the danger of public offi.ers being per mi ted, with impunity, to trample the confti ution under the it feet, and alfo confidering that if genera's of the hate ecu d proteft againlt it, no inferior offi | ctr or private rmiuia roan, could be ea pedted to fupport or defend it} and ihat if .one fet of perfons could proteft agai nil this, acorhcr fet could againft another part or the conftitulion and in a fhort nine no veftige of a conftituti onal author! y would remain ; determined 10 arreft thole officers and to bring them to it al by a coutt martial ; but hie determine ion, in this reined, was ion peded by the Ctuatonof the ftate ex poled to mv.ffi.n, and when every pro! ped led u« to esped it. *Whcn the j Union was preparing f r war, to have j drawn the rema ning brigadiers and , fourteen field officers to a point for ; their trial would been a dangerous { and aa imprudent flep ; or, you fhould not hv v: been troubled with this deta i. j Neceffiry therefore induced a fijbraiflion of ihcir condutt to the Ugffiature ; and it lays with you to dclertnlic if your militia officers will not proud the con flitut cn, nor defend the pubi c property of the itate, what (afe’y there is for lire government under whofc au hori y they j hold their comm.fiionf. iiut before ii quit this fubjeft, I have to inform you j of the furpeufton of this daring notary public, who, although he held hrs office . only during good behaviour, undertook 1 to exercifc the authority the ftate had Ucftcd him with, to dtft'oy the vet/ of the authority which give it. I pointed out m made of trial of the go nl beha» oar of fa :h an »:Hcer, and nc was not known as a nota ry by the conft, I referred the fuhj a to the law department. The an Iwcrs of f dicitor* g-neral Van Allen and Ca : dwel!, to certain executive q ic riel to be found in the pep n on this head, marked N> ft, were :he (trong grounds on which I fufpenJed hm,aod my rcfcarches 11 a c c have convinced me that the r opio on and my fufpeofioa was : proper A Ample qurftion decides agaiolt Him. Was it good behaviour in Mr Hutcbir.fon to fi his notarial f al i and fignature lo a protest against the constitu ion of his country ? if a ci'lzcn does not accord in political f ntiment wirli the constitu ion, let him remove from i's j irif iid'on, or wa"t stub pati encc for a constitutional change ; a it accept officers under the government to , employ them against the constituted au thority. The 14th fediun of the 4th article of the constitution, declaring that all civil officers ffiall continue in theca crcife of the duties of their f veral offi es for the period for which they were ap po nted, and the lat er part of the fedi on declaring, “ that a l laws now in 1 force, lha 1 continue to operate fo far as th y arc aompatible with the coast it u* i on until repealed,” and the ad of the day of December 1759, entitled, “ au ad for regu aiing the appoint ment of justices of the peace in the fete ral counties of this state, and for cm powering the governor to fill up ail va cfcncies that may happen in office during the recefs of the general tlfcmbly }” not being incompatible as refpeds this officer, he being appointed under a for mer authority ; and the 3d fcAion «f the laid ad e p t fs’y declaring “ tha it Du I and may be hwful for the governor tor the time being, whei an t-fficc ffiall become vacant by death, re Agnation or removal from office by the g ivernor, ar otherways, during there! cefs of the general afTcmbly to appo nt fome fit and p oper peifon to fuch 0 lice there can be little doubt, ck lu five of the strong grounds the law department lias taken under the refeind ing ad, of the p >wcr of the crecu'ive to remove Mr. Hutchiofon cither as a notary public, or justice of the peace, and of filling the vacancies. 1 And here I have to remark that lisut, col. Watkins, of the Richmond county reg ment, has alfo made declarations in the public p infs, that he will never conflict htmfcif hound by certain parti <f the confti'ution. This, as a public officer, is going to great lengths indeed Will never feci himf If bound by certain 1 parte of the conft ration, and ihofc parts, not fpcd’utd ! What dependence can be; t placed on that officer in fnpporting the, conftitution, when he declares he never will be bound by it ? J could have tried the lieutenant colonel, but as I have fubmitted the condud of his Taper er officers to you, I d'd not deem U a ne ! ceflary attention, to deal partially with j him ; and his cale with the others, is ; left fo r your dec.fton. On this fubj-d, before I proceed further, I beg leave to hint lh<* propri c y of obliging every milt a officer of Georgia to lake an oath, to be pre , feribed by law, to fupporl the conllitu ! tion of the scan*. 'i’hofc officers will I then judge how far their declaration and i promts, will permit their ratain ng their | commiffi >ni. But you, gentlemen, who 1 have fworo to fupport the cotfti'un'on, | cannot view fucb glaring conduct in | your pubbe fcrvin’.j, without the most ; lively indignation. (To he continued J 5 A V A NN'A 11, Jan, 25. i Capt. Daco/hn, in ike fekooner | Harriet, 10 days from St, Croix, \ confirms the account of Victor \ Hughes, being a prijoncr cn board I one of the f rigates , lately arrived j at Guadeloupe, from France , and' \f<m that hiving gone cn board t$ dine by invitation he wji ih:rc dc • tamed. A bill hit been brought into the fenate of the Unit ’d States, author~ king the acceptance, from the fhtt of Connecticut , of a ceffion of the jnrifdiftlm of che Territory weft of ; Pennfylvawa, commonly called the xorftern referve of Connecticut, for the purpfe of including the fnd i Territory, within the government eftabhfhed by Covgrefs north well of the Ohio * J Willii\i blount. The fenate have at I ngfh de'er» rained the quefti n <f jurifiiUion, loilh reft Li t > the t> ial 0/ the im peachment of William Blount ; 14 votes to 11 againjl the juri/dtClion. So that the impeachment falls to the, ground , of ccwje . 1 " =1 WANTS EMPLOYMENT, C3* A Young Man, who has Ten accnftomed to aUcnd in a Dry Good or (Grocery Store. Tor further par~ ticu'ars, apply at this Office. J anuayy. 22. M Dow- Jrfr/on C untH. \ * tL » *f Wm, M'DowiLL, V Of Hit 1 County a‘s e.atd, t XyTHF.REAS Mary Prince hath applied VV t 1 me for letters of idmiaiftration on uie Cilat* of Sylvan is Prince, Lite of county dc ca'cd ; thefe ate ihereford t » ri e and admoniih all and finjular the Kin tred aud creiitofi of the fiid Sylvamts Prince, t > a pear before me it my offic% in L uifvlllc, on or before the twemf fee )nu diy of February next, to fhc«r canle, if any fhev have, why letters of atl;nini!tration fhuuld not be granted her. Given under my hand, this 2Z.1 day of January, 1799, and in the 23d year of the independence 01 the United States of A mericn. FOR SAL E. At the Ob PICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ • L TTE, chetiji for Lujk, NINE pair G>ld Ear-Rings Twelve pair round G >id Wires Six G : 't Setds to tell the day of the Six S ' v er Bottle X.adlc* *;ix. Plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Indies Six Plated do. do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckles Six pair of Plated Spurs One dozen pair of Knee Chapes Three dozen pair of Spur Rowel# Plated Whips ,i Four Tlioufjnd Needles One grocc large Peari Buttons Si* dozen Imuller do. do. One dozen nr ft: Melting Pots 1 Twelve lb", cl Hair Powder One dozen pots of Pomatum ! Twelve hal l s of Sha' irg Soap Six Muflm II uiilkiichic.s. January 21. Jo he Rented or Leafed, i _ , -fly \ TWO STORY /\ DWHI4UNG H O USE, With a CFI I. -» ■■■MC In I A K A Ifo, H well fi ll 5 ■ i H rifhd STORE. PofleT fi IPI ' n 'be given the = -lj||ji IW fi ft of March next. 1 Er cynirc of J. t G» Pouf* nc . Lou f/tlle, Market Squan:, January 11, Ten Dollars Reward, pet. AN-/ WAY, rn a 1 the laft <{ Aug. ! a ' 179 R, a NEGRO FEL* I LOW, named PAUL, j \LZjrjTfff | country born, about 26 [ of . 5 K e > nearly Lf- •, fix feet h gb, with one £*• '?>•&£■*, crooked kt cc. Hr is J probable that he ha| gone down the country. The above Re ward wifi be given to anv Ferfm, who will fccure him in aty g'iol ol this Rate, or v/i 1 give infoimaiion where he may bt found, Djvid Terry, Jefferson County, Jan. 22 ; I7W