The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 05, 1799, Image 1

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- - T - --- - - I■ ■ - - - ■— - , , . _ _ • VoL. I.J T U E S D A T* FF.BR O A R Y J, 1799. [No. 3. - “ 7 ”“ XFJSOX .-IND TRUTH IMP.jR 77 'I 7777772 -IMF. 77777. - ' ' LOUISViI-.L.E: —-Publifhed every luelday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ana, piyable half yearly in advance. STATEo/ GEORGIA. M E S S A G E q ( ExctlU ncy GOVERNOR 7 | vCKSON, to both lloufes oj the Le*ijlatw e. Mr. Prefident, and Gentlemen oj the Senate, | Mr. Speaker , and Gentlemen of the Jloufe of ReprefentaUves, THE political year hiving expired, it becomes my duty, under the eighth f’eftion of the ft coni article of the ronliiru tion, to give yon information of the ft ne of the republic, and to recommend lo your confide ration, Arch rneafures, as I may deem nec ftary and expedient for its lafe.y, profperiiy and welfare. In difeharging this truft, whi h as far as my ftriall ability will permit, I (hall cheat fully perform; I fhall voluntarily glance at fome parts of the exe cutive adminiftration, in order to give you at once a clear view of the paft, and a more com pre hen live view of the prelent ikua ion of the ft te : knowing it, however, to be impoftible to attain general approbation in the executive office, a though con . m o f i >us of the pureft retlitude and intention in my public ac tions ; I have on y to flatter myfelf, th it on examination you will find my adminiftration, as firm in the paths of duty as any of my predeceftbrs ; mod of i whom had bea'en roads ro travel in, not a track to feck for them felves, and whole fteps, if thor-i ny, were not fo affiduoafly tra-1 ccd. ) The paft year has been pro- j du dive of fo many events, at once la cl idling and fo varied, that it required, 1 mull confefs,; a more able head th in mine,*to ; fleer rhe political b rk en irely 1 bee cf the whirlp ol of difeon-; tent Bor, exclufive of the new | Older of things, by the a lop- 1 bon of a new conlFtution, j Circcly h id the legislature fifen 1 m f e hruary laft, when two ope- j rations took p ace, in dire# op pofuion to the will of that body. fir ft of thofe operations; v.uich I dull no -i cej was t hc refolution of the legiflature.! breeding the executive to reca'l' Ile1 le , cor nmiftioners, appointed 7 lile dte executive, fiom ntn-j j n,l g the tempoiary boundary Uie ' between the dale’s ordi- ! ? ar y jurildiftion, and the neigh- 1 |h mnng tribes of Indians—This I: w as immediately at- | UI " to ' ar) d Tent by cxpiefs; E e w as already run r‘ cn lfc the cominillioa THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. - - X iers, and I have to lament tha feveral of our urro innate fol low citizens were left wiihou the boundary as then decided on. Juft ice and policy diffote at imm diate Jegiflativtf applico* ition lo the general government, j D O !for is int« rpefnion to procure the land afferted to be impo per’y IcE out, and free from all queflian, hone! ly and legal y acqui ed and fettled. Applica tion h s aire dy been irrde, and the agent of Indian aff i;s ap- to luve fee ended the exe cu ive reque ft, but I have as yet learnt no determined rtTu’t. We have to hope (hit the like a tendon, which has oeen paid to the citizens left out by the running of the line in Term flee, 1 will be paid to thoie left without the temporary boundary cf th sj ftate ; the neceffa y p-pers for; your ftifoimation or this fubjefl* will be found marked No. i. While the line was tunning* an outrage of an enormous na-j ture took place in Jacklon coun ty, no lets than the lavifhment j 9 of a Mrs. Hilton, by an Indian chief, called Big Feared or Tuf keegee Tuftunnawgec—The a gent gave him up to the civil power of the ftate, and a happy event it would have proved could he have been tried, con viHed and punifhe J. I ordered a guaid over Ogle goal, where he was con fined, as well to prelerve his life for examplary juftice, as to pre vent an efcape; but I was too i Toon mollified, in learning that j a a attack had been made on the 1 goal, and that fome relatives of ( O * j this worn .n, imp'icated as belonging to the attacking par ty. Tne a tack, however, failed; ! but whether the defign was to 1 take private fatisfa&ion for the ’ infuk by his death, or to relieve | him from a trial, as has been af | feted, is not fufficiently a cer i rained to determine: but it is i ftrange to add, that, on a habeas 'corpus being biought for the In j / no ; d an, the woman declined to ap -1 p *ar agiinft him, and, either for the want of teftimonv or a will) , to fhew the lenity of Georgia to ] wards her red brethern, the In feiior Juigcs of Oglethorpe county difcharged him.— Fheii proceedings marked No. 2, will more fully inform you on this ; head. But I cannot leave the luhjccl without this comment — ! that improper as their pioreed ings may have been they do not wear that a'peel of cruelty to ward the Indians, which Geor gia has been too long, and too i ignorantly charged with. 1 The other occurrence oppof- ed to the will of I lie ? egiflafure. was a proceeding of the corpora tion of Savannah, which body a£ling as it declared under ♦he 3d ledion of the aft of the 22d day of February 1796, en itled, • an ;ft to organize the n ilitia in the feVeral new counties of 1 this Rate” forcibly detained, in oppofiiion to a relolution o( the I legifFture for their fale, thirty , five pei lons of colour, as coming Under the deception of Wcft ! India negroes or b igands. O D The proofs the r ly council at fir ft adduced of their being fo, t .... 0 were bv no means fatisfaclory, land the Reps taken by the exc jcutive, and the proceedings of ithe corporation, will be found marked o. 3 —from feme of Uhofe documents, however, (fnr -1 itlied the executive aftrr the j resolution had paded) there is ; little doubt but they came under tlie feftion, and were dangerous | to the community—But the pro* ceedings of the corporation were, 1 fo. highly diliefpeftful in the commencement c f this fcufinefs, and the ultimate Heps t ken to, ftr.p them off under that aft. were fo very ineffeftual, that nothing but their being an elec tive body, and not anfwerable individually, whole time exp red , in a very fhort pzriod there if ter, I and their declaration that they intended no infult to the gove n ment, with a conhd,lation that 1 i t would be unjufl 10 pundh the many citizens of Savannah for the mifdoings of a few, prevent ed me f orn lu(pending the city council under the aft of the 23d day of December, 1789, until your pleasure fhould be known. During the coutfe* of thofe events, leveral irruotions took p'ace f om the Indian tribes. In the month of February laft, exc ufive of the raviOimcnt of Mrs. Milton on the 3d, Nicholas Vines, of Hancock coumy, was (hot dead on the 1 tth, ani Wi - liam Allen,of Wafhington coun ty, was muidered on the 1 4th, and depreda ions and robberies v*ere committed by them from the Tugaloo ail along the Fron tier to the St. Mary's—Com plaints were continually teaching the executive, of the Indians be inor enticed on this fide the line o ... to trade, an 1 10 this, in parr, was imputed the murders and d pre dations of thole people—The fettle:s on the Oconee, in Mont gomery county, as you will h a n bv a letter to the executive, t.orn j (ohn Jones Efq. accomp <nying a remon ft ranee from thence . marked No, 4, in cafe their ap » plication fhoiild not be attended 10, had come to a resolution to .j kill an Indian and biing matters to a crifis at once. Ti e teinon (lranee ch. rged one Ford as the perfon who ini iced (he Indians on this (ide the ine to trade in that county, and major Gafler, the coinmat din \ officer of a.s mi litia, as cncour gint Fold m the illicit roiemetce, as we I as having prccuicd Ford to he ilie gaily defied a captain. '1 he only points for executive cordiderati on wcie, ci her to invc (ligate the charges, or, by difregarding tha complaint, indiieflly to fanflion hollility, and in all piohahiliry to bring on an Indian wa* Fu« ty, as well as prudence, without relpefl to pc lons, required the former, in o.clcr to evade th« heavy expenre and lavage cruel* ties unavoidably attending the latter—-nllice alfo, to majot G flci’s reputation, as well as this charader of the fta c, demanded that his conduct as commanding officer, ffiould be enquired into 5 for if guiity, it w'as unofficer-likc behaviour, and if innocent, the major ought not to lay underlie imputations allrdged againli him/ , I thcefore am (lt d him,, and 01- | dcred a com t to lit at 1 oudville, for the trial of the different« bar ges againll him ; thecxtia£l from col. Hawkins’s letter, among the papers on th s head, will evince his opinion, that no hairnony could he expcfled, until feme (lop could be put to thofe illicit practices* • 1 lie court compofed of a ref pe£lahle let of officers, forne of whom are wdihin your wall $ met, and I (incerelv wifh that ✓ | m ijor Gafter had attended and cleared up his condufl ; but in lb ad of doing fo, he enclofed hi* commilllon to brigadier general Mornlon, orelident of the court, too late lor acceptance, and was unanimoufly found guilty of three chaiges out of lour, and fentemed to he cafhiered ; as you wil find b) the pur ecd ngs of the court maikcd No. rj. A prefen merit has (ince ap peared, from the gland jury of Montgomery county, again it the trial of tire major out of his county in a military way, for a ch ige of a civil nature —this is a pe-left milhike : he w .>s tried lor unofhcer-like conduct as com mandant of the Montgomery nv | litia, not as a civil magil’rate/ i and as to living him out of his county how con'd it have been 'avoided? 'f he ssd (cAion of j the n.ilitia law declares, 4 * 11jat for the trial o f a fie d offia r the couit dial I con lid of one brigadkrgc ineral, three field officers and live captains." Could thole be tak en from a county which had but one field officer, and that officer 1 charged? Wan i muse proper