The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 12, 1799, Image 2

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t;Vif nothing Tic:ein c^ntiinedj 111 *ll ho construed to extend to to furvevs m ide on any other, than bounty warrants." On ihe qucflinn to agree to fo rniirli of th~ report, as was, real, and the amendment made thereto, it was carried in the a'Tirma ive, and the .yeas and ravs being iconired, arc as fol n 1 * Jow :—Ayes 35 —N T oes 18. And the remaining part there of being read, was agreed to by the houfr, and the report as amen led, is as follows, to wit : j Tbe joint rommittre to whom ’ was referred that p'• rt of his Kx-j rel lenry’s communication, which I icTpe6ls furveys ; report, That bom examining (he fnb jeft, they find that a praftice, 1 and a g neral cuflom had pe vailedof confolidaling warrant*:, fo as to make a warrant amount to more than one thouland acres, on which futveys were made, and many palled into grants, prior to the order, or r-lolve of council, under date of (he 4th of June, 1788 ; and that lome fuvveys were made prior to that time, and not palled into grants, I>lll arrelied in their progrels from the laid evder or rcfolve, to (he great inconvenience of individuals. V( ur committee arc therefore of opinion, that grants ought now to illuc for all fuch lands thus arrelled, furveyed prior to flic fjicl 4th day of june, 1788, agreeably to the plats and lur veys; paiticularly as it appears by law that (urveys were allow ed to fomc ollicers in the late war, for more than one thouland , acres, and grants directed to ilfuc tor Inch allowance or bounty. j 1 hat as fo Purveys which have been made, and the perfon for whom they were made, having died bi lore tlm fame palled into grants—“ Your committee are of opinion, that it will be pio per for the grant 01 grants to ilhie to the heirs and legal repre-, fematives of the dcceafed." As a mamlcfl injury would relult bom renewing the works, and all lands mull by law defeend to the heirs. And therefore recom mend that it be rcfo’.ved as (he b'nfe of this legillature, that his | Excellency the Governor caufe grants to illuc in fuch cafes, agreeably to this report. Provided t that liis Excellency fhall be of opinion, that fuch Purvey s have been nude, amec -1 w “ ■ ably to the laws of this Rate, and that al! legal requilitcs have been bona j: \cy peilo med by the pci lons making fuch Purveys, ]>r*or to (he order of council, ie(peeling grants for one thou land acres; and provided, that nothing herein contained, Ihall be conflrncd to extend to I ur veys made on any other than bounty warrants, f On the application of col Thomas Martin, late infpe£lor general of the Rale troops— -41 your committee aie of opin ion, that the iclpcUfui delicacy I which prevented him from rer * r f v mg liis claim to a bounty of lull, ought not to deprive him |of a right to which by law he is entitled and thine fore recom mend that lie be allowed the u'ual evidence of claim or war rant lor the lands, to which by the teirns of railing the faid tmops he was entitled : to be ! i [filed by the comptioller gene ral. A meffage from (he fenate bv Mr. Kobcitfon, their fccrctary. Mr. Speaker—the fenate have concurred in the refolution ap pomting a committee of enrol merit : and have appointed Me firs. Crcfham, (/\eal and fait a committee of enrolment on the part of the fenate. They have concurred in the ( rcl dution ol the houle of repre t, on the fubjeft of re jecting no more petitions or new hi Is duiing this leflion, and , appointing a comnrttee to re 'iportwhen the legillature will ! adjourn; with an amendment. Strike out I Vcdne/day, and infert' Saturday; and have appointed Melbs. Seagrove and S.ith, a| I committee on their part, to rc ! port when the Icgillatuie will adjourn. 1 hey have concurred in the | amendment of the h rule of re-' 1 prefentatives on the refolution ■ of the fenate on the pe ition of Willoby Buton. '] hey have concurred in (lie amendment of the houfe of re prefentatives on the lefblution of the len itc on the petition of George Law. They do diftgrcc to the amendment of the houfe of re ; prefentatives on the petition of Elias Wellborn n ; and a To dif agrec to the amendment of the houfe of representatives on tire petition ol Benjamin Breedlove, [erernnh Rußell, and Jofeph; Edmondfon ; and he vvi hdrew. lire houle took up the rnef .fage, and agreed to Ibiking out H cinejday, and infert Saturday, j 1 Ordtrtdy that the relidue of the mcllage do lie on the table. A mcllage from his Excellen cy the Governor, by Iris lecie tary Mr, John lon. Mr. Speaker—ll is Excellen cy has appioved of and figned the following concurred relolu tions, to wit:—A refolution ap pointing John Darracott, cfq.l notary public of the town of ! Waflungton, and county of \\ ilke's—a rclo ution on the pet tion ol John W atts—a reio lution on the petition of Mary Brown—-and a refolution on the; petition of John Elliott— at d dire tied they ihould be returned to this houfe, b'ing the branch fioin whence they originated ; and he withdrew, Do motion by Mr. Ahram Tones, j Rejo.vrJ, that a committee be ap pointed to j j n my committee tba may be appointed on the part of the f.-nate, to report the time and manner of rppoii t • 1 in£ fiTe pcrbns in etch county, a? jut- j • tiers of t!ie inferior coutu ; ard that! Mctfrs. Watkins, Ware, John Scott, j I M 0.1.15 and Simons, be that CQinajdtce. * • Mr. W/rk-r fnm »he feleft Commit * p tee trt whom was referred the bill to be I entitled an aft to regu a-e the general * in tb s Hate, and to appoint | > the tune of the meeting of the general . allemb'y ; report'd as fol own, to wit : “ die fcleft comm ttee on the election ' 1 h 11, rep art, t at after ex-mming the ’ fil’d hill, the following clauL which was ’ agi erd to as an amendment, be rejected I and firli. teen out, 1 o wit : “ /.\n:l he it further enafiid by the au i thdrity aforefu'td, that any of the to in- j t ea uhch he?, in them mote than one i battalion, that then and in every farh r { cafe the c mav be he d in t h * court houfe, , or at tie place of tupenor courts in Lid counties, two fcpjra'e po is for the purpofe of receiv ng the vj ra of the eftft ><s t' ercin ; end that z t y perlon who (hall vole at more than I ope of the (aid polls, or mo e than on c ; at fuch cleftion, dial! forf it and pay the lam of th.riy d Ihirs for the ufc of the j j county, to be mpofed 1 y the juft’ces of I the peace in the d (hid in which lufti ( offender may re(j Je. ,> 'l’hat the 'ime for kecp'pg rp?n the po 1 be extended fo as to he fiotn fnt oh.lock ; n the morning until (even oMoclc in tlie evening . and that ad the red of the bill be agreed to ; which report being taken up and read- A root on was made hy Air. Ham mond-—i hat ihe folio ving be received as an amendment to the laid report, to Wlf ; , “ dhd whereas, an op non cloth pre i vail among r ivers g od people ( I this date that voting at cleft ona by ballot wau'd tend tnore to p cleive the 1 beny and equal ficejom cf the p cp c than jvo mg xivj voce —o the end therefore j tl ar a fa.r experiment be made which or thole two methods of voting ft preferred. 1 Be it further enacted , that on the day of next, the perfi ratnli led to vote in ench county, for rr embers of the general rffera'cry, flnll meet at the ji ufua place ot hold eleftlons in theft I 1 t , rJpcftw counties, and thrre vote fur which of thole two mcthb'da they nay each thn k proper ; and if ballot fhall have ihe higbclt number of votes it ih id thereafter be the method of voting in any county or counties, in w v ich it fhall : buve the higheft number as aforefatd, “ It (hail be the duty of three or more , mag ftratca to pn fide at lie faid dec tioos, fium the hours of in the morn ng to in the tven’ng, and they fhall tranfmit the Hate of the poll in each of their refpeftive cr unties, to L h s Ex cllency the Govcrnot within days thereafter, who fhall caufe ! the fime to he recorded in the iccretary’a ofKc. 4 , and give public notice to the magiltra e«, of the m thod of receiving v >tej in each of the counties after fuch clc^ion.’* And on the queflion to ?gree to the j amendment, it was dettimsned m tHe oega r vc ; the yeas and uaya being re qtt '.cd, are as follow .Ayes 26~- ■ Njcs }O. 'l’he r port was then taken up, and agreed to by the houfe. Oni red, that the bill be engrofled for a third rea ling. 71/r. W-ukms notified the houle that lie Hull to morrow move for !e ve to bring in a bid, to be cut. tel an act, pro poling an alteration in the fourth IcCEon of the ttn r d ankle of the con (Eiu ion of tins dare, fo t! a: no pe-fou derailing J u d s c > a I powers, having any erao uiD'jiit or erttpeof* ton annex d thereto, (had be dig hie to a feat in either branch of the legiflature. Gn mot on Reioiv’d , that Mr. Dickfon and Me, Boys have leave of a> l nee from the let vice of this heufe, ’till i ueiday next. -i he houle then refo’ved itfclf into a committee of the wbo'e on a bill from the female, to be entil ed “ an ad to f cure unlo J dm J ankerfley, the right of erciiing a mil on Oc nee river. >r Mr. Butler m the chair, and h?.v : ng fome time therein. Air. Speaker telumed the cha r. aoi ,4fr Butler re ported lint they had made piogrtfs therein amt Oa aioiiuu by AL\ AIj!:od } that the farther confi lerntlon of th e bill b; poned , cill the firft day of June nexi_ it was cleterm ned in the affirmative : p,. [ yess and nays being required, aie s 8 low ; Ayes 41 —Noes 10. The houfe it en adjourned till t 0 mcr row morning ha f pall 9 oVock. Saturday February 2 The houlc met purfuaat to adjourn ment, A tro ,r on was made by Mr S'mrrs t 0 : reconlider the minutes fo lar as reip ? ft 8 the report of the jo nl committee that pat of his Excellency the Gover nor's communication, which refpeQj lu r veys ; and on the qudlion p Ut to agree to the fame, it was determined i Q the affirmative, and thereupon 9 rnotion was made by Mr. Dooley, to amend the fame in the words following, to w : t • ; Rctolvsi, that it is the fenfe ofth'a i houte, that his Excellency the Gaver nor, on tlie fu jeft of the pgfiing 0 f | g ants, adhere lir.fty to the land laws of th s fla.e, which was agreed to by the ! honfe. Ordered, that the clc k do carry the Time to the f-nae, and dtfirc their con* currenrc thereto Mr. D m!cy, from the committee on old petitions, ft ported on the p thioni of John Berrien and Solomon Ntwfutn, which were ordered to he on the tible A mtfla.e from the fen a e by their ferrtsry, Mi. R< bertfon, Mr, fpeaker—The fenate have paffed a refolutton appointing Robert Aherctom bic, truilee of the academy of Wanen county, in the room of Wiliam Stith, jun tcligoed. They have a!fo peffed a refutation, appointing Betjaroln Mo re 1 ’ * notary public for the countv of Effingham— They have likcwife, paffed a bill to hi enti led, “ an aft to amend |an aft, entitled an aft to revife and j amend the jndicia-y fyftcm of this Hate,” to wh ch they tkflrc coecui rence ; and 1 e withdrew, ps Mr. Hammond from the committee on militia claims, report'd, on the pc i tion of capt, Robert Raines, Owen J. B wrn, I tiom-s Gi beri, and lieutenant Allen Stuait, which reports being read, were ordered to I‘e on the table. Mr. Stuart, from the tommi’tce ap pointed to report the neccilary (urns j proper to be appropriated as compccfa l non to fuch per for. s as have taken the tn fus, and made returns of the fame to this lictife, agreeably to the recom mendation of the la e convention, re ported die fame which was otdcicd to lie on the table. Mr. Stuart, alfo, from the com* mittce appoin ed to Epport’on for ty fvsn feta or copies of rbe laws of the United States, now in the executive department, among the fcveral counties of th a ila e ; reported, which being read, was ordered to lie on the table, Mr. Co'eman, from the corrm‘ttec on pct.Uora, reported, on the petition of J -bn MiUon, No. 15, which was order* cd to lie on the table. Mr. John Scut from the comnvtrce, to whom was referred the co m muni cat i* j on horn ti a Excellency the Governor, of the 3 lit ultimo ; r por ed, which re put bring read, was ordered to lit on 1 the table. Mr. Walker from the joint comm t* tec, appointed to report the time on which the legifiature may with proprie ty sojourn , rt ported the fame, which being read, was crdceed 10 lie ou th: table. A bi'l from the Senate entitled,! “ an ad to amend an art. entitled an! art to revife and amend the judiciary! 1 y tic in of ih.s Hate,” wts read the firtil time. Cn motion— Reso’ved, that Mr. Jimfsl Jmes, and Mr. Elliott, have leave of abfncc un il Tu Idsy next, and M r • Me ton & Mr. Will.aras, until Monday, 13 o’c o. k. On motion by M k . Mob.fatd. I Rsss'r-(d y that Ferdinand O’Neil ard James G egneilliait, be added to hoard of cummiflioncrs of the M‘lntolb academy. Mr. Walk ns, agreeably to notice given, iitoved for a committee to b; app.tuud to prepare aud report a bill lJ