The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 12, 1799, Image 3

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K .;,M " a-> ** P rn ! ,ofr!J ** ’ . ~s fidlMol the thtrd I .hi. «*•*.! r-V,r .... ne.f'H i ' ‘ ■ t>,:i . r o iy cm dgtnent# ■ nw? r «. h * y r i .hereto fh II be V r annexed .herao, in ' f ar i M rth-r br.nche* of oV."J thereupon U c^n h . J „ nDO nted. confid ug 0 -'V. Watk-tt*. S*» dfr " " nd Wood % ivtJ, >H« J;\' 3 rr,e 7v. 1 iv . ? nn * ( ,f he connmidinners , of ilic'aca>i« m t >n JefTei fo f cjuiity, in , „ n, of JoHop J*« Pt'wel, re-, V ' ~1 • anti that John Fo-c be ippotm ,j V£ „jue for the town ot Lou.f -"l be ordtr of the i?ay being called fof. ,i t hottfe prnce tied to take un ,e , Nation the report" or 0, petition., and on the P t.t.on o 1. Kdlr. N* 7. P7‘"S orfervee. t.alpT n the count? of the *0 h of beptem btr 1787, M.l 1 he iSh of June 1718 Your committee " rc opinion, 1 that the prayer of the petitioner be j granted, and that the fun. of two bun-1 dred dollars be prov de I for him id the , appropriation law in fu 1 for h.B fervees I ufpy for the years 1757 and 1-788 ;| ir.d the fame was agteed to by the boufe. . | The report o f »be committee on the | petition of J >f n Gr nahie f'C rg trtkm L ,p and re d, was poflpnned until the mre'ing of the next leglflature. On nv t on by Mr, Abraham Jones Resolved unanimoujlyt that the boufe jjtfnd the inretm nt of James M Simmons, efq their late clerk deceafed, t morrow at 1 t o’cock mi tlie rnoinmg. and that Jl/.flVs. J Scott, Cobbs and Whi akerbea ccm-rd ice .0 fuprrntend the direft 0,1 >b r of, and that the (hid comm (Ue do inform his Excellency, the Gov.rnor, the IMfiier.t, and rrem bers of the fenate ihcicof, and nqrelt their atiendan e. 'The report r f 'be committee on the petition of James Gray being read, was poffponed. ( On the petition of Jcffe Saunders No, 32, praying piyment for fur veying five thoufand acres of land for the ufe of the bate, in behalf of the academy of the county of Walhmgton. 'J he commitee are of opfnton tfie cla ;m of this petition r is juft, an i recommend, that the boaid of iruftecs of the utnVifity of Georgia, be d reded to fett e for t 1 * e fame, which report was taken up and agreed to by the boufe. I he order of the day being poftponed, 7!/r . Waker from the commi ee appelated to examine the enrolled bills, reported that they bad examined. •* an I ad explanatory of that pan of the! charter of the umv Hi y of Georgia, rcla ivc to the board of v (iters, and to empower the fenatus academ'cus to ! decide on a proper p i ace f or ,h e f ta » of that inhitut on.” and f und the fame l‘ my euro cd, and there upon the fpeaker figned the Erne. Mr. Sanders from the committee appointed, reported a bill to be ent tied, an aft propohng an al erarion of the 4th fedion of be third art'e'e of the conltifutipn of this (U'e, fo that no perlon excrcifing judical powers, hav ng any n « or compenfation annex' c t e.eto, fha.l b_* eligible to a fe;;t in Clt J, '‘ ranc:i () f tfie leg'dat-ure,” which was received a 11 d being read, was ordered to lie on ihe table. Tue boufe then adjourned Mil Mon da y m fDirtr, half pnll 9 oVock. Monday , February 4,. 1 houle met purluant to adjourn nrnt. 1 OnmwknbyMr. S mnns. e ' o!ve [ > 'bat the boufe w! I now ptoceclin he chore of a clerk, in the ’ IT * Jmrti s M. Simmons, efq. dc eaf j ' re,) ?° n the boufe proceeded to a c “° c * "t a cleik, ai-d the ballots e l1 -' ' l n an| l uumne.i, it appeared c , U ,V I:ed was duly elected deso ic.l t chat this boufe inform tbc :-ai they have applied Hines' i Holt, e'q the*r e’erk, In the ronm of Jim a M Simm ■»:>«, e q deceafed. \ nicfTige from h*o Etc ilency fhe Governor, was read, and ordered ro he, on the [ A b li from the fenate lobe entitled; “ an a£f to g ve concurrent j itifdii^ion to the fupenor courts of ibis date, with the h fjr.or courts thereof in ccr'a n ctfes, n war, read a third time, and paffed with ?.n amendment., A bi’i f cm the f-nate, to be entitled “ an att 10 mai umit and eiempt from ' certain penalties, Sylvia , and her fon D ivid,** was read a third time and | palled. A bi'l frnrn fire fenate to be entitled, | “ an ael tor improving the navigation i of favdouah river, from the town of Peters urg, to ilie city of Au una,” wtr.r a third time, and pa ied with an amendment ; and the yeas and navs bemg q lire are as fo low Ayes 36 —Noes 15. An engri (Ted bill to be entitled “ an a£V, to regu'ate the general elefti cos in this fttte, and to appoint the j time of the meeting of the general jafrembly 1 n was read the third time, and puffed under the title aforefaid. j A bill fn m the fenate, to b* entitled j “ an adt to emend an aft, entitled an aft to tevile and amend the judiciaiy j fydem of this Hate,” was read a fecood hnnre and ordtied to be committed to morrow. A meffage from his Excellency the G. vernor, by his fi j cretary Mr. Johnfon. Mr. fp erker—A ci neurred rcfolntion 0:1 the report of ihe committee appointed to examine and report the fituation cf the puu'ic goods, not having met with the approbation of the Governor, be f as direfted me to return it to this houb, be ug 11 e b anch of the general affemb y in which it originated, together with bis reafons therefor, which was ordered to lie on the tablf t The 1 oufe proceeded to trke under cor fideration the rmffjgc of hs Excel lency the Governor, rtfpeftiug the de crees in the federal circu t court, for the d drift of Georgia, regarding lands con- ’ fifcated and fold by this date, which ceing read, the boufe tame to the fol-j low ng lefolution. Resolved , that the communion'! m cf his Excellency the Governor be referred to a fpecial committee, and that Mcfl s Hammond, Bryan, Wood, jackfon and Bioinis be a committee to join any com mittee that may be appo nted by ihe fenate to' report thereon. The meffage from bis Excellency the Governor upon the joint refolution ot the legidature, refpcctmg Indian goods purchafed for the Cohra nc treac?, coir ! taining bis defeent to ihe refolution, w?s 1 iak n up and being read, was ordered to lie on the table. On motion by Mr- Walker. Resolved , that William J- Hobby, efq. be and he is hereby appointed one of »he trudecß of ihe Richmond acade my, in the room of Aoram Jones, efq. ichgned. Mr. Walker from the con m ttee of enrolment, reported “ an aft to icpeal an aft entitled an aft for i fl (filing penal ties cn certain p.rfons therein named, ” to far as rcfpefta the Danifhnacnt ot John Job fon, , Alio, “ an aft incorporiling the ‘ il/cdway and Newport Eioiary 00c cty, as truly enrolled, and thereupon the (pricer figuey the fame. A bill to be entitled ** an aft to con firna and make valid all ti Its to certain . | lots fold by the commiffioners, in the | ! town of Louilvill£, ,, was tead a fecond | lime and ordered to be cngrclTed. j A mcflage from the fenate by their, I fccretary Mr. Robcrtfon. M r- fpecker—'The fenate have agreed to the amendments of-the houie of rc« j prefen atives on the bill to be entitled an aft to g ve concurrent jut.f hftion to ihe lupenur courts ot 1 h■ 0 (late, with the inferior courts thereof in certain cafes. ** I hey puffela bill to be entitled | “ an aft to carry into effeft the Ath J lection of the third article of the conh ur.iou” aud u aoiind “ aa act entitled an act fo carry Into effect the 6th feerroo of he 4th article of the co.iflkutton,’' touching the d■ llribuc»oti of inteftat/ JelGte?, iiiert the manner of granting [letters of aijtniniltranon, letters tclt.i imenary, anJ mirriage licences, aud to prevent cn a U. They have puffed a bill to be entitled “ an act to edablilli rhe town of R ght»- bo ojgh, in the county of Columbia, aud to le u p e the inhabitants thereof in their rights to certain land*appropriated for their benefit. >f They have appointed a committee on • their part to j in any committee on the I part of the houfe of repr icutafivea, to •take into coofi leration the communica Hon of his Excellency the Gov rti-r, of th;fl da e, relative to certain decrees of the federal court. They hav' paffed a rcfolufion author z ng the Governor to have two hundred cop ea of the charter of the Univeifi y print 'd tor the members of the Scnahis Acadcruicui. LUBF.CK, OAobcr 25. La Fayette live* now at Wi’tmnld, fivuated * near P len, four mv:i.metres from lien c. There he gi vrs himfelf eu iirc y to fl c!y • an 1 although Ins health is pie ty well recovered, he does not wnh to emba»k ft r America f> l<n g as a n if tin crtla ding fuolifts between the French republic and the United S’atcs. Should hit wife, who is now ai Paris, not be , in his property at Auvrrge, he then wi 1 tf i iU of chufing Ivmfclf a fixed rcJidetcc. La F.iy-ttc and Dumouricr ate but a few mi its enhance 11 om e ch oi her ; no w : li ft sailing which, there it n t Use ica.l coin between them. NASSAU, January 15. Adm Vandeput it expected foon to England. Hit furcello; in the command t f the B itifh A nc icm fqnadron, u is fuppofed, will be JL)rd Hugh Seymour. Si; cconr laft, have been lent in hcic by t! c Men n p ivatee., Grbfor—rhefehooner Hctfct Tuttle, from CuarJefton for H ivau* 1 nr.ii, a d the fehooner Ketfcy, Hclder, ifiotn Halt rn&ie for Surinam, b-Uh with contraband goods. I BOSTON, January 21. j A le'tcr from a French officer in Egypt,, that 1 n palling the dcfarti, be ween j Alexandria and KoTelia, • he foldiers v ere |» overcome with beat, that in a freniy thev threw away their flock of provilions and water; that foon afterwards they weie fei/.ej with hunger and thiift without the, means of alley in ciihcr, “ and thus wc beheld many of them t ying under the p>cflu e of e;, while their more hearty comrades ob'.crvmg their fuftcrings, blew out their brains, or threw them into the Nile. Every , day’s march picfctued fome fui h f cCtades as tlicfc. i he whole army, du ing a march of fcventcen days, never tufted bsead. They fublifted on pulfe and poultry. The gen, was wor'c < ff than the fulcher*. He has often had .0 fail from 18 to 2\ hours ; the private men fi ft arrived at any viiiage, feiz-d upon a!mbit every thing, and the general had no other fare than the rearc of their intemps iaiice This colony, if fccured, cannot be founded with fuch I bi ers as ours. Th-> arc terri 1c in batt'e, but not calculated lor diftant expedition, ns they are foon dil pit iced,end aie, coni’, qnently covarcMy; and they have bre 1 often lie erd to fay, as our generals palled them, “ there go the executioners oj the Trench J' and a thou fund things of the fame kin ’• PORTSMOUTH, 'N H.) January 19. Satu:djy night an attempt was made to j f t fire to the continental armed Ihip Ponfmou h, by ferns j erfons belonging on baa d 1 lid Ihip, they had nearly accom plifT.ed the 1 r dclign, when the difeovery was mule ; fc cral brans end were placed I’cmc light fluff lorward, concealed j with a coil < f ro,c 5 happjy it did not j kindle «uick enough to do any matcihl injury, * before it was difeovered by the j j f cn ry• rive ftu. on f id to be Eng.t.h ! I belonging to the (hip, lufpecfteJ tf being! cone ree l in 'his dia 0.. cal p 1 f» r , have I lincc bee 1 confi cd in irons, and wait the j , reward clue to i u j 1 1 infernal vi.iainy* PHILADELPHIA, January 16. Laft week a trial took pi ice h the al derma Fs court which merits tome attenti on f ro , n he noife that was made about 1 lie tianfa l. m that produced it. A lift of names was i une tim* puh liftird in the Gazette of the United States, whereto was prefixed a variety of henious * charge: agiinll the society of U.ll c 1 Irifh ■ me >, an I allc Iging ihat the perfons named were the gctTons to who.a i.'uic hirrid purnofej and crime* we*e chtrgn li Tlmf; who were members of ih u io• ciety paid no arteii ion to charge* fo ridicu** loin and prepoftercu». Hut feveral of tlmfe who were not incmbcis of that body, ooking to ih• Ihnderou« imputation, (lept b vai d to demand jufti icati »n from the cdi'or of the pa rr, and for fevera! of ihe mju cd re fon» hr performed tbit hum lut ing talk. Among other* a Mr. Brecon wis rained, he alfo waited on Mr, Fen«> no, and obtained a promise Of juftificati a in like m inner ; which ptomife wa* not performed I lie alperfed perfon culled ;i S in on Mr. Fenno, and in con.njuri cc of judi.cnot being done him as he wfthed, to "k upon him elf to take fatisfaCTon An altercation enlied, and Fenno reicivcd a b'uw which felled him to the ground. A profecution wa* commenced by Fen m, <>n the trial the plain. ift’ fwore that he was knocked down wi h a (lick and ftunn cd, aid hi) clerk (wore he heard the found ot thefticlc tint Uunncd the plain if!. 'lhe defendant pleaded guilty t» the t of ftrikng, and lie produced luj /ft hi evidence, which win feverely Iwelleo and the fk'ti Jaceiaictl ; a.d by his count'd fated in mitigation ibe ca umny ih th J been put upon him by the plain tiff, ihc horrid charges that had been impute i to him, and the irjurticc ol not refuting it ai uni 1) :en pr >unfed. Ihe court in qonfidera ion that the defendant had taken die law into h s owi (an s, declared ihit lie lliou’d lie fined, but m conliderati n ot the auoci y of the orovocuu n, m.dc the fine only 15 dol lars. y.mmry I <). Pr (fide ill's Ball, A fdendid ball was g : ven on Wednef -1 day I (1, by the fubfenbers ol the fia c* ing aflVmblv, in cumuli cm to ihe Picli dent of the United States. Ihe new thea tre was cholen for this difalay of public tcfpeJl; a temporary fl> or wus thrown over ihe pin, which was well adopted fir >hc dam ert, and it wr* bounded by an elegant frene, teprefenting ihc appearame f the houfe. About 8 o’clock the i’rrli der.t appeared in the eciitic toe, and the whole company upwards ot nine hundred) | r »(e to icceive him ; awl the band (truck up the P.cli lent’* in rch. Over hi* Lux j was a painting reprefenting the American ‘eng 'c y gr. fping 1 lie thunder-bolt in one 1:1 on ; wjdi ihc other, fppporliug the A rnci can H g, and a fcroll on which is infrided, “ Millions for defence , but not a cent fur t> ti>ule. ” At it o’clock the fccne drew up and j prefente.l a view of the ftage) titled up by j fcciicry, in ihe Idtn of an c cgatit 1 room. At the farther end wa* feen a I tranfp irent painting rcprrfcnting a beautiful nl in', ho di ig in i er hand a ba)an< e> , and i>i her left an olive branch. Ihe god -1 defi ol plcnt , with her Cornu Cop et and M rcury 1 11: ng before her, ami on ficr right li eis fecii t> c e igle. Two cherub* fupports the 1 word ofjufficc, furr unded 0/ , ihc cap of liberty over her head, under neath is infenbed, “ U defend ncc.’’ The following to ill. were drank. 1. The government, and if* fippo tcrl. The F.ciidcnt then gave, u J’r >fpe ity wi hunt alloy, to the citizens Ol Fiijlaclei* phi t.” 2• Tlic artpv. 3, Ihe navy. 4. Millions for defence, but not a cent Lr tri u c. CHARLESTON, February 4. M •j or G*neral Piytrkney, one of our let* envoys to France, arrived in this city yef today, from the Northward, The onblic juv at his return was only rq uailed by Ids diflingui/hed merit. He was re' three miles from the city by maj'-r general M nltrie, brig idier get cral* Wafhmgt >n and Vandcihor , the h n. VV. H. Dc fan (lure, Ihe intendin', the geneials ad, maj »rs Lining, B-ekman and K »ledge, the regiment of cavalry, and a great num ber of ulficcrs and citi/cns, ami was by them - efcoricd to town, his approach being an nounced oy the trumi cts and In rns. Above Uic 1 ( bicco infpcdliun, the artillery o m i inanded by, major Stevens, and levcral companies of Ihe it lantry wcic drawn up, an czccHem bund of iriufic pciformed, and after ihe general pafed, a faluie was fired by the an lUry and infantry. Ports Pinckney, Johnllon a d Mechanic, the U jted Sti’t( s cut ter brig Sou'h Caro -11 nl, the g iliies, gun b ais, and a number of armed ve els in the harb< nr fired falute* on his entrance in'o the city, and joyful i peils wee rung In m the bells of St. Mi i chael. Ha-ry crunte~ahces, were exliibicd in ; the balconies and window* of the houfe* by whi. hhe palled. The Gen a ighted at his Excellency Gov. Rutledge’s, v here he dined, together with the general and Hall officers. He was dr-fle l in uniform and rode on hll febtek, and appeared lobe in peifcit hetil h. The weather was unfortunately rainy, raw and cold, ;*nd in fomc degree dslai ranged the rcgu’ations, width hid been 1 appointed ai honourab.c tcftirr.oiue* 01 the p and virtues o* uur beiosed countryman.