The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 12, 1799, Image 4

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ANECn O T K S. 1 n fh- h-af of an a fa' 1 r *rv k f wounded comrade on l»Ifl fh ir 1 rro. i d ca r, v'n(f Kirn down (( j!,,. fnrpcon. the Mfovr in h ; * way left i;,h r vF Why, fyn f hr Turi/p n, do voll fi rN (r ri- a m m wifhou* a head ? 0 To. f >. a the fMot. *' he tod m-, lip >a i rjnfy '»st h't lfg t bul be was always a ly ng cog.’* \ chimney n a fprfin I-ornb;h town, he'ng one of the latt votprn at a vioV't c ml< fted election, | w a q f’rnn -ly prefTd (>y rath candidate to honour him «i h li n vcV*. 'I he fd low, «’ o wni for f imr time at a lolf to tr! ! whi h fine i-entlrnian tnott merit'd Ida ft fTrape, at latt rrroileft ng that hp had often heard of kfng hand* among fl p great fq’kt, de late 1 he waul 1 liar v >te f r clflier nnlefa they wouM Jt fn h a fund. Oneof h ‘in arcording'y crime forward ; a ;d, having vain'y rn deavmrrd l<> pcrfitade the fwrep to difpenfr w fh fo d fagrerabh* a eeremo rv, aflua'fy fainted Me foo'y fin ?er« ; after whi'hj confidently clamed »hc tr.p -‘led tcwurd, A’ >, no, f v & tl c chlm n-v fwer pr, I firm' t vote for you for 1 Tin vrrv sure, he that nvO’iU k’ss rny /, ivou!il k*'S any min s er’s d'sc, NEW-YQRK, January I ?»y the Pinckney from Cadiz, wr have obtained t ic following imp .riant Ict'cr hr m our ronful at Algiers, t ,J Jof. pb Yzoard', Iflq (Cf'CULAR.) yth October , 1 79^• Sir, T I) WE 'o inform yon that on the inft. was font itro this port, by an Ah erne rorfam of 16 puna, the M g Mary of Ph !;k]< ph a, wth a va luahV cargo of wnea. Ii d brig had an American feJ let’tr oil rt { tier, but no Mediterranean pa: ip >r. Ihe tica'y concluded the s'h September, 1798, b<*tVeen the United S aus and the Dcy and Regency of Algiers, the lat ter part of the 4'h artie’e of fad treaty luiiH tlinn ; “ 'that 18 months (hall be the tdma lovrpd f r finti filing die vef felfl of tie United States with part' ports. ** This v. fT I f iv’ng no M by T e ' lg"r ne Jawa and the cuftom of this G ivernmcnt wi Ii a I nations they *rr at peace w th, is, tha* it is by the Mediterranean n fTport, and real Ame c.m rui »rn that fvid vtfTd is known toi hr by the Bur'ary State av fie! they j me at peace with. The fatal confe ejncncc of hav’ng no M. paffport is, that Uip matter siul crew are I able to be nude (1 >«os,the vdlrl and cargo declar ed a legal prize ; But the Dey nnd M iniflry, by the g'eaied tiluris on n y ; part, and by the influence onrj fri'nds, fi'ia ly this day liberated the crew, paffcDgers, veil 1 and cargo «’e' c aring that if tv r any American veil is fhould be br< injhl into their ports, li vug no M paf] hit1 1 they will be cu i a* legal pr z a. If there is a deficiency in :lie p: fTpcrt the part which each of the Algerine crs is have not agreeirg with (he cut of thr* jjafjj whi h lire merchant vtlTd ot the United vS a is 1 a», the cargo w 11 be condemned ; this ie the cu'lotn of this gevern r ent w>t!i nil nations they arc at piMrr vvi h, and of which chomttancc 1 h.ave known many in during n,y iap .vtty of 10 year?, and i) 1 tlays. IhcSih article of the treaty if 1 fic United 8* ales v> th Alg errt is as fol hiwg : “ That a: y cltiz 11 of the L'nit ed t:>i»tr , s bought any pr ze coa demned fy the Algerine-* (hall not be recap' ured by tb.e c rlairs of the Rege j | ry tltn at fca, a chough they have no f M. paffporr, a certificate fiom the Au r’lcsn Conful nfjdca' be ng deemed fulfi icut uuiil inch paffporis can be procure J.*’ By this it is fu"y clear tint any v.fT-i purt.iaf.d m ilurup; by the cilucua of de Uni ed Sfg n*• l ? iVc to [>t made! jpr z ' ojid v jf.i hav ng no Amen lean pnTioit. In confiqnctice I f-'re-! warn all ciiiz‘nil tT the Uni'ed Sate*; of the danger they nil »n r fling their | . lih.ny, vrff ft an! property, for the want of a go d M. pafTport, I am r*cce fngly fo ry (o obf rve, that our M. p fTpertl do not ag cc with die ioh ;wi h t:;al eraCtnrfs which is rwrt fl iy to infillc f:fe y, aid fhou i be f.nic o.bcr plan rn better purU mtni adop'cd ; ‘ind it i* a f » recju'fi c l' a all ci iseu* of the Ui Ite 1 States, that arc | mat tiers and as pafi tigers on bo rf j Amc» can or ar y other v. fl is fhou d . ; have a ccrtificaie of their citiz-'fhp [wiili them, and the feal of the U uittd Starcp, or fo-nc fra lar feal th-ie o, for thefc peupL* to know thereby tliat are Americans ; thole button Jiafs to a certili ate have not the dtlifcd e..eR in this coun ry. G vm u • Aer my fiard an*' the Confufor lea! of tic (Sea! ) Un'ted Sa:ea of America in Alg ers, this yili clay of Oituber, 1 798. (Signed) RICHARD O’BRIEN. P. S. Said brig failed from San Ln rsr 20lb Sep ember, captured by the corfa r 26 h Odtober, la*. 35 40. ong. to- 33. Weft, feven of ike tiwW rttll remain on board the coifa;r. C A U T I O N. TFORWAKN :i 1 Perlhus from purdi f- J[ ing 11 NOI H ■>( WAND, to c I, . nokew Burns, in July, and |'a ah c i Maitli 1c wd! jjiven on a contract, s.n. lie contract not. complied with John Sapp. y.inuary T 2. WANTED TO HIRE, Uv the iVtik or I/lonlhy \NEGHO v\ K CH, w.o can Cmk, W dill and ion; t >r Inch a o: , mernus W },€» will he giv n. F; quire H. th S Olh ce. * January 21. EBENEZAR JENCKES . Ref jut.fitly in l 'inn bh Finn Is in fiaitiutarf ait i the public in gemnil, that he hat lately ic■ I ten ed Jiom Chat >tjl n AN II X I KNSiVE SO PPL V OF Dry Goods and Gtocciies, JF/jlc/i renters hit prefent Affortnn r.t as iohijlrie a \ offered fo< sale hoe and ivnich he will sell low for Cap o' Pr-jducs ; the /Flowing Af tide > fom fa t of his Effort merit : SUP KFINE Second and oilier Bioad , Cltuhs | K. rfccincics and Swand -wn Fl aftc Ci >*hs and C Hi 1 erci Negro Ch tli and KI at ncl* r>rcen and ().i e Velvetets D do, Couluro)s A hatulfomc A ftortmem of Mu Hits dozen s < Mnflin H in k'-iclucf* A li.iiidioine Afthrunc it o( Calicoes Four pieces s t Cmt tin Calicoes 1 welvr pieces of Linen S x pieces of H mi hums Su piece* of allotted Durants Fan j iuces of liaih Coating Brown H 'Hand Worked and C c*on Hofp Clou.> ia d Striped Nankeens Mar/eiUcj, Dhiniy and J-an Waif)coat Pattenn S ! ic, I a-ft and Threads aff i ted Tapes and Fenenings Agc c 1 Afl'» tuu ii of R bows Lilies to iikin and i>i:k G.ov ts Worlted <lu» do. Fu r dozer r f M-- s Fine Hao F -nr doz n of L die* Fh e i o. S x dozen ot Mens S oik ngs 1 iree d z*n of Ladies do, d ii e: dozen of Ladies B nneti Two d zen of Mens Cravats Six gr< rr of Imall H itu-ns Tw * d zen cf lm fe e line Mens Shoes T i ee d zen of I n ry Combs fiuce dozen of Llankeu Four lbs. o*‘ coloreu Thread F‘ U lbs. of fie do Twenty lbs. of Sb c Tlrend 1 Ii ce dozen of Snells Iwo dozen oi Co non Cards, cf the be ft k ml Fjf. v lbs. of Paw er and Shot pd If f.u ks Sniff k ivesand Forks Mud nr d SntifT Boxes Hoir g « wder and p] tying Cards Vlens Saddles a d Brinies V.'ies a d Onions Sug 4 r, Celled and Chocolate, AT SO, An Alloitmcnt oi Liquors^ January J 2, ! F O R SALE, ( heap for Cafli, \ TT O v DON Duhil Blankets ' J Wniif, Hiu'* an G.ten iLair.i v> ii. e unit Red FJaniie.i h C a'i g* Su. trfi’ie He ad Cl-Ihs >rco cl cJo. (1 ). ‘,l ck Ki-H ar d Grey CaflitnereT F-hhi -....hie Swandowo ti»d C-ILmrrc k Ci* Sha- es Mr:i U j J -n*1» ard jennet do* Cl u< rd a cl biik N nk**cni Royal K bln at c. Dc iinnu i cl vere s, Cold umy» h \ cl Thic kfets B a k, K u* and P• <• k D mauls C lb o s *i,d Cii n zes La bu/ed, f, rigged, fhiped and p’ain 1 I cor c t and H k fVTu 11i n Mi;l in Slt w > and Bam kerchiefs B < k an.l j c ict C avifs aio Cotton C mhricki B :n k Si k H r.dker: In is Ki ’l).mis a' d f- errei ngs ■ win? Silk an 1 1 wilt M*s Dar . v kin Gloves Ir Jh Linen, 3 4 no 4-4 wide -* hi'c : n B. awn Shcc»ings Oz'ialtU-gS ; -leis, W nv*ns and Youihs Cation and W orft*d H fc Mcu», W )m*iiT and Y ulhs Shoes I. <lics Men octo S ndals Mi* sand Womens c a fe and fine H'ti ii .lei, F'cftarncnis and S elliug Books Federal Ready Reckoners L) dl ouauti, and a va’iety of fir. all Hi ft a r es 1 k P 'v;dcr ; and beft Dutch QjiiiU Violins Lot kin g G'a'les Ivory Combs Razors a d Cafes Gilt a d I I ted Hnlton* 1 urge and fit al 1 do# Pen Ki lives k i es arc! F .1 ks I a 1 e Sjioo s I njik and C eft Locks Sa l lie a d ii idle Buckles up Irons and Bridle Bits dioc knives, Ta is. Awi b.adcs I’i cen a cl G jnblcts Cotton Cards, No, 10 I I uaica and V,' cft-L.dia Rum Cogniar and Peach 1 ranoy Tenet iffc am Malaga Wines H ) 1 a d Gin I Bohea Tea Sugar Proper and Spice j B iinftone ana Copperas 41. 6 ! 81. and 10 *. Nails Be ft Rille Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot aft; rted also, An * ft 'r mem of P ‘TENT MEDICINE and Qj 1 1 LN S-W aR K, together witli a ! vi.rie.y ut other articles, too numerous to inic*t. Z. LAMAR. January 2 2. | DANIEL M'DOWELL, Boot and Shoe Maker, j Has REMO/, 1) (join Broad- ree% to | GREEN STREET, where all wok in his m*, will be cxttu.cJ vutk luautcfs and dif 1a eh. January 21. The SUBSCRIBER "jOEGS leave to Inform the Citizens nf JLv Louilville, and the neighborhood aoj ucir, (hut he [ urp fes leading a Lhool in Louifviilc, providi g he meets with men ragement His (1m (J teachi g, with refpeift to time, will be as follows: .hai is, he will in wiiit-r, t rach iix hours eve y t ! a \, with out any r tcrnilliom Li lummcr, he will t*ach eight hours every day, with one hours imc miiiioo. He will confine him l>lt to thirty Lh lars ; but privileged ccciilionally, to lake youths, who may to learn fume Branches of the Mithc n.atii s. He will teach his Scholars, without dif -1 n ion, Jioufd it benviJbeJ , Reading, Wri ting, .An,hmctie, Geometry, 1 rig no atetry. S reeving; the Theoiy of Navi gatio", in fix cafes ; the ufe of the Globe* tern e and celtilial ; Geography, E ementj 0: A ironomy, with an caly "method of ; calculating the magnitudes and dilßnccs ol the Heavenly bodies ; tit; Elements < f Pr.uftica , Natural Phi.olbphy, agreeable u> Fergulbn, with a number of o: er ufe lei Branches. Aiu! ail t/iis, fc»r I weive Doll ir j per annum, or (Jt.c Dollar ter month. ' 1 i itc Srh ol to commence as foon as the*c is a fi .llcje it lu fcaiption, and a houfr provided. IheHaufc at the fcholars cx ,cnee. 1 he Subscriber flatters himfelf, that he ,v| 1 give general fatisfaeftion to thafe La. or Gentlemen cvh 1 may favor him with UIC n of their Children, as he hath Cllt Gme years of bis youth in teaching kho ° l * ANDREW BURNS. ** D g ful fJh to rear ths itn ler Jtlant , Tu teach Ibe y . unj idea ko w to Jh .ot , the jrjh mjhuihw in,hi mind, January zz, O PROPO S A J, S For P,.S iy S~l tnj.ti'. <7, « BiEIV S. , p / J t /V, n■ ' vA, tie LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. r ri, ■tvisnLU GjzsTTr.jCm, vat'y , ’ »■* T tvv- d. myftze, ( f which th :i ,v a j/t in r j ana dtlive ta to I übf rib n \ n ' every 'iu (day, and to infant Sul fathers by ,/ lt m r Ji ip ( y ot.v yn t. 11. Price to Su f tilers—three dollars p er annum , payable half yearly in advance ill. Advett if entente injet ted on rtajonablt terms. IP. Fffays , Articles of I tclhg’nce, arj Communications cj an :nt te/.inp rata e, wil, I thankfully teieived , andj.nttly attended to. To the PUBL I C. BV the advice of a number of refpefJal/e r tlemen r f this town, the I d tor jubmits the ~l „ to the public eye . Pledges himfef tc adopt a tire of contl'dl. which , be thinks cant o/ )a.l to fiiure hint tie approbation of all—that he is dc!erm- nc j to aahete to the drifted impartiality 7 LOUISVILLE GAZETTE Jh all ever be t p\ to all pat tbs—influenced by none. He win CQ'ft itit/y endeavor to prefnit his read, ers with the lahfl ana mrf authenticated Forei 0 and Dcmefiic Intelligence. It will be his parti • cu'.ar jludy to rer.der it a ufrul ana (ntertainira paper. And. hopes by his affiduity andJh ifi a f tent ion to huftnefs , to meet with the patronage of a generous public. The utilfy of a paper , In tit piatt propufed , mufl appear obvious to every one. Huh thfe fi’of ffi tis, and a reliance on He inhabitants of Louijx ille , and the public i n gene, ral. be rtmains with due reffedf , th ir obedient If mint, AMBROSE HAT. LoutjviUr, January 22, 1799. GEORG! A.) Bv Wm M Dow ’ Jrftrforr County. I ] Lt ? Rc^C f *f V» w. M Dowell, ( Rro^tes r °f th * x County epot esaid. IT7HFREAS Mary Prince hath anplied VV to me for leiters of ac’mindrat ion o;, the edate of Sylvan's Prince, la;e of ‘his county detcatcd; thefe ae therefore to ci c and admonifh all and Angular the kiiu red ai d creditors of the far’d Sylvat us Princ*, to appear before ir.e at my oilier, in L uilvillc, on or befoie the twenty lecond clay cf February next, to flicw Caul-, it any they have, vhy letters of aclmjnillriition Ihouid not be granted her. Given under my hand, this 22.1 day of January, 1799, and in the 23J year of the inde;cadence of the United Sia c: ol America. WANTED TO HIRE, B\ the Month or Tear, A NEGRO N. Enquire at this Office. January 2!. FOR SAL E, ' At Hu QUICK of the LOUISVILLE GAZ• ETTEy cheap jor Cufh, N" IMS pair G ’ld Far-Rings Twelve pair lound Grid Wires Six Git Seals to tell tlie day of the month Six S ' Hot tic 1 adits Six Plated do, do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Indies Sit Mated do. do. do. Four pair of Silvc* - Boot Buckles Six pair cf Plated Spurs One dozen pair of knee Chapes Three dozen pair of S; ur Rowel* Plated Whirs Four Thouf.nd Needles, One grote large Pearl Buttons s ‘i* dozen fmallcr do. do. One dozen neds Melting Pots Twelve Ibr. ol Hair Powder One dozen pots of Pomatum Twelve balls <>f Shaving Six Mull.n Handkci cldc.3. January 22. Jo he Rented or Leafed , fry- A TWO STORY dSWSSHSEM t\ DWELLING !i ! s ?I I m H 0 USE, with a CEL PI iIB jE® fEK Alfa, a well fi ts ““ B nilhcd STORE. Policl , BiliiSi. -r> be , K iv v ,h ' I March ne,t - f Enquire rf J. G. Pouf* ner, Lonif lie, Market Squaic. January 22. Ten Dollars Reward. |) AN-/WAY, r* I f) j| J[\ the lad < f Aug* , Ln .798, 3 NEGRO FEI.- 1 . COW, I'.un.M i rX ff.. country borr,ab ut 20 ' t | years of age, nearly • } lix fee; high, with ere '• A- ! err ked k tC. it '* J probable that he ha» gone down i!ie country. The above F c ‘ ward will be given to anv Fcrl'n, v '■ l will Rente him in a«v gaol of triis ft alC » or will give information where he may hs found. David Terry* Jffcnon County, Jun, 22, 1799.