The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 19, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. ~ T U E S D A Y, February 19, 1799. [No. ' fill ’ ~ —AtEASOX A XT) TRUTH 'IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY, * * nTi IF • PabliQied every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ann, payable half yearly in advance. T ISVU-* L,i:j • . _ , O II 1 s v 1 L L E ’ JX/ESDAYf February *9' >799* proceedings OF THE Of tk State oj Georgia, jjeg’in and held at Lou.fville, oa the fecond Tuefday m January, 1799' House or Representative*, Saturday, February 9. The houfe met purfuant to by Mr. Butler. Rc/olvd, that this houfe will proceed immediately to take up s<ld determ’ne what compenfa tiort if am', ftiall be allowed the i rdico’s of the inferior courts in ; {heir refoafl've counties, where upon the houfe refolved that U would be highly impolitic to allow anv compenfation to the indices of the inferior courts; and the yeas and nays being required, are as follow Ayes 43 —Noes 12. The houfe then came to the following resolutions: Refolved, that Robert Walton, Abraham Jones, John Courfe, J )hn WiTon, find John Catlett, enquires. be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court, for the county of Rich mond. Refolved , that Thomas St n vens, |as. Dunwoodie, Henry Wood, Daniel Stewart, Sc Peter Winn, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Liberty. Refolved , that Arthur,.Eoi£, John Law Ton, William Stith, Samuel Alexander, and Levy Prewet, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Warren. Refolved , that Burwell Pope, John Lumpkin, William Har vey, John Davenport, and Phi lip Wray,be and they are hereby appoin ed juftices of the inferior court, for the county of Ogle thorpe. Refolve \ that Pvobe- t Walton, Stubßa'kfdale, Newall Walton, Robert Waie, and John Lock bait, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior couit lor the county of Lincoln. Rtfoived, that John Spencer, Jofbua Loper, James Bofton, Godhelf Smith, and John Pow ers» he and they are hereby ap pointed juftices of the inferior c °nrt for the county of Effing ham. / ✓ Rcfctved, that * John King, Richard Carnes, jarnes Sea ' cs, I homas King, and John Jdoufton elquues, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Camden. Refolved, that Larkin Cleveland, Rulfel Jones. Daniel Beall, Phi liman Martin, and John Wal lers, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices ot the inferior couit for the county ot Franklin; Refolved , that Caleb Howell, fames H. Rutherford. Stephen Mills, Mund Grofs, Sc Wheeler Grefham, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Scrivcn. Refo’ved , that William Bar nett, Richardfon Hunt, Ralph Banks, Reuben Allen, and Sa ! muel Higinbothem, elquires, be i and they are heieby appointed juftices of the inferior court for Hie county of Elbert. Ref jived, that David Dickfon, Henry Gray bill, John Mitchell, John Barley, and John 11aibert, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Han cock. Refolved , that William MTn tofh, William Middleton, Wil liam Delony, James Gigneliat, and Rofwell King, cfq'rs. be and they are hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Mlntofh. Refo’ved, that Ifrael Bird, fas. Bird, Drury Jones, Jofeph Ro gers, and John Everett, efquires, be and they arc hereby appoint ed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Bullock, Refolved , that Jofeph Clay, fen. Edward Telfair, William Gibbons, fen Charles Oding fells, and James B. Young, ef quires, be and they are hereby appointedjuliices of the inferior court for the county of Chat , ham. Ref lved , that Michael Shell-, ■ man, John Clements, Douglafs r Hancock, Thacker Vivian, and r Richard Gray, efquires, be and - they are hereby appointed jul lices of the inferior court for the county of Jeffeifon. RefolveJ , that Edward Butler, John Pope, Benjamin Porter, Spencer Branham, and Daniel Price, efquires, be and they arc hereby appointed juftices of the inferior court for the county of Wilkes,* Refolvcd, that James Nifbett, William Grier, Archibald Grel ham, Samuel Harper, and Wil liam Fitzpatrick, efquires, be and they are hereby appointed ;ullices of the inferior court for the county of Green. RefAv'd, that David Robin fon, John Morrifon, John Davis, Samuel Bird, and Simeon Lou- ery, be and they arc hereby ap pointed /offices of the inferior court for the county of Burke. On motion— Rcfolved , that Mr, Porter and Mr, King, have leave of abfence from the fer vicc of this houfe during the remainder of the feflion. Rcfolved , that the refolutions appointing ja dices of the infe rior courts for the different counties, To far as th y have been agreed to by this houfe, be fent to the fenate for their con currence: The houfe then refolved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on a bill to be entitled, “ an a6f for apportioning reprefentatives among the feverai counties in tjiis Bate, according to the fiifl enumeration/' Mr. fames Jones in the chair, and having fpent fome time therein—Mr. fpeaker re lumed the chair, and Mr* (ones from the committee of the whole, reported that they had gone through the fame, and made fome amendments, which were received,, agreed to by the houfe, and ordered to be en groifed for a third reading, A meffage fiom the fenate, by their fecretary, Mr. Robert full. Mr. fpeaker—the fenate have agreed to the report of the com mittee, on the petitions of John Harbcrt and John Ragan ; they have paffed a refolution on the fubjeft of a furvey of Samuel Gufvvcl], deceafed —alfo a refo lution on the fubjeft of opening a road from Middleton's mill to Fort Wiikinfon. They have appointed Mr, Cuyler, Mr Kafley and Mr. Tait, a commit tee of confe:ence on their part, on the fubjeft of contracting with a printer. They have paffed a refolution on the peti tion of John Walton; they have ! palled a bill to be entitled, an i a£f to impofe a tax for the fup port of government for che year 1 799*"" h lVe a g reec * to fome, and difagreed to others of the amendments of the houfe of reprefentatives. / They have concurred with the , houfe of reprefentatives on the 1 refolution appointing John Ma thews, efq. (of Warren) a com ’ miffuncr of the academy of Warren county, in the room of Samuel Alexander, efq. refign cd. They have concurred with ■ the houfe of reprefentatives in ! their feverai refolutions, ap pointing juftices of the inferior courts of the counties of Rich mond, Liberty, Warren, Ogle thorpe, Lincoln, EHingharn, ’ Camden, Franklin, Semen, Elbert, Hancock. MTntofh, Bullock, Chatham, Jdferfon, Wilkes, Green, and Burke, They have* alio concurred witli the houfeof reprefentatives in the refutations, appointing juft ices of the inferior courts for the counties of Bryan, Wash ington, jackfon, Gh nn, and Montgomery, with amendments, to all of which deftre con currence ; and he withdrew. i lie Ipeaker laid before the houle, a letter from Robert Watkins, elq. in behalf of him felf and his brother George Watkins ; inc’oling the title page of a book, prepared by them for publication; which being read, was oidered to lie on the tabic. The houle then took up the report of the committee of the whole, on the bill to be entitled, “ an atl lor preventing and punching vice, profanenefs, and immorality; and for keep ing holy the Lord's day, com monly called Sunday," And on motion of Mr. (. Jones, that the further confidcration of the (aid bill be poflponed until the fiift Monday in June next ; the yeas and nays being requir ed, arc as follow :—Ayes 28— Noes 23. So it was carried in the affir mative. Rtfolvtd % that Mr. Wood, ba added to the committee on the ftate of the republic. Mr. Irwin, from the joint committee on finance, reported finally, which was ordered to lie on the table. On motion— Re/o r ved, that Mr. Pugh have leave of abfence from the feivice of this houfo 'till Monday, 11 o’clock. The houfe then adjourned ’till Monday morning 9 o’clock. Monday , February 11. The houfe met purluant to adjournment. Mr. James Jones moved to reconfider the minutes fo far as refpeds the appointment of juf tices of the inferior court, for the county of Montgomery ; and on the queftion put, it was carried in the affirmative ; and thereupon a motion was made to (hike out “ Abraham Bird," as amended by the ferrate, and • infert Robert Craigg; which • was agreed to. On motion by Mr. James Jones. Hefolved , that the negroes on the iffand, included in the coun ticsof Liberty, MTntofh, Glynn and Camden; be and they are hereby declared, to be liable to woik, on the public roads of thole counties, relpc6lively, in like manner as negroes on tho main.