The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 19, 1799, Image 2

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A I>:H to he entitled, “ an aft, to rompcli all officers, civil an i miliiarv, within this Hate, l«> take and fubf( rihe an oath to fnppoit flie ronflituMon there of" was re d a third time, and palled under the title afore laid, A bill to be entitled, ct an aft, fo alter and amend an aft, entitled an aft to tender more fafe and expeditious, the navi gation of the river Alatamahaw, to the town of BrunfWick ; and lor other purpofes therein men tioned/' was read a third time, and palled under the title afore laid. A bill to be entitled, “ an aft, to heme to yofeph Bryan, the cxclufive tight and privilege, of crefting a bridge aero's great Ogcchce-rivcr, within certain limits was read a third time,, and palled under the title afore* raid. On mol ion by Mr. Walker. R'/olvcd , that Melfrs. Butler, 7acklon and Hoyle, be a com* mittee to examine and report the feveral fuins of money to be appropriated the prefent fcf fion, agreeably to concuired rc lolutions. A mclfagc fmm the fen ale, by their Iccrctary, Mr. Roberl- Ibn. Mr. fpeakcr—the fenatchavc| concurred with the boufe of rcprrfentatives, on a bill to be entitled “ an aft to impofe a tax lor the lupport of govern ment, for the year one thoufand Icvcn hundred and ninety-nine." A mellage from his Excellen cy the Governor, by his fecreta ry, Mr, 7°hnfon. Mr. fpcaker—his Excellency the Gi )vernor, has alfented to, and liigned an aft to regulate the general fellions in this Hate, and to appoint the time of the meeting of the general allcmbly and has approved of theyoint refolutions on the petitions of j Edward H. 7 en hins, and Archi* I bald Beall, and direfted me to return the fame to this houfe, being the branch of the general allembly, in which they fevcral h originated ; and he with drew. The houfe agreed to the amendments of the fenate, on i tlie bill to be entitled an aft, for incorporating a company, for the improvement of the navigation ol the river Savan nah, from the town of Peters bmg (o the city of Augulla ; (which bill oiiginatcd in the fen ate A / ihe houfe concurred in the amendments of the fenate, on the bill to he entitled. “ an aft, lo carry the 23d feftion of the full article of the conllitution into operation/ They concurred in the amendments of the lenate on the bill to be entitled, •• an aft, to revife and amend an aft, entitled an aft concerning dirays, and for improving the bleed of horfes." And alfo concurred in ihe, amendments of the fenate, otii the bill to he entitled, “ an aft; to authorize executors and ad-j i mimflrators, to make titles to I land in certain caies. 'J he lioufc took up the amendments of the fenate, on the bill to he entitled, “ an a6l to eflablifh tobacco infpeft om, at the feveral places therein al ter mentioned, and for impiov-' ing tho navigation ol broad ri ver, and Oconee rivers;" agreed to lome, and difagreed to others. Mr. Walker from the com mittee of enrolment, reported an aft to impofe a tax for the lupport government, for the year one thoufand feven hun dred and ninety-nine, as truly enrolled; and thereupon the fpcaker ligned the fame. 'Eire houfe then adjourned Till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock. Tuefday y February 12. TI ic houfe met puifuant to; adjournment. Mr, Hammond from the com mittee of conferrence, on the fubjeft of printing, reported, which was ordered to lie on the tabic. The houfe refolved itfclf into a committee of the whole on the bill to be entitled “ an aft to alter and amend the militia Jaw of this Hate, and to provide for, arming the militia thereof." Mr. Walker in the chair, and having fpent Tome time therein —Mr, (pcaker refumed the chair, and Mr. Walker reported that the | committee of the whole had; gone through the laid bill with out any amendments, which was taken up and agreed to, and the bill oidercd to be engroiled for 1 • • O a third reading. f The houfe then refolved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the bill to be entitled “ an j aft for appropriating part of the | common or vacant lots of Louif- 1 ville, for the purpofe of erefting a court-houle in fud town, Mr. Hammond in the chair, and hav- ( ing fpent fome time therein— Mr. Ipeaker relumed the chair, and Mr. Hammond from the committee of the whole, report-: I ed, which was agreed to, and is ,as follows: That the further confrderation of the laid bill be pollponed ( until the fnfl Monday in No-! vernber next. The houfe then refolved itfclf into a committee of the whole on the bill to be entitled “ an a6f to appoint commilfroncrs for i the pui pole of co-operating with' the Hate of South Carolina, in improving the navigation of the 1 river Savannah, from the city of Augufla to the city of Savan-j nah." Mr. Simms in the chair, and having Ipcnt forne time therein—Mr, Ipeaker refumed 1 tire chair, and Mr. Simms from' the committee of the whole, re- : ported, that they had gone through the fame, and made 1 fome amendments, which were | received, and thereupon Mr. i Dooley moved to have tlie fol jlowing piovifo infeitcd to wit: Provided , that no.liing herein I contained fhall be conftrued to extend or warrant the commif fioners afotelaid, to receive any of the rates of toll as aforelaid, 'till the meeting of the next le giflature ; and on the queflion to agree to tlie lame, the veas o * v and nays being required, are as follow :—Ayes 9 —Noes 37. So the amendment was loft ; and thereupon, the report was agreed to by the houfe, and the bill ordered to be engrolfcd for a third reading. Mr. Elliott from the commit tee of enrolment, reported, “ an ad to carry the 23d fedi on of the firft article of the conflitution into operation/’ as tmly enrolled, whereupon the fpeaker figned the fame. A bill to be entitled, “ an ad to carry into effed, the 24th fedion of the firft article | of the conflitution, was read a third time, and ordered to Hand for commitment to-morrow. The hou!e then adjourned ‘till to-morrow morning, 9 o’clock. Friday , February 15. The houfe met purfuant to adjournment. A motion was made by Mr. j I Hammond, to reconfrder the minutes lo far as refpeds the rcpoitof the committee of con ference on the judiciary fyflem of this (late, which was agreed j to by the houfe ; and on motion by Mr. Walker to amend the minutes, by coming to the fol lowing -refolution : Refolved, that this houfe doth concur with the fenate in the report of the committee of con ference, on the fuhjed matter of difagreement between the two branches, relating to the judiciary. On the queflion to ! agree to the fame, it was carried in the affirmative, whereupon the yeas and nay s being required, ( are as follow :—Ayes 28— Noes 26. Mr. Elliott from the commit tee of enrolment, reported the j following ads as truly enrolled, viz. “ An ad to carry into efled the twenty fourth fedion of the fiift article of the confli-! , tution and “ an ad for the 1 appointment of county officers,” whereupon the fpeaker figned the fame. A nreffage from his Excellen cy the Governor by his fecretary Mr. (ohnfon. Mr. fpeaker—his Excellency the Governor has approved of and figned the following ads, to wit: | “ An ad to authorife execu tors and adminiftrators to make titles to land in certain cafes;” j “ an ad to carry the twenty third ledion of the firft article of the conflitution into opera tion.” An ad to eflablifh tobacco , infpeftions, a t the fevcral p' a cc f therein after mentioned, and for improving the navigation 0 f Broad river, and Oronee rivers " “An aft to revife and amend an aft, entitled an add concern, ing eft rays, and for improving the breed of hoifes and has direfted me to return the fame to tliis houfe, it being the. branch of the general aflembly, i n which they originated ; and h e withdrew, A meffage from the fenate by their lecretary Mr. Robertfon. Mr. fpeaker—the fenate have pafled a resolution authoiifing his Excellency the Governor to ilfue dedimufes under the exe cutive fcal, to fuch perfons as he may judge proper to qualify the juftices of the inferior courts in the refpeftive counties, as foon as conveniently may be. They have concurred with the houfe of reprefentatives in the refolution to adjourn on Satur day next, I They have patted the bill from the houfe of reprefentatives for appropriating money for the year one thoufand feven | bundled and ninety-nine, with amendments ; and he withdrew. A meffage from his Excellen cy the Governor, by his fecre tary Mr. Johnfon. Mr, fpeaker—his Excellency the Governor has affented to and figned the following afts, viz. “ An aft to alter and amend an aft, entitled an act to render more fafe and expeditious the navigation of the river Alata mahaw, to the town of Brunf wick, and for other purpofes therein mentioned." “An act for apportioning re prefentatives among the feveral counties, according to the fnft enumeration." And “ an act to make valid all titles to certain lots fold by the commiffioners in the town of Louifville, and has directed me to return the fame to this houfe, being the branch of the general aflfembly irf which they originated ; and he withdrew. A hill from the fenate, to be entitled “ an act to regulate at tachments in this Hate,” was read a third time and patted. A bill from the fenate, to be entitled, “ an aft toeftablifh a town in the county of Scriven was read a third time, and pall ed. A bill fi om the fenate, to ha entitled, “ an aft, for the bet ter proteftion and fecurity of orphans and their eftates," was read a third time, and palled. A bill from the fenate, to be entitled, “ an aft, for adding a part of Oglethorpe to Green, and a part of Green to Ogle thorpe/’ was read a third time ; and on the queftion, lhall this bill now pals, the yeas and nays being required, are as follow :—- Ayes 33 —Noes 8. So it was carried in the affirmative. The houfe concurred with the fenate, in the amendment