The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 12, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. Vol. 1.l • T U E S D A Y, March 12, 1799. [No. 8. ‘ ~ REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE 'THE IV.ST, ' XoJISVILLE: —Publifred every luetday, by,AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ann. payable half yearly in advance. LAWS of the STATE of GEORGIA. An ACT to revife and amend an Aft entitled i( an AH concerning jefir ays, and /or improving the breed of Uor/es . Bj? ftfnaHtd b the Senote Houfe of Repin Crnnal Aljemhly met, and by the authority of the'fame. That from and after the piling of this att, the fale of all eftrays, except horfes, mares, colts, fillies, alfcs or mules, fhall be in the cap tain’s did rift in which fuch eftray may have been taken up, and {hall be fold by thejuftices of the diltrift, for ready money on their court days; and at lead twenty days notice of all fates {hall be given at one or more of the molt public plates in the diftrift. And be it further enabled, That thejuftices of the feveral com pany diftrifts, (hall at the next infeiior couit, after the fale of any eftray or eftrays, render an account thereof in writing, and pay over the monies received by them for eftrays fold, to thejuf tices of the faid courts refpec tively, and if any juttice of the peace ftiall fail to pay to the in ferior courts, the monies for which fuch eftrays may have I (old, as required by this aft, after deducing five per centum commiftions, and fuch other charges as are allowed by law, he or they (hall be puniftied by attachment as for a contempt, and (hill be committed until the monies aforefaid (hall be paid. And he it further enabled. That f any perfon (hall prefume to Feh, 01 dilpofe of, or apply to, ins or their own ufe any eftray, pery fuch perfon or per Tons fo P cri^n o» be fubjeft to 1 1 ic ment for a mifdemeanor, Pj ° n convi &ion thereof fhall pitatand pay to thejuftices of lie inferior courts for the ufe of P C f nt V fr Which fuch offence 12, c ° mrn hted, double the f 5 , of fu , ch eftray or eftrays ■is h ap P l . or converted to I j ji ° r e ‘ r I "\ b ' lt S urth ' r enabled, That horfe, mare, colt, lavth dl6 ° r mu^e » Fhall on the lo a *L to^e a g r eeably | ou f e ' h G /° U g ht t 0 t^ le court liem 1 1 le P er fr n w ho took lerkof P t , he n i d nf deHvered t 0 thc L c l Ve _. . ln frnor court, by [ failure ttVeoV^nl'f'V"•' * hory proo 7 c e a ° n f ’ “ nle . fs fit». peufe. L „ can , be in ft double A 0, I the >’ for r Covered'?„ hCreof ’ t 0 I (i neverthelef That no thing contained in this law fhall be conflrued as to prevent thc original owner from receiving the amount of Tales of fuch, eftray, on application and fatis- j faftory proof thereof, being! made to the faid inferior court, ’, if fuch application is made in a term not exceeding two years after fuch Tales ; and it fhall be the duty of the faid infc'ior court, to refund to the faid owner, the amount of Tales of Inch eftray or eftrays, after de ducing all legal colt and charges theicfrom. And be it further enabled, That fo much of the aft, entitled “ an aft concerning eftr ys, and for improving the breed < f hov fes," as is repugnant to this aft fhall be, and the lame is hereby repealed. David Meriwet h e p , Speaker oj the Houfe of Reprefn atives, Robert Walton, Prejidtni of the Senate . Aflcnted to, Feb. 15, 1799. James Jackson, Governor, An ACT to authorize and ewp wer Executors and Admmifiraccrs to make titles to land in cerla n cafes . BE it enabled hy the Senate and Houfe of Rep' etentatives of | the State of Georgia, in Gen rat j Affmbly met , and it is hereby enabled ky the authority of the Janie, 7 hot where it lhall clearly and indil- I putab'e appear, that a y perfm | or perfons hath or have entered into any bond, obligation or other agreement in wr ting, whereby they were bound to] make titles to any lards, tenc-i mentsor hereditaments and Anil die without having performed the fame, or making provifions therefor by will the perfon 01 perfons to whom fuch bond.! obligation or other agteement in , writing aforefaid was given, dial! ] petition the court of oidmaiy,' in wh'ch the executors or adrni-1 niftrators refide, and annex a copy of fuch bond, obligation I or other agreement thereto, pray-1 ing the court to direct the exe-: cutorsof fuch teftator, or ad mi niftrator of fuch inteftafe, to make titles for the lands, tene ments, or hereditaments exp el-] fed in the {’aid bond, obligation, or other agreement: whereupon the faid court fhall give at leaft, three months notice in one of the public gazettes, and in the pubdc pbices of the county of fuch application; and that the executors or the admmiftrators Will he direfted at the court to be held at the next term to m .ke titles agreeably to fuch bond, obligation or agreement; and if »Q objeftioa frail be made there to, during the faid next term, it (hall and may be lawful for the executors of fitch teflator, or ad minifhators of fuch inteftate. upon application made to him or them lor that purpofe ; and upon its being made known to his, her or their fatisfa&ion, that (lie contraft hath been earned fairly into effeft, on the part of the perfon or pcrlons, to whom (uch bond, < bligation or other aj rerment in wiiting was made, 01 their cgal icp efentatives, and ti e amount of the purchafe money, or fir* confiderat on for which the (aid contra6l was en-j tcred imo, (hall be fudy paid or performed, with the concurence of the louit of oidinaiy of the county in which the inteflate died, or redded at the time of) his, < r her deceafe : to make and ' exe ute titles, in fee (imple for | ueh lands or tenements,* and j an completely pei form the ronfrafr, and agreement cf the d cealed, as perfedly and effec tual! toad intents and purpofes, as the p ity havirgraade the faid contr 61 rt i ht, or could have done when in life ; any law to rb 1 ran raiv notwithflanding. Provided always, neverthele/s t end be it fi rthtr tnaßcd % 1 hat if any of ilie heirs or legal repre hntanves of the deceafcd, (hall i o pole or diffent to the making of huh titles by the executor or adjninidrdtoi, furh executor or dm in (Ira o>, (liall withhold and to b ar to make furh title, or titles, until a (uit (liall be inffi tute i ag infl him or them, and ve;di6t of a jury, or judgment of the court, (hall pafs again ft I him for that purpofe. And he it further enaftei That | it (hall be the duty of furh exe cute , or executors, adminidra -1 tor or adminidrators. in all cafes 1 i • t : where titles to lands, are made in viituc of this aft, lo make a i fair Hatement thereof, deferibing 1 the boundaries and (ituation of | the land, and return the fame | together with the bond, obliga tion or other agreement in wri ting, which may have been taken up, upon making fuch titles, to the court of ordinary, to be fried in the clerk’s office of that court, lubjeft to the infpeftion of all perlons interefted. David Meriwether, Speaker of the Houfe of Robert Walton, Prefident of the S note. Affented to. Feb. 15, 1799. James Jackson, Governor, SHERIFFS* BLANK DEEDS, For Sale , at the Office of the Louifville Gazette , PROPOSALS For Paitfcmg, t, Srhfiri/itm, „ NEWS' PAPER, entiled , the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. I. ThI.OUlSni.lF. CAXEITFfiatn, neatly on a demy fze, (rf which (in h a fpcdmen) and delivered to Sulf in towns every Tuefday, and to difant Su/frihirs ly the mcji tp'edy onveyane/, U- Pxce to Sufj'i.rihersmmfhree deHart per annum , payable half y tat ly in advance- IdP Advert ij entente in jo ted on reajonahl* to ms. Il r - Effays , A r t;cles of Intelligence, and Communications of an int' refine nature, will he thankfully received , andJinttly attended to. To THE PUBLIC. B1 the advice of a number of reftcflable gen tlcmen of this town, the Editor fubmits the above ( t 0 the public eye. Pledges himfe ftc adept a line , of conduit , which, be thinks cannot la.l to fecure i him the approbation of all—that he is determined to adhere to the flnfteff imparti ility. 7 he LOLIE S' /TL 1. K GAZETTE Jtall ever be ofen to aI. parties— t nfuenceJ ly none. He will eonf .mtly endeavor to prefrnt his read* ers with the latrf aria inoj} anther.ticated Foreign ' and Domejhc Intel igenee, It will he his parti ; cu dr fudy to ler.der it a ufeul an i entertaininv paper, An / hopes by his afjiduity an.i fl\ HI at- I tent ion to lufinejs, to meet with the patron ape of | a generous public. Ihe utilty of a paper , on the i piun propofed, mujl appear obvious t evtry one. I If ith thefe projrjfi ns, an,l a reliance on thi inhabitants (J Louift Hie , and the public in gene ru‘ s It remains with due rej/tetl , th-ir obedient icvant , AMBROSE DAT, Eoui/vi/le, 'January 22, I Jg(j. The SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to inform the Ci'izrns of Louifville, and the neighborhood aujaccnt, that he purpi In teaching a fchool in Louifville, provide g he meet! with enc h ragem<*nt. His plan of leading, with rcfpfcT to tune, viil lie as follows 1 that is, he will in winter, teach lix hours eve y day, with* out ary inicrmillion.. In (ummer, he will teach eight hours every day, with ore hours inteimiilio' . He will cot,fine him- Irlt to thirty Eh 1a 1 s ; hut privileged otcaliona 1! y, to take youths, vim in.iy wiih to learn fome Branches cl the Mathe matics- He will his .Scholars, withruf tif fin lion. Jbould it be wifbed, Reading, Wri ting, Aij.h ueiic, Gemciry, ']* mc.ry. Surveying; the llieoy of Navi gation, in lix cr let ; (I e ulc of die Globes, • rrenc ai d crlcflia ; Ccngraj hy, E cirems of Alt 1 o omv, an taiy method of calculating the magnitudes and diftances of the Heavenly bedirs ; the Elements cf I’roiica', Natural I'huolophy, agreeable to Ftrgufon, with a number ot ether ule ful Branches. And all tnis, for Twelve Dollars per or Ui.c Dollar per month, J lie St hnol to commence as Toon ai the re is a luificient fubfeription, and a horfe provided. T lie Houle at the fcholars e«- pcncc. 1 he Subfcrihrr flatters Ivmfelf, that he will give general fatisfi iflion to thofc l a dies or Gentlemen who may favor him with the tuiti n of their Children, as he hath Ipent lomc years of ! is youth in teaching fchool. .ANDREW BURNS. Delightful tafk to rear the tender plant , 'To leach the younp idea hew to Jhoot , And pour the jrejh mjhufl.on in the mind , January 22. FOR SALE, At the OFFICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ ETTE, cheap for Cajh, NINE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Si* G it Seals to tell the day of the month Si* Silver Houle ladles Six Plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladle* Si< Plated do. do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckles Si* pair of Plated S 'urs One dozen pair of Knee Crapes Three dozen pair cf Spur Rowell Plated Whins Four Thoufind Needles One groce large Pearl Button! 'm* dozen fmaller do. do. One dozen nefti Melting Pot* Twelve lbs. of Hiir Powder O ic dozen pots of Pomatum T we! ve haU* of Shaving Soap * Si* Mullin Haudkcichicfi, Janu»r -*•