The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 12, 1799, Image 2

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KINGSTON 7 , Feb. 9. E.xtraft 0/ a letter from a gentle man at Barbados , dated Dc 'Cfrnher 10, 1798, 14 1 am very lorry to inform you, the French have landed a confiderable number of troops at Cayenne, and alfo at Guada loupe ; in their way took a (hip, and Tent her into the latter place, which veffel was rc-taken by one of our frigates, and font into Martinique, where (he has arri ved ; flic gave a particular ac count, The frigate met two French 44’s,and a lugger, which gave her a broadfide ; flic imme diately made the beft of her' way to the admiral, and informed him thereof, and before any vcf fcls could be fent after them, they had got into GuadaloupeJ It is feared, that thofe ftiips, and a veflcl called L'Agreeable, be longing to Mr. Barton of this place, which they captured and fitted out, with 24 guns, and 200 men, are now to windward, and will do a deal of tnifehief to our trade. To morrow go from. hence 300 troops to Dcrnarara, ' as it is thought the French me ditate an attack on that place, and it is fuppofed the troops at Guadaloupe intended to rnakej an attack on fome of our iflands. | Several other veffels have alfo been captured by the enemy, and fent into Oronoque,” The above letter alfo men tions, that the crops of fugar, and every other production of the earth, has been remarkably | abundant at Barbadoes, The Piinccfs Charlotte Packet arrived at Falmouth, from this iliand, on the 14th December. The day the Adelphi left Mai tinique, the packet, with the middle mail, anived there; flic had had a paflage of 25 days, and brought a confirmation of Buonaparte having been killed, and his army cut to pieces. By the fame channel, infor mation is rcceived, that the em peror of Geimany has marched a confiderable foice into Swit zerland, and the king ot Pruffia a large army into Holland. Letters of the 18th December, found on board the Spmifh po larre, which arrived laft week, fiate, that Port Mahon, in the ifland ot Minorca, capitulated to the Britifh forces on the 16th November, and that the garrifon marched out with the honors of war ; alfo, that two Spanilh fri gates and a floop of war, were taken in the road. The fame letters mention, that the French diredory had informed the court of Spain, that any part taken by it in the meditated coalition againft France, would be con lidered as a declaration of war againfl the republic. By the Spanifh prize Jefus, information is received, that two 80 gun-fhips, and five frigates, with troops, were preparing to leave c adiz, for the purpole of attacking Trinidad. NEW* YORK, February 20. The following pai titulars of the fpirited condud of capt. 1 in gc! ’ t of the Ganges, is taken from the True American, of Saturday laft. Yefterd*y anived the brig Nancy. The above brig failed from St. Thomas's, under con voy of the Ganges floop of war, capt Tingy, with fevcral others, bound to the continent. The Ganges fince (he left this, port, has been ciuifmg in the neighborhood of Cape Francois- She repaired to St. Thomas s for ballad, and has returned to her flation. During the cruifc, the Ganges fell in with the Surprife Britifh frigate, of 36 guns, capt. Phi lips, who fent a boat, with an officer on board, to demand of capt. Tingcy, whether he had any Britifh fubjefls on board the j Ganges, and if fo, that they might be delivered up, and whe ther his men were fupplied with proteflions. r J he officer alfo demanded a fight of capt,.Tin gey’s commiffion. ( Capt. Tingcy anfwered, that the American flag and his com miffion were fuificient protec tions for any perfon on board of his (hip, and that if the com ! mander of the frigate wifhed to i fee his commiffion he would j (hew it, provided he would frrft (hew his own. The Biitifh officer then re turned to his llhp. Capt. Tin gcy, after having ordered his i men to their quarters, commu nicated to them his intention, which was received with three cheers. A boat (horily after re turned from the frigate, with a polite meflage frem Philips, by his furgeon, apologizing for the mifundcrflanding which had taken place, and requefting a fupply of medicine, which was complied with, and thebufinefs ended. February 23. There are two letters in town, from officers on board the Gan ges, relating to the particulars of the tranfaffion with the Sur prize Britifh fhip of war, as ftated in this paper on Friday. We mention this, becaufe the au thenticity of the account has been queflioned. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 18. Mr, Bund, Touflaint's agent (not Brunei, as before publifhed | by miftake) continues dill in town, and has fucceeded fo far in his negociation, that a gentle man has been nominated to go from hence as our conful gene ral to St. Domingo. SAVANNAH, March S. On the sth inflant, arrived the fhip tliza, capt. Brown, from Jamaica. Off the bar, fpokc the fhip Fame, capt. Sto rey, of New-Yoik, bound to London, out 16 days from the Bay of Honduras. Qa the 6th inflant, arrived the fchooner Larke, cnpt. Totey, 15 days-from St. Vincent's, I ]y the arrival of the fchooncr Jenny, capt. Levett, lodaysj from New-Yoik, we have! been favored with a paper of the 20ih, containing the fol lowing important informa tion : NEW-YORK, Feb. 20. .Our readers will perceive in the proceedings of the of reprefentatives yeflerday, an af fertion by Mr. Parker, that he | was infoimed by a member of ( the fenatc, that the Prehdent 1 • • I had nominated a new miniltcr to France. We took fome pains! to learn the liuth of this, and are happy to have it in our power to flafe that the Prehdent yeflerday font a meflage to the fenate, in which he infoimed that body, that it had been and hill was his determination to adhere to his former declaration of not fending another minifler to France, unlefs he had affu rances of his being received as became the reprefentative of a great, free, poweiful and inde pendent nation ; but that as he had now received thofe afluran ees from the French minifler, thro' Mr. Vans Murray, our minifler at the Hague, he had nominated that gentleman on the part of the United States, The Prehdent further mentioned in his meffage, that his infliuc-1 tions to Mr. Murray fhould be,' rot to leave Holland until he received unequivocal aflurances that he would be properly re ceived—and that a minifler equal in dignity was appointed on the part of the directory, to fettle the exifling differences, and conclude a treaty. LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , March 12, 1799. On Monday, the 4th inflant, arrived in this town, the Chee haw Mico, or King of one of the Cieek Tubes. His viht was to the Governor, to procure payment for a horfe, one of two which were flolen from him about fix weeks fince, over the Oconee River, by Peter Hutchinfon and Merit Mitchell, two thieves, now Lfely lodged in the federal gaol, in Savannah. Hutchinfon and Mi f chell were apprehended with the other horfe, by a party of militia lent after them, by the Gover nor, on their route to Tenneffee; and to prevent retaliation by the Indians, who threatened it, the Governor promifed payment for the horfe, which could not be recovered. On Tuefday, the Governor paid him, and gave him a talk, the fubflance of which was, that the Mico faw how jufl the white people were, that had received back one of his horfes, and was paid for the other, and that the thieves were fent to gaol. That \ notwltliflanding this, two of \\ red people Cowclas, had croflc the Chulapocha,-and killed white man, a Mr. John Mor f jland, while at work in his he! ! —that as the white people h done juflice, fo the Indiar muft do juftice, and deliver (j. two Coweta murderers up„ that a number of horles had bee ftolen along the frontier, and number of negroes, belong to citizens of Georgia, werei the nation—that they mull b , returned, or the chain of friend , fhip would grow rufty— tha harboring run-away negroes bre ( I ill blood between the two peo pie The Governor then told birr ihe was glad he had placed f ( much confidence in him, as to come of his own accord at fuel a time, when the white peop! ( were angry about Moreland’ death—that he was now in hi power, but he might be eafv he was fafe, it was not prcpei to punifh the innocent for th( guilty, and he would fend an efcoit, and fee him fafe bad over the River Oconee, and that he hoped he would fairly rep e lent all the Governor had dom for him, and faid to him. The Mico then made a ftorl an Twer, and premifed to fend in all thehorfes and negroes, which ! might come to his town—tha I he would go to the Big Council ,to be held in the nation, n April, and talk to the Chiefs 01 all he had fecn and heard, art that he had no doubt but tin Cow etas would be given up. Capt. Shellman's Louifvilli Artillery paraded on the occa fion, and fired a falute ; and thf Indian King, with a numbero Gentlemen, dined afterwad with the Governor. On Wednefday morning, the Chief having laid his monej out in the Bores of this place departed pleafed, and well fatis fied with the treatment he bat received. We hope this proof of peace and Iriendfhip, fhewn by thf State Government towards thf Indians, will, whilft it wipes of thole charges of cruelty and hoi tillty, which Georgians have been fo plentifully afpei fed with —operate to induce the Creek to give up the murderers o Moreland, and to return the property of our fellow citizens The Governor we undeilbnt wrote Col. Hawkins, fome time part, demanding the muiderers, and has fince received a letter informing him, that as (oon v they were fixed on, itfhouldbf done. Notice is hereby given, THAT the Juftices of the Inferior C?- of the County of Jefferfo*, meet at the Clerk’s Office of f a u on SATURDAY, the i*th infant ' order to appoint the Receiver ot fax turns, and the Colle&orj of Taxes? r County atorefaid, for the year one t - land feven hundred and nin«ty-ni nC ' James Bozeman, clerk. I Ma,Ui 12 :