The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 19, 1799, Image 2

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&«rnn <i»rrr ~n rn im " * rrnpi ~ LONDON, December 13. Reports hive prevailed in Dub in Fi»tc T v* of a French fleet j being off (he 11 nth wed; of (hit ; kingdom ; but they aic certainly groum lit ft. Orange ribbons arc row laid slide in Dublin for the band of union. Several flrerifTs in Ireland have icTufed to convene meet mgs about the union. r* A repo t lias prrv Ted it Yar mouth of die Dutch fleet being at Tea. It is ccrtain’y unfound ed. But it has occafioned ad- j mind Duncan and his (hips to prepare for failing -1 he celebrated ~ount Z.cno bia has ret urn-d to England. kJ j The a (Fair of Napper 'Dandy's arrefl, at Hamburgh, is ref; rred to the couit of Beilin. It is likely to create feme troubles. December 18. The conflict of B dly Cannow, in (he county of Wexford, as flaicdin a former paper has been fmee coi roborated by concir ring accounts, which add, that fout tecn houfes in that village were burnt on theoccafion Yeflerdiy morning the noted defpnado, who called himfelf genet al O'Neil, and was at the head of the plundering gang, who lady robbed the mail coaches in the counties of Kil dare and Wicklow, was appre hended in bed in Drury.lane, in the Toft embraces of a Dulci nea. His courage was comt late ly out on this occafion, for he was in great trepidation when taken into cuflody. The doughty general was con veyed to a lecure lodging in the n u caflle yard, where he Bill re mains. BafTetcrrc, {St. Chrifl) Feb. 12. The American frigate Con flellation, c »pt. Truxton, arrived here this noon, and brought in a French fugue called L* I n fur genic, of 44 guns, which fire captured on Satuiday lafl, oft the fouth fide of, and in light of this Ifland. The action com menced with a running fire fouth call of Nevis, and terminated off this Jfland, and after three quarters of an hour's clofe en gagement, The French fhip had fcventy-cight men killed and wounded ; the Conflellation had one killed Sc two wounded. 1/ In Surge nte is lately from France, cut two days fio/n Gua ♦ taioupe, and had on boaid 410 men. She led her main top mall in the chafe. Ihe names of lire Spanifh frigates, which captured live of j tnc ouiwa d bound licet, aic the Geres, Iphigene, Diana, and; •Aufumfion, with about 1500 troops, and it was undeiflood they were bound to Cayenne or Surinam, 1 he Sprtn*fli commander is •Den Mahue 1 d 1. 1 paro ng d c Or b. who made the prifoners belong- ; ing to the captured fliips a pre-1 fent of the Patriot. Theyani-j ved at Barbadocs on the 20th of | I (anuaty, when they applied for ; the condemnation of the fhip, but it was given in favour of the underwiiters. NEW-YORK, Feb; 26. A gent’oman arrived on Sun day lab, in tiic fchooner Zenith, from Vera Cruz, via Havannn, inloims, that 6 days before he left V :ra Cruz, a f igatc had ar rived at Acapulo, from Manilla, ( with an official dispatch to the j Viceroy of Mexico, from the governor of Manilla, the purport of which was, that the Englibi had attacked Manilla, with a ' brong force, but were obliged to abandon the enterprife. That Tippoo Saib, taking advantage : of tins ciicumbance, hid attack ed the Englifh fettlements, and iiad mallacred the inhabitants of three towns, and that (as our informant believesj he was then J befirging Madras. The above took place about the beginning !of November, to the bell of his rccolle&ion. February 28. Wc underhand, on the re commendation of the fen ate, that two gentlemen be added to Mr, Murray, in the propofed 1 j million to the French republic,| i that the Piefidcnf of the United I | States on Monday nominated for thatpurpofc, Patrick Henry, efq. of Virginia, and Oliver Ellwoith, efq. of Conncflicut, I i the prelent chief iuftice of the United States. March 1. A ciicurnflance occurred yef jterday which has highly excited the attention of the public. Conformably (oour duty, we have taken conhdciable pa ns to procure as corrcfl information :on the fubjeft as could be ob ■! tained* We believe the follow ing outlines are pretty correct. A pet lon in this city had a fmall demand againll one of the hands (we believe the fteward) jof the Britifh packet Chcfter : held ; and as the latter refuted : payment, alledging its not being jullly owing, the creditor pro cured a capias from the court, which one of the marfhals was directed to execute. Capt. Jones 1 refilled to luffer the execution of the arreft, and threatened the ! m \rfhal in cafe he biould perfift. 1 The officer came affiore. and lodged his complaint with the proper authority, who ordered capt. Jones to be arreflcd for his j interference to prevent the exe cution of the laws. Upon his am b he ordered the j colors of his fhip to beTlmck, ! and the mail to be funk, which I were done. The packet was juft preparing for her departure. C *pt. Jones left this c ity yef te day afternoon for Philadel phia. 1 March 2: Ycflerd .y arrived in 16 days ’ from St. Kiu’s, the fchoonerj ! Torturelle, capt. Wadlworth, | who brings us the pleating Intel-1 licence of the Conflellation, o - commanded by the gallant Trux-I ton, having captured the French: f.igate L'Jnfurgentc, of 32 guns, j after a fevere engagement ot two j hours and a half. The action ! took place on the loth ult. cfF : the bland of St. Kill’s. The! French frigate had 30 men kil-l led, and 50 wounded; capt. I j Truxton had 10 men killed, and 1 7 wounded. The prize was car ried into St Kitt’s. NORFOLK, February 21* Ycberday ai rived the fchoo tier Adventure, capt. Devereux, fiorn London, but laft from Lilbon, 40 da) s. An intelligent gentleman, palfenger in the ; fchooner, informs, that the Con grcls at Rafladt had broken up, after concluding and ratifying a peace between the French re public and the German empire. I A demand has been made by France and acceded to, for per milhon to march 100,000 men through Spain to attack Portu gal, and that a number of men have received orders to march from the Rhine, for 1 hat pur ipofe. Ten regiments were mo :mently expeded at Lifhon bom (England, to replace thofe def -1 tined for Gibraltar. The ac ! count of Buonaparte's death was i generally diferedited at LifbonJ there had been a confpiracy! difeovered at Gibraltar, to blow up the New Mole, and give the I place up to the Spaniards; feve ralof the inhabitants (piincipally ! Jews) were feized and hanged;! lord St, Vincent had, in confe-l 1 1 quence, brought part of his fleet from Cadiz to Gibraltar. CHARLESTON, Feb. 28, A letter received on Tuefday by the fchooner Phebe, bom the Havanna, ment ons, that a large Hamburgh (hip, fiom Ham burgh, bound to the Havanna, with a very valuable cargo of linens, and feme Teneriffe wine, had been captured off that port, by a French privateer, which conduced her into the Havanna where fhehad been condemned » March 11. Capt. Goodrich, from Saint I Chriftopher's, confrrrns, that the | French frigate, lately captured j by the Conflellation of 36 guns, was a 44 gun frigate; and that 1 fhe had 70 men killed and * wounded, while the Conflclla tion had but one killed, and two j wounded. He adds, that capt.! i Truxton bad Tent a cartel to 1 Guadaloupe, with a number of! the French officers and crew on board, on whole arrival, citizen Desfourneaux again impiifoned all the Americans there, fevcral j of whom were till then in daily: expectation of being permitted I ; to depart with their veffe's. Ex trad of a letter from a gait I nr an : in St. Chriftopher’s , to /us [friend 1 in this city . | i I* * have net delivered my ‘ j letter, I have this rr.o mCrt r , I reived information of the I n .T |h(h f.igate Concorde, : m port, a French private** i mounting 18 guns having j n 1 the chafe thrown 16 overhead ! Do not doubt the veracity of | this, as the fliip is now j v i rr ' in the road with the - colours hoifted above V ! French/* j The above letter mention? I alfo, that it was reported and credited in St. Chriftopher's that the frigate United States* commodore Barry, had funk a Fiench privateer, and picked up fixty of her men. HARTFORD, (Com) Feb, 22. Important Dedfion in Chancery . On Thurfday lafl was decided the important cafe of Lynde vs. Miller, &c. This was a bill in chance;y praying for relief a gainft certain notes given for Georgia lands. The bill com plained that the notes were ob tained by fr ud and milieprelcn tation. This caufe was fbfl brought before the fuperior court in September, 1796, and was continued from term to term until the prefent feffion, when the court gave judgment for the plaintiff. This cafe \vas twice argued, ■and it was expeded, from the ! importance of the queflicn to j he decided, that the talents of | the gentlemen of the bar l © whole management it was in Liu bed would be called forth, ard in j this refped the public have not 1 been difappointed. 1 he conn | fel on loth ficcs have diflin iguifhed thcmfelves through the I . O ! whole of this caufe by their very able management; but we think it will not be doing inju(lice to either of the other gentlemen concerned, to fay, that Mr. P. • j * | Edwards, who was conn fel for the plaintiff, made a aifplay of learning and eloquence never furpafled in this ffaie. i he dedfion is of great im portance in its confequcnces, as the principle fettled involves propei ty to the amount cf moie than 250,000 dollars. LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , March 19, 1799. In a few days after the rifing of the late legislature, upwards of 12,000 dollars were, by tfic holders of yazoo ferip, with drawn from the Treafury, i n terms of'the ad paffed lait hellion, permitting them t 0 do 10. In thehoufe of reprefentatives of the United States, on the 22c! ult. on the refoluUon for expd ling Mr. Lyon, frem his feat as a member, the yeas were 49’ nays 45; but the conflitutiu 11 requiring two thirds of the in cin ' beis prelent to expel a membci, the relodtion was not carried.^ Cii the 25th ult. the hcui