The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 26, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISV LLE GAZETTE. 'you I ] T U E S D A March 25, 1799. [No. 10. REASON AND TRU'. H IMPARTIAL GUIDE THEIV./T. —T* “ -£SUTsvILLE: —Published every ludday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ann. payable half yearly in advance. LAWS OF THE of GEORGIA* An ACT explanatory cf that part of the Charier of the Unlverfily of G coy na relative to the Board of Vifitors : and to empower the Senatus Academicus, to decide on the proper place for the feat of that inlhlulion• WHBdKAS by the charter of the univerfity of this (late, made and granted on the twenty-feventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufaml Even hundred and eighty* Eve, a board of vifitors was conftitutcd, confining in virtue of their fevera! offices, of the Governor and Executive Council, the Chief Juftice, and the Speaker of the Houle of Affembly, who alfo made a part cf the Senatus Academicus of the fai l univerfity : and whereas by the adoption of new confii tutions, alterations have been made in the feveral departments which thofe officers formed or prefided over, and doubts have amen whether the Governor, the judges of the fuperior courts, the prefident of the fennte end fpeaker of the houfe of repie* fentatives, do or can now form a beard of vifitors, or make a part of the Senatus Academicus: and whereas , the board of tru flees j have preferred to this general 1 , D j affembly their memorial, figned by their prefident, praying an aft explanatory of the laid doubts, and for empowering the Senatus Academicus to decide on the proper place for the feat of the laid in(litution. Be it therefore enacted and declared by the Jcnate and houfe of reprrfentatives of the jlale of Georgia in general ajftmhly met, and by the authority thereof, it is hereby enabled and (Ic eland, 1 hat it was the true in tent and meaning of the faid chniter, that the officers forming, or pre Tiding over the executiv., judiciary and legislative depart ments of government, fliould farm a board of vifitors, and make a part of the Senatus Aca demicus of the univerfity, that they fhould feel more immedi ately obligated, and have it more di.edly in their power to pro mote the interefl of the indite t on ; and that in virtue of their cver ?l o ‘hces, according to the true intent and meaning of the j1 charter, the Governor, the l he fuperior courts, e prefident of the fen.ate and \ peaker of the houfe of re- P fentatives do, and of right I no ' v t 0 conditute the Tin of vifitor*, and a part of laid natUS Acad of the ! laid univerfity. And whe rens the prosperity of the in dilution may depend much on the judicious choice of a place to be the (cat of the uni verfity, and doubts are enter tained with whom the determi nation of this point reds, Beit enabled by the authority a/orejaid. that the Senatus Academicus (ball b*A and hereby are veiled with full power to decide on fuch place as in their judgment (hail be moR conducive to the good and profperity of the Laid iußiiution. JDav 1 d Meriwetiter, S peakcr 0) the Houfe cf Repnfentatives: R o b e r t Walton, Prefident cf the Senate. AfTented to, I cb. 16. 1799. J AMES J ACKSON, Governor. An ACT for the appointment of county officers. BE it enabled by the Senate and Houfe of Rcprcjenta lives of the State of Georgia, in General Affanhly met. That the (heriffs, clerks, coroners, and county furveyors cf the refpeftive coun ties within this Rate, fh:di be elefted on the third Tucfd ry in Oftober next, by the jußiccs Oi the inferior court and jußiccs of the peace or a majority of them, in each of the faid counties ref peftsvely, and all fuch elections j (hall be held by any two or more | of the laid eleftors not being candidates, who fhali within thiity days thereafter* tranfrnit under their hands and Teals a true return of fuch eleftion to his Excellency the Governor, who is hereby authorifed and empowered to commiffion fuch perfon or perfons as may be elefted. And be it further enabled , That the faid jußices of the inferior court and jußices of the peace, or a majority of them, fhali meet at the couit houfesin their ref peftive counties, in the forenoon of the faid third Tuefday in Oftober next, and appoint the afore faid officers, and fhali meet on the faid third Tuefday in October, in every fecond year thereafter, and appoint each of the aforefaid officers in manner herein before preferibed. Pro vided always , thar the clerks of, the court, fhali hold their ap-j pointments during good beha-j viour, agieeable to the conßitu tion. And he it further enabled by the authority aforefaid , That on the reprefentation of two thirds cf the jußices of the inferior court and of the county, or by fen tencc of impeachment, his Ex cellency the Governor, be anal he is hereby authoiifcd to re- j move any of the aforefaid fhcriffi 1 from office; and he fhali and may remove from office any coroner or county fuivcyor on a like reprefentation of two thirds of the jußices of the in ferior court, and of the county. The Governor fhali and may alfo remove any of the aforefaid clerks, county furveyors or co roners from office, on conviftion of the offender or olfenclcrs for mal prablice in office. And be it further enabled, Tint in cafe of the death, refignation or removal fiom office, or other difability of any or ciihcrof the aforefaid officeis, it fhali be the duty of one or more of the juf tices of the inferior court of the county in which fuch vacancy fhali happen, to give at leaß ten days notice, to be publilhed at] the court-houfe, and at three or more public places in fuch coun ty, for the meeting of the laid jußiccs of the inferior court and jußiccs of the peace, for the pur pofe of fiding up fuch vacancy, and the faid jußices of the in ferior court and jußices of the pcare, or a majority of them being fo convened, (hill proceed to cleft; a ftt and pioper perfon to fill fuch vacancy, according to the efireftion of this aft. And be it further enabled. That 'he inferior court flull at their RiR term in each year appoint at leaß one, and not more than two fit and proper perfon or per sons in each militia company dißrift, to ferve as conßables, who fliall hold their appoint ments for one year, and until a fucceflor fhali be appointed, and before fuch con Rabies enter on the duties of their appointments, they fhali give bond and good lecurity to the Governor of this Rate, for the time being, in the Turn of one hundred and fifty dollars for the faithful difeharge of their duties, and fhali alfo take the following oath, before ajußice of the inferior court, or a jußice of the peace : <s Ido folcmnly (wear (or affirm) that I will duly and faithfully per form all the duties required of me as conßable of the county of according to thebeft of my abilities and underhand jing,” And where it fhali fo j happen that no fit and proper iperlon or perfons offer ihem : felvcs as Candidates, the faid court fliall pafs an order direct ing thejußices in any dißrift, or one of them, to draw not exceed ing two perfons from fuch com pany, to ferve as aforefaid, who {hall be liable to a fine of forty dollars, to be levied by order of j the Raid infeiior court on refufai to act or procure fome other ; perfon to ferve for him* And he it further enabled. That any jußiceof the peace may in calc where there is no conßable in his dißrift, either from death, removal orothenvife, authorile (ome perfon (o execute the duties of conßable, until luch vacancy is filled, David Mf.imvetiier, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, Robert Walton, Prefident of the Senate. Affentcd to, Feb. 1 6, 1799. James Jackson, Governor, PROPOSALS lor Pub fling, hy Subferiptian , a NEWS PA PEE, intil td, I/>e LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. I. The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE flailti , *' at 'y printed, on a demy flze, (fl which this it i a Jp.cimen) and ddivebed >o Sub/rib nin j<l tty . U(ftlay , and to diflunt by the Tptedy iotivryanct. CC True to Su f fibers—tfirtt dollars per annum, fiay.tUe fhtlf yeatly in advance. CCI. Advt< tijementi infected on rea/onable j terms. 11 . Efliys . Articles of I'lfellig-nce, and Communications of an inf rejiing natu e, nviii bs lhankjidly rucived , andfntUy altmded to. To the PUBLIC. ET the advice of a number of refbtdfah/e pen* t/emen of this town, the Editor fubmits the above to the public rye. Pledges kirn ft if tc adopt a line of tondui'., which, he thinks cannot jail to jecure him tie af’fx vb.ition of all~~tbat he is determinti fo aahit to the. Ur ftclt imparti ilitv. 7^ LOUISriLLF. GAZETTE flail tver be open to alt p t tt( s—’influenced by rone. He will conflantly endeavor to prsfent hn read* ers.with the latejl an i ttu.fl authenticated Foseipn and Dor?flic Intel:{genre. If will be his gat it* ottlar flu Ay to render it a ufc. ul and enter tainimr paper. /In i hopes by his afjiduity and f\\i£l ut* tent ion to ht.fincfs , to meet with the patronage of a generous public. The util'ty of a paper, on the pier propofed, mufl appear obvious to every one. IVith theft profrffs< ms, and a reliance on the inhabitants of Loui/zdlle , and the public in gene ral, he remains with due refpedf, th-ir obedient eervant, AMBROSE DAT. Louifville , "January 22, 171 9. The SUBSCRIBER BEGS I c:ae to r firm (he Citizen* of Lcuifviile, amt the anjdceiT, ihat he purjj.Tei teaching a rollout in i.onifviMe, provicli: g he meet* with cnc.) ragement. His pl iit of teaching, with refpeft to time* will be as follows : ihat Is, lie will in winter, teach !i» hoars rve y hay, wi'h our any intcrmiJllon. iu lummer, be will teach eight Imuri every day, with one * hours imcrmiilio'*. He will cor.fine hira f-!f 10 tl.ii ty feb'dars ; but privileged occafiorally, to take youihs, vhn may with to learn fome Branches oi the Mathe matics. Ha will ‘e-rh Ms S(ho l art, without «?if t'.n io y\, fhould it It wifled, heading. Wri ting, Au.hmeiic, Ge unetry, Tr ? g uio me'ry, Surveying; tlic I henry of Kavi grtion, in fin cafes; the ufe of she Globes, lerrrc and cckilial ; Geography, E cments >f AUronomr, with an taiy meth d of alculating the magnitude* and diAantes of the Heavenly ; the Element* cf PraAical, Natural Phi olophy, agreeable 'oFtrt'ufon, witli a number oi ether ufe ful Branches. And ail tins, for Twelve Dolhr* per annum, or One Dollar pec mouth* The S r hnol to c.’-mmtnre as fnon as there s a fufficicnt fa Tcripiion, and a houfe provided. The Houle at the fcholars e*- pcnce. Hie Subscriber Hatter* that he wi I give general to ihofe La dies cr Gentlemen who may fivor him with t'.’C tuiti n of their Children, a* he hath Trent fome years of his v « h in teathiog fchool. ' ANDREW BURNS. Delightful tfl to rear the tender plant, "To teach the young idea how to float, And pour the. frtfh inflrutlon in th: mind, January 22.