The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 09, 1799, Image 2

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l> Executive influences ptcfcnb i iDcnt of the Hancock Grand ]ury. approbating Executive mcaiurcs. I conceive it therefore a duty I owe to the Office 1 hold, to the conllituted authorities of my country, and to my fellow-citi zens at large, to call on you in your judicial capacity, to pro duce your proofs, that cither of the preferments you have allu ded to, in Burke or Hancock, proceeded from, or wej eat tempt ed to be carried dirc&ly or indi rectly by Executive influence , and I challenge every Grand Juror on both thofe occafions to Tap pert you in your proof. If you produce thole proofs, I am ready to meet the confute of the com munity—but if you fail , I hope your effertions will not be receiv ed as judicial convithon , and I (hall leave it for public deter mination whether your attack on the Executive Department, has proceeded from purity of judicial conduft, or from poli tical motives—which in a Judge is monflrous—from refentrnent, or from envy. As to the merit of the prefent Executive not being of Hcrling value, and having too much alloy in it, I (ball not found my own praife by judging of it, but I § believe that the perfon now j holding the appointment, will never have occafion to blufh on i n companion of his adminiflra lion, with that of the mock one: of 1779, or the more expenhvc; feene of 1789 —And as to the prefent adminiftration’s being a temporary evil, I have only to obferve, that your political charges will never drive me one jot from my public courfe—but I believe that when I retire from public life, I (hall do fowith as much fatisfa&ion as you have evinced at getting into office, although not with the fame ex alted ideas of my former ufeful nefs or importance, 1 am, Sir, Your obedient fervant, JAMES JACKSON. Hon. G FORGE Walton. | fudge oj the Middle Viflrift, Georgia , The aforegoing taken from the Minutes, Tefle , Thomas Johnson, Secretary . T *..uc EjiAoean News, By the Two Friends , w#. M'Ncil , and the Maria , capt, Inghs , arrived at Charlejlon , from Lon don, * LEGHORN, January 11, Advices received here from Palermo, in four days, Rate, that the king and queen of Na ples, and all their fuit, had reached there on the 25th of December, after a very dreadful dorm. The Vanguard had only her lower mafls Handing upon reaching the harbour. One of the king s children of fix or levcn years of age, is faid to have died . ;on the paffige. 'Pimcc Pigr-vj I telli remained at Naples, to hold) the reins abandoned by govern- j meat. VIENNA, January 9; The Archduke Jofeph has repaired to Petcrlburgh. It is faid that he is to eipoufe the cldefl daughter of the Emperor of Ruffia. lie is in confequence to be made either Duke of Court land or King of Poland.' Ihe Archduke Charles, it is faid at the fame time, is to be manied to one of the Princelles of J£ng \ land. A letter from Conflantinople of the 20th November, Hated, that couriers had arrived with the intelligence, that Berthicr, and 40 French officers, had been murdered in the Divan at Cairo, and the French in the place maf facred; that Buonaparte was afterwards attacked by the com bined forces of Murat Bey, and Achment and Oilman., and de feated. Buonaparte himfelf fell in battle. The Hamburgh edi tor diflrufls the account, as it came only by private letters, and was not noticed in the Vienna Court Gazette, and it is contra di&cd by fubfequent accounts which Hale him to be alive, and, though in a critical fituation, entrenched in fuch a manner, as to induce the Arab Chiefs to wait the arrival of the Turkilh and Ruffian artillery before they attack him. The artillery and troops are faid to have landed in Egypt. BERLIN, January 12. The Court Gazette of this day contains the following article, I dated December 20th, from the frontiers of Turkey : Letters from ConHantinople, dated December 15th, received by the way of Belgrade, fay, <( that the Pacha of Syria had already come to action with Bu onaparte, The combat was bloody, and feveral Frenchmen fell in the engagement. The refult, however, was not decifive, as no more than the advanced guard of the Turks were enga gcd. PARIS, January 3, Three Americans were vef terday aireHcd and fent to the Temple, January 4. To the details which we terday gave of our laH vi&oiies in Italy, we are to add, that two Englilh fiigatcs have been run agrennd and taken, and feveral | tranlpoTvS, having two thoufand tioops on tnard them, dellined to favor the flight of tne kins of Naples. 6 j 1 he court of Turin promoted j the aifaffination of the French troops—the Britifh cabinet,wifh* ing to induce the emperor to make war, perfuaded the Nea politan monarch that an attack on Rome would neceflarily in volve Aufiria in the war ; and); Pittpromifcd to the new rrylj. 1 y nand t ana r J tion tho gieatcfl facccf?. Two Tufcan Tartans have ar- \ rived at Leghorn from Lgypt. They were 35 days on their pil lage, and have brought thirty palfengers, chiefly I 1 tench ofli ce»s, who were wounded in the aftion oil Aboukir. The intel ligence which thefe ofliccrs bring, is do\vn to the middle Brumaire, (beginning of November) and is very fatisfa&ory as to the Hate of Egypt. January 6 . The French emigrants, at the rcquelt of the republican minif ters, have received orders to quit Rafladti It is dated in many of the papers, that the people of the ifland of Sardinia have refufed to receive their unfortunate fo vereign, January 8. The king of Sardinia palled by Parma. He was obliged to remain there forne days, becaufe his wife was taken ill. He thence purfued his route towards Leg horn, where he is to embark for Sardinia. Admiral Nelfon, on leaving Leghorn, divided his fleet into two fquadrons ; one of thefe failed for the coafl of Genoa, the other for Sicily.' January 12. By a difpatch dated head quarters, Rome, Dec. 19, Ge neral Championct announces to the directory, that on the 16th | the column of Gen. Lemoine, which was fent to Aquila, had taken pofleflion of that place, after having forced the gates by cannon (hot. The fort capitu lated on the 17 th. The garrifoix arc made prifoners of war. Forty pieces of cannon, and a great quantity of ammunition are the fruits of this important conqucft, which opens to the division of Gen. Lemoine, an 1 eafy palfage for the entrance of his troops into the kingdom of, Naples, and for feconding the operations of the army of Rome, now in full inarch for the capital I of that kingdom. January 13, The Propagateur contains the following notice relative to St. Domingo, which has been fent by the minifter of the marine to commiflioners of the diieftory at the different ports of Franee: “ The executive diredtory having judged it proper to re eftablifh thole relations with the ifland of St. Domingo, which have been temporarily fufpend cd; you will take care to inform the merchants of your port, and the maritime diflrift to which! youradminiftration extends, that i they may proceed to fit out vcf-l fels for that colony. You may! even affure them, that it will gne pleafure to the government to fee fuch operations undertak en,and that I (hallfacilitate them by >ll the means in my power/* January 26. j f Gen, Berthier, with Buona-1 pane’s youngeft brother, is ar-* lived in Corfica. He comes ; concert meafures with the ilir c ' tory. Buonaparte lliil remain trader of all Fgypt. Itisfaid that the commandarj of Bhrenbrcitdein has called fuccours both from the cmncrn and the king of Prudia, and thai both the one and the other h , V( laid, that they cannot affift hi m The garrifon makesdaily fign a |, which are believed to be fi gr of extreme dtftrefs. 6 'i he French government h av . ing complained that the Bata vians continued to fupply t j,j Englifh with provifions, the dj. reftoryof that republic has p ro ! pofed to prohibit the expon a . tion of failed and fmoked p ro , vifions. The dey of Algiers, ve are aflured, has declared war 3gain(| the French Republic, at the in. Rigation of England and the Porte, The Algerine envoi was arreßcd yefteiday morning and is now in cußody. The Teals have been put upon his papers. The laft letters from Naples make no mention of our troops having entered into that citv, A detachment from the Englifh fleet have, it is Taid, burned a! the fliips in the harbour, and, i is added, have orders to bom bard the place whenever it Thai fall into the poffeffion of thJ French. 1 The king of Sardinia is a| ! Colorne, in the territory of thl Grand Duke of Parma, andil is affirmed he would not go ij Sardinia, but that his fubjedi would allow him a penfion. I I The Neapolitans had evacuj ated Leghorn, and it is believe! that the Grand Duke of Tull cany had obtained an arrange] ment of peace wirh the FrendJ Republic. | j The capture of Malta by thl Englifh is fully contradi&ed b| the laft letters fiom that quarte; J LONDON, Deccmbersp. I All American veflels in thl harbors of France have beel releafed ; all American prifoneil have been fet at liberty; and thl mod pofitive aflurances havl been made, that France is mi I to enter on a treaty for the amicdl l accommodation oj all matters tl difpute, I January ii. • I The intelligence from Gefl many is of a pacific complexion! The emperor, To far from in* jeating any boflile intention* | gainll France, has fenc a fee* ! agent to Paris, to confer w* | the dire&ory; and fuch is * i confidence placed by the Frencß jin the pacific difpofuion of * I empire, that they have vn* idrawn the greater part of tb* troops from the right bank of* Rhine. I Palfawan Oglou has obtain® Tome further advantages over* troops of the Grand Seignior* The AMBUSCADE . I Capt, fenkins, of the bufeade frigate, has wih>' : I