The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 18, 1799, Image 3

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|, f wnfannllcKince the time 'Walhiogtoa vifitcd this ci:v, in the year 1791. I Veflerday morning tne launch I of ,l,e frigate was completed I without any accident. . I SAVANNAH, June 14. I On Tuefday la It. arrived the I (hip St. Andrew, capt. Kirk, 53 I davs from Greenock, by tpis I ar rival, we have been favored I with London papers down to I ,he 13th April, and Glafgow as I late as the 16th; which ful.y I authenticate the defeat of gene itsl Jourdan by the archduke Clnrles. Schooner Pally, capt. Gor ham, of Washington, No-th- Caiolina, arrived at Five Fathom Hole lallevening.from Kingdom, latnaica, who informs, that in the Gulph Stream on Sunday Jaft, in lat, 26. he fell in with a wreck, on her beam ends, from which, in company with another veffel bound to Norlh-Carolina, took about 1,500 pieces of duck, linens and cambiicks, pocked in calks and boxes. On her deni was painted Patty , but no papers could be found ; her mads were both gone, clofeiy by the board ; one man was fecn floating 111 the |lcabbin. I Capt. Chlfholm, of the Hoop [■Three Friends, of this port, ar- i [■lived here la 11 evening from St. ■Thomas’s, via Ghailefton, who that he was taken by [■three French privateers when ||within 10 leagues of Surinam (25 days out) carried into Gay ane, tried in 48 hours after,: nd veflel and cargo condemned, 1 11 The fchooner Hiram, captj HCliace, of Charlefton, bound I I a Martinique, an?l the fchooner | ntrepid, rapt. Williams, of' odolk, (Vir.) were both car-! icd in and condemned. Capt. C.a!fo informs, that on' e °f May, tlie French f nt at Cayenne, had actually . J d a proclamation, author-! the taking, burning and eifroving of every American' ciiel tney fhould meet. I he above proclamation was . in confequence of infor mi°" re ceived at that port of le Ukln g of the lafurgente. L 0 u I S V I I, L E, TbESDAT, y urit ,g } 1 or ‘he LomfvilltGazette, Day, Si;, ie^! V | lN . G f . en fome political Wliiaper 7 ■’V*® Louifvi:|e etl( L P, . wnich are now the ] to d c of converfation, »" I.l° V lannerasrh "* aS Irr P a,tial a ft, v t|l ■ natUre of lhe fu ’>- The firfl ! flu,!! We ? h* [ °f “ The Oiferver." i e fond :rr nkmd 1,1 o° r - erai i B e ar^na COn^ql Wer, anc * of ap ■f U ? US amon g their P lntr b each man has his ; peculiar manner of recommend ing himfclf to popular notice: I who then can blame 4 * The Qh '/ervey," for the method he has taken to a. tract the attention of his fellow-citizens; for 1 hip po Ce him an American, and be yond a doubt, one of the “ well born.” But to the fubjefl in quedion, can any man of com | mon capacity, but agree with i him, that great and numerous are the bldlings attendant on ! monarchy and aridociacy ? Hoes not ancient and modern hiftory furmfli us with ample proof of this alieition ? Witnefs the cm- I I ides, the wars cairied on be tween the houfes of Lancaller and k o k : nay, our own revo . lution. Was not royal clemency extended to every American, which they could not kill nor imprifon ? Witnefs, I fay, the prefent holy juft and neccffary war of extermination, nuw car rying on againll the Republic j of France, by a combination cf emperors, kings, princes, p-iefls. ! potentates, and the whole hofl | of the a Lord’s anointed!' —no doubt but they will luccecd in their glorious labors, » Thou lands and tens of thou , bands oi dilconfolate widows are, j and will be left to blcfs trie name I of monarchy and arillocracv, ■ j for having been the means of leaving them and their little, j orphans, without the abidance j ; of a fond f. it':er, to procure them - 4. thole neccflaries natu ! e requires. And are there not thoufmds of j heroes who left the vde mechanic i arts and the drudgery of the j plough, to bleed in their caufe ; j and aie now living monuments | ol their glory : after luch an j enumeration of bledings and , hundreds more which I cou’d : mention, who can blame “ The ChinverT for being the ebam | • * O i pion of monarchy and ahdo cracy : but it is wifpered that it is not his own piodufl on— j that granted : furely it is i’liberal ’ not to let a man make the bid iufe of his talents. If he has' | not capacity fuTcient to com i pole a piece in vindication of ; ihis favorite do£liuie. he ought! ( • '3 ,to be allowed the privilege of! i r o feiecling. I mud hope “ The j Ob/erver '* w 11 continue his excr-! jtions in the cau r e he has fo! honorably embarked ; luch fu- j pine lophidry as his cannot fail; to convince Americans, that a 1 monarchical government is the; bed adapted lor them. I now come to lhe Qojervcr of u The Ohfaver ” —It certainly | was the greatefl piece of abfur dity in him to “ periinaoionjlf , i intrude himfelf upon 44 The i)h- Jervtr” when he was frilpothl} 1 , calmly and quietly leadfrfg iu into the glorious laberinth ol monarchy, well 'fall it; “ ruhbifht' when it was the cCTu fions of an honed heart, the dilates of fcnfibiuty, for the ludcring of his fellow men.j Such vulgar feelings as thofcaic' ' not apt to intrude themfelves in i t T ie bo Tom offuch men as u The \ Oh fervor. No; tlicir feelings j ‘are more exq nfite thei * lend- 1 ■bilily is moved even with the thrieks of virgins, gcrng to be, ravifhed—hv d\ mg infants dr;u*- ged from the arms of a tender mother—hy cities wraoped in flames—and the earth purpled with the blood of in lyrters m the caufe of liberty. Their feeli-gs are as exquifue as chofe of the ' pious Cathadne, who had tedium lung through her empire, for (lie 1 conqueft of Prague* after her general had in cool blood hu manely put out of this trouble lb me world thirty thoufand of its citizens, rnd made bon-lrres of their houfes, to warm them ic* Ives : after io pious a labor, i who can but admire their nice ‘ feelings. I fliall now leave The Obfcrver of “ The Ohferverff and hope he will not interrupt the champion or the alien and Tedi ■ion b’l s any mo.c; but let him go on uninterrupted in his honeft ende ivois, prelling tow -1 'TO arus the “ mark of the p>ize 0) theh'gh calling;” whether it be " Prague and War faro lie nearly together , as Lender, and Wtflmin /Ur ; being divided only by the vif tula, the number of unfortunate wretches who p. rified, were 50 o Joldicrs in the attack: after the hat -1 tic was ended, the Ruffian*proceeded |to di/arm the citizens, and to plun der their houfes; after all refifhmce had ceafed, about nine o'clock at. night they Jet fire to the town % and beran to butcher the inhabitants The fuk cni wounded p riffled in the flames ; the <ld men , women and children fell by the (word ; nne | thoufand perfons of every age, and | ei her fx fell in this maJJ'acre ; and ike whole ( a /ao altered houfes i excepted) was reduced to afics. Te dcum was fng t and a foie mu d y of thank[giving to God was Jet apa: t , for this abominable butchery. Jhe ; impiety \ [fays an anonymous nrittr] • which prevails in Trance is Jhock- j ing : but what is it com hared with ! ! w i this aol of eftentatious and JoUmn : blafphemy—"What a melancholy idea 1 ! dyes it convey to the mind, to jup j oje | ! the world under the government of j O S \Juch a God as his, worfhipped at Pcterjburgh, Vienna, Bolin , and j Lon don —0 0 a being vho is fup- \ Jo fed to ojjiji the arms a. d enjoy 1 I the triumph of p.wojid. cpp'cJjioK, ,againjl perftcuUd innocence and \virtuc —To delight in fciag his I alters ftream with the b od of w:~ \mcn and children ; and in he ring his praijes chauntcd by the voice if I; murderers , in the midfl J fhrieks ! and groans cj viHims. Auflna , Pruffia and Ruffin no longer ago 'than the year 1795, divided the l unfortunate kingdom of Pcland \amongJl them, and were all er/uilly concerned in that war of murder and plunder . Yet thefe are the fanclifud powers, with England , no lejs famed in the hf toric page, for unjuflnefs and cru el’y of her wars , with whom Ame rica are to be allayed — Heaven, earth and hell forbid iU 'j crown of glory, commiflion i place or pro lion. With relpeft f o lh* “ Cenforf 1 think, he mud be either a to I or a madman, to vindicate the caufe of (inking republicanism, when he knows it is univerfdly reprobated, not only in firs country, but all over the w ild, particularly in Europe, and more elpeciallv by our firm friend, ,and faithful ally the druifb. It is fo be hoped he will d f on ;ti lie his pernicious doftrinc, for fear wclhould be errou( ouflv' led to believe, that wc aic all equal. As for the piece lignccl “ Pier,” it is toj contemptible for our not ce : ha is one of thofe impious wretches that would wdh to teach mankind the facreligious piincip'cs that they arc men. A SUBSCRIBER. FOR sale, At the UNION, Low/vilk , A q amiry of "i n? Northward Chcefe, IVot Bread; and Piiila lelphia Beer, h H.n, i ». !fKUW I S F, Spanidi Segars, and Tobacco, O;’ die be t quality . lB. i o be (old, at public auction, On TU E S D A Y, Ihe 6th Align ff next, in the J own of VV mn(b»rjugh, Countv, 150 Acres of LA N I), Hd g to the E.Utc of Jam»« kkn, deccaffd, lvi ( ,* on M'Hcca'a, r.rij >':n ng land* of Thus. Milicr., C th. »*y or. f r of C' ur f , Daniel M'Murphv, admr . yune 18 Wafhmgion Superior Court, Sepicmlcr Term, 1798. Andrew I lemphill,~] i vs. j> Fureclifare, James llcmpbill, J UPON th petition of Andrew Hemphill praying he fort dc/iue 0/ the epnty of red wpi ion, • in and to the following bold of land , l /iiuate, lying and bung in the am ;ty e) Waffnngtrn , bounded by 7, hn | foremen, John Rogers and ad j other JidiS by vacant land ; and I containing two handled e ; g : t\ [even and an half acres, whLh hallo/ land was mortgaged to the [aid An* \ drew Hmph //, by the faid James I hempuil, for the fccunly of one hundred an I thn ty ftvn pounds , [eventfen failings a> d three pence , on the 1 6th cay of March, m the year 0/ cur L rd one thou/and facn handled an.l ninety-three. Upon motion cf Mr. Ca dwell, alto ncy for the plaintiff, it is ct cti id, that itic principle title?efl and cojl he paid ituo 1/ls court, within twelve months from this ime, oilcr wife the equity of Yidtivpfion will be for tv r j rec.ofed, and thai a cop)/ cj this ru ebe ferved up, n the /aid James Hemphill or pidh/hed nine months in one cf the Gazettes J tms Estate, before the expiration of the laid nine mmhs % agncM to an ad of the hgflalurt in J u:h cates made and provided, A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy clerk*