The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 16, 1799, Image 2

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To lie foM. M puWie auQion, j On r UE S The Ct'i AugnO next , 2n ine I*n.T w * iu4». Hu,k,r C un'v ino Acres of L A N T H, fj . , n the Kla c «T T.T Q <’e ' r <!, I' " rn C'A, <! : n ■> land* nf Ti: $. Miher. On i n *. V fil. I I»( r f T tl , I) .ntel M'Murphy, it*. S F OR S A L E, At ihf 01 hin 1 4 the IJWIXriLLE GAZ • LTTE di»p Jor njhy \T I ill G il la R ' 1* rVC p i 1 <»•'!.U G 1(1 WlfM c ■ Sr Is O tr!) (lie day oi • Jic mt-nil . s I rr H t'f I»’ If* •; t ('l ilt’d do. d • 7 ■ M rr Tn( a< die Ladles j; pj. red do, «l'. d«*. y ir iai r> ( Si’ve r B“* • Buckles «r rr,>r i f Pla ed S, uii P'.itr '* hi * F, ur Tl «> f n«* Needle One gr >« r aigr Pcnr’ Cotton or Tobacco will he | received in p' incut lor the above Articles. M ifi }) 12 FOR S A I. F, At the UNION, Lowjville, > qi a ifr of orim* Korthward Cheese, Pi ot Bread; and Philadelphia Beer, in B>itlf*. I f K E VS I S F, Spanifh Sugars, and Tobacco, Of ihe I eil quala, . June IO H N B I A 1 , Las Jor Sa'e, at his Sto>e, cheap Jor (ajh t r I he following Articles, viz. Y Is H L en 4-4 v»ule Hr \vm iJ ijl a l ' 11 g* F ..wn l.i en Ti k’enbuifis B .imhunu ( 01. r.i ; nd plain Na f Wn* 7 :p|)ouied, s S gged end Finn j cti ft and Bo k M 11 y, 11) in Shawls ami H > kerch efi, H*« k i.n<l he on Get i’cm ns Neik Hfuidkcrcn.eli ana Cia * Hl» C Ikre' ' nd Chirtvei p t k r ' H ni'kert li els P .k, B ur m Pi k Durants H hi' n 1 1 . Fcrt eii g uml 1 aj-ei Sf i g i knn I Tuifi y. Womri ana Y-utVs Cotton and V\ o fied Bofc | (if. J liocs g atm M n. hefic M fl : n Fi c ;v tl 7’ ii. menrs D w riir ami WrUHc’s Spelling Bocks P era! Re.tih R< kunei* VS »iii*'c Pa,)fr C I nnd P ; tc>! Huitoni 1 a gr and fiuail do. 1 e C' 1 nil' ci $ P K. ici K iv. \ t ami Foiks 7 ifi e 5()»> ns 7>u S. o ns I k P.-fj <l"vs, l.r,nil and large C»" b ct v Fired cs and Pms 7 h u nlct Coir, n C .rdi No. ro J<m ic.' and Welt Ind.a Rum 7 c n ill VS inc iSp t 'lf Brandy S g.u MolaTes h t m Te i c ai d Co colatt l\ini Pc\r an d Sp ; ce Coj-p^^ KeM R Gun Powder 5)1.0 It r p<l H tfkirg Bills bait. A L « O, A qu nritv nf Me, I I>ES, via. Pile; rr ( t Ppni't mini J m "n< Klraboib »iii ill 0 1 Tartar C..! n-c'. With a la’ge and genfal rff rrment cf ''"at, Ogc h'* vJ; h H v lir ty ot • ii rs, tw- uujous ic mcmiou. , Jute 4. * • * Si WALTER ROBINSON T Hi* rc,:e;vcd ff- m C a l.iU.n, a ral Ail’ortm nt of DRY GOODS . Which he will fell low for Cafh. at h : 8 S or , re t the Marker. »n Red Houle, where Mr. Joftph Cbuirt fo mfly I ved, IK! H LINENS, ?-4 and 4-4 widt Wh ie and Brown SI citing \ han lomci ortment of Ci icoci . a Cotton and Thread Hofe. fine & roarfe L di fl an 1 Childrens Morocco Shoes an Shppe'B Mens, Womens and Childrens ccaife and fine Ha a Twilhd plain and colored v atfcnlre 5c Mufl net Waiftcoal Shapes G r. ed L) o it ca S' k<r and S k Handkerchiefs 1 ami) red, fir ped, fpripged, p’ain Ja conet and B ck Mull n Mulm ShufvUand Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemen® fine N tk Handkcrrhiefa \'c vet and Coidun y twilled and plain I Sewing Siik and 1 w It Ribbons and Lad eu long and !h ’tt Ki J G' ves Mens Bu. kflc ti and Beaver do, Wrinrg K per, fine and cuarfe Duran.a of ad co ors lets Crffc, Choro'a*e snd Tct Sugar, wlu.c and brown Mui. ffes C'’pptr.B A'lum and Brimftore X'm, Eia’ ty, Wt c Whdl<y We d i g Hoes and GiUobing co, Br ad ?n ! Liub Axes 4I 61 fil lod. and 20J. Na Is I Fi cn AJed c ne snd G. über Saltl I V wur i la’es and P tr ngtrs Spooi s. Urge and fauli Eying P„ns ‘ Sp d«’s ; Vjl if 9 of *’l fiZeS | F • a of ci.fl ie k'nt’l ! KnlvCfl and Fm k^ Cut enu . ud PvD Knifes Thrmol s Beads i;id Ne k Li:cB 1 (f n e (f P pp<- m ot WIOI ai d Cotton Cards No I, 9 & 10 Bed T ick 1 g n 1 Check# , ( un Loiki and Flmis P t e§ G af«, 8 by 10 Piufli n B ue »’p n r s 1 urp n'ine L n on Porter Ginghams : w 1 c : nd colored Thread Hor c Wh ps Pms t f all lizea 1/ V y and Horn Hair Combi Hum hums I k Powder Br d'e Bite an.l Sadlery Sh emakei’s S o ols B oh a and I e'lam n*s Spe lin,; Bo kt and Primmtrs Wo te Cnapci Needics L > k G affes D awing Ku veß Ha-id Saw* and Hammers ( U'-ry C< mbs Giiupowdt r L d n ' Shot Sieving B .xcs, Rszors end CifsS Sp daclcs C ke B ick'ng P at d, G l ami Common Button* Ct ff.*e Mi ls St; 1 k and Pad Li ks i ri War ot ait k c ds h ar'htn Wa r e Pepper, A fpice, Nu m-ge, C oves, Cinnamon and Gicgrr Deca rerfl, Tumbers, G . fTca and Salt Sillers A fmail dock of Woullcc G ods B ra 1 Clo'.hs C fiinrrta SwHnd W 19 an ) C r »at’nff'S Duffi and Br rtol B anket* ALSO, J’/l receiv'd, and opening fcr [ale ,' , A a r t q nut )y ot Gu powUcf and! ’ S..ul a.iuricd ' VI oi CanU C'lf'if'g Kn v ' 9 1 V/crd f;il o ■ tJ Sa:l I:ot 9, 8.-l C ards and Lint* \j of: 3 Ca'icoca 1 Mtifl na »nd lliirnhumi Laflim;re Veil b,i»oe9 Hats, coarie and hcc, with a varie>y of other articles, to complete hie AH’ nmerit, w’uich he will fell low tor Calh. Jy-'y 9- A New Grocery Store, JUSToprutd ly ihe S'bferiber, m the ti'.nfc formerly occupied by Mcio*. p fner & iicnc l’x. Hi hm affo A Trial I an«l hanefome Afloitment of Dry Goods, \Vhuh will he fold on very low Term:, for or Produce only. David Thomas . Loulfville, June 2 5s 1799 > - -- --- ■ - '— ~ Thrfv Dollars Reward . STOLEN From Me SuVcWfer'jj&kwfcr-! Lon, rn Big Creek, on Tuef d fv , the 18 A irjtant, a dark lav Marc, 4 y&vrs old , about fourteen arid on half hand • A’; A, branded cn •the m anting fhoulder and buttock , /M, joined together ; Jht has a fmoll Har rn her forehead, and one \ hini foot ha 7 white . II hotvt r wi I deliver the jaid Ma r e, or give in formation, /o that the Owner may $ t her a gam , /W/ receive Twenty Dollars reward and Forty Dollars on deteflion of the (hi /. "i h nr.s Mountain, j Jeffer(on County, June 2 St 17 99 -J Wafhington Superior Court,! p embe r 7 e rm, 1798. Andrew Hemphill, vs. )► For eclofire, Hemphill, J UPON! th petition 0/ Andrew Hemphill praying the fore clopne of the cq aty of redemption, in and to the following t' aft of land ,' fi n ite lying and being in the com-\ iy f \l afhingt n t bounded by John foreman, Jchn Rogers and ah other Jid sby vaunt land ; and containing two handled eighty fvzn and an half acres , whvh traft of land was mortgaged to the [aid An drew Hemph ill by the f-nd James Hemphill f for the fecunty of one hundred an I thirty fev n pounds, ftv nfeen filling* a d th ce pence , on the 1 6th day of March ni the year of our L rd one thou/and Jeven hundred an t ninety-three . Upon motion cj Mr. Cal dwell, atio ?iey for the plaintiff, it is or | dcred, that (he principle mteref and cofl he paid into th s court, within twelve months from this time , other wfe ihe equity of rt demption will he forev r f reclofed, and that a | copy of this rule be fervid upon the /aid James Hemphill, or puhh/hed nine months in one of the Gazettes of this State , before (he expiration of the /aid nine in nths t agree Me to an aft of the Hg flat arc in/uch cafes made and prevised, A true c py from the minutes , 1 J, Williams, deputy c.eik. MANUS LEM I, E Has removed his Dry Co-d Store, to ,} e Home formerly occupied by Jh irk , Collier Sr C>.as a Dy Good S’rre: * Where he has for /air, cheap for call or produce, A hind Tome Aflortment cf DRY GOODS. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, See, ALSO, Juft received and for fade, A colleftion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. See. June 4, Z. LAMAR, HAS FOR SALE , At his STORE, Marked Square, Cheap Jot Ca/h, LONDON Duffil Blankets White, B;ue and Green Plain* White and Red Flannel* P ath C atings Su;»ei fine Broad CLths c eco' d do, do. Black Buff and Grey CafTlmercf Fafhionabls S'aanJowu and Calliracrc Ycft Shapes MarfeiTcs, Jeans and Jennet do. Clouded and Silk N mkcens Royal Ribbi atul Dcr.imms Vclverets, Corduroys ard Thkkfeti B atk, B.ue and Pink Durants 1 Calico:* and Chintzes Tanborcd, iprig n .cd, Priped and plaia J cor.ct and Bock Mu flirt Mullin Shiw v and Handkerchief* Hock an i Jaconet C avals and Cotton Cambrick* n’ack Si k Handkerchief* Pvihbons and Ferret : ng* Saving Siik and Twill Mens Dear Skin Glove* Irfh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wide 1 White and Btuv.n Slice.ings Oznabtrgs j Mens, W men* and Youths Cotton sod V/orDed H> fc Men*, Womens and Youth* Shoes Ladies Morocco Sund-ls Mens and Wunices coarfe r.rd fine Hat* Bi des, Tcflamcnts and Spelling Book* I Federal Ready Reckoners D (slionarlc+, and a variety of fn.all Hills* J lies j I k Powder, and left Dutch QuilJ* j Violins I Looking Olafici j I very Combs R z :rs and C- fri Gilt and Plated Button* Large and I'inaii do. Tco Knives • K.’iivand Fork* Tab c Sp‘ ons Trunk and Chcft Lock* Saddle and Bridle Buckle* fvirrup Irons and Bridle Bits hoe Knives, Ta ks, Awi Blade* Pi ccrs a -d G'nblets Cotton Cards, Ko, 10 j.i raicn and Wcft-India Rum i C igniac and Peach ranoy i Toneliffe ana Malaga Wine* H oil a d Gin 1 Bohea 7 ta Sugar Pei per and Spite H imflnre and Coppera* 41. 61-8 1. and 10 . Nail* Hr ft Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot a (Ported ALSO, An Afl irtmcni of PATENT MEDICW* nnd QIJFENS-W ARE, togcher via* v rieiy of other articles, too numerous to infert. A ril r 6. FOR SAL £, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STOKS adjoining, near the Market, W1 , i . Kitchen, Stab.e, un i an excellent we ■ “° - water. It lias five fire placer, and two by twenty feet, wi.h a SHED i« : ,r feci wide. also, . A two (lory HOUSE and LOT. v> Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good lp r •“ near the Houfe. . Conditions, one half cafh ; the remain cn a credit of fix months. [oTcph Chair?. * February rg. N O T I C E. ALL thole indebted to the Ed* John Calhoon, deceafed, , a!C jt . e j r qiV’Ued to come forward and . j Accounts • *lfo all thole to wh onl In c j Eftase is any wile indebted, are rf( l u to bring forward their Demands reg attefied, to receive payment of John Burton, admviijh*’" ' Fcbiu-rjf ig*