The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 23, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. VOL. 1-1 GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE;—Fobhthed every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars pet aim. payable half yearly. CAPTURE of VERONA. from " Le Point du Jour” a Paris paper of the 24 th Germi nal, April 13 th, handed to us hi an obliring friend. [Mercantile Ad. 3 Milan, 10 Germinal , 30 March, The commander in chief, Scherer, writes to citizen Ricaud, ambaffador of the Republic at Milan— « Ycflcrday I gave you an account of a viftory, obtained by the French on the Adige, (it is the fame which has been pub lished it Paris by order of the dire&ory) to-day I open my let ter to anaouncc one much more important. “ For fom« days, large bodies cf artTery and other troops had defiled towards the Adige from the Tyrol; the impend army occupied a camp before Verona ; the fortification had been fur nithed with a large quantity of artillery and a numerous garri fou. The citizens had, at the fame time, received orders to lay up provifions for many months, or to quit the city ; every thing announced that it was the deter mination of the Auflrians to maintain and defend this pod to the laft extremity. French valour has over turned their plan. A courier arrived this morning, brings an account of a battle alike bloody and ooflmate, which took place m the enviVons of Verona. The held of battle was covered With is»°°o tided and wounded: hut the viftory was on the fide 0 * ® French, The Auftrians experienced a total defeat; their camp was forced, and Verona capitulated. ~ "!, tw t lihe 7 th of this month, .*, !l ' re( ic!i arrny commenc 'd the attack of twenty two re ■ verona. The attack and de tl! u'r e 1 ua “y obflinate ; cetae French were repulfed; •. on the third attack, a fldl eeaer’lT re 0f the of verv of f K ° reaU ’- 3nd the bra coltin m* rc P ubllca ns, which the r A X cn " eafed . obtained clory. The two armies £ toa truce f°r twenty four 0.1 ’ to Ur y the dead. The Ut n* 1 ? Ver ° na was tikc n— SC?? confift,n * of *« Wrs of war ar * madc Pti ' ancJ p ' edm ontefe Ipeatly and 1 h Ullked tbemrelves wvl r “ eived the The n' Ch ‘i h ' y uftly done wnnrl ew #vles have w ho had * ° ne admin ? folicited “ the corps of F U L S D A Y, July 23, J 799* -RKASQN AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL G 'VIDE 'THE WAV. grenadiers, was not difeouraged, 1 but proved that he was worthy. u At the attack, he threw himfelf before the grenadiers, into the entrenchments of the Auftrians, and rhere planting his fuzee, and covering it with his hat, he c. .ed t “ Long live the New Levies !” a ferjeant of grenadiers pulled ofF his epau lets, and gave them to him. A chief of brigade, having gained the fummit of a parapet, fell, pierced with balls, and cried, “ I die for the republic ! M (Ex tract from the official bulletin of the Helvetic directory.) Richmond, (Vir.) April ’99. To the Republicans throughout the United Staim % PROPOSALS For pubiifliing, by fubfeription, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE ; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical repository. conditions. I. The pcriodi of publication to be (cini-quancrly. II Each number to coniain n r , t.ftavo pages ot letter prefs printing, upun large fine paper, neatly exccu ed on an eutnc u« w type, itwed and gle .»ed under a tLick bine cove/. 111. Pi ice to Sublet bers 4 dollars a year two dollars to be paid in advance on the icceipt of the lirft number, and two del* lars on the receipt oi the fifth number. To each lour numbers, which will make a volume ol 400 pages, will bcaduet a cilie page, and a table of contents. To THE PUBLI C, THE okjeft of this publication is to collcß , preferve , ani dijfemi nate the valuable produHions of the Republican ptn, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme necrjfity for fitch a publication , and the beneficial cf fells which might rcfult from it, if well conduced, will he readily allowed. The American people hate long enough been impofed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers; it is all dtlufion ; every pa y ty will have its printer , as well as every fell its preacher ; and it is as in congruous for a publication to be alternately breathing the fpirit of twoparties, or for aparfon to preach to his audience chrifUanity in the morning , and pagamfn in the even ing ; it is inconjifient as for a chief magiflrale to name an ambaffador to fettle a difpuie with a foreign nation , and immediately to violate the laws of civility , and make moc ktry of religion , by heaping upon the fame nation and its repi efenta iives, the vilejl philippics , fcurnlity, and abufe > in a proclamation for a day of fafling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of faring above the flattery of villainy , and the adulation of folly , has too much 1&t flake in the conicf l oj liberty ! Againjl /lav try, virtue again/I vice , and truth againft fophifiry , to admit oj impartiality . In the profccution of the plan of this work t it will be neceffary to take [o much of a relrofptUive view of the a/loirs of the United States, and inh educe fash documents as will tend to elucidate and expoje the ori gin > progrejs, and a'arming infu ence of that fyjlem of iniquity and robbery, bribery and opprejfun, hypocrify , and inju/lice , which may be traced from the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton , to palm vpon the convention a monarchical conffitu twn through the corrupted mazes of funding and hanking t flock jobbing, end fpeculating fyflems, down to the alien and feditirn taws f J. landing army and navy of the prefent day It is difficult, in pur filing a cour/e of /cruhny into the mrafures of go. vernment, and defigns of men in office, to draw a line of demarka • Mon between legal plunder and per fonal villainy, public repine , and private intrigue; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit of it, perjonal weakne/s and folly ought to be. lightly but when an officer of government , annexing pu lie /rani with private vice , at the fame time, is wallowing in the lop of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national ireafary , the regard for per [oral char a bier ought to be Jacrijiced to public juf ti. e. Being p'ffcffj of the fan and I principles on the national magazine will be conduced, it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it ; tout contain, to enable them to deter mine whether they w.ll or will not /give it their fupport. VIEW of the WORK. TRIUNE D.*diciiion ; fi-fi, to thf Rc,a.b icAni Throughout tlir United Slates; leconu, to John Adams, clq, president oi tile United States ; and third, to the Aril’. | tocrais gene * a»J v ; Declaration oi (ndc- I i pendente; Cor.fhtutioo of the United i Staiej ; Refol .tioui and Acid refs of the j LcgilUiurc of Virg nta ; Refolutl ms ol 1 th_ Lcgillature of Kentucky, Mr. Geoigi J Nicholas’s defence of them, in a Letter to j Uirnd ; flan of a Couflituiion pre* jicnte ; to the Conventi »n, by Alcxmidc | Ha.nilton ; a definition cl parties, or po litical eft eels c* the paper fj it ern con -1» ercJ ; a icvicw of the revenue fjftcm adopted by the firft Congrels, and an ex amination of its pernici.ns efTefls, in thirteen lenes ro a ft ierd, bra citizen, faidto be Mr. Findley ; the Conititutio* ot the “ fetf-created” f.-ciery, or the I order of the Cincinnati; EttrafU from , Adam’s Defence ; from Air. Gallatir.’i 1 Sketches of the Finances of the United States; from an Addrcfs of Mr. J<hn Page, nf Knfewell, to his conftiucnts ; from Mr. Calendar’s Sketches of the Hif tory of the United States, Annual Regif ter, aid Hdlory tf 1795, in which he handles v.i h as much delicacy as they dclcrve, many of the blunders, incan* linencies, auo cn rmiiics of government. Jams* Lyon. GT Subfcriplions for the work , ! will be received by Ambrose Day, iat the Office of the Lou futile Gaz- I cite. July j. 1 GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACK S O N, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . WHEREAS / have rtctivti official information , oj a mo/l barbarous and cruel murder having been committed on the body of Allea Womack, in ike county of franklin , in this State, on the thirtieth day of May I a ft, which appears from the inquefe held there on, and'returned to the. Executive Department, to haiiebeen perpetrated by one Hardy Harden, of Pen* dlcton county , in the Jlate of South* Carolina, who has fence ahfeonded. In order therefore that the faid Hardy Harden, may be brought to examplary jufeice , I have thought fit to ijfue this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any per Jon or perfons, who will appre hend the fuid Hardy Harden, and lodge him in femeJaure gaol within this fate. And I further change and require all officers , civil and military, be* longing to this fate, to be aiding and tjpfting in apprehending end Jecur * ing the fuid Hardy Harden, fa that he may he brought to trial and condignpunijhment accordingly , Given under my hand , and the Great Seal of thefaid fate, at the Stale-Hov/e, in Louif* ville, this eleventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thoufand Jtven hundred and ninety-nine , and in the twenty-fourth year of the In* dependence of the United States of America. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor , Hor. M arb ur y, deputy /eery, God [ave the State. NOTICE. PUGSLEY Sc DEVEAUX Inform their Friend* and the Public, (hat they have received by the way of Au guft«, a FRESH Aflbrtment of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and altar* ibern, (bar the ftriflc'l niieiiiijn wiii be pJd to all Orders, &cc, April 23. NOT I C E. ALL Perfons are hereby for warred from trading for either of Two NO I £5 ot HAND, given by the Subfcriber, if* vlatt.ias D >l:on ; one for One Hundred rnd F-rty O J an, ai d th- ether f r One Hun*» dred an 1 Thirty Dollars, as the condition for which 1 give the fai* Notes for, ha* (ailed. Ifaac Rawls, Aufil 18. BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE, For Sale, at the Office of the Lou* ifville Gate tie, April a. [No. 27.