The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 30, 1799, Image 1

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VoL. 1.1 CEURUIA, LOUISVILLE:-Bublifhed every Tuelday. by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars pei ann. payable halt yearly. I : ..„ the Independent Chronicle. Mr. Printer, 'FIE mighty er»er?v of the nc!i nation is di(played b) fneedy equipment of the rdable fleet which now fails :he Mediterranean, While lave been told that the F t ench y was annihilated , that Bii rode triumphant 01 the an. Behold in the midfl of fe triumphs, this " wonder peopie," aflon fh their ene ;s with twenty (even fail of line. Can any indance of miLir nature be produced in ory ? Dec [ion and precifion the grand traits of the Re )lic of France. While Bri -1 and her fatellites were exult* in the complete overthrow evc.y veftige of French ma e. it may with tiuth be affirm of France, that they (aid •t there he a navy } and theft wa:' Whatever may be the event he expedition, yet the accom [hment of the meafure be aks the furprifing force and “rgv of th it Republic. It ght at lead to teach m not to art their enmity, but to cn ivor to cultivate their friend p. The benefit which mav ult to a “ [mall party” who * balking under the fmiles of! rar fyQem, cannotcompenfate I the general diflrefs which' ifi pervade the United States nil 1 a war with France corn cnce, A Correspondent, new.york] 7 ui n% 1 eilerday every lover of li-; ]{ y k nlcd the aufpicious day 1 S ave bitth to Columbian , m * The friends of man '■ ol human nature rejoiced u iner ica was fo happily 1 ,( d born a cruel, hard ‘ d, and tyrannical parent, 0 . v '‘Tcd to metamorphofe 4 l ?, hug firings into chains, ‘ lO na, l her with burthens as = attained to maturity. Hap* • l ince happy America ! to J . pa f ed the fiery ' ' of a revolution, and to • . acf l uir ed the objeft for tho’A'Jr drew r our fw ° rd . 1 ;rin S the calamities h 'l* fuccefs would have S' , Behold Inland. f la S daily for a partial bu htsi a ;r h p v° throw ,* the land - RecoU c onfeque„ce of the fruit pVnide b v th = un. u «ate PqU. . r thpir L to lcrC P tered j-tien ' . ,°. d raen . innocent ■C'nr ,en butche,ed o “gc§ at the orders THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. TU E S D A Y. Iu l y 30, i 79 9. truthmp.-m-iAL gviue the ir.-jr. . of inhuman commandeis. I low great then ought vve to cflirnate thatgoodfortune which crowned our efforts and infured us from; the perfection of our bitter, en fanguined enemy ? Vc partizans of Britain! Ye infamous tories ! whole paricidal hands weie lifted up to (labour country and to murder your brethren for the fake of an idioc king ! Words are infufficiently adequate to paint the horrors which your conduft tended to produce ! each returnipg auniveifary ol our revolution ought to cover you with fhame, inftead of irn piudently embracing it as an! opportunity for fatirizing repub licanifm, for villifying democra cy, and for culminating the nation, whole generous aid fared us fom the deft ruction which you and your diabolical co-ad juto’s were fo diligent to involve • us irtV 1 9 _ , WALTER ROBINSON tiuß icccived from Charlelton, a Gene ral AfTortment of DRY GOODS , Which he will fell low for Uadi, at h g Store, near the Maiket, iu (he Red lioufe, where Mr. Jofcph Chair* foimetly lived. IRISH LINENS, 3*4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting 1 A handfoooe a ortmeru of Ca.ico.B I Oznabmgs Cotton and Thread Hofe, fine ?c roarfc L-dL*ao.l Childrens Morocco Shoe# and Sllpp ~■B Mens. Women# and Childrens coa'fc and line Uais Twilled, plain and colored Nankeen* Marfeilleg 3c Muflioet Waiflcoal Shapes C rded Dimities Sdks and Sdk Handkerchiefs l amb red, ttriped, fprigged, p'ain Ja* conet and Book MnlLn Muffin Shawls and Handkerchief#, Cook and Jaconet line N ek Handkerchiefs Veivet and Corduroy, twilled sod p’ain Sewing Silk and I w ft Ribbon# and Taper. Ladies lonir and fhort Kid G' v.:g Mena Bu.k/kin and Bearer do. Writing Paper, fine and coarfa Durant# of a.l co ora Camblcts Coffee, Crioco’afe and Tea Sugar, white and brown Muluffea Copperas, Allum and Brimflnne Rum, Brandy, Wine and Whifky Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Axe# 4d 6d 8d iod. and 20L Na Is Pa cm Medic ue and Glauber Salt! Pewter Plates and Porr ngeri Spoons, large and Lnall F«ying Pina Spade# ChiiTelsof all fizea Piles of different kinds Knives and Foik# Cutteau and Pen Knives Thimbles Bead# and Neck Ltces ElTence of Pepperm ot Wool tnd Cotton Cards, Nj. S, f IC Bca rick mg liivl Checks Gun Lock# and Flint* , F‘p?B GTs, Bb y 19 ' P I'Hian B us 1 bp'ri slu p<-nh"* i L .coon bouitd Porter C loghams snd colored Thread H r e Whips Pi a of all Hzc§ Wory and blorn Hak Conabj Hurohums Ink Powder Br.dlc Bits and Sadlery Shoemaker's fools B.blcs and Tettamfnts Spelling 80. ks and Priramen White Chapel Needles Bo king GlafTes Drawing Knives Hand Saws *nd Hsmtnpri t urry C^rr 4 - • Gunpowd. r Lead and Shot Shaving Boxes, Pwazors and C~f s s p fticUu C<-ke Blocking Piatcd, Gilt aad C- ronton Buttons Cefifre Mi’s block and Pad Lo ks Tin Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, Allfpicc, Cloves, Cinnamon and Ginger TnmL'.ro, Gl&flesand Sal: Sellers A fa- all dock of Woolf r. Goods Broad Cloiha Callfncres Swandowns Drabs and Contings Dufhi u’.d Brittol B arkets ALSO, J'jl received, and opening for fate, A large quantity of Gunpowder and Snot slotted Wool Carr- a Cutting Kn V(*l vVerd ng rio.s Sad Eons, BJ Cords and Line# Ln- ns ai d Calitors Mild ns led Hu rah tinr* Cafiimcie Veil S .rpea Hats, coailc and hue, with a variety of other mie'ea, t<» complete Ijir AfT -ft m. u?, v*hLh h* w.ll fc»l low tor Calh. JN ’ * | • I MA NUS L EML E Has removed h i LLy Good Store, to ilie HoiliC former iy occupied by 1 homai Collier & Co. as a Iry Good Store: Where he has jor late, cheap for cajk -r hr ounce , A handfoine Ailortment «f | DRY GOODS. i All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, See, also, Juft received and for fale t A collcaion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. See. "fuit F OR SAL E. ; At the Off ICE of tin LOUISVILLE GAZ • L TT £, cheap for Cojh , NINE pair Gold Ear-Ringi Xwelvc pair round Gold Six Gilt Beals lo tell the da/ o[ ihc month Si* Silver B idle Ladles Six Plated do. do. Three Silver Ten Caddie I. ac. Six Plated do. do. do. Four pair op Silver Boot Buckle* Six pair id Plated Spurs Plated Wh. s Four Thoof nd Keed'e* One grocc laigc Pcari Ruttoni Cotton or Tobacco will be received in payment for the above Articles. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander n Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS I have received official information, c) a mojl barbarous and cruel murder having keen committed on the body cf Al!etc Womack, in the county of Franklin , in this S'ate, on the thirtieth day of May la ft, which appears from the inqurj ? held there on, and returned to the Executive Department, to have been perpetrated by one Hardy Harden, of Pen oteton county, m /Ac fate of Scuth~ Carolina , who has ftnee ab/conded. In order therefore that the /aid Hardy I la d n, may he brought to exemplary juflice , / have thought fit to iffue this my prod amah n t hereby offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any per [on or per[on s, who will appro head the fail Hardy Harden, and lodge him in feme Jecure gaol within this flatc % And I further change and require alloff.ers, civil and military, be longing to this fate, to he coding and f fifing in apprehending and f cur ing the [aid Hndy Harden, fe> that he may be brought to trial and cc ndign panifhment accordingly . Given under my hand . and the Great Seal cf the [aid fate , at the State-Hovfc , in Lcuif ville, this eleventh day of July, in the year of our lord one thou (and Jtvcn hundred and ninety-nine, and in the twenty fourth year of the In dependence of the United States of America . JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, Hor. Mar bury, deputy [eery, God fave the Stale. NOTICE . PUGS LEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friend* and the Public, that they have received by the way of An gnfla, a FRESH Affortment of MEDICINE, Suitable to lire Practice • and afljrc them, that the drived attention will be paid to ail Ordcu, &c. April 23. NOTICE. ALL the fc indebted to the Eilarc of John Calmoon, tlercafed, are re queued to come forward and fettle their Accoun's \ 1 1 To all thofe to vhotn the iz.d Eftate is a/iywilc ire rfqueftrtl to bring forward their Bctnaodc rcgaiarl/ aitcilcd, to payment of John Burton, adninifrator. lcbr»ary Is. lu BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, For Side at the Ofuce ol the Louifvillc Gazette. 23. . [No. 28.