The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 30, 1799, Image 3

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~,4 ,o him. in prefenre of Lr..l Chiefs, and it produced Lfe fenfidoos winch U was Vnlirrfl to inlpire.t have addreiled the Chiefs on to improper cond»a of young V'ntofh * a"'- 1 de,nanded ,n ; our name that the negroes mould be fent back and in formed them, that if he (VI In t0(hl had claims, the courts of Georgia were the proper places (o determine on them. I lie affair has been received by them fens to determine me to lay if before the national council which js to convene as loon as the Boofketuh. is over, which will belometlme in Augufl. 1 Tent a demand down into the neigh borhood of Kinnaird, for fome negroes in that quarter, belong ing to crizens on the Tea coaft, and rcceu cd aflurances that they were apprehended, and fhould be lent down to Fort James ; and lately an Indian, informs me, tint two belonging to the Lite [oel Walker, one to Mrs. Bailey, one to Mr. Waldhaur, arc taken down by Kinnaird ; and that one other has been ap prehended on his way to the ntion, and delivered to licut, Fhomlon at Fort James. “ I left this on the 16th of \pril, and returned on the i 2th if this month. I went to Pen. acola at the requell of Mr. Elli ott, to arrange matters with the ndians of this agency, to infure o the commiflioners and their fiift an ft, a fafe paffage through tU country. The furveyor ith the guide line arrived on )hatahoochce, on the 22cJ of unc—the line flnkes the river o miles above the mouth of lint river. There has been a :eble (hew of oppofitioa frem is Seminolcs. “ 1 believe the murderer of ioreland, is dilcovered—he is tn be a Culfetuh man. I are demanded him and expea > be able to report you the I'je, the next month.” the talk giv we Cmchaw King , by the ) -’\ n low ’h when he paid for hi flolen horfe —and which rt nud nas tj lc •3 m the nation 1 d young half who r u nce 0/ t 0 t/um < f Un-MUnto/h, J j tnM county, of ail her prime : Ij J™?thc unfortunate wi. i ■/■ ad y^hfix children, | ■h’uythe means oj fubfijl. \ A numerous and genteel par . ' a ' lles gentlemen, at h £f of Ja Germany, Coiumh county> c£| >_ Itive ? ro 4 ‘ h 0f with ien the dfcorum * ank • * ° wm S toifls were in May they r,ran J ° tlifturb :fcc United’ s? 06 ?ncl conftll uti*o Q the And -1 uata “UfotmßjunaioD, r aibcr than a domefi'c ar ftocracy or j foreign donrn i»»on, m ihtfe happy regions, (hail civ# oy the equa l y of man, 3. A (needy annihilation tn a’! dff* potic powers—and may they he Lip p!an;ed by liberty and equality, the quintefii ce of a 1 rational g vcrutoenls. 4. The PrcfiJcut of the United ; Sto.eF—May he be a&uated ly a de-*p fenfe of the high tiufi repufej in him, and guided through the labyrinth of a : foreign policy, fo that, in tvo’dlog I .Scyila, he may not be iu danger of 1 CtTaryhdifl. 5 Qur late Prefident, the i'lultrions W alh ngron—-May he be dear to, and . immortal zed by the Tons of America. 6. Tbe Governor of the Hate of Georgia—May the dignity and in en fi ot the (late tngrols his warrncltand indefatigable exmioos. 7. May this happy sera, this glorious armiverlary, always exhilera f e (he fouls of Americana, only when »tfie£ting upon the brave heroes who Ml m Us acquirement* 8 May a grand feature iu the Ame rican charter be gratitude, and let a Fayette luve a refpedable (hare. 9. The republics cf Euopc—May an honorable iotercourfe foon be edab lilhed Lciwecu the United Slates and the French reptf .lie, and may their fricndlh pa and irree.ts be reciprocal. to Liberty aa exttnfive es humanity -—-May file fhed her div ue i flu-uce up on all who have not lotfciied it by their own abf. 11 .Peace to the great family of man kind— And in dead of Irandifh ng the iufiruments of death, may the natiot a of tbecanh cordially receive and impart j the fratern-1 embrace. I 12. Unanlmuy and f’rrrn fa iu the j council* of Amciica—May the machi -1 na ionfc ot foreign' and dumefi c enemies i neither elude the notice, cor tfcape the 1 punlfliimut ot a jufily mcenfed nation, j 13. The navy of the Utited States— May its infant! c grandeur be a happy prelude to ;ta future greatnefn, I 14- Lap.ain i rujitr'n—-May fiis>'Trig chaiadcr ba progrfiive l 0 meridian fp lend or. iy The American yoirh—Kay the ■ brilliant examp ea of ih<"ir anccfio s, in nobiy oppofmg tyiaony, ftamp deeply , upon their mii ds« an indel b c averhon to a I demagogues and defpo s. 16 Ttic Ameiicxn fair —May the mothcra, the daugbiera of Columbia, 1 only Im le upon their Tons who, in i council, itf inc field, would Lcriflce their all in cre.n z ng the pure ptiuc p cs ot our confederation. Defigning politicians conti nued to ting alaims throughout the United States, that French influence and bribery were cor rupting our citizens, and th>t a ■ nuincious and powerful bodv of | men were afting in concert with | them, for the purpofe of over turning our coniiitution and government, until meafures Avere adopted ftrengthening i hands of the executive in a rnofl ; j unprecedented manner and un jconftitutionalily, as it has been termed by fome of the Rate k giflatures, and until the eftah lifhment of an armed force and a large navy was Fcured. It is now evident that thofe burthens; have been the hopeful progeny i of cunning delign and terrified alarm. Wicked hypociites ftiled 1 themfelves and their compeers, the friends and fupporters of good order and regular govern ment, and like true Phalizees, jP’etcndsd to thank the Supreme 1 Being that they were not even Inch as the much defpifed de mocrats, Bafe and perfidious | men ! you are daily di (covering 1 your deformity, the fallcncfs of I your acrufations ami the infill- I cerity of your ptofeffions. In what manner do thofe men conduct theirfelves when clothed with a iirtle brief authority which they have made ufe of to the [injury of their fellow-citizens |3nd to theu own difgrace ? Let • j the condud of the troops on the 1 itc expedition Let the con , dud of Montgomery, the lawy er and oflicer, with his mvrmi . dons towards Mr. Schneider, j the printer— Let the cowardly outrage committed on the penon of Air. Duane, the editor of the Aurora—Let the riotous and I daring condud of the officers of i the Ligate L/nited States in Piii jladelphia, on Saturday the 28'h i inuant, anfwer the above query | Fcderalifts, can you blulli for , tnc long catalogue ol Ihameful and riotous ads whit h your fac tion have been gudty of? Pub lic peace and private I berry have beec repeatedly violated, but as yet the ditimbers of fhe former, and lbe Aha o* the latter, jhave lu leered no punilhmenf, but have the audacity to boatt i publicly of their criminality. Citizens, the cieaturcs who arc fed by cur country, and hired lor defending your property arc becoming your tviams and the difturbers of year tranquility. Worn n have been in Lilted in the rnofl indecent manner in the , public (beets by commiffioned rnffi ar.s, and when fotue of their frllow citizens inlet feied, they were grofsly aflaultcd, and one man dabbed with a ditk, and [hall thofc men efcape with im punity. Was it proper? did jit look like con ivanre or par tiality to accept the bail of one lof the rioters for himfelf and , his pretty companions ? ihe political princinlcs of 1 thole heroes tally with their ar j bitrary proceedings Federaltfts iallert that libeity is a phantom, and they are rcfolvcd that, if poffible tluy will render it lo to the people. A flrong energetic government is the idol of the Lftion, and to create fuch a one they would willingly annihilate the liberty cf the profs, the right |of judging of public men and 'public meafures, with every other veflige of freedom* They are gradually undermining flic fabric of our republican condi tution, and if we remain deaf and b ind to their hollile opera lions. we ffiajl deferve to lofe that liberty, which has cod lo dear, and to become the (ordid Oaves of mufbroorn ufurpers. We lhall have to reverfe the meaning of “ friends and fup porters of good order,” in future, thole words mull be confidered as denoting rioters, ruffians, cowards, and bullies. ! . _ WANTED TO HIRE, By the Month or Tear, A N £ G R 0 A Enquire at tki* OJfi.e, I y nuury $O, : I Executive Department, Louifville, I 2 5 th J‘-r» * 799- Ordered. Thai the c C rk» of the Superior and Interior Court# of the refpedivc counties of ihi»6tat“, do within one month after the i6th chy of Auguft next, make a ?iue return tor e Extent ve Department under rheir hands and feals, of all Coun j O Hirers who hav- taken aod fubfenbed the t atU to fupporl and maintain the conftilutioa of this State, in purfwance of the art of the General Aflcmbly of this Slate, pa Ted fhr 16th day of February lp<l, cn itled, “ an ad to compel a J Officers, evil and military* witlon this Slate, to take and fubferibe an oa h, to fuppDrt the cnnftitution there .f n dND, That they do further make rrturn in like manner, of a 1 Officers, w o may have neg'edul or refufed to take the fame. Tik'n from the Minuter, Thomas Johnson, Secry. The Jefferfon I ight Infan try Company , are reque/led to meet in Lowjvile, on the fir/} Saturday in September next, in complete uni form, to choofc their jubalurn offi cers, and w<prove them/'elves in martial excrcife . July 30, £3* The Members 0/ the Union Society, are requefled to meet on Saturday , the 31 // of Augu/L in ike Lodge Room , at the Umcn, Louijvilfe. Chair taken at /even o'clock, 3 u, y 9* j Tin SUB SCR I HER HAVING received an elrpant Afl’nrl m-nt • f WATCH M Alt RIALS, \ \ 1 savannah ; Hr will their* rc carry 0.1 iHe Kulinrh of W < TCH REPAIRS, with nealnels and di'p<»Kli A Ho, all kinds ■ f GC LD WORK, will hr made aud repaired iu the ntaicll mau ncr. SILVER WORK repaired^ Andrew Burns. Louifville, July 30, NOTICE, nfter the expiration of nine T month* from the «.are hereof, there will he an application made to the honor <ib c the Inferior Court « f Jt tferfon Coun ty, for an rrdcr ot Tale of the real ctlarr of Rohe : H unb’efon, dcceafe *, to wit : tlirre hundred and fifty acre* of Land, (iiuate in the county o aojoin glard of T >hn l> gr> m and J hn Kcnne 'y. it being parr of a T1 ac‘t of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acre?, granted to Ruber' C op*r. Alto, one orb'r 7rod of Land, contain ing 'hire hund'ed and fifty acres, fitoate in the county of Hurkr, on the water 1 of M Been Creek, adjoining lands ot , grimed 10 . The f'lle of the above foregoing Trad* of Land, w 11 be for the benefit of rhe he rs and rrediiou ol (he find Robert Haiabicton, deceafied. IT G. Caldwell, For the Ailminifir at or oj the af.rtjald Jtjlule, 26 j Tll e SUBSCRIBER E)S-S leave to inform the inhabitant* J) f Louifville, and it* vicini'y, that lie dm too cn a Schoo', on MONDAY, ti c 2 d in fant, re** door below his dwel« ling*h«ufe ; where he will teach Reading, Writing and Ariuunc ir, at twe ve dollars, per annum, for each d< h lar. Thole who may pleafe to favor him with the t i ton of their children, jl all be at liberty 10 withdraw them at any time. As hr has for manv years g tined a penterl livelihood b B K.k Keeping, Navigation, Surveying, and forr c other ufcful branches <f the Mathematics, he 1 r< po/es terchirg them alfo, 1 n moderate ’eras, and Patters hun-t f:lf (hut he gi > c general f •tisfe.cbon. j [ohn Barron. Louifville, July 16, 171^; i B~L A IsTk DEE D S Tor Sale, at this Office,