The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 30, 1799, Image 4

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(V»r ) April 25. *99 To the Republicans throughout the United States* proposals r >r publifhing, by lubfcription, J NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O H, A i’nlitlca!, and 11 ftoric?! REPOSI T O R Y. CONDITIONS. I. The periods of publication 10 be feiiil.quanerly, _ II ivuh number to contain (p ort ivn lenpr prcfi p 111 <l> n g, upon lari>c j line paper, nearly e*;ru’ecl <*n an « n V re j new fypp, and flowed u..ocr a thick bine cover. 111. I'ricc to Suhfrrbrrs 4 dollar: a year, two dollar; to be paid in advance on the jeccipt of tl.e firfl number, and two dol lar! mi the re< ci, * of the fifth number. IV. To each four nbmbcn, which will nuke a volume ol 400 i ayea, will be added a titic j agp, ai d a table of content*. To THE PU 15 LI C. I THE object of this publication is to colic It, preferv t, and difjemi nale the mo {I valuable productions of the Republican pm, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme ncccfjity /or jack a publication, and the beneficial r/lells which might ref alt from it, if well conduced, will he readily allowed. The American people have long enough been impofed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers; it is all ddujion ; every party will have its printer, as well as every feel its preacher ; and it is as in congruous jor a publication to be alternatily breathing the fpirit of iwo parties, or Jor a par/on to preach to his audience chriJUanity in the morning \ and paganijm in the even ing ; it is incon/iflent as for a chief magifraLe to name an amba/fador to jetde a difpule with a foreign nation , and immediately to violate the lares 0/ civility, and make moc kery of religion, by heaping upon the fame nation and its rcbicfcnta tives, the vilcjl philippics fcumlily , and abufe, in a proclamation Jor a day oj falling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of faring above the flattery of villainy, and the adulation oj Jolly, has 100 much at fake in the ccntejl of liberty again]} /lavcry , virtue againf vice , and truth again fl fophiflry , to admit of impartiality . In the profecution of the plan of this work, it will be neceffary to take jo much of a rctro/petiive view oj the afairs of the United States, arid introduce /nch documents as will tend to elucidate and expufe the ori gin, progre/s, and a 1 arming influ ence vf that fyjltm of iniquity and i robbery, bribery and oppreJfion,\ hypocrify, and injuflice, which may le traced from the attempt of Alex ender Hamilton, to palm upon the convention a monarchical conflitu twn, through the corrupted mazes of funding and banking, flock jobbing, and /peculating fyflems, down to the alien and /edition laws, j landing army and navy of the prefent day. It is difficult, in piirpang a courfe cf /crutiny into the mea/ures of go vern mint, and defigns of men in cjjice, to draw a hue cf demarka • twn between legal plunder and per- Jon d villainy, pub.ic rapine, and private intrigue; whenever the » • ! nature of enquiry will admit of it, j i per/onal wcaknefi and folly ought to . b' lightly touched , hut when an ■ officer of government, connecting public fraud with private vice, a* j the fame time is wallowing in the i lap of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national treafury, the regard for perfonal charatter ought to be Jacnficed to public juf tice. Being of the plan and principles on which the national magazine will he conducted, it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it will contain, to enable them to deter- j mine whether they will or will not give it their fupport. VIEW of the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication • firfi, to the Rcpub ican* throughout the United States; fecootj, to John Ai ami, rfq. prefident ol the United States ; and th ; rd, to the Arif> tocrats generally *, Declaration ol Inde pendence ; Confutation ol the Uni ed Stares ; Refolutioi.s and Addrefs of the LegilLmirc of Virginia ; Refolutions of the Legiflature of Kentucky, Mr. George Nicholas’s defence of then, in a Letter u* hit fii-nd ; Plan of a Coullitution j re rented to the Convents >n, by Alexander Hamilton; a definition ol parties, or po litical eflccU of the paper IV Hem con- j ii ;cicd ; a review of the revenue fyitem adopted by tlie firft Congrtfs, and an ex amination of its pernici’ns efieft*, in thirteen letters to a friend, bv ci izen, laid to be Mr. Fiiullev ; the Conliiiuiio - of the “ fclf-created” fociety, or the order of the Cincinnati ; Em raids from Mr. Adam’s D lenrr ; from Mr. Gallatin’s Sketches nl the Finances of the Uni ed States ; from an Addrefs of Mr. J hn Page, ef Rofewell, to his conlli units ; from Mr, Calendar’s Sketches of the Hil toiy of the United States, Annual Hegif* lei, and Hiilory rf 179 ft, in which he handles w i h as much delicacy as they deferve, many of the blunders, incon* latencies, and cn rmities ofg •vernmeur. J amei Lyon, CT Subfciipticns for the work, will he 1 eaived by Ambros e I) ay, ai the Office of the LouifviUe Gaz ette, ■ July 5. Forty Dollars Reward, STO L E N FROM the Suhfcnbersplanta tion, cn Big Creek, cn luef ! day, the 18 ih infant, a dark bay Mare , 4 years old, about fourteen and an half hand 3 high, branded on I the mounting Jhoiddcr and buttock, I TM, joined together; jhe has a fmall [lar in her forehead, and one hind foot hal/ white. 11 hom* will deliver the /aid Mare, or give in formation, jo that the Owner may get her again, flail receive Twenty : Dollars reward, and Forty Dollars on detect ion of the Ihi f. Thomas Mountain. Jeff crfon County, June 25, 1799. FO R SAL E. \ HOUSE and LOT, with a STORK adjoining, near the M.irk<-(, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well o' wi.C!. It ha, live fue places, and is f >rty two by twenty leer, with a SHIiD twelve j icc t w ide. ALSO, A two fiery HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, 5 tame, vjui».cu, and .1 good ipnrg near (he PfoulV. i.oi.Jitioi «. one half n’fii ; the remainder on a of lix in tnl s. I lofcph Chairs, ; A’ til 16. To be fold, at public auction, On TUE S D A Y , The 6tk Augufl next , la the i own of Wainlborough, Bnv/.’! County, 150 Acres of L A X D, , K"! •Mjjtng to the Eftate of Jam»» dcceafcd, 1 y ing on M'Hcen Cr«'c/\, <i<ijoining lands of Tiros. Miller, ton. ilioni, C'. Hi. By order of Court, Daniel M‘Murphy, admr. 'June 18. JOHN BLAIR, Has for Sa } e, at kis Store , cheap Jor Cajhy ! The following Articles, viz. IRISH Linen 4-4 wide Brown Sheeting Oznahrngs Brown Ticklcnhutgi Humhumi Coloicd and plain Kankeens Tambouicit, S riped, Sorigged and Plait- J conet and Ho< k Muflm Mullin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Bock and Jaconet Gentlem:ns Neck landkcrchief* and Cra- • \ at» Calicoes and Chintzes Packet H ndkcrduels Black, Blue and Pink Durants Klfeb nds, Ferreings and Tapes iiC wing Hi IK and 7 wift Mens, Womens and Youth’s Cotton anJ Wo, Bed H »fc Ladies Shoes J Ginghams | Mane he ft er Miflin { Hi dies and Tcilaments j Dilworth’s and Wcldlci’s Spelling Books 1 Federal Rfidy Reckoners Wriling Paper 1G hand P aled Buttons i Laige and final J do. Tea Can nil! ers Pen Knives Knives and FOl ks Spoons Tea Spoons ; I;.k Pols Scillors, fmal 1 and largt 1 Gimblcts : Need,cs and Pins Th. mbits Cotton Cards No. 10 Jamaica and Weft India Rum TcacriJTc V\ ine Apple Brandy Sugar a id Moiaftes Hy ion Te 1 Coffee ami Chocolate Railms Pepper ami Spice (Trope as Reft Rifle GunPoiwdcr Shot uilurted H acking Halls Suit. A L S O. A qu ntitv of MEOICIMES, vii. Fllcuee of Peppermint J -Hop and Rhubarb Hrhifh Oil Tartar Ca’oinel. With, a large and general of u-eiiswaic, together w ith a variety of other aniclcs, too tedious tc mention. I unc 4. T O BE SOL D, A HOUSE and LOT, Bloated near the I ;v Ci flee Houfc, Louifvillc, containing a ud Oven and Hake Houfc, Garden and I other iinpiovcments; an excellent iituatiun r 1 for trade. Conditions, one part cafh, the other , trade or credit, with approved levuritics. 1 For further particulars, apply at the Union, Louilville. May 14. w A N T 'E a A few lbs. of MOOS B RISTLE ?, For which a generous price will be given, by Andrew Bures. June 11 , T O BE SO LD, 1 Cheap Jor Ca/h or Produce , SE V FN Hundred and riiety-iwo Acres of OiK and Hickory I AND, third quality, Ivirg on ihe Eight Mi c Branch, on ihe new road leading from Louifville to Savannah ; thirty Acies of the laid Lind is c eared, and u.uLr good fence. For fui t!:rr i articular?, enc .ire at this Oilier, cr of the Sublcribcr. Aithur, April 25, NOTICE. THE Coparme (hip of LA BOR Dp Sz Co. is dillolved, by mutual; therefore, tfcolc who have a v |) f . mands *gai It laid Furr., are rtqucftcj bring (hem forward, pfo t «iiy ai.cSled, the Sublet ibers. Laborde 8c Co. WaHiington County, July ib, i>,- j( N OTIC E. A LL Perfor.s who are indebted to t’ rc Eftare of W illiam Oates, dccca'fd late of Wafhington County, State c‘ Georgia, are rcqoeftcd to make {perjy payment ; a.'.d thole who have any bc« mands again It faid Eflatc, will pleafe to prefent them, properly attefted, to the Suufcriber. Hugh Law Ton, Aiding Executor. Wafhington County, July 9, 1799. for s a ITeT" TWO unimproved LOTS, in the town of Louifvillc, adjoining each other, near the State Houle, known in original plan by No. 111 and 112, they will be fold fcparaicly or together, and credit given for two ihirds of the purchafc, until tl ic firft of March next. For further particu lars, applv to Major Caldwell, or the Sub. feriber, at Demcrc 's Ferry, Burke eounty. C. Killbcc. July 16. T By josiah Watts, GEORGIA, f Clerk of the Court li ajhmgtcn County, T of Ordinary, fer tht J County of IVaJhiny on, WHEREAS Edward Kelly, hath ap. plied to me for letters of adrr.i niltration on the Eftatc of Hugh Kelly, Lite of this County, dcceafcd : thefc ate therefore to cite and admonifh ell aad lingular the Kindred and Creditors of the laid deccafcd, to be and appear at n,y Office, cn or before the 15 h day of Auguil next, to fhew caufc, if any they can, why letters of administration fhould nolle granted him. Given under my hard, this 15th day of July, 1799, and in the twenty, fourth year of the American Inde pendence. J. Watts, clerk c. c. By Jr )Siah Watts, GEOR GIAj f Clerk oj the Ctuii of Wci/iington County. C Ordinary, for Wafa* 3 ington County, WHEREAS Elizabeth Grcir hatl a, plied to me for letters of acimi* nitration on the eftats of y.uncs Grcir, dcccaftd ; thefe ate therefore to cite and admonifh all and fingular the kindred aitl creditors of the faid dcceafcd, to be ami appear at my office, on or before the 15th day of Augufl next, to fhew caufr, if tity they can, why letters of adminitrat.oa fhould tot be granted him. Given under my hand, this 15 h tiav of July, 1799, and in the twenty* fourth year of the American ltwe« pcndcnce. J. Watts, clerk c. o. NOTICE. ALL Perfons are hereby fnrwarncd froit trading for either of Two NOTES of HAND, given by the Subfcribcr, to Mathias Dolton; one for One Hundicdantl F* rty Dol'arj, and the other f r One Hun dred and Thirty Dollars, as the condition for which I give the faid Notes for, ha* failed. Ifaac Rawls. March 12. A New Grocery Store, JUST opened by the Si hferiber, i* houlc formerly occupied by Mch :S * Pofucr St Bcncdi*. H: has alfo A fmall and handfome Afloifcnent of Dry Goods, Which will be fold on very low TcnnJ, for GvLh or Produce only. David Thomas . Louifville, June 25, 1799. The SUBSCRIBER Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the Commiflion and Factorage BUSINESS, On Trllair’s Wharf, wrhere he has Euif able Stores for the reception of Go o " 5 ’ and ; and refpeft ully tended : i Devices to his Friends in that line. Samuel Hammond, Savannah, June 6, 1799. BLANK DEEDS For Sole, at the Office 0/ the i ' • i/villc Gazette %