The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 06, 1799, Image 3

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£ OUISVILL F, TV LSD AT, sfugtf bt 1 799- Ireland remains in that threat frjrff which indicates •he appro** of another florin. The Btitifh fyftcm of roe.cion, • inefficacious in tranquilhfmg ; at counts; under the moll barbarous and cruel perfection, the doftrines of the United Inlh- gains additional profelytcs; an d tnuft finally triumph. Ire l?nd demands retribution for her fufferings; and fhe is ready the firftoppoitunity to join in crufh- j n p her impious and wicked op preffo s. The career of Bntifh villainy has continued too long, and may it be quickly terminated by thegallant friends of freedom. The ariflocrats imke numer ous comments upon the failing of the Bred fleet, they appear very much diflatisfied that it fhoald be Co long out of port without having been met by any of the Biitifn fquadrons, but they generally ccn r o'e one ano ther with an aflurancc that Tonic of the Britifh admirals will lend home a good account of them I but if the contrary is the cafe, what confequcr.ccs may enfue. NotwitLflanding, fimilar pre di&ions Buonaparte gained his point in fafety, and now puifues his conquering career, Some great and important objedl mud have occafioned the depaituie of the French fleet, which a may develope ; in the interim, we cannot but admire the a’dor and indufiry which | after fo many naval misfortunes is not difccuraged, but acquires additional adivity from them. How often have we been told that the French marine was anni hilated. and that the finances of the Republic wee foembairaff ed that fhe would no mo r e at tempt to frtout formidable fleets, but labor crania vincit appears to be the motto of the republicans. Their enemies have felt the effefls of th s heroic pcrfeverance, and probably yet experience For France tho* faid to be checked on the Rhine and in Italy, and her affairs pour trayea to us as bordering on the cefpente. Yet in the moment °f all this danger fhe fends forth r ‘ greater in number than t ' nv C( P J ipped by her this war, co board of winch are 25,°°° r* l lcr t:on ps, whom it would that fhe could fpare * n her thc u Gtuation. This is evidence of the fpirit and °?-s of it s government, it *e great ftrength of V r ‘ CP ' and her rcfources in ' Cn m °ney ; and they are T We A acquainted with e oF the ir opponents. They . - aware that Auflria always her greatefl force at |)v~ COr T encement of a cam- KW Vhen(]lema kes her great- ■ O ,' 1 J!b; they have uni “*•7 that her exertions Aachen about the mid dle, and greater iveaknef* ap pears dining the dole of each campaign. This w*as the when France was torn to pieces by fa&ions intefline diviflons, and a rebellion raging in La Vendee. Placed as fhe is now in luch fuperior circumflances, her enemies may gain a tempo rary advantage, but will be quick ly deprived of it. Shallow po liciciansj poflefled of ariflocratic minds and feelings, attempts to enliven their friends with calcu lations of the probable iflue of (he cbmefl, and to create hopes that each country in which a revolution has taken place, that counter ones will refloie to it the banifhed royahfls and arifto crafs, whole prefent fituations render them fo much the ohjedls of pi-y. But Frenchmen have dilappoin ed the fond hopes and expeditions of the molt' wiiy liatefmen, and proved tc them the folly of their deduc tions. Let then the experience of the pa ft. caution (he candid and unprejudiced fr- m believ ing the piogncflic tions of men who reprrfcnt their own wifhes as probable events. If general Hammy is refolved to enhfl no foreigners, the re cruiting (endec will proceed very (lowly. We think hf ought alfo ! to pruge the prtlent regiments, I lof the aliens who are in them. ITo disband them altogether, would be the quiokefl method, for they arc in general compofei of foreigners, partic:ularly IdHi. T he Britifli government has dis banded one liifh regiment, an-L our amorous flatefman, exhibits a firnilar prejudice again(l enlifl- , ing luch men. What a con-1 coi dance of fentiments and feel-I ings a6lua(e f he leading chaiac-; • ters here, and in Britain ? Where ought fulpicion to attach ? Why are men whofc countrymen were | received with npen arms during; ■ our fli for liberty, Sc whofc | | aid xvo gladly embraced, now; diUppioved, confidcred as dan ge: ou% and unfit to be truflcd in the capacity of common fol-| diers. Has the ardor for libeity which attached the Irilh to us diminished, or are we about to oppcle the caufe of freedom. Such cordud muff give rife to important reflections, Ictus look around us, watch narrowly the motions of men in power, and by our apparent vigi'ance fruf trate the lurking defigns of cun ning ambition, whatever form it may aflame. Profcflions of pa triotism from a man who r e im morality is notorious, ought to be always doubted and leldom trailed to. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, , AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bufmefs , a LAD , about 13 or 14 years of age , who lias received a tolerable good education , and can be zuell recommended . En quire at this Ojjicc. Augujl 6. Department, louifvilk, :sth July, 1799 ORDERED, That the CerU of the Superior End Inferior Courts of the refpeftivc counties of this State, do within one month af;cr the 16th day of Angud ne*:r, make a true return to ff'e E veou've Department under fbeir hands and Teals, of all Coutry QHirers who have taken and fubferbed the » ath to fupport and rna.nfaln the conrt tutu n of this State, in pUifutnce of the aft of the General AfTcmhly of thj State, palled the i6fh day of February left, entitled, “ an aft to compel ad Officers, c'vil and military* within this State, to take and fubferibe an oa h, to fupport the conftitntinn there f** AND, That they do further make return in like manner, of a I Officers, w o may have neg eft d or refufed to take the fame. Taken from the Minutes, Thomas Johnson, Sec’ry. The Jcffcrfon Light Infan try Company, are reqve/led to meet \in Loufvile, on the jir ft Saturday in bept'mbcr next , in amplete uni form, to chouje their Jubal Urn ojji cen, and improve themjdves in martial txtraje, July 30, ■■■—■— » The Members of the Union Soiiety , are requejled to meet on \ Saturday, the 31 ft 0) Augufl, in 1 the LTr Room, at the Unim . o 7 9 Louijvillc. Chair taken at [even o’clock. July 9. Tut SUBSCR IHER. HWING revered at; e’egant Aflort ment cf WATCH M'TIR ALS, ; oavfinflah : He will thc-er <c c () 01 (he Hu (mels nf WATCH REPAIRS, widi neatness and di'patch ) Aifo, all if GCL'J V.'OHK, wi 1 be mauc awu 1c ) a,rcia ihc nea.tU uwn*. 1 n :r. bILVER WORK, rcpa ! cb. k r . Andrew Burns. L°,iif*ilte, fnlv 3 . N U T 1 C E. r PH AT pfter the expirati * of nine | mantas from ihc 1 ate ie ito», there will an !nr Ten 1 i<>n trade to the honor ab c (he 1,/ - ri r COl nf J ffe-fon Colin* t*, for an r icr oi oj vhc real ella e '1 Kobe t Hamb’cton, .‘cr'-alc ■, to wji : tin • hundred -«nd fitly notes of 1 nml, in the county o! y fijrfbn, adjoin ii g la d of 1 nr:m ..nd J hn KLenn** dy. It being part of a Tr<u't of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, gamed t > Rnbrr C Jfprr. Alio, one other lTi-.£t of Land, contain in; three hundred aji 1 Hit/ acres, lunate i m the co inly of Bmlte, on £>>e water* of M Cecn Creek, adjoining lands of * , granted 'o . The fle ol the above a n d fbrrpoing Tracts oi Land, w.ll be fur the benefit of die heirs and crediio $ of the laid Robert Hamblcion, deceafcd. H. G. Caldwell, hor the Adminijlrator oj tie ufrtfaiJ EJta't June 26. The SUBSCRIBER 1 BEGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Louifville, and its vicinity. that lit means to open a School, on MON DAY, 1 the 2 d inflam, rent door bciow his dvrel ling-houfe ; where he will teach Reading, Writing and Ari’hmeiir, at iwe ve doilars per annum, for each Sch lar. The fe who may plcalc to favor him with ihc t Linn of their thildien, lhall be at liberty to withdraw them at ar y time. As he ha* lor many years gained a genteel livelihood by B »»>k Keeping, Navigation, Surveying, -md fomc other ufefui bianthes of tht Mathematics, he jropofes leaching them alfo, r n moderate ’em:, and him* lelf that he will gi,e general frtisTK^Tion. John Barron. Loulf.ilte, July if>, 179 BLA N K DEEDS For Sale, at this Ojjice, Z £ For the Louifvil'c Gazette, To LIN DAM IRA. Liodimirt— lurklefi made ! 1 by friends have ptovM unkind, I hejide loiarDriunc fent her aid To try thy virtuous mind. Oh ! while (hat beacon'd kept in flew, You'll be fupretnely bleft, Hicd nt'er k« temple bid adea, But lull thy cares iu red,' the duk msrc lliy cautious feet T ole thorny parks hate trod, Wficre innocence muft furrly meet Piaudits from a finding God. Oh ! could I find thy penfive ftude I’d ftcat away thofe cares, And c f wih thee unhappy maid Join in fympathet c tears, I hou awful judge ! I p’ead for this, B-eak not the heart of innocence, Bu« freely fend the purett blifs To drive each idle iorrow hcncc. Dear peace ! fweet balm—retu r n again Sonow w pc the tcaiful eye, Eafe Lindamira' plaintive ftriin, Or fure the iucklefa ma d will die. Yon'c I know thy heart full well, thou not be her fricou ? I be recording angel fure cau tell, 1 o me the minutes fend. Why to the chenchy of Ilcav'a Has f me unfeeling m nd G»ne with crimes that ue'er wa* giv'o By Lu-damira kind ? The (eal’fl not fix'd to fatra decree ? Oh Voric !*- imeretde, Thou tender foul nt'er let it be, Fur her each heart will bleed. My G<>d! his interc«ffiuns hear What Yoricnevci ? never ? Th‘ n bid my cheruh drop a tea", And blot it out t r ver EUGENIUS. ") By J UI'AH V* ATTS, (r F O R O I A, f Clerk of the Court IVuJhington Courtly. f of Ord na rv, jot th» j Couuty of IViJlirtgton. WHEREAS Edward Kelly, hath ap plied to me i or letter, of admi mdration on the Eftate of Hugh l ly late nf this Count>, dccenfed ; ihete are • therefore to cite and .ulmomfh j.ll ;md fingnlhr the kindred aid C editors of the laid deceased, io he and appear at try Cflicc, (»n or before ihc 15 h day of Auguft ne<t, in flew cayfc, if ;.ny they can, whv .fitters of admiuiftration Uiouldnot be granted him Given under my hand, tliic 15th day of July, l/<y9, and in the twenty* fourth year rf the Ameiican Inde pendence. J. Watts, rleik c. o. 9 "y By y siah Watts, GEORGIA,/ 'Cl,k of the Court of kVaJhirrgton County, C Ordinaly, for IVaJo • ' J ittgton County , WHEREAS Elizabeth Crrrharh a plied r.> me for letters of admi initiation on the ellate of J mes Grcir, de<eafed: ihefe a c therefoie to ci e an<l admonifh all and fmgular the kindred a d debitors of liie Cud deceafcd, t » fe and appear at my office, on or before the day of Augufl next, to fhew caofc, if any they can, why letters of adn.imitation fhould not Ire granted him. Given under my hand, this 15 h day of July, i/99, and in tht iwenty founh year of th« American Inde pendence. J. Watts, clerk c. o, j K OTIC E. THE Copartne fhip of LABORDE &r Co. is difTolved, by nni’ual con j fe-t ; therefore, ihofc who have any De . in .nd* agairft faid Firm, are lequefted to j bring them forward, properly a tie lied, 10 tbs Subfcribcrj. Labordc Sc Co, Wafhirgfon County, July 16, 1799- NOT I cT ~ Al.l Pfif'tn. nr. indebfcl the Ffta»c of W illiam Oates, dereafed, laic e>t Wafhinpton County, State of Georgia, sue req'ifftcd to make fyeedy payment • and thefe who have any De mands againU fmd EAate, will flcafe to pr-fem them, properly attended, to th« Sui leriber. Hugh Lawfon, Acting Eiecutcr. tV'aCiinfitjr. County, July 9, 1799,