The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 06, 1799, Image 4

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r R O R G I A- By }m's FKrr]lcn<*v I A M* E S |AGK S () N, Governor and Cormnnndcr in Chief of the Aimv a*id Navy of this S»,tie, and of the Militia thei cr f. A PROCLAMATION. \\T HT.REAS / have received V official informal’on, of a moft barbarous end cruel murder hating hcni committed on tie body of Alien Wora.ick, in the county of Franklin, in this State , on the thirtieth day of May lafl, which appears from the inqueft held there on, and returned ic the Executive Department , to have been perpetrated by one Hardy Harden, of Pen dleton county , in the jlaie of Sr nth- Carolina . zvho has f ace ahfeonded. In order therefore that the [aid Hardy Had en, may Ie b rot ig lit to exemplary jufiice, 1 have thought' Jit to ijjue lias my proclamali< n\ hereby offering a reward of ONE I HUNDRED DOLLARS to any per [on or per fans, who will appre- \ fiend theJaid Hardy Harden, and lodge him in fumejecure gaol within this flute, And I further charge and require all officers , civil and military, be longmg to this fate, to he aiding and I ajfifhng m apprehending and four- ■ mg the / id Ha?dv linden, fo that he may he brought to trial and c ndign punt fitment accordingly . Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the jaid fate, at the Stele-1 lonfe , in Louif vTe, this eleventh day of July, m the year of our Lord one thoujand /even hundred and ninety-nine , and in the twenty-fourth year of the In dependence of the United States of America. JAMES JACKSON. B] the Governor , Hor. Marbury, deputyfeery . God fave the State. , WALTER ROBINSON 11 “8 i ecc.vcd fn m Charlcllon, a Gene ral AfTortment of DRY GOODS , Which he will fell low for Cafh, at h’s ‘'tore, near the Market, in the Red Houfe, Where Mr. Jofcph Chair# formerly lived. TT IHSII LINENS. 3-4 and 4-4 wide X White and Brown Sheeting A handfonac a ortment of Caiicoei Dznaburgs Cotton and I bread Hofc, fine Sc coarfc Ladies an 1 Childrens Morocco Shoes and Slippers Wens, V\ omens and Childrens coatfe rod tine Ha's Twilled. plain end colored Nankeens Warfe.llci Sc Mull net Waittcoal Shapes Crrdcd Ditpit eg Si kg and Si'.k Handkerchiefs Jamhnred, ttriped, fprigged, plain Ja conet and Bnok Maflio Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemen# line Nick Handkerchiefs Velvet and Corduroy, twilled acd plain Sewing Silk and I wift Ribbon# and Tapes Ladle# loner and thorl Kid Gloves Men# Bucklkin and B caver do. i Vv T riting Paper, fine and coarls Durant* of ail colors Cam filets CclLc, Chocolate arid Tea Sugar, while and brown Mjicflci 0 Copper h A’lum atd Brunei - Rum, firardy, Wire and Wh ,ly Weed rg Hoes and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Arc* 4 d fid- &-!• 1 0 1- and icd. As 's IVcnt Neclic nc arid Gliubcr Sail! Pcwicr Plates and Porrii gu* Spoons, large and imPil E. yirg Pans b p dra II of all fizes , Fdcs of different knj ! Knives and I'm k# 1 Cutteau and PiD Knives Thimble n beads and Neck L*crs E(fence of Prppeim nt Woo! »od Cotton Cards. No. S, 5 &■ iC Bert I'ick ng an 1 Checks Gun Locks and Flints P pes G'afs, 8 by !• Piulliao Blue Spirits TiHpen'inr London bottled Porter Ginghams White rncl colored Thread lloric Whips Pins of all fizes Ivory and Horn Hair Combi j Plumbums I Ink Powder Br.dlc Bits and Sadlery Shocmakei’s Tools ! BibPfl and Tcftam. n*s Spelling Bocks and Primmer® 1 White Chapel Needles Looking Glades Drawing Knives Hand Sa*.vi and Hammers Curry Gunpowder 1 Le#d and Shot ; Shaving Boxes, Razors and Caul Sp’ tiacles Cake Blacking P.ated, Gilt and Common Buttons 1 Coffee Mills Stock and Pad Locks Tin Ware of all kmcs Fanhcn Ware - Pepper, Allfpicc, Na‘m°g3, Coves, Cinnamon and G'rgcc Decanters, Tumb'ers, Gaffes and Sah Seller a A Trail dock cf Woollen G 'oda Broad Clothe ; Caffimcrcn S wand own a Drabs and Coatings Dutfii and Br.llol B'ankets i | ALSO, Jujl received , and opening for fade , A large quantity of Guopovrd r and S ot allotted Wool Cards Cutting Knives Weeding Pi o s Sad Irons, Bed Cords and Lines L’neng and Calico*s Mn(l ins and Hu or hums Cnilimere Vclt Shapes Hate, coarle end fine, with a varlc’y ot other articled, to complete h n Anforinicnt, which he will tell low lor Cadi. July 4. A New Gioccry Store, JUST opened by ilic S> bfcrilcr, in the houic tiTmcrly oicupicJ by Mclhs. puf icr Bewcdix. lit has a!fo A fmall and hand Tome Afloiiment of Drv Goods. Which will be fold on \cry low Term-, icr Calh or Produce t nly. David Thomas, Louifville, June 25, 17^9. FOR SAL E, A and 1/OT, wiih a STORE sdjoinjrg, rear the Market, wph a k’tchen, Stable, r.nJ an excellent well o! water. It has five the places, and is forty two by twenty leer, with a SUED twelve icct wii.e. -A L 3 0, / Two flol y HOUSE and f.OT with a Kitchen, Sui.i e, OrtrJen, and a 1 priirc near th: Hoafc. Cotiiiilions, one half cHth • the remain l f , } on a cl edit of fix montl s. lo.'cph Chain. ( :3. | The SUBSCRIBER j 1 .'eg) It vr :r> . > c.-rm kii Fiici.ds ar t the j j pt' v .c I) n (»>” men-c<i tlie | j i.cinTitiilion r»ncl ! actoiage BuslN E s s. On T i aii’s Wharf, v. ii re hr h is <> >i* a h- S .-res '.or »h: c’ G od , i d P,. d c* ; a -.(1 refect ui’y icme.i. i;i„ Irrv.ccs to i»i» F ten s in hat iitK. Samuel Hammond, snv Jme 6, r 7V9- MAX U S LEM L E Has removed ins Dry Go >o Stoic, to iht : Hooie formerly occupied bv 1 h ;tr.a: i Collier ie Co. as a i>ry Good Store : I Where he has for jak y cheap for cajh or produce^ A handfome Aflortment of DRY GOODS . All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery W are, Sec, also, Juft received and for fa'e i A colle&ion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. &c. "funt 4, IV A A r T £ D, A few lbs. ol jHO G S BRIST L E S, for which a generous price vot’d he given y by Andrew Burns, June x 1 . [O H N B LAIR, | lias Jor Sa’e t at his Store , cheap /or Cajh, j '{ he following Articles, viz. j T I. I i \l Linen 4*j wide j I Brown | Uz ta* uigs j Brown laaeu 1 Vi kenburgj 1 H 0 odiums ; Colored .nd plain eui 1 V-mboured, S riped, b .rigged end Plain I Jaconet and Ho.k M H i \*ullin SI. ,v. li ami Handkerchiefs, Book and [ \c .net Gcntlrmers Neck Handkerchiefs and Cta v ats Calicoes ?nd Chintzes Pocket H nll erch cfs ' G’ai.kj Bine and Pink Durants j R lsbands, FenC'iig. •«. d ] u, tj j Seeing ~' iik iiiivl . wnl I Mers, Womens and Youth’s Cotton and i WOi fled Ho re ; Ladies Shoes ! Ginghams M m hcPe r Mj fi n j ; HibiCi ni d T-ltaiv nts Dilworth’s and We 1 .ti*s Sidling So.ks Federal Ready Reck .. s W 1 ituig Paper G 1 . and PV ted. Bu< ■ ons Large and fmall 30. 1 e 1 Canniliers F-i; K. .ives k ui vand r 01 kl 1 able spoons Vca Spo uj Ink Pots Scillcfrs, fmall ami large Gimbicii Ncc.l c ■ and Fim J h inb!r» Cuttr 11 (; ~( p * NlO Itmaica and Well India Rain Iciicriile Wine A l»plc Brandy Sugar and MolatVes H v ton J • \ Coil re and Chocolate Haiiitis j Pepper and Spice I Coppei as Hep Hif! e l' un Powder Shot h(l ir '<*(f ; Biackii g K . Is | Sal f . also. j A M£UJ Ifs -J, viz, ; Ellcncc of Pepper mint | J.illon ar.l Rlmbai b Britifh 0:1 ! 1 artar ; Caloivcl. j With y a large and general a/Tortment ct | icic v ith a variety oi other artic.cs, to. icdioui tc mcation. j one 4. ISLAMIC Li ITERS Of _ AD MIN !i JR A HON, For Sale at h. Office of the Louifvil.e o.,zetlc. July 23. WalLingfon Superior f O . ; Sep:mber 'Tan, 1 -rg > ’ [Andrew Hemphill,”') vs * > wtdcfm lames Hemphill, J ; Ul OM th* petition of Andrew Hemphill, praying the j 0 r tm clojive cf the equity of red'inpiion in and to the /ol!owing t>aEl c ,j l un f ffluctt, lying and hang in the co ty of Wajhmgton, bounded ly J c f, foreman, John Rogers, and oil other fid ts by vuant land; cr g containing two handy ed eighty ffven and an half acres, which tragi cf land was mortgaged to the [aid An . drew Hemph.ll , by the [aid James Hemphill , for the )ecurity of one hundred and thirty feven pounds [cvcnteen/hillings and three pence, on the 1 6th day of March m the year of cur Lord one thou/and Jem hundred and ninety-three, Upon motion of Mr. Ca .dwell, attorney for the plaintiff\ it is or dered, that the principle intere/I ond co/l be paid into this court, within twelve months from this time , other wiff the equity of redemption will be for tv r / redo fed, ond that a copy cf this ride he ferved upon the /aid James Hemphill or puth/hei nine months in one of the Gazettes of this State 3 before the expiration of the /aid nine months, aerce hie to an aEI of the I gfatur* inju, hecks made and provided, A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy cievL i FOR S A L E, lAt the 01 fICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ . L TTE, cheap for Cajb, |\J FVF pni•* Gold Ear-Rings |NI Twi'dve pair round G. Id Wires S*-k G'lt Senls to tell the day of the numb | S v S l‘ cr Bottle tables isix Plated do. cE>. J Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladles 5 Six Plated do. do. do. • Four rail' Stiver Boot Buckicf Si-< pair of Plated Spurs I P1 af e d W hi v s J Four Thoufmd Needles One grotc large Pearl Buttons C otton or Tobacco will l>e ;received in payment for the j above Articles. Forty Dollars Reward, STOLEN FROM the Subfcriher s phnli* tion, on Big Creek, on Tutj* day, the 18 th infant , a dark bay j Marc , 4 years old, about [owlet* and an half handy h\c,h , branded cn the mounting fhoulder and buttod , TM, joined together; fit has * /mall far in her forehead, and one hind foot half white, W hoivr r uii> deliver the /aid Mare, or give in formation, jo that the Owner g t her again, ffiall receive lowin'* Dollars reward, and Forty Doltf* on detection cf the ihi f, r \ homas Mountain. J offer [on County, June 25, 1799* WANTED TO HIRE, Jji- the Month or "Icrir, > A NEGRO M Enquire at thii of*- January 30.