The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 13, 1799, Image 1

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f VOL- I.J (TGh'GIA, LCLISV ILLE. 1 lithflud c\tiy iuclcay, by AMI-ROSE DAY, at 3 doilais per ann. payable hail yearly. ij, July 16. L E E T S. ived capt. fames days from Ma municated to us cetch of intelli- French fleet pnf -5 fail of the line, e Englifh fleet, Vincents, paffed lil of the line, he Spanifh fleet ail of the line, it. F. failed from F Gibraltar was om an Englifh commanded by )m earl St. Vin- GibraPar, wi h failed 600 miles j On being afked | Moore, laid he 1 ty to make any lunication, until d the letters of : the bearer ; he 1 d thatihe French . els had engaged, 1 alter had got the aftion was not e French pro ! the Englifh was fting the French i n front by lord | s fquadron. and id Turkifh fhips, • co-nperat on of s below, would lcfeat ea(y and atrers had been tched, to require uflance with all could collecl. ' faid # that the tion had been he engagement ncents; that the linorca was in he fi.ft aft of it. er faid. that off fell in with the Cadiz, which 3 a very violent n fail of the line ely difrnafted. s fleet; off Cope with fix Engldh , which were fuf oy the Spanifh then miferable ’K, July so. Iter from Salem , 'l5- hams, in 44 days ;h, has brought •—The French few hours after h were murdered s by an advanced 1 huffars; before 1 children. The appealed to the THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. 1 L E S D A Y, August 13, 1 7 99- REASON AX Ft TRl ’• TH IMPAR ~J. ~i i>t. 7/7 • IvAT government of the world, in a paflionate manifeflo, on this ocrafion. They charge the archduke with being act efTary, to the tranladlion. Vengeance is enjoined upon the foldiery. No quarters are in future to be given. Lord Bridport is gone after the French fleer. Rewbel is gone out of the French di reddoiy; and no one had been chofen in his (lead.'* ExtraH of a Utter from Cerk % dated May 28, 1799. c< You may recolbdl the two Mifs D—)'s, daughters of the re(pe6lable Mr. I), flationer, a youngfellow, a relation of theirs was feme time ago lentenccd to be pidoied, for w hat is called here ('edition, fay ing the B itdh |minifler Pitt was the greatdl 1 villain on earth, and th u Corn jwallis was taken in the North | Amcii an hates. While the young man was in the pillory he was infuited by the j Englifh foldieis that Hood guard; the Mifs L)—y's, with leveral | other young ladies went to the 1 place to conlolc and cheer the \oung man, and they rn the fullnels of their hearts ventured to remor.ftiate with the officers | at the unjufl and illegal cruelly ! added to the punifhment of the 1 young man—in return they were IgroLly infulted, and in the fpi ,rit of honefl indignation, they ’ txpreffed their execration of the 1 goveromeat that heaped fuch ;wiongs on the country —they were taken from the place in ftanlly to a guud horde, where ! they were detained bv a court ! martial, and fentenced to receive 1 fven hundred lajhes each! let not horror overcome you they have aclualiy undergone part of the punifhment bom a regimen tal drummer—naked and expo led to the b ucal ci 1 c e of two Biitifli regiments derived by thofe favages in the fare of th’s .0 1 deploring and terrified citv, i thefe two beautiful and w lt| educated young I idles h ive fuf- i fered this horrid punifhment ! and expo f ure (iiil more horrid ! —they were not able to bear the whole punifhment it once—md through the interceffion of a lady, thofe neroes have conde feended that it (hall be infilled at the rate of 25 lafhes a day— three days have already paffed ! Where ran and where ought this to end ?” The above letter has been .handed to the editor, and it is | corroborated by a lady now in tnis city, who fled from the j feene cf fuch cruelties, and ar rived in Philadelphia about ten days ago—any perfon doubling its authenticity may knew the names of the perfcns. and learn further particulars from the lad* who has verified the account. 3 /’V '/OSI A U VA ATT* G F R(1I A, Cl >k of the Court County, Tofo< J na »v, for the 3 County j H-\jkiH % tun WHEREAS Edward Kelly, h, ih up I lied tome tor 1c t c r«< of adrri muration on the Eftate t f H' gh Kelly lac<f inis County, deccafed : ihetc are heicfbre to cite and admonfli all ;?n< lingular the Kindred ai d C>ed tori of the fmd dccealed, to be and appear at my <n or before ifie 15 h iiav ol Aufiufl nest, to Ihew caufc, if anv ihey can, whv e« ters of aduiinillration Jhould not be pruned him Given under r'y hard, tbit 15th day of I I>V, 171.9, and in the twenty, fourth yvar d the Aniciican lade - j enuenci’. [. Watts, clerk c. o. M 3y J siah Watts, GEO RO I A,/ i.Lik 0f th. Ceu't of ,}njluhgton tour ty. 1 Ordinaly , for IVajh j in’ton County. WH E R A S I bzabeih Cre r ha’h a p>icd to me for lei'Cts cf an mi nai a ion on the ellate of jfunes Oeett, decealrd ; thefe a c tbercfoie to ci e am’ aomonilh all and lingular Ikc kin red ad; cieditors ol the laid deccafed, t be and a Tfn.r it ri v other, nn or beloic ibe 15 b ii iy 1 i Augolli cx ,iu ibe* catsfe if an tlicv can, v*hy letters ol' adniiniii’otioii IhouM not be granted him. Given under my hand, this h day ot July, 179 g, and in Ibe iwtiit - lourth year ul ;he American inde jtfiidence. I Watts, clerk c. o. N OTIC E. ’’H E Co panne fltip of lABO R D I &C Co. is by inu ual C<> lent ; therefore, thofe who have a v Dc funds agai It fai.i Fitm, arc itqu fted t< bri |: g them forward, pro t ejly at.cUcd, to j ibe SubfuiLcr.'. La horde Sc C o. Wafhirgton Crtmiv, July ih, 7799. N O T I C E. A LJL Pr rions \\ h 1 are indebted to the KlJaie ot William Oates, deccafed, idt * <f Wailiiiu'ton Coun y, State ol Georgia, a c trqieCcd to mike fpeedj ■iHymrti and 1!i f’e who ha c any Dr rnirdi afiJinU fmd Ellaiu, wilt pleafe t" prefnit In nr procily anefted, to the Su Icnbcr. Hugh Law Ton, A:t’n)» Executor. WaHTogfon County, J• iy 9, 1799- N O T 1 C E. THAT after the erc.irati'in of nine m id In from the dare hereof, their j «. ,;i l»; an ‘p. Eta ion made n the hun r* 1 ib'c the* 1 if.-ri r Court *t j ffetlion Coun* 1 tv, r r an r r ler of fair o> the real eda c ] 1 Hoi c t Hatnb’clon, deccafed, to wit ; ! t'nrc hundred and fifty acre* of I and, Minute in the county o* f ffrrfon, a* join' Irg l.i d o y hn li grrm and J iho Kennr -Idy 1; be ng oart of a I taOl of Land, containing four ( un bed and fi l(y auc:, g anted 1 » Ruber C >oprr. Alio, one other J r; Ct of Land, contait> in* hr*e bund c«l and fifty acre*, litnatc in the coo !1 y < t Burke, on the water* ol M Been Creek, adjoining I mds ot , gr n t.i to . ! Ihe file of the a love aad forenoini' Tracts of Land, w ii he for ih? be eli of he he rs and credi o s of ibe fa.d Hubert i Bdmb.eion, deccafed. H. G. Caldwell, Fo r the Admnijit at or of the •f.itfuid Efute y<ne 26. WANTED IMMEDIA TELY AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bvfine/s , a LAD , about j »3 or 14 years 0) age , who has j received a Tier able good education , and can be we I recommended, En ; quire at this Office, 1 Augvjl 6, Executive Department , Lowfville, 25th July, 1799. ORDERED, 1 hat *hc Cerka of the Superior «nd Inferior Court* i f the refprdive countico of this State, < 0 will in ore month after ti e 16th cl yof Aupu H nc f, make a true retura 'o t'eE' ec tit v Department under rheir hands and f*als. of aM 6'oun'y Officer who have *aktn a- d futfenbed the rath to fupport and maintain the conftitutiim of this State, in pmfuancc of the adt of he General Afl’cmbly of tb « State, parted the l6th day of February l»ft, entitled, 11 an a£f tocompd all OflDeri# c v'l and m litary,< within this blare, to frke and fubferibe un oa*h, to fupp ut the ronHitut'oo ilimc f n /tND x That they do further make return in like manner, of a t Officers, w o may have negledUd or refufed to take the fa ne. Tin from the Minutes, Thomas Johnson, Sccry . CT The Jefferfon I ight Inf an* try Company, are regue/ied to meet in Low/vil e t on the fir ft Saturday m September next, in complete uni /om, to chonje their fubaliern offi cers, and improve themjelvss in martial excrcife. July 3 c. C 'T The Members of the Union Sodety , are requrfted to meet cn Saturday, the %\fl of Augu/l , in the Lodge Room, at the Union , Louijville. Chair taken at feven o'clock, J a, y 9- ------ -jr- ~_TTTIZL3 C A U T I O N. WHERE AS my wife, M S mimom, h is eloicd (roni mv bed and board, without any provocation • (hit it to for ward all Per for. f wha ficvcr from credit ing her c.n my ac out, a? I am determiued nut 10 pciy any deb's o( her ron'raeftin^. Benjamin Sammons. July 26, The SUB SCR IIIER H\ IKG received an elegant AfTort ment c f WATCH MATERIALS, Savannah; He will ihcreb re c.uty o the hiliuli of WATCH REPAIRS, with ncutiieli ai d difpuch. A1 To, all kinds «f C( LD WORK., wi’l be made aacl re t aired in the nca clt man ner. 11LVEP, WORK repaire Andrew Burns. Lnuifville, July 3’. The SUBSCRIBER degc Ie?v? to ; nftrm hit Frierdt an S the Public, tha» he ht» < ommenccd the Commiflion and Factorage BUSINESS, On T Ifaii’i Wh.-rf, whrre he ha* fuit -1 le Stores lor the reception ol Good*, 11. d Produce j and r< fpe& ul!y s bis fi-rviccs 10 in F icn s in th ;r line, Samuel Hammond, Savannah, June 6, 1790. A New Giocery Store, JUST o rued by ti c S blender, in the h ulc formerly occupied by Elcilu." Uul’ucr BcneUi*. ll* hat a 'fo A finalt an 1 handfome A dot tine n* of Dry Goods, W huh will be fo d on very low Tcrtni, for Cafh <>r Produce • nly. David Thomas,, June 25, 1799, [No. 30.