The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 20, 1799, Image 1

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Vo I- I.J ( FORGIA, LOLISVIi-LE: —Publithcd every Tucfday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars pci ann. pa)able halt ycaiiy. ii ■■ I Fkom the AURORA. I txtraft cf a Utter from Buch I Cov»t'\ Sated Julv 11, *oq- I The letters from Robert I l.ißon to Prcfidcnt Pulfcl are I fnrloTed, It is of importance, I that they fhould be promptly I communicated to the American E people. From them, among I other things, the people will I learn, the extreme, not to fay I improper intimacy Cubfifting be- I tween a foreign minifler and the I dirfftirs of Arnen’cnn affairs, K If the Britifh minifler is to be I believed intentional provocations E h ve been given to France “ in Iconjunftion with the Bn(ifh govern■ writ" —For what purpofe the v.orld will judge, *• The meafures which have been taken, tending toa difmem _ berment of the ifland of St I Domingo from the French Re- E public, is a ferious feature in our; I a(f» r. and furnifhes an ufeful j I commentary upon American l , H finceiitv and ik 11 in negociation i H —“ dipl imatic {kill” h’S II introduced into the vocabulary of fedcalifm again (l France as 11 the fedis punka was into that of I the Romans ; but who excels, I \ will row become a queflion eafy 0 of folution to thole whole minds H are op n to truth. j U “ The apparent t iumph of M a Biitifh minifler in the outrages m committed upon the republican 1 9 printers in contempt of our laws, I | and the acquaintance which he 1 •*] Fecms to have with the determi nation of ihe government to fup | P outrage by an in'en- Ip lion to a 6l with vigor** m cafe of 1 red Ranee, furnifh a ferious lef ■ fon to the citizens of the United ■ , If after the difclofurc I ttidc in the(e leiters the people ■ remained blind ; if they “ will I Mofes and the prophets, ■itis in v ( dn that any one Ihould I nfe horn the dead " I (COPY.) ■ duplicate No, 11. I Philadelphia , May 6, 1799. I s 1 R » I T* lE S overnrn entofthe Uni- I! e tates appears to be nearly I ln fituition with regard I Indians, that ■ * an ada is wi h rcfpe£l I ,c Mohawks. The Shawe- E rie ‘c vw’ifh the United Staes to ■ jrsake fome alteration ot their pi *irnits as frx°d by the treaty of r ; and at the fame time j *°infirm the Tales of lands they ; made, and au'hor utire alterations. The ■ an rni n * Hers on the other I tk; 11 c 3 eteirn ined not to grant 1 by\hen' r nd 3TC embarraffed ' pei levermg importunity THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T U E S D A V, August 20, 1799. —REASON /IS D TRUTH IMPARTIAL UUiDS THE WAT. of the Indians. Advices lately arrived from Fort Wayne, in form the adminiftration, that ttie Shawenefe intend this fpring to call a general council of the na tion (compofrd of representatives from feveral tribes) with a view to take fuch rncafures as may be thought belt calculated to obtain fome modifications of the Gien ville treaty. And the informa tion adds that this idea was firfl ftiggefled by the late colonel M‘Kee, deputy fupcrinttndant of Indian affairs. The government confider this interference as unfriendly and injurious to their interefts, and a complaint has been m de to me on the fubjeft by the fecre tary of (late with a requcfl that I would make fuch representa tion of the matter to youas might pioduce a defeat of the projc6l at prefent, and prevent all inter vention of a fimilar nature in j future. } I informed the fecr-tary of j (late, that 1 fcarcely biing myfeif to credit the report rel pe£l ng colonel M‘Kee ; that at all event* 1 could not conceive that any thing unfavorable to ihe United States could have been con templated by a pubi c officer in the fervice of Great-Britain ; but th it 1 I would of courfe make the rc prefentation requeued ; that 1 made no d sbt of its h *ving the defned effect, becaufe 1 was con ' fident that you were fincerely ; difpofed ro ward off every inci dent that could give jnfi caufe oj mi t funder(landing between the two nations. T he fituation of public affairs in this country continues the fane as at the date ot my I fl letters, unlefs it be that THE GOVERNMENT has given A NEW SUBJECT OF PROVO CATION TO FRANCE, by encouraging ( in conjunction wi h us) the Negro Chief Touffaint % in meafures which appear ultimately to tend a feparation of the ifland of Sc, Domingo from the mother coun try. Whether th ; s AFFRONT Will be POCKETED BY THE DI RECTORY, J d> not p>ecend to de cide ; bkt I cannot perfuade my fdf it is probable ! 1 h ive the honor to be, With great truth and refpeft, Sir, your mofl obedient humble fervant, ROBERT LISTON. The honorable Picfident K ussell. [No. lII.] } hiladelphia, May 23, *99. S I R, MYlafl having been entrufled to a pet fon who was not going dirc&ly to Upper Canada, I am ' uncertain whether it may ye' . have reached your hands, and i therefore take an opportunity of » tranfmitting a duplicate On pub'ic affairs I have fcarce ; Iv any thing to add—ONl STEP FURTHER on the road : to a formal war between France and the United States, hasbttn' taken hy the Governor of Guadaioupe ,: who in con eqm nee of the cap- j turc of the Infurgente frigate, has authoriled French fhips of war, to capture all American vefheU, whether belonging to the government or to individuals,' But the r.Tolution of the diicc- ! lory on the great queflion of peace or wnr is not yet known. Perhaps the new expiotion on the continent cf Europe, tnny give them a Jeg'ec of emplo\- ( rnent that may iciard their dcci- 1 fion. In the inferior of this country the declamations of the democra ticJafti n on the conftitutionalry and nullity of certain afts of the legiflature, have miffed a num ber of poor ignorant wretches into a rehibncc to the laws and a fo md inlurre^tion—7 his fri volous reh'Hi n has been quelled by a fmriled dfort of certain volun teer corps lately embodied 9 who dc ferve every decree of ptaife But theconduftof thele gentle men having been Jhame fully ca lummaied hy Tome of the popular newfpaper s y ih :v have ventured to take the law in their own hinds, and to puni/h one or two of the printers {hy a I mart figging {) a circnmfla ce which has given rife to [mw h animofvy, tothreafs, audio a commencement of armed alfo ciations, on the fide of the de ; mocrats (particularly the United | Irijlimen) and [ome apprehend that ! ike ajfar may lead to a partial civil war! The portion however of the Jacobinic party, who could ; ■ cariy matters to this extremity , | is but)mall : the government is on : 1 Us gu*rd t AN') i) KT FR Ni IN• ' El) TO ACT WITH VIGOR : | and I do not on the whole apprehend \ any ferious danger , 1 have the honor to be, With great truth and rcTpcft, bir, your moll obedient humble fervant, ROBERT LISTON. , The honorable Prtfident K ussel l. The Commeicid Advertifer acknowledges, that Liflon's let ters have afforded much matter for comment, and then procecd to defend the Britifh minifter’s coudu6las emanating horn lauds adle motives of wifliing to ferve !; his country; but many reflec ; jtions arilefrom reading of thote i ‘ letters, which are applicable only to the conduft of our govern ment The minifler fays, that the B Hfh anH the federal go vernment have formed a treaty with Touffaint, which may lead to the feparaion of Sf Domin go from Franc*, which he fuf'- po'cs will be confideredas a err fs affront by the dircfbuv and re ! Tented as fuch. 1) d ou» go | vernment then feek fo r this like ly method of involving us in a war? D the inclination it h>s exp’effed for renewing our amity with France fiftitirus ? Does n >C the Drivith amball idor (peak de icicledly of provocations gi ’on by us, and docs he not wirh ap pa ent pleafme, deduce that between France and I’s. is i»- evitable, from the (cvcral causes of provocation! 'utely ih* an p inrment of Mr. Murray id accords with our fubfequenC me lures. Has our government been duped once more, 01 have they entered the trap with their eyes op n ? Liffon’s exult at our having formed a treaty with the Black Chief, in concert with the Briltih. it is vifibic to (vety man why he does fo. He has been lor g laboring to involve us in an unn .turai war, and he pronoun ce?. to his friends that his wifhes are nigh being accomplifhcd. We have repeatedly fpoken of the danger into whi h this coun try may be immeded by Britifh influence. We aic nr w told that wc a’e appioarhing the p e cipice and our enemies begin to anticipate an event which wi I afford them fmcerc p f ea urc. luC may be p r odudivc to us of in calculable evils. J T O b K SO L 1), On THURSDAY , the \<?th of September, at the f ou/c o / Dr, A teuton, near I antis Bridge, THE WHOLES he E n eol S Jva nu Piin c, :a cof tills c urty. de ca cd ; (onlitliip of HOIfSFHOLD FURNITURE, CATTLE, HOGS, icc. ALSO, A NfcGRO ENt'i, named J:rny r vrtth her litres child m. A ere i t of rwclv mnrtlu will Lr given, wi It «; [.mu!; freur tv Mary Newton P.incc, A iimni. lairit. X o T I C E. rHK Copartnc Ihi,' of LASORDR &£ Cu. i* dillolved, ny mutual cn: t . ; luerplore, tfr c who have a v De n»ndi fl faid Fi ni, arc rqu fled to hrit’2 them forward, pro c/1 y at.cited, to m« Submiueu. Labordc Sc Co, Wafhirgton Count*, J ly 16, *777 N OTIC E. AI.L Perfon* v h ' ?re indebted to j.’;* Efta e ot Wilha.n Oa es, dcceafcd. Idle of Wafliinptm Courvy, State of Georgia, a e req irftcd to rutFe fpeecly payment *, a - ?'! tit fc win f* c nay De mands agaiufl fad Dilate, *..i \> urefent ihem, pru.cily attefted, la Cae SuLlcnbcr. Hugh Law foil, A&mg fctccuf r. Wifliidglon C»uaiy f July v# *799* [N’o. 31.