The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 20, 1799, Image 2

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V ] A, Jiffy Jj , This moment it is re parted j ber«, that flip Englifb, in concert with the Neapolitan infurgenfs, havetaVen the city of Naples after an obftinnte a£lion, in which many republican patriots loft their lives. In the Roman territories there is r.lfo an infur ie£lion againft the French. The Fnglifti had eftefted a junftion with the Neapolitan army under cardinal RuflTo. PAR IS May i When the details of the af faflmadon of our plenipotentia lies are fully confidered, there is no perh n who muft not be convinced that it had been pre concerted, and ordered by the lioufe of Auftda. The crime is. however, fo atrocious, and violates rights of fo facrcd a nature, rh if pcop T e are inclined to ftmggle to the la ft moment ag/finft the evidence, Rut the difavowal made by Auflria is a flronger accufation againft it than the moft fo r mal avowal The following letter was written by Prince Charles, lo gen. Maflcna, on the 2d ot May, fnur days (übfequent to the aftAflination, and three days after the remonflnrire addrefted by the rninifters of the different powers who remained at Raftadt, to prince Charles, whole head quarters at Stockach were, how ever, only 20 leagues ciiftant fiom Raftadt. " General, 14 The reports which reach me this day, inform me of an event which has happened in the line of my advanced pofts. The olhcer in command ac quaints me, that the French n.inifters, Bonnier and Roberjot having crofted, during the night, the chain of his pofts, were at tacked by huffars, and unfortu nately perilled. The circum flances of this event arc Rill un known to me. I have, in the mean time, caufcd the comman der of the advanced pofts to be anellcd, and have alio appoint ed a comm;(lron to make the inofl exaft and rigorous enqui ries relpefting the caufes of that accident. I haften to allure you, before hand, that, fhould my advanced pofts be found in ti flighted degree culpable in that affair I fhall exa£l iatisiaftion from them, as my ordfis rcl dve to the personal hfet ' of the French rninifters were p;ec. V vicl reiterated. I cannot u t. n:'v exprefs mv regret tin.- > tier fhould have happen 1 the line of my advanced pofts. I re'erve lor my (VIF,-general, the opportu nity of communicating to you, without dehy. the refult of the • enquiries which I ordered to be made the moment the intelli gence reached me. Receive, general, an aflurancc of my moll chftinguifhcd confrderation. '* Charles, “ lied quarter!, Stockach, May 2." • M * eT * * V*. ... . ... , • * *,f 9 ° ° ®' * ( ' The proclamation of the d;- : re&orv, relative to the aflaflina- j tion of our plenipotentiaries,! was yefterdny publifhed at Paris, in a very folemn manner. r l he 1 municipal fcaifs and thole of the l colors were covered with black crape, and the officers wore black crape on their arms. On the night before, the funeral pomp was celebrated in all the decadary temples. Black colors were fufpended at the porticoes, folemn muftc was played, and the of Jean Debry’s let ter was frequently interrupted by (bouts of imprecation and vengeance. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORY. Proclamation of the Executive Di rectory, on the affajfination of the French plenipotentiaries at the . Congre/s at Ra/ladt . 17 Floreal—May 6. " Frenchmen! M Your plenipotentiaries have been maffacred in cold blood, by the orders and fatellites of Auftria; and thole illuftrious victims, whole charafter was •acred, have been facnficed only * becaule they were the images of 1 the active representation of a nation, which your ferocious enemy would have been happy to have butchered without a fingle exception ; fimilar to that o'her emperor, whoinhis brutal ferocity wifhed the Roman peo ple had but one head that he might ftrike it off with a fingle blow. You have read the hor-j lible details of this which was meditated in the filence of the cabinet, precon certed by treachery, and execu ted in the sight of the members of the congrefs, as if designed to defy in their peifons all the powers whole reprefentalives they alio were, and to give the dreadful signal of a war of ex termination. “ Frenchmen! you have on the recital of fuch horrors, de manded vengeance. Be allured that it will prove terrible. It is not the caufe of liberty alone which wc muft defend but even that of humanity ; and in this ftruggle of civilization again ft barbaiity, fhould the indignation of Europe promife you to (rip ply with auxiliaries, it will be your duty to bold out the glo .ious example that is calculated to rally them in lupport of your caufe. There has never yet occurred any mftance in which an outrage of the law of nations has ftained your fuccefles or accompanied your misfortunes. Your enemy on the contrary, , has only attempted to repair his ‘defeats by treachery, -and has cclebiated an ephemeral fuccefs only by affjflinations • a p?rle verance in your generous con du<ft will render the contrail more difhonorable to him. if die battalions of Auftiia have not fhared in its crime, they will lelufe to alfociate themfelves with aflaflins, and break their arms, If they continue lo fight * • .;•••• againfl us, they mull be corffi dered as accomplices in the guilt* \ A memorable punifhment is ne-| ; ccffary to prefeive the world I from the new outrages and I crimes which are referred for it by the impious league of the monarchs of Ruflia and Auftria. formed by ambition, cemented Iby crimes, and which, in the rnadnefs of their projedls* threat ens the deltruftion of Europe. “ The executive directory decrees, that the preceding pro clamation (hall be inferted in the bulletin of the laws, and that it be reprinted and affixed in all the communes of the republic in the ufaal places. “ The miniltcr of juflice is ! charged with the execution of | the prefent decree. 4 ‘ P. Barr as, prefid' nt. “ .Legarde, fee, gen,** PHILADELPHIA* Jfulv 19. The following is from a phy fician of the firll eminence : “ It is agreed bv mofi of the phyficians of Philadelphia, that there have been a few c«<fcs of yellow fever in our city; but that the di'eafe has happily dif appeared without being commu nicated in a finglc inftance.” July 22. The Emperor of Raffia, it is faid, h asaccepted a fum of money from the Hamburghers, and li- I berated their veffels. [ From the Cojfe.e-lhufe Books. j A letter received this from Bourdcax, dated 24 b May, re ceived via Marblehead, Bates, that in consequence of the late appointment of envoys to treat with the French Republic, it was | generally fuppofed that the ne jgociation would foon be opened at the Hague. CHARLESTON. Augufl i. On Thurfday laft was argued before ludge Bee, the federal difhid judge, for the dilhi&of | South-Caroiina, a motion* made by Mr. Ward, on a habeas corpus, I to bring up the body of Nathan Robins, in order that he might be delivered up to the Britifli .conful, by virtue of a requifi- I tion made under the 27th article | of the treaty of amity and com merce with Great-Bdtain. Mr. Moultiie and Mr, Ker oppofed the moion, on fevcral giounds, but particulaily on that of the prifoncr being an Ame rican citizen, and therefore en titled by the conllitution of the United States, to a trial by a jury of his peers; and alfo that , the crime with which he was charged, (that of being concern ed in the mutiny on board the Hermione Biitiffi frigate) was ■ committed on the high Teas, within the iurifditlion and cos • d # O nizanceof the United States. On Friday his honor the judge • pronounced his decree, for de livering up the prifoner to the Britilh conful, in the courfe of which he obferved, that it was : immaterial, whether the pcifoa ♦ • • was an American riiizer, 0 not; he was equally within the | purview of the treaty, and there. , fore the court was bound to d?, liver him up. the treaty bein' the law of the land, ° GEORGETOWN. Avpfi* A letter to a gentleman in this place, from his correfpondent in Columbia, mentions, that Mr. Hampton, of Columbia, it is cxpe&ed will make iS.oool. flerling by his this year’s crop of cotton. COLUMBIA, (s. c.) July ig, Capt. Harris's troop of horfe. capt, Johnfon's company of ar tillery, and a number of ref. pe&able citizens, met in the town of Winnfborough, on tbs 4th inflant, to celebrate the day ; about 3 o’clock the company fee down to an elegant dinner, pro vided for that purpofe, at the houfe of Capt. Buchanan ; after dinner the lollowing toads weie drank— 1. The people, the fovere’gn of the United States—may they ’.ever furrender what they fought ro fe€ure ; let it be handed down from generation to generation, until the lall age lhall be no more. 2. The confutation —may it be explained as it is, and not to anfwcr men. 3. The alien and feditioa laws—may the next Congicfs bury them in oblivion. 4. The day that gave birth to the Independence of the United States—let it never be forgotten. 5 The memory of thole who fell and bled in defence of the Rights of Man. 6. The militia of the United States—no ftanding army in . time of peace. j 7. A fpeedy reconciliation of the differences between the Uni ted States of America and the French republic, j 8. Thomas JefFcrfon —the I friend of the people, the next 1 prefident. 9. The univerfe one great re public—the name of tyrants erafed. 10. The agricultural intered, and a free trade to all the world —no treaties to hamper the hard earnings of the people. 11. Wildom, jultice, and in tegrity, in all our public coun cils, 12. The republican party ifl Congrefs. 13. Dr. Franklin—let his me mory be ever held dear by Americans. 14. Tne liberty of the p re ‘* and freedom of Ipecch —let them never be abridged. 15. Ireland—may fhc never , know diflrefs, 16. The governor and ft ate of South-Carolina.—3 cheers. WANTED TO HIRE, By the Month or TTia r i f A NEGRO A- Enquire at t*it QJf^e, January 3°» * »