The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 20, 1799, Image 3

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Fsom -rtis AURORA. Thf volume of news, and tl’c 'nterell vi'b wh'ch ircarries wifh : u 0 received from Furope, j \,. e impelled us to adjourn for ,' et another day, a variety of confiderations upon the recent tranfaO:ions concerning St. Do min? 0 - \V> cannot omit, however,-at this moment an expreflive com ment, extrafted verbatim from the official authorises. In the Philadelphia Gazette r ,f Thurflay, appeared the fol lowing paragraph u We hear, that a mifconccp tion has occurred in (he arrange ment relative to the opening of the tfdde with St Domingo. Inftead of icfiraining vedels from entering the ports of that ifland previous to the firfl of Au?uff. it was intended that no veflel fliould fail from the United States ?or thole ports before that period. It is alfo faid, that in confequence of this mifunder flanding, veflVls which have al ready dc parted will not be per mitted to enter there." This is an acknowledgment that our government was a6ling under a mifconception ; the cir cular letter of Oliver Wolcott' was dated on the 26th of [une, sndthe Pi efident’s proclamation,, ligned by Timothy Pickering on the lame day—the following are literal extra&s from thole public documents. From the Proclamation. <c 1. (t (ball be lawful for veffels which have departed or may depart, from the United States to enter the ports of Cape Francois, and Port Republican, formerly ral'ed Port-au-Princc to the faid ifland of St D min po, on and after the firfl day of Auguff next.” From this it appears that a month ago the adminillration ihued official precepts which authorized all vefTols which had departed, or ought to depart to enter the ports of St. JJomingo, From the Circular Letter . Ihe ports of Cape-Fran co’s an d Fort Republican, for rnerly Port-au-Prince, are eflab- Mhed by the government of St. omingo as the on’y ports of <ntr y ; for thefe two ports ciear s may be granted immedi- y; although they cannot be until the firtt of Augufl. t kls which may attempt to Cnter o‘her ports, without fpe- Cla pf'rmiffion, as heieafter men will be liable to feizure and confifeation.” « J^ ere we find the offices of ~a te l^e treafury publifhing !r authoritative atls to the * people—on the 261 b june—and on the 18th of ruy ’ *f a PP ear s that they were p ‘ er ’gnoraut of their duty in in molt ,rn portant cale—involv- J momentous interefts and ° r l^at thc Y knew 2nd tU abufed it— e notification of this mif , • 1 « t V* conception is msde in two ways— firfl in a filly paragraph in the Philadelphia Gazette—and then by a didloiial letter pubhfbed in Bradford's paper of Ftidny— wherein it appears that the fame Mr. l.iflon who told Prefident RufTell we were embarked in hcflile mcafures againfl Sr. Do mingo with the Britifb—this guardian minifler condefcends tocommunicate a letter,in which he has out of his great love and refpedl for our national inde pendence, fuggefled to a Britifb admiral the Bluing orders to his cruifers not to whip us for our rmjhehaviour ! O degraded flate of national government ! O lamentable conditionof national independence I We fhall take up the Britifh minifler's letter and thefe bale tranfa&ions, more at large to morrow. i 1 w—wa— 1 w 1 1011 ■aweßa—b—no— LOUISVILLE, TUESDAVy Avguji 20, 1799* * 1 ■ [ For the LouifvlCe Gazette. j The AMERICAN, No. I. % _ l <l Hut let ctrwption''i p ftilential chain i Enjl.ive,' un 1 inter j ctil'afc the m:nd t ** J>i,ulted liberty /oon xvi t/uTurVy 7 hearts e and feienee Jhine no more,'* To define the views of a political par y, would requ re the difcrimiuat ng I mind of a J hnton or a Sher dan ; for pnjudice aud tadt oos zeal have per-! verted the language of ddciiption. HOW faintly marked is the line of diffe'cncc between a hderahft and a tory ! The terms, from the conduct of the party to which they arc appled,; wou;d Item to tmurace ad that is holiile to the fpint of a free government, and point ou: men who ativoca e nil politica 1 mcafur 3, fiom moives < f ft* f mrcrtfl ! and preferment. Byr the party, rtpub licans are Ibgmsfifed aajacob no, hitn s to the French, and cm no-ea to a 1 co »- fti ae i authority. L» bera ity however, docs ro condemn till eoquhy has fub liantiacd guilt ; ror docs jutbcc ever exculpa eor ft c !d the wiet.-h from in famy. whofe hearts pants for the fub , nof government. Republican candour wou d no. attach fuih dark d.fibril to t! c majority of the federal.fts; yet iheir conduct 10 uniting with the refugees wattan a lufp cion Adtionf ccaeially dtmonitia e pr oc pVs ; thf* conduct rat.'ur thsn the proftflions o‘ men wi.l .herefore furnifh a better cri trrion to judge of tbeir motive?. To af:crfain then who are the re;! fr ends of gi vernraent, we mud cot fidcr the l nor of our conftitvi ion, and the con dudt of tf.ofe who are ts profeffed ad heren s. Wbit then is the genius of tha' cooditut on i Does it make any ddcriminatioM, io tltima ing the civil or p lineal ta of citizent ? It con friers the claims of all as natura iy equal. Upon the broad befia of liberality extends the pritrilegci and immunities of i.octety to every cir z 0 according to his merit. Nor does it eftima c merit by the temporary ptofefilons of urqua i i fied approbation ; tut by (ha ftandard of patriotiim cftabl fhed in a when pretenders fhru.k from the left. A tree prop e acknowledges no power fuperior lo tfieir confti.unon, nnr any rule of civd conduit but that prrf.ribed by law. Could it even have bcn con* empaed by the vcntraole framers of our confiitufjon, that none but men of a particular party fliould be appointed to offices of honor and emolument ? Such an engine of party wou'd never h&Tw been Uud.iviie,J bf o.'ae tie: t tu -' 9 O lightened. pnd independent fltte* : yet we find this to be the modern conduc tion, that no one oner fs *n office of any r«*Tponfihi’i y under government, nnlef* he it the umqnvoral advo ate of all ttl meafurfg ; sod I wilt venture the aiTmioo that a man of this def:rip‘uio ia not a man of information or integrity. Error is incrient to human na urc. It it not lefs frequent in public than in private bodies in the cabinet than in the fie'd ; and the man who wi 1 fitter and juft fy it, through fycophancy *nd deception is an enemy to troth im* prov men*, snd the htppinefi of foe cty. Have we not charaften of thbdefcrip 1 tion ? Fafta pronout>ce the affiimat ve. Thcfe arc the votaries of freedom, the friends of ordtr , the advocates of liberty ! you hear them rprobale the French eu ogifi, the Prefidcnl, trd extol the Britifh government. Such are their conftant theme*. The French they contjgn to infamy. They w’.fh ’o in ctc.fe the energy of government, and invert ihe Prrfident with regal power. 1 In their cyta, the Bntifh government is the acme of perfection. 1 Such are the objefl* of rhofe who have the audacity to Jer thcmfelve* , exclulivc paTO’.i, and alone wor hy the confidctne of government ? Many of them arc row in elevated (lotions etj.»y* ing tie fruit* of their hyporrdy, while numbers of rl c war worn folUtct* de- Ctep.d in their crunt r >*s caufc, prefer ring petitions, rot for p aces, but for the coffipenfittion of fcrvicee faithfu ’y rndeied, have Co to the mor- I # ' trfication of a civil admifiion. Judice how art thou petvcticd ! Gernua of Columbia whither art thou fleo ! R. —>**• N NOTICE . That the Members belonging to Capt. Connelly s Jcfferfon Troop oj Light Dragoons , arc tequefled to meet at his Honfe , on the lajl SA 17URDAY in September , freci/ely at Un o'clock , armed and at coaired , when an election u ill be held , for to i reel a CORNET , in the room oj 'J, B. Spivy , who has removed . Hy oroer of the Captain y William M Dowell, lec'ry. Augujl 20. y £3” The Jtfferfm I ight Infan try ( ompany , are requeued to meet in Lnu'jvile , on the fitfi Saturday in September next % in complete uni-\ joim, to choije their fuballtrn °Jfj\ cns t and improve themjelves in martial excrcije, July 30, The Members of the Union Society % arc requ/fied to meet on Saturday , the. 31 ft of Augu/l , in the Lodge Room , at the Union , Loui/ville, Chair taken at feven o'clock, July 9. F— — ■ gttnnri i— ■—aj TO BE SOLD, On THURSDAY, the iUh of. September , at the honfe of Dr, \ Newton , near Fanns Bridge , in jefferjon County , THE WHOLE tf .he S*lva nui Prime, late of Ihi * county dc cca ed ; ronblt r.g r f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CATTLE, HOGS, ike ALSO, A NEGRO WENCH, named Jenny, with her three children. A credit of twelve month* will be given, wiih approved fecur tv. Mary Newton Prince, Adminidratiu. Augurt jo. BLANK DEEDS For Sale, at ikii Office, •. 0 0 04. * . *0 0 WILL BE SOLD, On the Premi/es, on the THIRD Saturday in May next , A tract of LAND , contain -p eighty two Acres, lying in Wafh ncton ConDt v, on Big C>fel;, being tht proj ei • r "f W’llism Montfo-it, dtcealed j by vir» foe cf an • rtler of the Court of Ordinary, 'or faid County, for the benefit of tht hem a d crcdiio.i of faid Eila e. Margery Montford, admx . Align t ao. A New Gioccry Store, JUIT opened by the Si bferiber, in tht houfe formerly occupied by Metin. Puficr & Btnedis. He hat «ffo A final! and haiulfomc Affoitmcnt of Dry Goods, * hich will be fold on very low Termi, for Cafh or Produce only. David Thomas . Louifviile, June 35, 17^9. caution. WH b H & A S my wife, M»ry has eloped from my bed and board, without any provocation • this is to f»»i warn nil Perfona wha foever from credit ing her on my account, ai I am determined not to pay any debts of ber eon 1 rafting. Benjamin Sammons; July ifi, 1799, Executive Department, Louijville p 25th July, 1799. Ordered. r ih*t the cert* 0 f the Superior end Inferior Count of the refpedivc countlet of this State, do within one month after lie 16th day of Anpurt next, make a true return ro the E\ecut vz Department under their hand# and fta!*, of alt f7ouo;y Officer* \wbo hctc taken and ful fenbrd the oath to fupport anc maintain the conftdution of this State, in pmfuance of the nft of tie General Aflcmbly of thig State, palled the 16th day of February laft, entitled, “ au a8 to comp I all Officer*, c : til and military, within this State, to take and fubUnbe cn oath, to fupp it the confutation there, f ** AND, That they do further makt return in like manner, of a 1 Officer*, wi o tray have ntg'e&cd or refufed to take the fame. Tok'n from tht Minutes , Thomas Johnson, Secry. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bufluffs, a LAD , about 1 3 or 14 years of age , who has received a tolerable good education , I and can be we I recommended, En~ i quire at this Office, Augvjl 6, TO BE SOLD, A HOUSE and LOT, fitimed near the C‘ H'ee Houf?, I. >nifviilc. contains g 'ago /d Uvfi nd H: ke Houle. Garden ar.d oti er irnp'ovcnicuti; au excellent lituatioit for tr de. Condition*, me part cafh, the other trade or credit, with approved 1«< nritie*. For further partkulaii, ap, ly at the Union, Louifviile. May 14. MANUS LEMLE Has removed hi* Dry Good St' re, to the Houfe formerly occupied b> fhomaa ) Collier &r C>.as a Dry Good Store : Where he has for Jale , cheap for cafh or produce , A handfome lllortmtnt of DRY GOODS. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, See, also, Jufi received and for fa t , A colle&ion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. See. June 4. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, For Sale at this Printing Office, O