The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 03, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. Vet- !•] GEOKt-IA. LOUISVILLE: —Publiliicd every Tuclday. by AMBROSE DAY. at 3 dollars pc. an;., payable bal^arly. NEW-YORK, Angitfl 3. TH? Commercial AdverWer, nna V»l- to controvert our charges a! nin(l it, has had recourse to t ! v? mod, mean attempt to obtain Te , r e v:e which the hifefl mahee rO «jM conceive. We fhoulJ he errant fools If we could remain unidmonidied hr the nffaul's p-rpetrated on MefTrs. Schn*y d»r and Duane. We a*e well informed of the bitter enm'ty whic' 1 royalifbs dhai federal! fts, rones, profcfs againfl us for rhaftifin? their infolence and expoling their numerous mifd-*- mcanors. We are fully aware 0" the cowardly fatisfaftion which many of lh“rn third For ; hut however ten i He the threat mav he, whi h the dagger of at? affafTm hoMs forth, it (hall not fuccced in intimidating us from performing our duty to the pub lic. We fee the moll for mid ible ftpcVmerv arrayed to Lip orels th • freedom of inquiry and the avow d rf opinion; bat while th°re is a free preL, it ought to rife fu peri or to ti r,i hty, to me nace, and if poTible, ro oppref hon. If the centineb, whofr duty it is when danger approach es, to found an ahirm, are to he P7.ged by un Mnftitutional laws, and Itair hinds tied down b. Irwefs rioters, the immediate t )O'S of power. .Liberty and jaflice will quck’y bid adieu to the weftern World and leave us a wretched prey to cupidity, am bition and defporifm. No I w joo the prefs retains a veilige of freedom and un f i! both fub llmcc and fhadow Ml have dif appeared, the public ought to hi nude acquainted with the ! nitu;e or every approximating enl eve 7 ni ’afure which por tend, injury to the national prof-1 pen y or bbe ty, and every dd- P o:ic men in office or their I nunyno is underlings. Such is 1 t* e line of conduct mark'd out! or each republican printer, and ! ::e [ }ut no; purfue it ought' t 0 lt ever 7 claim to public l ur confi lence. Cc ? yo f to Tay'or, the TV w A nnv. Cdin Litchfield, 30. s 1 R> w, 'ek I fent to you, the | "tterto general Wafh ' r’ P’ S' v i n g a ftiort ftatement 111 Vh m ’ liUry Receding of \vf d!ers ftatio,led h'’re l( r , ’; a , l Wi °te I hoped the h . ,d been ac -°>Tipii.'hcd, • ough 1 was repeatedly told iV r ; S not > 3 vd th it fome of the I «" .»<■•» ■»"> hran-i ■ Pr ° m, . fe of lurn and • fun r ,r' r i a P a rt icular that the i 1 J ua g= Reeve, h»d done' PF.isotfsfNn TxrrHiMPsjxn.iL a.’:.)/-: Tin. I this, and had declared, he would come himfelf. bur he belonged to the college. Monday laft, about fiCtern foMiers came into my apartment without any content led by one Dolittlt, a corporal, the man who had lifted his cane again ft me the week before He and the fold ers in a haughty and j overbearing m nner demanded fatisfa&ion, and recantation fiom me. If 1 did not do this, they intend d to tar and feather me, nr lid;* me upon a rail. I an fwered the law was oner, foi i them and me, if cither had Iro* kco civil or mihta y mles.” Ail of (hem were info'enr. Th y in fill ed that I fhouhl go down i ftdrs, or they would take rne down, an 1 one t f them laid his hand upon my (boulder. Mr.! Maitin earn * in from he neigh- ! horhood, and fuddeniy went out! after making a few obfe? rations. He give notice to the officer, an 1 two fe geans came imme diately and difperfed the men, afluring me, ftom the officers, the men Ihould not moleft me. Previous to their arrival, one of the foldi ts uled thefe words: . “ come, let us take him down I flairs—Mr. Tracey Ibid we mu (I I not Hand to hear him idk !'* The day after, lieut. Waugh i came, and in a manly manner; made me a vifir. in which L detai'ed the fad Hated in thefe' two letters. He alfuedine, I , Ihould not be injured The corporal -»nd (oldier who led the party, two or ihree days before, came the fdlovvinr d yj I conclude, by order of their j officer, to te l me, I miglu go I i abroad fafely, as they flv*u!d not j m a left; me. The foldier (aid Mr T racey had made fome re ! marks which led the foldiers on. j I afke 1 whether he ( vlr* Tracey had encouraged *he par v y to i come at fir ft. His anfw r was, ; u you know fir, what a little means fometimes.*' I But it is very rc j ported, that M *. Tracey coan jlenanccd this outra e well as 0 her perfons Although the j officer, like a man ot in rit, has done h s clu y : this interference of Mr. I racey,mull becxplained to latisfadion, a» I in tend to lay it before Coagrefs and tha public. I wifh you would be fo indul gent as to lead \our officers and 11 hers to exp am arvd de clare the fa£t. It has been a fource of great fatisFaflion, that • | I had a co )1 min to ad irt:fs, as j .colonel of the regiment, in you, .and I mill a (Tire you, that the | afFcCfion which fabliftedben/ee^ 1 us, in the late v/ar, came frelh to mv recol'eftion. OF this I a flu red the foldiers, and inform ed them, I had addrefled gene ral Wafhington and you, by mv letters A copy of this, I fend to th • general. Alfo, Mr, I raceyb proceedings mtifl he examined and invefli g<ted. The exterminating war. and attempts to fet on an undif riplined foldiery, to ahufe an unarmed citizen, a prifoncr— «• nd a clergyman, were fo unmi lirarv and fo tyrannical, that he irm({ and (hall excufoale him-! felf. ‘ j Mv pr Tent defign is, to fend him a c >pv of this. fudge whe- j ther vour fellow-citizens will not J i vigil int, and mark every movement of the army and all its members. I am. my dear fir, with preat efteem and afFe&i *n,) out friend and devoted fervant, John e. ocdem. CIIA R I,E )T ') V, AugUjl ir . Another Gallant Exploit. The b ig Math, capt. Mo»- ri Ton, which arrived I uefday, bd'ed from New-Yoik, bound for V r er i Ciuz. On the 31 in ft. pf|* the Male in the Wall, c.ipt. Muni! >n was brought to by the Eli iOi (loop of war Arab, of 22 guns, commanded by the hon. ( c ipt. Capel, who put a lieutenant P matter, and 12 men on board, an ] ordered her for New- Providence, o.T which haibour they arrived on the 6th, the ; Arab id company, ('apt. Moi nlon's b ig did not come fo an chor, but flood off and 0.1 the town, as th" weather was unfa vorable, and the pilot thouMv 1 # 1 D it b.fl to wait until morning to . , . O taKe her m. Ctpt. M, went on fh >re j frndmg, whi’e there, that there was great probability of his vcf fM’s being condemned, lie re tor lied on board and determined to retake her ; accordingly, in ihs eveni g, lie made the attempt and fucceeded* The Arab was within gun (hot when lie retook the com mand of his vcttcl, but did not oblei ve that he had poll. (lion of her. Capt, Morrifcu had 25 of his cicw on board ; four wen taken (rut when he was captured. Ihe Maria has a valuable ca’go of dry goods on board. A New Grocery Store, JUS r o tcnr-J by the S bT<rri *r, : n tbf c ’nie f r-'cny olCu ; icJ L>> Ms : i l'of.,cr tt: IJsue.h*. K• fiat a'fo A f nail tnJ h mCfome Afloitment cf Dry Goods, Winch w! 1 be fold on vcy 1 >w Term., I for Ci-ih or JOcmtuc n!y. David Thomas, iouT.ille, Jane 25, 17,9. ExecutiveD tunme 2£'h fulv f 1^99. O IDF RE l), Tint ,h f k, of the Superior and Inferior £ ur»« of the rcrCpcdlve coun ies of tbiVStste, do v ilSin one mon'b af er the 16th of Aui>«i \ text, tnnkr a true tp*u n »o r e E\enn v. Drparmvnt imd-r iheir funr.• and fain, of el' Conn y Offhe 1 "® who hsv *akrn and fi»| f C r b J the oith to fnnpart and maintain ti e Ctn.ftuuft. fi of this State, ;n rti’fvnnce of the Afc of the General A(Tenhly nf tb's State, jpafTed the 16rh dsy of February I ft, entitled, “ an art to compel a!l Offi n«, c v ! and m litary, within this bt.irc, to ■ take and fublrribe an oath, to fuptt i| .the rood itut’on thrtc f** | /i\ D, That they d.» fur her m?ke re urn in like tram er. of a I Off. era, | * o mny have or rcfuUU to j ukc the fa nr. T in frun the Afontfet, I h») ma s Johnson, Sec Vy. C A U T I O N r . .. 11 concerned, pjr.i.ula Iv to Mr. Cl'.cHo H ' w k r»'ul v'v i hum I’ u« t f , e rj. Inc ilf i cfT rl'on (' im v * Ih* S.i C n >fri Hel l l. r «,hi4 be fl* f two T.'d. nf I -I, i Jfffe f.,n C>W [ , formerly Sr Ce n Mt V k.odh c utAin* i j l , unr her Too Alter, m'j i i e*» h o, oii : i tally grrt ted »o Cl arte A. i t , t rrnerW of Sivaun h, effpi r, <‘f» c .I. J, a a * vfr l i.» c •, in <hr LuuilviHc J H.-nuil, ‘ j 30 h julv, he 1- iosv n.r all <>; her ie fUt t( will bo ewo : I hot Char r t W a fo , the orient: I -Ia .ice, mile In, I.nt vrt 1 u..! teftament, wlii li was 11 Iv> Tuveh n 1771, a dil o| rccord » " 10 ! < I**ft *' 37', *, 3- 4* 5. m Ihr bcoc’unc’i Otfi< e, at L< mlviftc, n\il tl\ t li- <**9xo 1«, r«, thereto natu A !] fied —That the \v; ok*, real omi pc.* In.l 1 h'latr . f the dcc-iTcd, «; j fad, in ter authority of* the will, and u «1 r ( * * rcu I too. <i 1 j i.enlt, 1. pniiy cl> an e cvftal ye* iDrfun, t;.e resolution, t which judgments, remain utfatisflrii, the n'lci's, he ; ng fudy a:,| l 1 1. That’he 1 »ml mi her J fin lehriiij elnimt the Til :i d, as piiiuio'l heir and devifec ol (he at ' Char c \V tlor. Therefore, .ill further frcfrafTej oti tho • tcmiles, I ti , or tranifrr, till er pub icljr »r pr a elv, uf > 1 bief jaja pr hii.l i* , o it.iy lonlicr p ucec pip, wiii Ire pravr.l or, ~t t!;e nc l Supci ;or C nrt, 111 jefl.r* fouCoMuc v, and to revoke die adn.inif'r « i ti, f.iid 10 i e granted r H »ff «vif k, on Ihe '■flare r< d tffctiol id tnail'i VV nf o, vi' iih a,o r. ri lu lt4'. C ulcii nr i.coulfy oLt iii e.l. W. Stephens, Survi Executor C : arlej VN a <cn, (ohn Tcbeaa, D-vifec of Clurlci W.'.Uua, Savannah, l6, MAN U S LKM 1, E Has removed hi* D rx ' C"' cl St re, • the Hjipc formerly o< cpicd 1, Th in as C Hier IU C<>. as 1 Dry G f;d Sr< • ; When he ha j for /ale , cheap for cajh or produce , A hand fume A fir intent cf DRY GOODS . \ll kinds of Patent Mcdicmci ani Ciockciy W'aie, See, A L 3 O, J t/l received and far fae, V coilcchon of RELIGIOUS ROOKS, &c. &r. d* Tm u s u ii s crT¥Fr“ H* ING rt*i rived an f>r’n' Abort* m-nt f WAICH MUIR Al *>, iu Srs iimah ! He v/ill the'c' ec ty o the Hulin l< of W «TCH REPAIRS, vih nca f ne(* ard di'n r h Alio, all kinds ■ i G( LD WDKK, wi'l i*c made end rr,.a*rrd ». the nea cit nu.ii n:r. iILVEK WORK report fe\ Aniicw iiurns, Lnu’.fvKl , jc.lj' 33, [X... 33.