The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 03, 1799, Image 2

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BOSTON, Augufl 6. Frrrn the Mediterranean. The choleric Bafhaw of Tri poli has returned to a good na lured diTpufition towards the ; and the differ ences wlmh lately arofe have been amicably and completely allayed. Irom France — Direct. Capt. Hafltcly who arrived here yefletday born Morlaix. via Jerfey, informs that the citi zens of Morlaix were ext emcly difcontented with the dbeftory for continuing the war ; and that the merchants regretted the in terdiflion of the commerce with the United States, that bufimTs th"ie was utterly at a (land ; the (hips h.iu'ed up; and that the foldiery quartered there were fo deflitute of clothing as to have barely fufficicnt to cover their hakednefs. Augufl R. FRENCH MINISTER. Capt D'Ummond, who arri ved here on Tucfday, the 28 h of July, in the longitude of Halifax, with the Britifh friga es Boflon and Cleopatra, ('apt. I), went on bo ud the Bof t n with his papers, which were found (atigfaftory C -pt Doug las, of the Boffon, informed, that a packet h id arrived at Hali fax in 32 days from England ; that (he brought intelligence that a French miniller was coming from France to the U States in a frigate; in confequ°nce of which all the vclfels of the Hali fax flati n in port, were ordered to fituations the mofl proper for meeting with her The Boflon and Cleopatra were to go eff New-York. Capt. D. was told the n me of the miniflcr which was fa ill to be bound to this counfn, but does not rccolleft if. He thinks, however, it was one of the “ Ers.” NEW.YORK, Augujl^ As Mr. Jacob Pakins, of Kewhuryport, has obtained a paent of an invention to deleft c< unterfeu bank piper. The irv-ll celebrated engravers in r hc U toted St tes fuppofe the plan infallible; an 1 levtral of the banks in MalDchulctts, New* oik and Maryland, convinced of its utility, have adopted it. Auguji 1 2. The United States ffpp Portf mouth, rap ain M Neil lay at Bram's Point, (Sumnim river) lh° 14*h ult. when capt. Lee fdled, who arrived yefterday, 29 dys from Suninam. A trench (hip of 20 fix pounders was at Surrinam. An exprefs was fent to f yen for a French (hip of w>rof 36 guns to come down and j >in her- the latter is manned with 100 whites and 100 negroes. It is luppofed their objeft is to attack the Portf muuth, Augufl 1 5. Cn Fiidjy laft, about haT pad 9 o'clock, as Mr. John Duncan was returning from Courtland dreet to his lodgings at the Greenwich Hotel, he was Hopped on the road by two black men and one white man, one of whom prelcnted a piftol to his bread, commanded him to Hand or he was a dead man. Mr D. began to parley with the fellows, but finding it ufclefs he endeavored to extricate himfelf from them, which they prevent ed by knocking him down, where he lay Tome time fenfelcfs, and Ttcr recovering, he found they had robbed him of his packet book containing Bank Notes to Ihe amount of Four 1 hovfand Dollars , and a military land war rant. One Thou (and Dollars Re ward is offered for apprehending the villains. Atcgujl 17. The Prefrdent of the United States, in the recefs of the fenatc has appointed Mr Davie, late governor of North-Carohna, en voy to the French Republic, in the room of Mr. Henry, de ceased. We likewifc learn, that in conft qucnce of fome recent ad vices ftorn France, the executive of the United States has ordered the fiigatc John Adams to be prepared to convov our envoys without delay to Europe. SAVANNAH, Augufi 30. ExlraH of a letter from a gentle man in New- York , to the Editors of this paper . | “ You no doubt will be anx • ious to hear of the fituation of this place, as refpefts the conta gious fever that has prevailed in - this city for two years paH. 1 am happy to inform you and the good citizens of Savannah, th t it is very healthy here at prelcnt, and the alarm that was excited about two weeks fincc is totally luhfided : but I mud brg leave to inform you and the merchants of Savannah, that there is a fever th t prevails here at this time, calb d the Bank Fever . th it piovcs more fatal ro men's property, then ever the yellow fever did to their lives—there is a new calc ahnoll every day, and the dilor dcr has b-en communicated to a number of Georgians, being within the icach of my know ledge, loffes Curtained by pcop e from Georgia to the amount of 27,000 dollars, by two failures in this city. I believe i can venture to fay, that trade has not for a number of years been fo embarraffed as it is at this time—lnfurance is on the rile, in confequenceof the late depre dations committed by the French and Englilh on our commerce— there is one Infurance company that has within a few months loft upwards of half a million of dollars by Englifti captors only. “ Lift Saturday morning, capt, Thomas Robinfon who is fupeiintending the frigate build- i ing in this city hy the merchants) 1 and Mr. Tennis, of Savannah, met at Powle's Hook, inconfe-j qucnce of fome infulting ]an t guage from the former the day | befoie, and exchanged (hots, ; they were both wounded in the | head, Mr, Dennis was very flight ! and we are happy to hear capt I Kobinfoti is no way dangerous.” The armed fchooner Dolphin, •capt. [ohnfon, of Newburyport, 1 failed from the Havannah 9th j July, for New-Orleans ; on the fiifl of Augufi, at the mouth of the M fiifippi, was captured by the brig Two Brothers, capt. Bethel, of New-Providence, mounting 8 twelves and 6 fours, carrying 75 men, a pilot having been on board 8 days when cap tured* Capt, Bethel took all capt. [ohn Ton’s men from him except his boy. and put a prize mailer and 5 men on bcaid, and ordered her for Naflau. Capt. Johnfon, confidering the rifque of re-taking his veliel by force, concealed his bread and water, and put them with himfelf cn fhort allowance ; they finding it difficult to fubfifi, three men went on ffiore at Brufh Key, the captain embracing this favorable opportunity, took poffi ffion of his fchoon-er, and bore away for j the continent ; meeting with no oppofition, on the 24th arrived at this port, with two cafks of water and 200 wt. of bread, concealed in the hold. LOUISVILLE, TUBS DAT, Slattern her 3, 1799. In the Union Society, on Si tu day evening laft was debated, the following important quef tion ; —«« What qualifudtiovs ought ! a repre/entative of the people to poffejs The debate lafied till pt (I eleven o’clock—Col. fohn j Cobb in the (hair. We under j (land the quefiion was handled in a very mafterly manner by I feveral good fpeakers. The decifion was, “ that he flbould i be well verled in htftory, ancient j and modem, and in the politics j of Europe ; that he fhould be ; an enemy to the (edition and 1 alien bills, and to Banding ar mies in time of peace.” The quefiion for next Satur day evening is — u What are the , moft probable means of obtain ing a redfefs of American griev ances ?” Fiom the number of good fpeakers on both fides the 1 quefiion, members of that So ciety, we fhould expe£l it will be a very interefting debate. America is the land of prom 'ft for the fuffercre in the caulc of freedom in all countries. Her dcclerfion in the work of libeny would therefore be tooft fatal to the ccuf * of mankind, mo ft d’.fgrace ful to her, moft delightful to the fup porten of despotic power. Ibid. I —— The tones, in order to impr fd their own pnoc pies upon 'he m ods of the young i< y, hold forth a democrat as z ’rawv bead and bloody bones, to terrify 1 them in 0 deep and S'.cace* I How mcch t:r; rr- hrard c r { v prcd.lcdUon faid to cxift ncicng jjcob : « .far tint, anarchy end d.fturfcamc, jf jfuch is their did ngulfhing charadcfifti c i the conduct of the f dera ifts pom's ti, enj * out to be the real jacobins of ihia coti- - try. Britifli influence § the evil geniiit 0 f our count y, which biafts it* profperi.y and po long ra councils. We have c» C ry tb ng to f.-ar from Jta proofs, nor e * a wc efospc fee ng our rights aud rbernV, laid prodra e under the feet of the D Unlcfs we fhakc of! that apathy whicu p rieids fo much danger, and itwitrg our enemies o confpire ggaiutt our free dom and happinefs Poor J ;ho Bull mud p'jr the fidler. H 3 Bri annic Mijcfty d mards a moo* ftroua fum from b s futjeds, { 0 brbe the Rufiu t Bms to cut ihc pn cr Sans Cu'otit's throats. This is the monarrb of whofe moiality, re! gion and p‘;y we hear fo much boaft. r l’he Bri tt fh gold Jinchet find their way to Fc tetfburgh as well as Philadelphia, Ntw* York, Botton, &c &c, Wnat gene rous pay-rnaftas! ! ! Report of the hoa’rh committee Ncwbuiyport, cn the 23J July “1 he fubfenbem appointed a committee <f health having attended to the bnG cfs afligned them—make the fo.lowing re port, v z Once the Ift 'nft. nine pc fons hate died of a malignant fever m this town : eight now rt m«mi fiok—of whom j are djngerouc, as repotted by fttirsl phyficiar.B.'* The health committee of Sa'etn hare reported that town to be in a healthy ft-tc ; the repo t is da'cd the 20tb alt. COMMUNICATION The ext indmn of the malignan* fcf a f, which lately pneand in our city (hood aflo'd matter cf confoUtion to all *he c : is in tbc United S ates I flrcws that tbc dihafe ia not contagious, and o ; coorfe tha it has not been imported. Tl is la£t fii:*uld repeal <k quarantines adopted by our filler date* to Hop our intcrcourfe wi.h them K> inftance, we believe, his ever occurred of this ftv r fpreading when earned from one of our cities to amthtr ; ai* thougb upwards of an lund ed in'iame* o< curred of perfons esnying the difeafc to other cities; and even dyrg with it, w thrut irfrfli g any bedy. We fufpeft our »y s fti u d be d redded nearer tome for the iaufc of the ft* f wh ch has been fo detnm nt?l t our country, Phil, Guz» KT NOTICE . That the Members bringing (? Capt. Connollys Jejfcr/cn Tioop f I Light Dragoons , are lequejicd W I meet at his Ilonfe, on the la/l S I URDA Yin September, freci/efy at ten odd, armed and accoutred, when an e 'edion mil he held , Jor 19 deft a CORSET, in the room of Jf t B Spivy, who has removed . By order 0} the Captain, William M‘Dowell, lecty Augujl 20. rr The Jcfferfon light Infan try Company , are requeued to met in Low/vile, on the firft Satur 01 in September next, in complete ’ *•' form, to choc/e their fubalurn offi cers, and improve thtmjtlvis martial exerci/e, 3'Ay 3°» WANTED TO HIRE* Bv the or } ear, , f A NEGRO A Enquire at tkii January 30.