The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 08, 1799, Image 2

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> ,--i-r m ——m From the 5 U\\ July 20. FRANCE. COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED. Silting of July in. A crra* numl cr of a.'VicfTt• contra lubtrd tie council cn the fall of t)'t triurrv rip, spd cicn ended the fp‘c<'y pun fhmfnt of the tracers, An> ng f l efc adder iTc*. Here is enr • f the principal flillrifis of Pan’s, which ii moft remarkable ; it d clares that nothir g ran he done while the guilty remain nrpunifhd, “ Pu> ifli,” fay t l ev, “ MetTn, the fabricator of cot fpfraci'fl ; Rtwhcil and Si hrrrr. di ! e p’daroTfl and ponderers; J.*r< v* I e r e, the exciter of war in La Vendee ; Fa- mis Ncufcha’rau, a*hav ing morally afl Hi at'd all lire pa’rio's : Hrmrl, who has diforgarized the finan ces, ?nd ru ned the pubic treafu y 1 bft'y. Tallcyram 1 , *rho hiit provoked •nd rrgamzed the offeijinativn at Raf tali” Referred to a committee of five. Sitting of July it* Ech: flu ri»U x the elder on a rrn'inn cf ordrr—“ Trator* have fo’d the republic—our fron’icrs *re menaced the I carts of republican! are filled with i-qu'efu lr—joy and hope brighten the cyi'S of the rryalifts—ire can no longer ron emphte with ■ trarquil eye tlie dange'B which every wk rc furround us L t us rot wair ti*l the coa’efced rob' hr « p r oc a m royalty ' D the dead ho due of the friend! of the revolution.” A'ter a violent irveft ve in the fame O’a n, the rra'or demanded that the * foil wing rtfolut ions fliould be referred: to a fpecial commifec. i lie leg flatixe body d»elates the c. n fli rt:on of its all es to be under the pro ed on of the loyalty of-the Fiench uaf on. Ev iy clt'zen Tom 16 to 50 i* dc , fir - d to prnyde hmiclf wth a mufket. i A particular admiuill rat ion fhall be .rested, 1 barged to iupuintend the mr mar ufudure ( t armi. The erportation if every thing re cell ry to cairy on war is prohibited. Cif zc 8 w o are peddled of guns ate to declarc the fame to the municipal admin (batten. 1 he council o d red fix copies of the fpecih and tefo'ut ons to he printed, and that tiny Hiou’d br rtfened to a com in.ltic computed of feven members. T he pr.fident announced, that two impomnr fubjefts were am ng the orders of the day. namely, tlie difcnf lion tc!a ive to the loan of ore bundled millions, and he icport relative to dila«- p dators. [T he dilaptdaUn refunded ft cm perti.^ Montti ler had leave to Apeak In the name of the committee cn this (u'jrd | He began 1 y congratulating the council I .on tic mcafures fak n on the 30th Praiiial. “ For a length of time (laid , ic) t’is molt execrable tyranny has J wu’ghtd down (he fr ends of the repub I he. The leg flalive body has r(Turned lha at tit u e which beet nun it, and cv cltmaf'o s of futptife ha»e anfwcrcd | the triunph of liberty.” Here there-: porter n ade a brief retapitulalu n of all the e’er unciations againft the ex direc tors and ihcir accomplices, name iy. ‘he tranlpoitatlon of Buonaparte, with j 40,cc0 men ; the piofccutioo of Churn- j point ; the daring vin a ion of ihecon-j ftitutinn ot the Cifalplne nation ; the 1 violafii n of ihc French couttuutioo ; then at eirpti at ihc at q i li ion ot fa v regn power ; the means of tenor cu ptyd to in finance tl e eledions; the | conljfc- iot s ; tic arbitrary nrpufon merits; the re-organizat'on of the war ‘ c Ea \ endec, encomaged by their > n; V ''T; the menace of republicans pro mot d t-y impuni y Such were the principal I cads of actuation. •• Each it ih'fe l a-gea (la d the orator) sre j not cor,fined to one pivicuiar individual, ' thev appiy to all of them. Rewbc I, ! JMtriuj, LartydUicre, Trcilhard, acd Scherer, are pointed cut as (be clitfa in tint c» ? et fl»e confpirrcv which bar neary annihilated the repubhc, The J coutiaflor! in general, and other public j di'ap I’a ors of the public trrafurr, are 1 afo referred to. Jhe lafier ai d the ex'tn o ffers are to the om!" uaiy tnbuaali. Your corr-nritfe Feb tf ought, that having perfnrmid an edt v- part in the confpiiacy. fhty ought Ij he dclivrrtd over to the tribunal , whii h is to judge the executive directors, , as was done :n the affair ol Bal icuf. As 1 to the reft, you wll att according to ! your judgment ; but as thefe lorn of difeuflions caqnot, agreeakic to the 1 icim-i of the conttiiution, be had other wile than in a fecret committee, »t pro' pofes to the couucil imflicdialeiy to form one.” The council ordirrd the printing of the iprcch, aud the fotraaiioa of a c;.m mittcc. PARIS, July 12. Mlrbot, general ol div fun, has been «ppoiutcd to thetommand of the 17 m linry div ficn, in the room general Joubtrt, ho is intended by li ed rcdciy to be promo.ed to the rar k of taomraau dtr in chief of the army of Italy, It ii ftated that general Macdonald is on hn way to Pa ria. We arc fti 1 in the greateft uncertain ty the fleet. The opening of the focicty in the riding houfc iiai produced a great fen fation, Several pcrfnn* who yefterday fpokc againft this a(T mbly have hem arrtfled, and condutted before the m* fpedors of the ha 1 of the ancients, charged by the police of the Thu lienee. In one of the groupcs which foimtd ! ‘very inftant, a citizen Fa id, fufficicntiy jl ud to be heard, it wou.d be ueccfaiy ; to cut off 50x00 heads to fave the country. The general indignation winch this excited, rendered it nectflaty he fhuuld take to his bee's to favc him Elf. It s laid is a member of this focicty. KINGSTON, (Jam.) Aug, 20. One of the c»ew of the Hei mione frigate, who was brought a few days ago ftom Charlellon, in the Sprightly cutter, was yel teiday executed on board the Acalla frigate,- putfuant to the fchtcnce of a couit maitial. ! = From Knoxville , Aug. 7. i On the 25th ult, Wm Bal laid was found dead about two ’ miles ftom this place. The lame day llaac Coffee was found dead on Beaver Creek, about ;eight miles dillant ftom this town. An irqueft was held on both the ? e unfortunate perlons, :and the jury teturned that they j w r ere murdered by perlons un known : but from ilrong circuin (fances it is believed, that thefe ; horrid deeds were committed by two brothers of the name of 1 larps—and, On Monday the 29th, James was found murdered on |the load leading to Stogden's' IValley, in Ptices* fettlement. I ! I his unfortunate man is fuppo- i fed alio to have fallen a vtdiim to the above named atrocious villains. I pwards of dollars have been lubicribed by the citizens of Knoxville and its vicinity, to any perfon or perlons who wid j apprehend and commit to the ’ gaol of Knox county the above i mentioned Harps; which, toge-' thcr with the reward offered by jibe governor and citizens of I Kentucky* for apprehending jthofc vi.lains, amounts to up j wards of 2000 dollars. BOSTON, September 5. THE FLEETS . Yefter Jay capt. Preble arr ived (here from Malaga, but laft from i Gibraltar, which place he left (the 20th July. Capt. P. in forms that the French and Spa nifli fleets, after having formed a jun&ion at Carthagena, con futing of 43 fail of the line, 14 frigates, and 5 corvettes, had palled cut the Streights, and by (Gibraltar [uly 6, and were gone into Cadiz. A Britifh frigate came into o Gibraltar, [uly 20, in to days from Port Mahon, where fhc left the Britifh fleet of 0 1 fail of , o the line ready to fail in purfuit of tiie French and >panifh. | They were expelled topafs by; Gibraltar every hour, as the wind was fliong at the eaflwaid.; Admiral St. Vincent’s was at Gibraltar, and had difpaiched; vcffels to watch the combined fleet. Four Ruffian men of war weie thcie, ready to join the Fnglifh fleet. Ta ENTON, September 9. Navy Department, Sept. 7, ’99, Extract oj a letter from capt. 1 Brown , of the United States Jhip Merrimack , to the fecretary of the navy, dated at jea , An guft 10. “ 1 captured laft Tuefday the letter of marque Buonaparte, from St. Bartholomew’s, with a cargo of beef, pork, and dry; goods, and carried her fafe into St. Chriflophcrs; woith about 20,000 dollars.” NEW-YORK, September 11; The brig Dolphin, Kitilbn, an ived at Campeachy the i6ih [uly—was allowed to eniw and | expected to fail in September j for this port —off Cape Catouch was boarded by two Biitifh fri gates, examined her papers and put 100 Spanifh prifoneis on board, which were landed at Campeachy. The Pickering has rc-captu red from the Fiench the fchoo-i 1 ner Cynthia, of New-Yo»k. An ived the 7th infl. the brig fames, Whecdon, 15 days from Cape-Francois, 4 days previous I capt f Wheedon’s lailing, a num ber of veffels, left the C.ipc, j amongft them were the brig 1 Hunter, Parker, for this port,! ’ and fchooner Difpatch, Hud Ton, ; for the Havannah, with about 1 . * I 90 fail of American vcflels in i 1 the Cape. When coming through the | Caucu wpaffage, pa (fed to wind- I ward oA 9 fail, three (hips (one very large) two brigs, one (loop, three fchooners, two with bat teen, one with flioulder of rnut j ton fails. I paffed about two tgun-fliot to windward of the fleet. There was no accoutt of the Ocean arriving in the I (land of St. Domingo. From a gen . tleman f<om Port-au-Prince the morning previous to my failing I had the following information • there were about 40 fail of Arnel ricans in that port, vrho could not difpofc of their cargo on anv terms; there could hardly be * ccmmilhoncr found that would undertake the bufinefs. flour, fuperfine, 8 dollars . pork, mefs, 15; beef, mefs, 7 dollars 50 cents; fait 6ft, ~ dollars per quintal. It is ellimated that the left on the American property in the C« pe, will amount to 400 000 dollars. ‘ PHILADELPHIA, Avg. 30. Wcdnefday arrived at New Caftle, the United States’ brig Sophia, capt. Ocddcs, from Algiers and Tripoli, and laft from I ifbon, from whence (he failed the 2d July. When the Sophia failed from I. ifbon, it was reported, that the French fleet, after having failed from Toulon, had entered Canhagcr.a, and formed a junc tion with the Spanifh. It was aifo (aid, that both fleets were embaiking troops. This infor mation capt. Geddes received I from the American conful at Lifbon. Capt. Ceddes informs, that the Bey of Tripoli has been re conciled to the United States. Capt. Pcniofe and crew, who went out to Algiers with the veflels built for that regency by the United States, have returned in the Sophia. LOUISVILLE, IVES DAT , Gather 8,1799. Yeflerday came on the elec tion for members ot the General Aflembl)' —at the clofe of the poll for this county, the vote* flood thus:—• For Senator , Solomon Wood, 41S Patrick Connolly, 8 Far two Riprefentativcs, Henry G. Caldwell, 225 John Scott, 209 John Cobbs, *7^ Benjamin Whitaker, M 1 Bird Tarver, 89 Ekclicn 0] Comity Cfftcers l viz. Clerks of the Superior ar.d Inferior Courts, Sheriff, Coun ty Surveyor and Coroner, will I be held on Tuefday, the i5 ta inflant. A lift of American v'Jfels, coftu rt “ and fent into New-Provide' (t, [nice the zqih of May, to the 1 \th Align ft, 1799. 6 Chips, 6 biigs, 1 fnow, 11 fchooners, 5 Hoops, , . 29 veflels, value, upwaro? 0. 900,000 dollars, as per Ike a* counts taken at Xailau.