The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 15, 1799, Image 1

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VOL- 1-J GLORIA, LOUISVILLE: —Publiibed every luelday, by AMBROSE dAV, at 3 dollar pc. ann. payable hall yearly. Itlt Foreign Intelligence. LONDON. July 23. We underfland that minifters j,„ ve received the refignation of admiral lord St. Vincent's. The continuance of the indifpofition which forced him Tome weeks ngo to quit the command of the fleet, and repair to Gibraltar, has induced the gallant veteran to retire from the Ration which he has filled with fo much glory to himfelf and to the Rritifh name. He will ever be revered as one of the mod diflinguifhed naval commanders of England, ard his achievements will iorg be lemembered with gratiiude and admhatkn. l ord Keith now takes the chief command of (he Mediterranean fleet, after lord St. Vincent's, it could not oafs into abler hands. July 25. We have the pleafure of Ra ting, thr t the homeward bound Jamaica and Lisbon fleets have paffed by Ponfmouth in perfeft fafety. We dated yeftciday the arri val at the admiralty of Mr. Jackfon, mafler of the Vilie de Paris, hid St. Vincent's flag finp with difpatches fiom his lordfhip at Gibraltar. Mr, J.ckfon came home in la Suffi lante, We have by this convey* ance (he confirmation of the jun&ion of the French and Spanifh fleets, confjflirg of 44 fail of the line off Cartbagena, on the 22d ult. and of their having failed again on the 24th, with a view of repairing the freights of Gibraltar. The enemy's fleets were leen from Gibraltar on the 6th inftant, at tempting to beat through the Gut; but from the (late of the winds, it is not expedled they cr)uld accomplifh this objedl fooner than the 121 b. Intelligence of the enemy's movements had been difpatched °n the 22d ult. to lord Keith, * ho was fuppofed to be off Genoa, aflifling operations ot allied armies in Italy; and as . l he enemy's fleets had met fiich adverfe winds, it is j* ought not improbable but his o'dlhip would come up with before they could pafs the heights. / r efterda y evening capt. Geo. oU ' tcn » °f the Haarlem of 64 guns, arrived alfo at the admi- ty from Gibraltar ; the Haar eni lafled a day later than la fhe was chafed on her p* home by part of the c V*? S P anifh fle ets, and c • e 9 r h tnflant heard a heavy "g, but could not learn the f lCuldl S being compelled to THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T U E S D A Y, October 15, 1799. REASON AND TRV'TH IMP JR II .L GU A. itt IV ;r bear away, under a heavy p r cfs of fail, from the fuperior force which bore down on his fl ip. The intelligence enpt. Burl ton brings, confirms the reports that the French and Span fb fleets, have effe6fed a jun£f on, had attempted to pafs the Gut of Gibraltar, mod probably with the view of countcrafting the threatbehed expedition a gainft Holland by the renewed menace of a defeenton Ireland, but being baffled in that attempt Iby the ftate of the wind, they had returned up the Mediteira | ncan, with a view of getting again into Cartbagena. A rumour however, has been very generally circulated in town, that the Britifh and combined ! fleets were in fight, and even j that they were Teen engaged on the Bth in ft. Ibis report is cruntenanccd as *ur readers will obfcivc, by our letters from fome of the ports; but thefe ac counts are totally disbelieved at the admiralty, as no fuch intel ligence has been received olfici ally there. Three French frigates from Alexandria, had re-captuied part of the flotilla taken by hr Sidney Smith, befoie Acre. In this aftion lieutenant Bufliby was taken, and capt. Miller, of the Thefu.% was unfortunately killed, with part of the crew, from the accidental burltingsof fome bomb (bells. The following article appears in the Moniteur of the 261 b of Meflidor (July 14) dated Genoa, 11th Mcffldor. | uly 9: — 44 On the 6th (June 24) an Enghfh fquadronof about thirty appeared within fight of our port, and fent in a flag of truce with two letters from vice admiral lord Keith, one of which was addrefled to the French charge d'affairs, and the other to our government He requefl ed, that having made himfelf mafler of the fleet commanded by vice admiral Perree, the lat ter might be permitted together with his etat-major, to go on (horc and negociate theexchange of 1200 priloners, that he (lord Keith) had taken. The latter concluded by faying, port Mau rice had fiied upon his /hips. in confcquence of which Genoe e veffels fhould be treated as ene mies, On the 7th, ([unc 25) lome veffels failed from hence to take on board the prifonets, born the Engfifh fquadron ; they will be debarked in Fra ce." Letters from Conftantinople, dated June 22, 1799 R ate » ( hat the fiift divifion of the luikilh fleets that faded from thence (early in March, confided of three fhips of the line, three fri» gates, and Tome infe ior vcfTels, reached Acre the 19th of May, juft before the repeat of the enemy towards Jaffa Tfcc ene my fled from Acre with 7000 men. A letter from Dover, dated July 14, at two o'clock in the morning, fays— 4 ‘ there is now, off this place, a very heavy | fpring; an engagement no doubt; if is very dark, and has a fine effed.'* A letter from Copenhagen, dated July 13, (ays—on the Bth nfl. we had an account from Mftncur that f veral maf ters of veflels gave information of 12 Pufftan fhips of the line having been feen between Bom hoitn and Iceland, with tioops on board. '1 he lame accounts al(o ftate, that the king of Swe den, upon heaiing that the Swc difh convoys were condemned in i ngland, immediately lent general Zell to Petersburg!!. It is aifo (aid, that t ngland will; reflore the >wcdifh fhips, if Sweden declares war againfl France. Ten (hip* of the line arc to be fitted out at Carlfcro na." FRANCE. SOCIETY OF THE MANEGE, 3 u 'y »5- Deftrem opened the fitting by a fpeech in honor of the 14th July, in which he aflured the political furicties that the legif lative body, would maintain the conflnutron cf the third year. He declared that the le gifLtivc body law with gratitude the unfhaken devotion of the real friends cf libc<ty, and th*t it would not ceafe to make a I common caufc with the political locietits fo long as wifdom and energy were the bafts of their ■ labour, I This fpeech was frequently interrupted by applaules, and the fociety ordered it to be i printed. | The reporter of the commit tee of prelent.ition read a lift of the citizens who had been ad mitted members, and of thoie who rquefted to be admitted. The committee declared that they were Icaicely able to attend to all the applications for ad mittance, but that they w< uld employ cay and night in per | forming that duty Among the candidates were marked the names of deputies, generas, and citizens of eveiy description who are the deaitft; to liberty. The number of members ad mitted now exceeds 8 >o. F. Lepclleir.r oppoled this. Me fa id (hit th** abfu»d ralum nies which had for fome d.ivs b«en cnculatfd of the profprft of a conven'ion ; and of over throw of the ror ftitu if n, havo fix«'d the attention of the legis lative body * and 1 hat they had believed it ncreflary to fake a new oath to the ronllitiiiion of the 3d year. The locicty owed their exigence to the courage of the Jcgiflativc body, which had oveithrown the tyranny of the triumvirs. They owed it to their afft£lion—“ l et us imitate it and take an oath to the con fhtuiion of the 3d!" [All the hats wcie- immediately thiown up, and the oath taken in the midfl of the grealclt applaufes.J “ I move,’' laid LcfJelletier* “ the foi mation of a Curtimittee to p cfent to you meafurci of public fafely worthv of the la cred caule, and of being fub tnitted to the legifMlive body/* f Great applaufe. Thcregulator put th” queftinn on the p opofition of F. Lepel- Ictier; it was adopted and refer icd to a committee of mlltuc (ion. July 16. The rcprelentativc Arene mounted the tribune and fpokc to the fo'lowing elfed 4 . — 4 * Cni tizens, bothers, and friends! Ihe coun il of five hundred have thn day icceivcd official details of the tre don which has put into the hand 1 of (he cm my the impregnable fortrels < f 'I u | rin. It is dilcovered that can non, cartridges, contained only j one third of powder the ufl I being made up of mere dult ; that the nmfket cartridges were made in the fame m nner, and that tie balls conlilted only of wood thinly covr red with lead—. fo that the mufket ba Is went only the diflancc ol 50 paces, and the large (hot no further than 25. weie the < nly means of defence which our brave aimy had under the com mand of the infanv us Scherer, of execrable memo y, f murmurs of indignation. ) B others and friends; it is at a time when the legifhtive body in to ref cue the palpitating remnant of our unfortunate country from the hands of its butchers, and Ito rc-anirnate the public ltd it, I has again opened the pubic locieties; that j mnais hir d by dilapidators, p »mt you our to th" poin uds of royahfts Am ng | thelc is the Ami des oix, wnich reprt-fer ts you as a vi e hoide of jall-ifTins, thui fling for bloo I and pnhge Friend* and brother ? <an you entertain am- ronce »• d purpo ein your bieafi I \ T o, n>! cxwlauned ail the mcmbcis, the [No. 38.