The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 15, 1799, Image 3

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efficient for reducing i fended by fuch ignorant fol as the Turk', even when “ jed bV the blattering fir S.d- Sm’th. . When Tome of the olaeit ana nlo ft accomplished generals in r nro ne were defeated fucceffive l at the head of ihe beft difci plined armies, by this juvenile. {. u t furnrifing commander, the j’orte cannot expea that a Pacha allowing him to be perfonally kave> can have fuffichnt know lederc in military ta6lics to op pofe with any profpea of fuc cefs, ihe hero of Italy. The price of American pro duce was riling at St, Domingo about the 26th ult. Flour was felling at that time at ten and ten and an half dollars per bar rcl, and a 1 other goods had rifen proportionably. Henry Pye Read, efq, one of the commiflioners under the fnttb article of the treaty of arrity, commerce and naviga tion, between his Britannic ma ufty and the United States, tailed for England in the packet. At an election held at the Court-Houle, in the County of jcfFeifon, this 15th day of Oc tober, 1799, to cleft the county oflicersin laid county, agreeably to the conditution of this (late, the following perfons were duly clefted, to wit:— [ohn Paulett, fherifF; Wil liam M‘Dowell, clerk of the fupeiior court ; James Boze man, clerk of the inferior court; Richard Cray, county furveyor; & \V iliiam Gold, coroner. We been favored with the date of the polls at the Ueftion of members to the en ding General Alfembly, in the following counties: A® Burke—Fur Senator, David Emanuel, 408 James [ones, P r Reprefeniatives . 1 Abraham lackfon, 47 c James LeHer, ' * Uomas Lewis, 255 Robert Iverfon, 208 kavid Robin fun, 174 J"ff ne Harris. / 49 Uilt [ones, gg In Montgomery—For Senator. Hire Embree. p, Henry Gafter, 16 Bor Reprefentative, J oijn Jones, Abraham Bird, In Effingham—For Senator . jhomas Wylly, J olln Condon, 53 t L J? r Ke P re f™tative, > \i n e 9 jelle Scruggs, 53 /l Liberty—Tor Senator . bimon Frafer. 3q A n 1 Keprefientatives. Walthoiver, ,8 J a mes Smith , 44 U.vii, || In Columbia—For Senator: I James M*Neil, t6j For Reprefeniatives, . Benjamin Williams, 160 I [ames Simms, 158 John Fofter, 142 Jelfe Sanders, 138 Thomas Carr, 129 Benjamin Few, 54 Marshall, 46 John Co’lins, 17 We have not been able to obtain a Rate of the polls in the other counties. The following perfons are clefted : In Franklin-*-For Senator . Abner Franklin. For Reprefeniatives . Clement Wilkins. • Jones. In Fibert—For Senator, William Barnett. For Reprefeniatives . Reuben Ealton. Chrillopher Clarke, Banks, In Wilkes—For Senator, Matthew Talbott. For Reprefeniatives, David Meriwether. Joel Abbott. David Hillhoufc, In Oglethorpe^-For Senator. Buiweli Pope. For Reprefeniatives . Thomas, Bailey. r • In Jackf^n —For Senator, Rod. Eafley. For Reprefeniatives, Buckner Harris. James Pittman, In Lincoln—For Senator . Thomas Mutray. For Reprefeniatives, Robert Walton, Stith Barkfdalc. In Hancock—For Senator . Thomas Lamar. , For Reprefeniatives, David Dickfon. Harbert. Mender lon.* In Wajhington—For Senator, Stokes, For Riprejcntativcs, George Franklin. | Briggs Hobfon, Robert [ackfun. In Warren —For Senator. William Stith, For Reprefeniatives , Robert Abercio.nbie. Levi Pruitt. In Sc r iven—For Senator . Skinner. Fur Reprefentative. L. Lanier. In Richmond—For Senator, Kobeit Walton. For Reprefcn'atives, Robert Watkins, George Walker. In Chatham—For Senator, - Samuel Hammond. <; For Reprefcntatlves. J Tin G. Wiiliamfon. Jo!cph Bryan. Uoftor John Love. We have not received any intelligence from the coun ties of Greene, Camden, Bul lock, MTntolh, Bryan, and j Glynn, | NOTICE. r | II AT nine months after the ■*“ dale hereof , application wih be made to the honorable tat Infinor Court of the County of fefferfon for leave to f ll a trad oj land , con tain mg cue hundred acres, unthin fix miles cj Cambridge, in Abbe ville County, in the fate of South- Carolina: fart of the real ejlate oj Robert Spence, deceafed, to fd tisfy the demands of the creditors oj faid Robert Spence . Samuel Andrews, admr . Od. 14, 1799* NOTICE. THAT alter ihe expiration of nine months Com the date hereof, there Will b* an apjlicanon rna..* to he honor able the Inferior C urt of J fferfou County, t>r an ortier of ale, «f» ne hundred acres of land, fi tunic in the County of Jetjrrf n afore Inid, ar'j lining land of Jofej li Club s . it Being part of the real ellate of W Hum | ’nkins, descal'd. The fale (hereof writ be for the benefit cf Ihe hors and crediors of tUcaforcl'’H Jenkins, dree fed. Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for the i'vecutois ui the aforefaio E late. 5e 'trrrl er a', 1799. “J By J siah Waits, GF.ORC 1 A, / Ct.rk of :h‘ C O/4 rt of fi Uj/jington County, f Ordinaly , for tVajh y in: ten County, WHEREAS Huvey Griffin and Allen G ifli 1 hath applied to me for Ici er* rf adininflratiou on the ePate of Benjamin UnlHn, deceafed ! thefe a*e 'hcrefore to ci c and admonifh all and lingular the kindred ard creditors of the laid dcceafcd, to be and appear at my ofiicc, on or before the 3 01 * 1 day °f O ober next, to Ihcw caufc, if any they 1 have, why Icitcn ofadii.millraiion fhould not he granted them. Given under my hand, this 27 h <'ay of Sept. 1799, and in tire twenty . fourth year of the American liiJc j en fence. J. Watts, clerk c. o. 1 IW TBy jtos-Ait Watts, GEORGIA, f CUtt of tht Cnurt County. G of Ord nary, for ths J County of fVaJkington HEREAS Beij'tnin Manning hath applied to me for letters of a lini jntdrarion on the Eftate of John Manning, I late of this County, deceafed : thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh nil and lingular the kindred aid Cicd tors of the 1 .id deceafed, to be and appear ar my Otficc, on or before the 30th day of Oftcber nett, to fliew caufe, if any they have, why letters of adminiftralioa fhould not be granted to the faid Bcnj Manning. Given under my hand, this 27th day of September, 1799, and in the twrni;- fourth year cf the American Indc* jcndcrc . }. Watts, cleik c. o. JclTerfon Superior Court, April term, 1799- Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel M Mickin, Richard Curry, a. d Bcn j uain Warner, praying ihe foreclofurc of the equity of redemption, in ar d to a i certain tracl cf land, Gur h n dred acr s, iiruate, 'ying and being in the laid county of Jcff-rf-n, one hundred j acres of which was granted to Frederick Doglafi, and ihe »nhcr ihrce honored i acros to tfaac Anger, mongag-d to the i laii Nathaniel M Mickin, RiJi.rd Curiy and Hcrjimn Warner, by IGac Au.’cr, for the Icturi g the payrner t of a Icm of nv’iicy contained in a bond beari g dale he (Oih day of fu.y, one thuufand Icvcn Hundred ind ninety eight. Aid upvu motion ot Mr Cap e , all r nc. l'»r the pctiGnm : it 2i ordrre f, tU. t the principal, imereti and cofls be paid into C urc, within twelve nun hs front the oa c heieif, Otherwifc the rq i y cf redemption wi I be forever force one, mu other protecting! take pl. ee, le to an aft t f allernblv, in fucli cales ir,a If a d provided; and that this rule b; publ fil'd in one ol the gazettes of this i a e, at ic ft once in every month, u n til the n riratiun o ihe faid twelve months, or lev d u; on t re mortgage, or his i, ecial agrm, at leal! 11x inontns p cvions io me c<pirat o.i of . t ie lard twelve months. | Certified this 4th day of CKI. *9;. • Wm. M*Dow.cU, ’ clerk , ■ 1c it Jold, to the highrft Udder, jor < fjh. On the (rid TUESDAY, Id Notimber oral, A BOAT, Now lying at Fco’i Hri.'.’C, 'n g r«rt •»f the fcft i.e t.( | i» Mur a , e c. frd, to iaiufy I'medcimnd: agju u laid tf tnte. Wm. M‘Dowel!, admr . 8 The SUBSCRIBER Begs leave to inform hit FTeidiand the Public, rhr*t he hai commenced the Commiffion and Fatloiage BUSINESS, On Tfl'air 1 * Wharf, Vvhrre he has fuit« able Stores for the reception o( G«*odi, rnd Produce ; and refptrft ully tende.s hi* fervices to h'» Fiirnr s in (h ti line. Samuel Hammond, Savannah, June 6, 1799. Ip j —i *. nn>KEN UP, and (j Q If A brought to gaol, ( a I on he 19th September, i J*T TWO NEGROES, ' Jrmmy and Roie, be* *° B<l i am * n * Rayner. The Owner jX g, m ~y lave them, by —— •rplying to lie gaoler, in Wr flitngfcn County. Ort.Vrß, FOR SALE, At th, Of f ICE of lit LIIUJSriI.LE GAZ. k. TEE, cbtiifi jor Cajh, A variety of GolJ Ear-Ring*, GILT SEALS, To tell the Day of the Mont^, Silver and plated Bottle Lablcs, Silver Boot Buckle <, F.’egnnt SILVER and PLATED TEA CADDIE LADLES, Plated Spun and Whips, A quantity of large and elegant pearl buttons. ALSO, Befl White Chapel Needles. Septembrr to. WANTED ro HIRE, D\ the Month or Ytar % A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at tin OJfict, yanuary 30* A BARGAIN. For Sale, Cheap for Cajh, A VALUABLE TRACT* f* LAND, of 500 At rt i, < f the very fi ll qua icy, -u joining landi of Frank Jones, Ling on the Ogethee River, ■bout i\o miles be oxr Louii vile. For 'ur:l er t a. ticulars, pleafe apply to ilie Sublet ihe . Geoigc W. Chifolm. September 10. TO BE SOLD, At Public Außion, Before the M*r*et H u'e, in L r u:rvi]le, On TUESDAY, the -pWO THOUSAND Acre, of JL wauablc Qtk and Hickory Land, ft uated on the waters o' Gran *% Cre k, in the ne ghborbnod of Louifv le, aid adj lining land* of Wal'er Robinfon, ard otbeti. The above Land wll be fold in lots, or in the whole b dy, •• it may beft fuif the perfon or perfo' • in !cincd tr purebife. The T erm of the bale, Cafh on delivery of 1 tic* For fur bet parti u’i a, to the Subfcr ber, at Jaicph G Pufkei’ly in Louilville. Gabriel Bailey, A tornty to John Bcwmat l. N. B The Si!e of Tie itovc as ?dvcrtifrd for the lli ir ttanf, waa un* avo-cab y p dipooed by li»c butfenh r'* illneffl. G B. October 8. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, AND , BLANK BONDS , For Sale at this Printing OlEce.