The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 15, 1799, Image 4

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CONNECTICUT. MTCHFIELD, September \ Criminal profecntion <, at Anepift Term of the honorable Superior C rnrt . Cidron Wafbburn. an oM mm of 83 years. was found gniby on an indiftment for beafliality, and received fentence of death on Friday iaft ; to be rxerutrd on the 1 °f Novem- I ber next, betwixt the hours of ten in the ■•mornim?', and three in the afternoon, Pierpont Ed wards, and John Allen, efqt s. were council for the delinquent, and the hon. Uriah Tracy, attor ney for the ftate, and Daniel W. Few’s, efq. argued the caufe againft the criminal. The fo iemn manner of arrangement, hv Mr. Walcott, the clerk, and the zeal and eloquence of the advoca'es, wrought upon a very conded hoilfc with irrcfiftible effeft; no* 1 was the rema-ks of Chief Juftice Root, and the of paffing (entente, lefs impreffive. A crime of tlrs debafing nature, confined to a fmgle faft, is degrading man below the be fh which pe*ifh ; but poor human nature, under j the unparelled circumftanecs of , this mofl aggravated of all podi- ! hie cafes, fnffers by a companfon with the rmft beaftly mnnders, the conviftion being fahftanti afed on the proof of four repu table witness, to fix various' fafts. from four years back to wrhin the recent period of three months! BOSTON, September 12. The following in/or matt n we re ceived fiomn cnrrr/pon'lent: “ By lettc s of undoub ed authoiitv we are informed, that lh rt board of commidioners on American claims, arifing under the Hrinfb treaty, have dilcon tinued their fitting. So that all ho-c of indemnity for lodes fuff ained bv depredations on our trade, mud now vanifh, at lead . # | for forne time This very im- ; porfant and highly interefiing i itelligencc, comcsfully authen ticated, from a quarter to which every degree of credit mufl be attached. It is faid the com mifliorers on our part will re turn to this country, as all prof peft of the difFeience being fpeedily accommodated is at an | end. This circumllance has 1 arilenfrom the rommillioners on , the Bntifh claims having cealrd ihcir funftions in Philadelphia. So that wc are now “ as we were;” o-, in a fea phrafe, the bulinefs of the tieaty whh b ng- , land is now *• all in the wind.* 4 ■ .. "Ill——' BLANK LETTERS 0/ ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, For .Sale at this Priming OHice. R rlmond. (Vir ) April 25, ’99. 1 To the Republicans throughout the United States , PROPOSALS For publifh;ng, by fubfcriplion, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. I. The period* of publication to be 1 tcmf-quaricriy.* I 11. Each nuirber to contain 96 nftavo rage* < t* icier prefs ( riming, i.pon large fine paper, netrly executed on an entire new type, lewed and glewed under a thick bh e cover. 111. P ice to Subfcriber* 4 Hollar* a year wo dollar- to b« (.aid in advance on the of the firft number, and two Hoi ar* on the reicipt of the fif h number. IV To each four number*, which will nake a volomr <-f 400 , ageb, will he added 1 title j age, a: d a able of contents. To THE PUBLIC, TH ■' objefl of this pub ication is to colleft , preferve and di/femi• uate the mill valuable productions of the Republican pen, in a'l parts of 'he Union ; the extreme necrjfily for fuch a publication , and the beneficial efetch which might refill from it . if well conduced, will be readily allowed . I he American People have long enough been impofed upon hy the pretended impartiality of printers ; 1 it is all dlnjin ; every pa Y ty will \have its punter % as well as every 1 fed its preacher ; and it is as in -1 congruous for a pub ication to be a'lernatdy breathing the /pint of two parties or for a parfon to preach to his awheuce chrijliamty in the morning , and paganifm in the even ing ; it is me nfijlent as for a chief m i gi fir ate to name an amhaffador to fel lea difpute zvith a foreign nation , and immediately to violate the laws of civility , and make moc kery of re h g;on t bv heaping upon the fame nation and its red e/enta lives, the vilfl philippics , fcurrilil\\ and abufe , in a froclamati n for a day of fa fling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable o ftaring above the fla iery of villainy , and the adulation of folly t has too m ch I at flake tn the con efi of liberty again ft flarery, virtue agai fl vice , , and truth again/i fophiflry, to admit \ of impartiality . ; In the profccuticn of the plan of i this work , it will be necejfary to i take fo much of a retrofp dive view of the affairs of the United States , I and introduce fuch d >currents as will tend to and expife the on-1 gm t progrefs , and aarnvng influ-' ence if that fyfiem of tniqui y and robbery bribeiy and opprrjfion , hypoenfv , and mjufhce , which may I he traced from the a tmpt of Alex • , ander Hamilton , to palm upon the convention a monarchical con/htu- ’ ton through the corrupt ed mazes of funding and boning, flock jobbing, j and fpecu'a'tng f ferns down to tie j alien aud /edition iaws % Jhnd ng \ army and navy of the prefnt day It is diffi ult in pu' fuing a courft of fcru iny into the mea/ures of go vernment, and deigns of men in i;/fice t to draw a line of d m:rka-\ tu n between legal pander and per fonal villainy public rapine , and private intrigue ; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit of it per Jemal weaknefs and folly ought to Ihe lightly touched , but when an officer of government , conniving puHtc fraud with private vice y at the fame time % is wallowing in the lop of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national treafury, the regard for perfonal charcßer ought to be Jacrijiced to public juf ticc. ■ Being of the plan and principles on which the national magazine will he conduced, it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it will contain t to enable them to deter mine whether they will or will not give it their fupport, VIEW of the WORK. TP.fIJNF Dedication ; firf>, to the Repub icons throughout the United State*; feiouo, to John Ada»m, efq. prelident ol til- United States j and third, to the Arif, tocrats gene ally • Declaration of Inde pendence ; CorOitution of the United Slaves j Refolutio * and Addrcfs of the Legill » u 1 c of Virginia ; Refutations of the Legiflaiurc of Kentucky, Mr. George Nicho ■n’s defence of them, in a Letter to hi* fiicn I ; Plan of a Coullituton pre (cn etc the Convention, by Alexander O ' j h definition of par ies, or po liiicul eft fts at the paper fvflem con ft crert ; a re'iew of the revenue T-firm ad p ed by the firft Congrels, and an ex amination o' its perniti us effects, in 11-s tern letters to a friend, b* a citizen, laid to be Mr. Findlev • the Conuitunor, ol the “ fe f-created” f ciety, cr the order of the Cincinnati • Extrafls fn m Adam** Defence 5 from Mr, Gallatin’s i Sketches of tbr Finances of the United j ’cates ; fr *m an Addrcfs of Mr. J< hn j pjgp, »-f K'ifc*e", to his conlii uents \ from M Gn'erdar’s Sketches of the Hif loty of the United State*, Annual Regif te--, aid H dory if 179*1, in which be hand'e* "i-h as much uclicacv as they defervr, man» of the blunders, incon li'teacies, and en- rm’iies ofg-'vt rninent. J ames Lyon. C3* Suhfcriptions for the work t will be received by Ambrose Day, at the Office of the Louijville Gaz ette. July 5. NOTICE. THAT after the exoirati >n of nine m mths from the date hereof, there w. *bc an application made to ihc It >nor ab C ti c lafrri r Court of Jcffcrfon Coun ts, f r an rdcr of fa!e oi the real ellatc of Rid e t Hamb’eton, neceiled, to wit ; three hmi« red aciei of Land, fituair in the county of jfcffcrfon, adjoining la; d o' yv.lll L grain and J hn Kenne dy. It being pan of a Traiif of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted to Robert Cooper. Alio, one other Traff of Land, contain ing ihrce bundled an 1 fifty acres, litrutc {in the county of B irke, on the waters of M Been C cek, adjoining lands ot —... t gr n ed to , The file of the ctoove and foregoing Traces of Land, w li be for the benefir ot the heirs and credi or* of the faid Robert | H.unbieion, deceafed. H. G. Caldwell, j For the Admimftfatcr oj the aforefaid Efiate. i June 26, 17V9- i 1 A BARGAIN. Tor Sale , Cheap for Cajh y A Valuable tract of land, o' 500 Acres, of the very frft quality, ... j 1 ing iandt Q f Frank Jones, lying on ' he Ogee her R ver, about 40 miles below L. utli U e For lurther paiiitulars, pleafe apply to Ihe Subletiber. George W. Chifolm. ) Se'temhe 10. WA NTE D IM M ED I A TE LY t AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bufmefs , a LAD S about 1 3 or 1 4 years of agr t zoho has receiv da tolerable good and can be we I recommended. En quire at this Offcc, Augujl 6, caution. TO all parties,' ar ly f 0 Mr Cbeflcy Boft w ,ck.and Will,am P n l#l i? iherift «>i jcffcrfon County. 7 h«- Sii* fcribcrs hereby forbid ,h e f , of two TnAiof Land, in jeffefon Coin. ;y, formerly St. George’s P.nfli, contain, mg, together Poo Acre*, adjoining oiher, originally granted io CharSe, VV**. fon, f'rmcrly of Savannah, efqui r ,•.* ceafed, as advertized, in the Looif’vj'u Journal, of 30th July, 1799-FO,- the f o |. lowing and oilier rc.tfom, that will s H ewn: That Charles Wa-for, the original grantee, made his laft will and teflam, n i which was duly proved in 177,, ard j, J record, in lock A r pages 37,, 1.3, 4 e mi the Sccieianc’s Office, at Louifvill? nnd that the executors, therein named qualine —That the whole, real and Pfr . foii«l Ellate of the deccafed, was fn d under authority of the will, and undtj executions on judgments, legally obtained fevcral 5 cars before the revolution, maDy * °f which judgments, remain uifutisfied the a'letts, being fully applied. Tha l -ht Sublcriber J. hn Tcbeau, claim* thr f id ’and, as principal heir and devifee «f the aid Charles W«tlon, Therefore, all funher trefpafTei on the premife*, fale, or transfer, either publicly or privately, is forbid ; as a pnhibitior to ftay further proceeding*, will be prayrd for, at the next Superior Court, in Jeffa. Ton County, and to revoke theadmintllra. tion, faid to Le granted to Chefley wick, on the eftate and effVfts ot the fa d Charles Watfon, which appears to have been erroneously obtained. W. Stephens, Surviving Executor Charles Wa ton. John Tebeau, Dtvifcc of Charles Watfon, Savannah, Augud: j 6, 1799. WaQiington Superior Court, September Term, 1798. Andrew Hemphill,"J vs, )> Foreclojure . James Hemphill, J UPON the petition of Andrew Hemphill , fraying the fore clofure of the equity of redemption, in and to the following traft of land, filuate , lying and being in the conn - I ty of Wajhington, hounded by Johi I hreman, John Rogers, and flll other JiJes by vacant land ; end j containing two hundred eightyJtven . and an half acres, which iraft of 1 land uas mortgaged io the fdid An• drew Hemphdl, by the /aid James Hemphill, for the fecurity of one hundred and thirty fevrn pounds, f eventeen /hillings and three fence, on the 1 6th day of March in the year oj our Lord one thou/andft itn hundred and ninety-three . Upon motion of Mr, Caldwell, attorney for the plaintiff, it is or• dered % that the princifle interejl end cofl be paid into this court , within twelve months from this time , other wife the equity oj redemption will be forev r fcredo fed, and that a copy of this rule he ferved upen the fard James Hemphill or puhhjhed nine months in one of the Gazettes of this State , before the expiration of the [aid nine months , agreeable to an aH of the legfature in fuch caps made and provided . A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy c ? eik. A BARGAIN. To he fold, cheap for Cafh, or & Negro Fellow , Avaluab E tract of ico Acres, about wo mile* T \‘ f Louifville, adjojnit g lands rf Aiexa 11 t Cafwell, and other*. F'*r further ,arll culars, enqui c of M. hew Cafwel’. Patrick Mogee, September to, 1799- SHERIFFS' BLANK DEEDS .Of conveyance, For Ule at this Office.