The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 29, 1799, Image 2

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i ONi'ON, Sepumhe* 3. * t h v 'V late* hour vrft rdav afternoon when a confide: ?.h put c)f our imprcffion was wmrk rd ofF. we Popped ihe prcfs (o ?nnounr»* *he arrival of rapt J one, fi»H Captain fo admira* loid Duncan, and cant. Ongh ten, firfl optam *0 vice admin! ViP hell wifh dispatches for the admira'tv ; and < f colonel Mait land of th* guard with djfpatrh ev Torn general Abercrombie to Mr. Dundas, containing the ; ffic a I details of the fin refs of *ur gallant troops in Holland, with rhe farther intelligence of ‘the furrender of part of the Dutch fleer. SI R RENDER Cf the -whole 0) the Dutch fleet ! ur readers will fee bv lord -Duncan's letter, that he had no .doubt of the remainder < f the Dutch fleet hem? at the time of his writing in the pofltffion of admiral Mitchell. As there is a greater depth of water on that fide of the Mats Du p which is next to the Heldcr point than on the fide clofe to the Te\el Ifland, our line of| battle (hips were .enabled to fol low the Dutch fleet into the Tex' l I (land, when thofe alrea dy mentioned in the gazette fuirendc ed. Admiral Miichrll in h s letter to lord Duncan, fbt*s that he was determ ned to follow the remainder even to the walls of AmPc’dam, and the g. liant admiral has ind ed kept his word to* this forenoon an rflner of the naw arrived at the . dmira’ty wit h an account of his ihc els. Fheadmi al after the Sdl lur mdei of part of the Dmch fleet, as Hated in the gazette, f iled up the Texel wi;h eight fall of (wo deckers, and moo ed his Hups along fide the rem inder, ihe whole of which, viz— Eight fail </ the /:*\ and 1 very other Jhip in the T xel t have furrerdered , ‘ he follow ng is the official uodee lent to the lord ni-.yor, 1. oyd's coffee bou r e, and to the ■members of he adminiftration. A- miniiy Ofli-.*p, S pi. 10. I'rn tr nutfB patt one. Lieutenant Collier has juH arrived wi h-an ac ount of the furrender of the Dutch fleet, c nfifling of Qne of 74 guns; five of 68 ; * ly o of 54 ; one of 32 ; and one of 16 Without firing a gun ! 1 he Paik and l ower guns wne fired at two this afterno n on the happ\ occafior ; and the admiralty and all ihe public oh<e.> aie preparing for a fplen did iihiminat on, which is cx pe6led to he v. ry general (h oughout London and Wefl xn‘rHer. W e Hated in our paper of yrHerday, that a Frehch Journal of a late dee h d been 1 eceivrd jn tow r n, containing account of the tr 111 d eat of general (onhurt's army by ma.fhal Su waiiow, We now learn, that tf is paper, the only one in town, is in the poflrffion of government, Ihe ■ b trie is laid to have taken place at N ovi, a town in the Genocfe territories, ten miles weft of t ortona, and twenty two notih well of Genoa. Private letters by the Ham burgh mail leccivcd ytHeiday Rate, that Buonaparte had made good his retreat in Egypt, and arrived at Cairo. CHARLESTON, October 17. Arrived the (hip Seaflowcr, Coleman, L,fbon, 57 days Gap f , C oleman left Lifbon on the foth Augufl. Two days before pofilive accounts were received, that the combined French and Spani h fleets had got fafe into BeH- Mr, Kohne, the owner of the fhipGadfden, who was on board of her when fhe was carried into Halifax bv theßmifh floop of war Pheafam, writes to his correfpondent, •* that they do 1 not pretend that his cargo is enemy's property ; but that agre ah e to Tay treatv, the Ame Team have no rigfv to carry produce from the Spanifh dominions,.to a pom in Spain and adds, that it is probable the 1 cargo will be libel ed. The fhip John, of PhiHd* 1- phia, capt. Samuel Day, bound to the Havannah, was caH aw iv early in the morning of the 30th September, on a uef a lit'fi to the no’thwaid of the Bahamas, • veflel and cargo 1011, the (hip immediately falling over upon , her beam ends, he captain . and crew arrived at Sandy Key \ three days fitter, in the long [ boat and yawl. On the 6th October, the captain, the two ! mates, and nine of the crew, were taken off, by the big ; Mary Ann, of Philadelphia, j then a prize to three Providence 1 p iv Mr. Jeremiah Cole, an! three o hers of (he crew, * hofe rather to venture thcr lives in the long boat, than go to New-Providence, and run the rifk of beng imptefled into the Biit.fh lei vice : they accord- 1 ing y left the Key on the 71b inH. havi* g onlv a compafs to navigate bv, and fleered fo this I coalt, and yelle-nDy moning 1 happily icached this port, all well. The following curious cir- 1 cumfl nee is mentioned by ca p!* Burrall, of the Niw-York Mai! facket Sulan. On his paffage lall week from New- Yo k, when j he c arr e off Cape 1 ouk ; ut, he ohfcneu la»gc qu ntities of fifh, 1 of d fterenc kinds, floating on the luiface of the ocean ; the moft cf them dead, others with I tome remains of life, but tr ap- j p-arancc expiiing. This un common appearance cont nued j until he C me to Cape Fear, a* dtflance of near 70 miles. Night then come on, and he faw none the next morning. He faw them c n earh fide of Ms vcflcl,' as Mr as he could dioinguifh j thfm ; they cenfifttd genera ly j of (mall fifb, fuch as pegies, I mullets, blackfifb, and others ! • hat are known to frequent our! coaOs, ! We are informed that the | proceedings in the Court of >id mirallv, againft the French fchooner Adelaide, which was taken off the Havannah by the brig General Pinrkney, captain Hayward, fome weeks ago, and fent into this po’t, have been difeominurd by diredions from government ; and that (he is to be refitted, victualled, &c. and given up to her owners. SWANN AH, OEloler 25. We are informed that the commiffioners on the part of Spain and of the United States, for mnning the line between the Floridas, and the Un'ted States, hive arrived at St. Mary's, and are now proceeding to aftertain the iource of the St. Mary's rirer. ( n Monday ar ived the (hip - anrafler, capt. Wilfon, from Martinico which place he left ■ n th< Bih inftant. Two davs before he (ailed a packet a-rived from England after a (hort paf -1 lage, which brought accoun s that the combined f’eets of France and Spa n bad been ch led into B ell by the Britifh fl t ; and that part of the troops dtftined for a lecret expedition' had tai ed from England, and ethos were daily embarking;- th t the allies continued fuccefs ful in all then operations againft the Fnn h Republican armies, and that theie wen- many coun ter re olut onary movements in different parts ot Fiance. LOUISVILLE, TUBS DAT , Ofloher 29, 1799. ■—«■ I The Edi or of th? Bee (a de mocratic paper print d at New j London) has been fummoned i before tne Circuit Court of the! Un.t'd States now fitting at Hartford, foi a piece published in that paper in May Eft, dil ccuraging rec, &c. Pcpa’led rh i hlc, 01: Thutf.’ay the 17 h ii ftanf. in the 4$ *i frar of her age, Mrs. MildredChyton, w:f of P -il'P Clfjjr fin, a 1 tiifl fe.t io th 8 county. on the dead are oft the effu liond of partiality or ne*r conned on— l he w.i er here f rad no c nnedion w th rhe family, bur has ptff ri many j fat efadory fociab c hcun under ns hoi pint le roof ; duurg which »e found her to be, the amiable aceorrp' fti d woman, i ihcaffcdio ate w fc ite du‘ ful oaugh* j ter, the tei drr mother, ihe .ndulgent wiltr f fs F r fuav ry i f manners, and be. Dues of ihe m>ud ( fl)e has not left tn ry eoua’s bch n i her ; and i,ci con dud wjfc lo rejfula’ed lv the great pr n cip'ua ot Chnti an y, that tc the moft t friupul.u» (he appeared religious » lo her Uf ! u orhood an example worthy of iirirat on , to f.iy fhe ig univp fa'ly ' laTen.ed by all who knew her, <b t ut a juft tribute, but who (hill cicienbe the .(Ted on of an aijed tud venerable KQtbcr, i Lad hufbaud, a tcud.r du . ! u of? 'P rir S* other reVon Ba . J o b. S-.vere Scwcvcr >s „ J % ; t ry / | to ht rf rn> ih«f ihr pi *. ÜBdff ,. r ! i •• WUn ,1. <], far) u^pTC: I lie (lun.bfnne dull un ,„ ■ “ ‘o .broil null Wilke and e.- ry i" P (Tcf. i., proper pi,... * I “ e e, ance ot fortr, urkno. 0 ~, , i“ ,irft tint—ner (hill the |“ foul m flake it, partner; but aoio „ a “ the croud fhall ruth, 6 “ A’bricc happy freetior* “ Nor time, nor death, fha 1 ' e J Fr r»,» “ the®. ** Blau/* melancholy. SufTei County, New Jerfcy, Sept. j 7 . We juft learn, that after b lt , talion training was over yefi er , day, in Knohon, a noted friend to order and good government , brigadier general Hill, ftabb. d a Mr. Uriah Albcitfon wrh his fword, a little under the eye, of which he inftantly expired. \V e are not able to relate with cer tainty what gave rife to fuch horrid aft; but are led to believe that the heat of argument on the politics of the day, together with feme degree of inebriation, has produced this atrocious deed. Mr. Albertfon was a tefpcftable citizen, and has left a widow and feveral (mall chil dren to deplore his untimely end. Wc underftand that a jury of inqueft was immediately : called, who brought in a verditt of willfu ] murder , committed by the faid Hill. f , DOMESTIC. jomthan H obbins an •j can citizen, who was delivered up to the Britifh by Judge Bee, of South-Carolina, has been found guilty by them, and been hnng in chains. [ Farm. Reg.'] Much as the people of Bri tain are opprefted, and great a t their political degeneracy has been within a fpace of thirty years, yet there is a greater lati tude allowed to individuals in examining the conduft of public j men and public meafures, thin i the official federalifts are wil'fng ! to grant to the people of this country. £ i nee the pa (Ting of the (edi tion bill a repreientative in con grefs has been fined and imp i* Toned in a jail, where he was treated with the utmoft indignity and tyranny, for animadverting on the conduH of the prefident, and for publifhinga letter from a well known trierd to our revo lution, an*d a celebrated Ton of j C olumbia, containing his op»n --j ion of the meafares and policy I of pur executive A number of profecution* have been alfo inftituted agair ft i the republican printers, iomeoi j whom efcaped from the verge* I ful tangs of their perfections paying the debt to nature, an carried with them the regret u all honed men. In fiich ccs the. Supreme Being deprive j fomc of the proud elevate 1 creatures in this country, < [ “ fatisfa£lion which they *’ cl L