The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 10, 1799, Image 2

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let m« call the gay companion ; here let him drop a fareweft tear upon that body which fo late he faw vigorous and warm with focial mirth—hither let m; lead the fender mother to weep over her beloved lon—rome widowed mourner, here fatiatc thv grief ; behold thv murdered hufband ga r ping on the ground, and to complete the pompous (how of wrctchednefs, bring in each hand thy infant children to bewail their father's fate—take heed, ye orphan babes, left, whilft your (beaming eyes a’e fixed upon the ghadly corpfe, your Jed ftide on the [tones hefpattered wi'h your /ailin’s brains * F nough ! this tragedy need not be heightened by an infant wel tering in the blood of him that gave it birth Nature, relufilant, (brinks already from the view, and the chilled blood rolls ftowly backward fo its fountain. We wildly ftare about, and with amazement, afk, who fpread this ruin round us? What wretch has dared deface the image ot his God ? has the grim favage ruflied again from the far diftant wildernefs ? or does lome fiend fierce from the depth of hell, with all the rancorous malice, which the apoftate damned can feel, twang her dedrufilive bow, and hud her deadly arrows at our bread ? no; none of rhefe— but, how aftonifhing ! it is the hand of Britain that inflifils the wound. The foregoing extrafils need no comment, they are the words of Warren and Hancock, and though dead, they yet fpejk in the mod perluafive and ener getic ft rains, “ let ike fate of other nations he a lejfon to America,” A Friend to the Piefidcnt. * After Mr, Gray hod been [hot through the body, and falien dead on the ground , a bayonet was paffed through his fkull; part of the bone being broken , his brains Jell out upon the pavement, Latcjl European News, LONDON, September 20. On Tuefday evening his mayfly 5 Jloop L*Efpiegle arrived in Yar mouth R>'ads , with difpatches from the Bntijh army in Holland. LF./piegle left the Texel on Sunday night la ft. Eleven thou fan d troops, Britifh and Ruffians were to mov* foruard cn Monday from the Helder, to join the main army , and 5000 vr v e were preparing to difnnbark. Ihe whole were in the higheft health and fpirits, A:I the tetters yet come to hand exprefsihe mojl fanguine hopes 0/ Amfterdam being very fpeeddy in our poffejfion , if the trench , in their rdr rat did not inundate the country , for which , by accounts re ceived f n m the head-quarters of the Hritijh army, it uas apprehended they were making preparations, i September 2 1. Major Dalton arrived yefterdny from Holland. No action fince the \nth had taken p 1 ace. The French have began to cut through the d\kes, to retard ou r army. But Amfter dam is to be attacked by fea, Alkmanr t which at prefevt fo much engages the public attention , is about twenty three miles to the northward of Amfterdam . PARIS, September 4. On the 15th of lad month, 19 priefts were fent of? from the prifons of I yons for Oleron, in four carts, with halters about their necks. A letter from Touloufe dates, that a column of rebels which took refuge at St Clair de Lo mague, a (mall town near Lec toure, has been cut to pieces. The republicans were not fatis fred with the vifilory, but put to death the men, women and childien of the village, and then burnt the pi me. September 5 It is Delarnotte who com-! mands at Bred in the abfence of Bruix. Macdonald is at this moment at Paris, and has aheady had a conlerence with the minifter of war. French Armies , &c, Moreau, after the battle of Novi, had at firft determined to quit his poll, and to retreat to Savona, hut having learned how much the enemy had fuffered, he renounced hisdefign and de termined to cover the Genoefe territory. We (hall remain in that part on the defen five, at lead until the arrival of Cham pioned who will bring with him a reinforcement of 30,000 men to join him, fiom his army of the Alps. Our *irmy of the Rhine ad vances into Germany without meeting with any great obfta clcs. It has exafiled contribu tions from fcveral towns on its route, it appears that the Auftro Ruffians have taken Tortona, and thus they threaten Coni. But ( hampionet has thrown provifions into the latter place, as weft as into Feneftrelles, Our troops have coded thf Rhine in the neighborhood of Spites, in feveral places, and after having joined a corps of 8000 men, encamped before Manheim, the army advanced into the valley of the Necker. The head quarters, at the date of this intelligence, weiebefote Heilbrun. The army is more than 30,000 ftrong. Twenty thouiand men who have joined the aimy of Madlena make his army amount to. 100.000 fighting men. We expefileveiy momenta terrible and decifive battle. The attack of Philipfburgh is begun by this time. The liege will be coveicd by an army of 30.000 men. Paul i, has ordered a new levy in bis dominions of 180 coo men, in order to repair the lodes which his armies have experien ced in the prefect campaign. 'I he minifter at war has par ticularly enjoined the comman der in chief of the army of Eng land to keep a vigilent eye upon the department of the Maine and Loire. He at the fame time intruded him to form a column of two or three thoufand men, with a train of light artillery, to be ready to aft as occasion may require—to keep that body of men in continual a£livity, and direft it againfl every point where the bngandesmay attempt to alienable, in order to crufh them cffeflually The Spanifh miniQer has de manded in the name of his own court, that the body of the pope fiiould be embalmed, and deli- i vered to him, to be fent to Rome, I to be interred But that fuper flition fhould not get podellion ' 1 of it, the adminiflration of Va j lence have caufed him to be in , terred, and lime thrown into his giave, KINGSTON, November 7 ♦ By the veflel from Martinique we are informed that a Guinea (hip, not one quarter flaved, had arrived there and brought ac counts that three French frigates had appeared off the coafl, that they were doubly armed, and had taken the whole of their fa6lorieson the Gold Coafl, and deliroyed the fhipping to the amount of upwards of 60 fail, they were then to proceed to the coafl of Angola, From Port-au-Prince we learn that the warfare between Touf laint and Rigaud flill continues, and with Tome advantage to the former, efleded by the afli(lance of the vcfTels lately arrived from France, ELIZABETHTOWN, oBober 24, Died, on 1 hurlday the 10th inflant, at George-Town, (Poto mac) Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, at the very great age of one hundred and feven years. November 5; At a joint meeting of the le giflature, the 29th and 30th ult. Richard Howell, efq was ap pointed governor for the enfuing year; and James Saltar, efq. I treafurer. BOSTON, November 13. American Prouuejs. Capt, Bryant, who arrived here ycflerday, in the fchooner Peggy, in 26 days from St. Bar | iholomtw’s, informs, that two days before he failed, the United States brig Eagle, lieut. Carnp be!l,anivedat St. Bartholomew’s from St. Kitt's, the commander of which acquainted the Ameii can conful, that the United States brig Picketing, lieut. ilyl lief, of 14 four pounders, had, . after a battle of 9 hours, captu red anJ earned into St. f(j .• the French privateer fchoonn le Ccnquerord’Kgvpt.moumincr 8 nines, and 6 f lx pounder? wnh 200 men. Theaftionwaj fevere and was fought olf daloupe, about the Bth Caober" from whence the Frenchman was fent to take the Picketing Capt. Bryart does not recollefj what lofs of men the vefiels fuf. tained ; but the affair was con. fidered as highly honoiable to the American flag. A gentleman from Guula. loupe informs, that the Conquc tor of Egypt mounted, when he was there, 16 guns, and had a complement of 120 men. PHII.ADELPHIA, Nov. r 2. The Infurgente frigate is, we learn, expefted (liortly to return from her European cruize. It is faid the governor cleft waited oh the prefident of the I United States ydlerday morn incr. * J c? The officers of the volunteer legion of Philadelphia, in the feivice of the United States, adembled this day at theerdee houfe, at half paft 2 o’clock, and, in proceffion, waited upon the prefident, with their com pliments. Major general Pinckney arri ved in this city from the call ward. LOUISVILLE, TUESDAYDecember io, I "99. On Thurfday lafl the General A dumbly of this date adjourned fine die t We underdand that his Ex cellency the Governor diflented to three bills which paded the two branches during the ledion, and gave his reafons therefor — The particulars of which (hall be attended to in our next. Rejolulions of the Senate of the Jlate of Georgia . In SENATE, Wednefday , Nov, 27, 1799* t< T} ESOLVED, That the X\* legiflature of the date of Georgia, fo far concur in opinion, with the legiflature of the dates of New-Hampfbi ie » Maffachufetts and Delaware, that every conditional barrier (hould be oppofed to the intro duction of foreign influence into our national councils. “ And be it further refeheh That in coincidence with the legiflature of Virginia, that the condition of the United States' be fo amended that no foreign' < who fhall not have acquite rights of citizenffiip under tj‘ a conditution and the laws at t. time of making this amendment fhall thereafter be eligible to t.<e office of fenator or reprelertatn - in the Congrefs of the Unit‘d States, nor to any office in