The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 10, 1799, Image 4

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Rirhmord (Vlr ) April ’99. i'o the Republicans throughout the United Stales % PROPOSALS For publifh'ng, hy fubfcription, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITION S. I. Tlie period* of publication to be (e*ni-quartcrly. 11. Each nun,her to contain qn rOavo rf letter \neft printing upon large fine paj er, neatly executed on ati entire 1 type, fewed and gicwcd unocr a thick blue cover. 11/. Price to Subfcrtben 4 dollars a year, two dolhr* to b* paid in advance on the receipt nC the fir ft number, and two dol lars on »be receipt of the fifth number. IV. To each four numbers, which will make r*. volume ol 400 pages, will be adued a litlt page, and triable of contents. VIEW oj the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication ; firfr, to the Repub terns throughout the United State,; fe<orwt, to John Adams, efq. prclident ol the United States; and third, to the Ar 1- tocrats generally; Declaration of Inde pcndenre ; Cooftttulton of the United States; Rcfolutiuns and Addrcfs of the i rgiila tirc of Virginia; Rcfoluii> ns of ilie Legillature of Kentucky, Mr. George Nicholas’s defence of them, in a Lcite to h:* fiiend ; Plan of a Coi flitution pic -I'rnte to the Conventi on, by Ale*ande r Hamilton; n definition of panics, or po -I'tical clicks «< the paper f>ficm cun fi leied ; a review of the revenue fyftetn ad pied by the firft Congtcfs, and an e»- atrination of in pernici ns efieft , in thirteen letters to a friend, bv a citizen, laid to be Mr. Findlev ; the Conltitution of the “ felf-created” fucicty, rr the order of the Cincinnati ; Entraps from Mr. Adam’s Defence ; from Mr. Gallatin $ Sketches of the Finances of the United States ; from an Addrcl’s of Mr. John Page, « f Rofewell, to Ins confli uenn ; from Mr. Calendar’s ol the Hif tory of the United States, Annual Reg • set, and Hiftory <f 179 b, in which Ue handle* wi h as much tic 1 icarv as they delerve, many of the blunders, inc«n» litlencies, aud cn rmlties of government. James Lyon. , November iq. PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubfetiption, A NEW WORK, entitled. The PROSPECT BEFORE US; O R. An Impartial Examination of ike Principal Features of the Fede ral Government; inducting an Explanation of the infant ne~ cejjity for a New Cenfus . j But, flr % it hit an awful fquinling ; it /quints at Monarchy ! P. Henry, CONDITIONS. I. The wtk will be printed in bd oftavo volume, confiding of ab ut ten (beets ; on good paper, and with a new and elegant ype ; and will be dehvet.d to Subfm'b' r« in board*. 11, The price wi Ibe One Dol’ar per ropy, to be paid at the time of Tub fcrifv’ng. I HI. The volume will he pul to prefs a* foon as a thoubnd copies have been fubferbed for. IV. A liberal allowance will be made lo bookfelleie, and others, who take quantities. From the encouragem'nt which this work ha* already teee.vcd, no doubt is enter: aimd that the ft pulated number of copies will he engaged for in a fiiort time. The volume will be ready to be dd.vcred abcut the fiift c f December next. A »hc various inconfiftencles w'vch dilimgu fit human ns ure, tlerc te perhaps none more extravagant than that blindfold adm ration and enthufiaftn wt ; h which the bulk of mankind fo low ■ particular names ia a political cooiro- 1 1 verfy. The leaders of every admin (Fa tiob commit numerous faults; and thc;r aniagotufts, who come after t cm mva rah y tread in the fame track. In pri vate life, we can hard y bod ten perion* in the courfe of as many years, who po fiefs, or who deferve implicit truft Yet with this knowledge and diftruft of each other by experience, and in detail, we do not ferup’e to give urqua- If fie 1 and unlimilc'd confidence to the leaders of thofc refpeftive pait : es under whom wchayc enliftcd- We can I ardly truft one tnan whom wc know, and we truft an hundred% all together, 01 whom the greater part of us know no* thing hut by report. Thus the profound nvifdom of Gallutln, and the virtues of our illuftrious Prefidenf, from each of them, a favorite chorus, with their feve ral partizeno; while it i« beyond all qtieiiion that the continent contains thoufands, and tens of thoufsnds of men, who are quire as wife as the one, and quite as honeft as the 0 h r. This publication wll untold a very extenfive feene of weakntfs and abfur dty, of the profligate wade of public money, and the profligate defertion of public principles. The ftrefs of cenfure will reft upon the pref ut governing party, hecaufe they hold for the lime the national pmfe, *tnd have therefore the mod extenfivc opportunities of pet' petrat’ng roifehief. But, at the fame time, the reader will not be forfeited with encomiums on the champions of oppofnion. The bufinefs of the nation has been abominably conduced ; but a threat part of the blame is equally due to both parties. Part of the contents of this volume refer to fubjefls but little known to the cit zens of this c untry j and moft of them are fuch as cannot fail to excite furprize and indignation. For inftance, 1 will print the name of a Senator, who, at the difeuflion of Jay’s treaty, in June I 795, (poke thus to one of fit’s b ethrt n ; Damn the “ trea’ y. I deleft it as much as yon do ; but you know my “ fituafion with Mr. Jay. I obliged “ to vote for it on account of my friend flip for him /” I (hall alfo give the name of a Sena’or who harangued in the Senate of Con grefs, foi frvetal days, againft the fedi tion ad. He ih-n voted fur it, and d dared to two of his brethren, that he (til! he’d that ad *s uncondifutional hnt tf at it "ai ncccflary to keep aown the darn'd printers. When examining a multiplicity of complicated fnl jeds, it is diffi u't to cfcapc the probahiluy of he ng forne times miftaken. In relating a fucceflion of lads, where every ftep excites con ■ tempt or de r cftarioo, it is difficult to | avo d an occasional feven'ty of expreffion, ' Even this will be pardoned, if it cannot be defended, when I am to deferibe fcencs of plunder, which might force a blufh into the beak of the moft hungry Cormorant, that ever took his fl ght from Connecticut to rooft on the federal tr afury. James T. Callender. Richmond, Sept 3, 1799. Subfcriptions for the zuorf ( will be received Day, at the Office of the Loui/ville Gaz~ dfc. Ocl. 29. FOR SALE, At the Oh/ICF of the LOUISVILLE GAZ- E TTE , ihtii/j f,r Cajhy A variety of Gold Ear-Rings GILT SEALS, To tell the Dav of »j| C Month, Silver and plated Bottle Lables, Silver Boot Buckles , EVgant SILVER and PLATED tea caddie ladles, Plated Spurs aid Whips, A quantity of large and elegant pearl buttons. ALSO, Befl White Chapel Needles, September xo. JefFerfon Superior Court, April term, 1799. Prefcnt the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel M‘Miclcin, Ricnard Curry, and Hen* junin Warner, piaying the foreclofutc ol i!iC equity r f redempnon, in and to a certain trad < f land, containing four hun dred acr $ lituatr, lying and being in the Hid county of Jcfl'crldn, one hundred , acre* of which was granted to Frederick Dugkrfs, and the other three hundred acros r * Ifaac Au#er, mortgaged to the fail M Micki.i, Richnd Curiy : 1 and Warner, by llaac Auger, f; for tits fccuri'g the payment of a fum oi I nv'ney contained in a bond bcari- g date the rob day of |uly, one tboufand feveu f hundred and ninety eight, rj A d upon motion of Mr Caries, att r • rev l'*r the petitioners: it is ordered, that the principal, interell and cofts be paid into C un, within twelve numbs from the da:c hereof, o.hcrwifc the equity of 1 redemption will be forever forccloted, and other proceedings take place, agreeable to u) aft of adembly, in fuch cafes made and Kovidrd ; and that this rule be publ (bed in one of the gazettes of this < a’e, at leaft once in every month, until the expiration ot the faid twelve months, or fetved upon the mortgage, or his fpecial agent, at lead iix monins previous to the expiration of the fa;d twelve months. Certified this qthday of Oft, ’99. Wm. M‘Dowcll, clerk . SBy Wm M Dow ti. t, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary , of the County of Jffenon. WHEREAS Keziah 7 i• fley hath this day applied ro me for letters of ad mmnlraiicn on the eftate of Thos. Trfhy, late of this County, dcccafed ; theie are it e ef.-rc to cite and adtnonifh all <\nd lingular the kindred and Creditors of the laid rieccafed, to be and appear before ■ me I rferi r Court tf the county a for c (aid, or fomc one of the members thereil, 011 or before the 18th day of December next, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why letters of adminiftration fhould not be granted. Giv en under my hand, this 18 h day of November, 1799, and in the twetrty fourrh year of the Amciican Inde pendence, SBy Wm. M Dow- ELI., Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of the County of Jefferson. WHEREAS Eliz. Afkew, hath this day applied to me for let tc s of adminiftration on the eflate of William Afkew, decealcd : thefe are therefore to ci e and admonifh all and finpular the kindred ai d cicditors of the faid dcccafed, to be and appear before the liilciior Court of the county aforc f.iid, or fomc one of the members thereof, on or before the eighteenth day of De cember next, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why letters ofaduunillration fhould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 18th day of Nov. >799, and in the twenty fourth year ot the American Inde pendence. ~) By J siah Watts, GEORGIA,/ Cl:tk of the Court of IVaJhington County. C Ordinary , for IVajh J ington County. WHEREAS Elizabeth Cannon hath applied to me for letters ot’ admi nilHatron on Ihe cflatc of James Cannon, dcccafed : thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the kindred and Creditors of the faid dcccafed, to be and appear at mv office, on or before the 13th day of December next, to fhew caufe, if any the-y have, why letters or attjniuiftra* tion fhould not be granted them. Given under my hand, this thirteenth clay 11 Nov. 1799, and in the twenty fourth year oi the American Indc , pcndcnce. [. Walts, clerk c. o. NOTICE, THAT after the expiration of nine months fiom the date hereof, there wid bean application mane to the honor able the Inferior C urtof Jc fFerfou County, tor an order of laic, of one hundred acre* of land, lunate in the Cm.nty uf Jetf'erfon aforclaid, adjoining land of Jofeph Chairs; it hemg part of the renl eftate of W lliam le kins, dereafed. The fale thereof will be f. r the benefit ( f the heirs and creditors of the afuref.'irl Jenkin», dece fed. Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for rhe-Executors cl the afot e faid Eilate. 1 September 25, 1799. j One Thoufar.d Five Iluudicd DOLLARS WAS delivered to the p 0 n m Ma/ler here , m the p o fl r ffi a * 011 the evening of luefday the, <zyth ult. in a 1 etter cl re Red to Mr. John Mills, merchant , R a L txmore, containing two Alexandria BA\K NOTES, No. 4320 in favor c/ William Taylor, 'and dated 30//2 April , 17 98, for 0\ J f THOUSAND DOLLARS , and No, 4522, in favor of John P. Pleafants, and dated the 10 th of December. 1798, f0r FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, which Idler has been fupprefjed in a PoJl-odice and the BANK NOTLS taken out—as the Public Mail was not flopped , mo’efled or robbed. Bankers and Merchants are par ticularly requefled to watch the cir . culation of /aid Notes, and flop them ; and any per [on giving /uck information as will had us to cur money fball have FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS Reward. WILSON & SWANN. Frcrlerit fbnrgh, (Vsr g.) Sept 10. NOTICE. 'TNI AT. nine months after the date hereof , application will be made to the Inferior Court cf Jefferfon County , for permiffion to fell a traEi of two hundred andfixly aefes of land , in Wajhington coun ty, part of the real eflate of John Murray , deceafed , for to Jatisjy tb Creditors of faid Eflate. Wm. M*Dowell, admr . October 29, 1799. N O T 1 C E. r after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, then wiil be an application made to the h not able the Inferior Court cf Jr fifei (on Coun ty, for an order of falc of the real efta e of Robert Hamblcton, deceafed, to wii; three hundred actes of laid, fituale in the county of ycffcrfnn, adjoin] g land of f»hn Ingram and y hn Kenru* dy. It being part of a Tra<s> of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted lo Robert Cooper. Alfo, one other Trafl of Land, contain ing three hundred and fifty acres, ftnate in the county of Burke, on the waters of M Been Creek, adjoining lands of —, grnnie-d to —, The file of the above and forecoit? Tradfs of Land, w l! be for the benefit of the he'rs and creditors of the faid Rcberl Hamblcton, deceafed. PL G. Caldwell, For the Afminijir ator oj the uforefaid Ffott. June 26, 1799. A BARGAIN. For Sale , Cheap for Cafh t A valuable tract of land, of ,500 Acres, cf the very frd Q ua Iv ’ adjoining lands of Frank Jones, l>i»K on the Ogcchce River, about .;o miles be Louifville. For further particulars, p- ta ** apply to the Subfcrihrr. George W. Chifolm* September 10. . SHERIFFS' BLANK DEEDS Of conveyance, For Sale at the Off of the ville Gazette . November 26. BLANK LETTERS ( Of administration, ( AND BLANK BONO S, For Sale at the Office of ‘- lS Louifville Gazette. November 5. i