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VoL. H«J
GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE: —Fubhihed every iuelday, by AMbKOSE uA\, at 3 dollars pc ann. pa)able lull ycaily.
TUESDAY. April 22, »Bco.
. —v^>»^»■ ■
r-y The Editor hereos is
un the necsslity os printing
this diy’s T indication on rhissize
,ps r however, as this is the
rime h? has been short os
punting p^P er tirKe he com "
senced busmess, he hopes the
smallncss os the piesent will be
overlooked by hi* generous
Fobsrribcrs.—He hourly expeds
a supplv os paper and other
printing materials and will
-nLrue* his Gaztte to a hzc,
which he slatters himsels will
ghesatissaslion tons suppoiteis.
Despotdm h.ways charges de
rnocracy with a turbli'tr* Ip.sit,
whosc objea is to overturn the
slate. It is in politics as in the
concerns os r diuiduals motives
and pirns are always criminated
and designs rendered edioua by
the opposite party. Ihe indi
vidual, srequently sor the pd»-
pose os deslroying the chara£T r
os his neighbour, asenbes to bis
conduct views and mntihs,
which never had been insluen
tial in the mind os him to whom
they are thus attribuied. The
polircal parties os the world, in
a violent (late os ag t-uon, have
exhibited a simslar conduct, Bui
Ino cale, has the charge os cii
nation been so’ striking as
re monarchy or anslucracy
she> to calumniate the chaiac
os yenume republican! Tin
this m ment in trie Unite 1
jtes os America. < very peisoa,
iose motto is liberty and equal
[sits, is too srequcntlv chained
th being a disorganiz'd, a jaco
n a viotent demo rat, a dil
iber os he public tranquility,
d an enemy to all regul r g
rnment. It ought t * be re
newed, however, tha»- tnis w s
e hue and cry raised againlt
s sriends os liberty in the
iys os '76—th same spirit,
is same aristocrattc principles,
hich then surnilhed the ccu
hon, is.stiil operating sor ihe
sdruQion os liberty, the come it
’ dnt period os human exislene,
ad sor its object the elsabiish.
1 nt os equal rights, and a g
-e republic m government —-
> ob]e6t was the deslru6lion ot
anarchy, and the annihiLti n
1 2 h the unjusl in
Ku t y. The ohjett os the real
' ! os man is (li 1 the same ;
ssiose who charge the repubh-
P n ! the present d»y with the
P Mt disorganiz uion, are to
I listed, it sollows as a ne-
r lT t oonsequenre, that every
-IB s an c ’ t, zcn a£livelv enn*
* the accomplishmeni
TUESDAY, Apr i 1 2a, 1800.
os the revolution desetves ihe
appellri ion os disorganiz r n
jacobin. 'lhe tarty, rheusme
in this country, whuh holH, 't
sels exclusively attached to what
'they call order snd goc d go
vemme t 01 ght to perceive the
disliiulty into whit h they plunge
thcmsclvcs, by advocating on the
on- ha* d the revolution, and
condemning on the other, men
who ate at thistinA acting exact
ly or. the same principles as
did Wasliingtcn, 1 ancock and
s*ranklin, during the glorious
druggie sor Culurnbion lree-1
I am a plain unlettered man,
and h ve ju time enough sn m
my < ally occupations to read ai
newlpiper but not to enquire:
ioto the wntings os lur
| pol ticians, o; to the mighly
sehemes and plans that are go
ing on in ail parts os the woild.
I love my country, and 1 love
libeity , one ihmg however, has
puzzled me a good deal, and it
you, Mr Editoi, or any os >uu
political acquaintances ran Udvc
the qu. Uion, 1 shali be cxtttxnc*
iy happy —
Why is it that all the old cu
ries, that weie Oppo d to tuc
Ame ican revolution, a e
lo sbongly and univeiLiiy at
tached to the incalures os the
Uaciui adrninill a.ion ? •
siom the Albany Regijlcr.
Messrs Pkinieks,
, In an age ot diseovery and
! improvement, when boats aie
, piopelleci by (team, paper .. ade
ios nvei weeds, tu i icndeitd
unnecesl »ry dy the shape t
1 chimuies, tpace an:.nutated
'teleg-aphs, time ailaitned, and
ev ai dea h deseated o Os ;gei»
Sc:: it i* I la), veiy ninth tube
regretted, that, in an age hKC
: tnis, abounding in lo many new
lights, so many old ones shoulu
' b permitted lo langudh or ex
pne un icr ihe rull and rub hh
: os time a.d bar haulm. At
moment like he pic lent, wo n
» we know not how loon we rn 9
• be allailed siom without, or agi
tated srom within ; when the
’ lecrerasy at war is wisely nci
prosoundl) employed in 1 übit
1 luring sacncc sor sorce ; win u
1 mathematical problems, geogu*
phicai c ians, and c.i) mic.d pio
» cedes, arc to suppi) tne place os
aims, legs and b 9 ones; ho.v
c important ihedilcovcry to unc-
i nca, were sotne os us to hit on
' the long lost leercts os the Ro-
V man emeut, and the Greek
* ur tOitj would .iicti be Hide*
1 i stru&tbie by time, and impicg
nable by enemies, and *he
in nee os desence be biouphi
nc i!y to perlt 6l on s hum r
mduslry and genius can bring
But as it is prslihle that wi
nay have sorts to attack , . s well
as to desend, it becomes cqua ly
momentous and delirable to
recover sbme portion os the
(kilos <ssence, * hich so much
; distmguiiht d th old world
; Wc read, but not in X< nophon,
i nor in Livy, noi in Vigicious,
, noi in Polybiu*, norm Mjnshal
Saxe, nor in t- scccrick os Prussia,
nor yet in N ailhal I uisegu ,
but in a book with which it
would be libellous to luppole
our admimslr non wholly un
j acquainted; in sho’t, ;ve icad
'in th book os )oshua, ih .1 hav
ing bclieg d ( lieu. and ‘ hav
ing corn .jailed it leverai times,"
the army o: llrael was ordered
to sind, and a body os pru 11s
(who always cco 1 p hied iTj to
blew Jit rani's hoi ns —“ when u
‘‘ dine 10 pals, thdt the wails
“ ot the cuy sell down slat, lo
•* thdt evciy man went up
5 sh light besore him into it,
an 1 look it."
Hun !o much zeal sor the
u.- pidvcrnent os me art military,
and with a sact to iiUeicsting
and jUt/.ci.tic bcsoip In epa, 1
atn somewnat ait • illicit that he
eainea Ice.ciary IhouiiJ h re
omitted tu inj u t tins latent and
wondeitul power os the yams
hotns (compucU with w Inciij
rn> lioiic ail ii i) are trier 1 e pop
gutisjaiid o!C io, as ic would
iu. Tilth a vt ry pieity additional
prultllo sh p tor the svndarn.nUl
1 U bool 'ti trueihe dnpersen
jit tc ut t e Iws might lender 1
diiii uu it/ obtain the belt nd
I mt/U potent hoin-blower os the
jpieltnt ; bur it is equally
' t uc, th l much might he expect
ed hum .he patient re'catches
an ; active induilry os Mr. Q
dams in Aw u n and Germa
ny ut ,vl; a. King m ngl.nd
ana Ruth . ; os Mr IV. Smith m
Portugal and Turkey ; and lall
ly,os dr lixmphnys, inSpain
and Morocc >. i>u Hi >ui t it
happen tn t the multiplicity and
piclsue ot the ordinary bulmets
os thclc gentlemen wbitii is ve
.) probable] kit neither ot them
have iustki. nt leisure prole
cute his impoitan. 1 aich, why
not create an ernbassy sor the
purpole ? What is an outsit
os 9000 doliais, and an at.nuai
allowance o 9000 moi , com-;
pi:cd wnh the adva tagc>, a-,
well as ttie glory os restoung an
1 a t, that might eventually t*ve
rnilli ns in bombs and mo tarn,
lives and limbs, andthclliousaud
t;i r thi 1 <js noc« slary to a mo
cij sug s
1 am not sussirirntly conver
sant with (ewi amiquines to
a'r. itain, t<» cVen tnv own sa
ti s dion, whcihei ihe a t that I
am now recommending was
kthwnand piadilcd hypiicsls
only, or whrthn it wa publicly
taught and gem r Ily dislustd
thicughout the n turn This
point, however, is os sn ill im*
poitarce; sor, should the sacer
dotal charade r be nccrir.r v, w r
have * nly to convc t he lu -
p'us oshet *s os t!:c mvi II blish*
merit into chapla 1 s ar d then
v very dislicu ty w ii< b: his mount
ed But lam rur no g xnu de
tails, sorgetting, th.u “to iba
evise, a hint is susticient."
1 am, ir,
Widi much irlp ci sor tire sc. * y
And very go at tig id sor you.
An aJvurcr os cjhua.
STAUNTON. March a*.
Extract os a letter srem a gentle
man tn Bal . via c t tu Ins n tend
in th s town.
“ It has this day hern
nounced, by a letter sj< m Mr.
Pinckney in sc n* land, that lord
| ( renviilc had ossicially intimat
ed to Mt. King, that all laws os
I nations wc<c (lore away—-hat
o:d s were given to capture all
ncu r<»l v i lie*is ; this is at once a
declaration os iv r on the p.ut
o< b. ' gh nd, th ugh n t in di
ie£l t uns agatnll the t nited
“ Our commi(Tinners to thr
French republic have arrived
in Paris, and were recr’ivcd by
that nation with sentiments re
plete with pacisic intention to
warns us. Ibis circtimHarre
btirg known in I'ngb.nd, may
h»ve given ii c to tlic conduct
os Biira n as sl. std above.
“ aow prepare your much
re'ied on misit alo qut ll the
haughty soe."
SLAVED r sto rn srom s'e
Suhcnbcr in Burkr < ow) y, -bout
Ic:o h ts March, s I krly i* 11
icl ar-, about sive scci stigh, si< \eari
> !, * sa e, two sy/r sret white,
sn.n rrarkoo. her u Irr o:cilkn J
bs » o a' bdn <i tn hr cn uu o ;
iliou 'trr w Ii tis c "*r< j. t J . • rut aan 1
can• Cis (hurt siolcti, ary p rsu'i
o p r(o i ipprrbsndi '»e ih a s s \
lo g tiiru in Du kc ja l io i c rmy
be r Ujj't o cun i l uu ihrne \ sb • 1
r«cnv a -trwar. os ih'te hundreddolia t ;
or £t) Jo lert t*r i nurc wu till u.c
th ...
April 19
BLANK I)t' E• /S
OJ CO KC t 1 A NC £,
Fur Sale at ibij l rtice.
[_ No. 64*