Newspaper Page Text
A List os Letters remaining in the
Posl Ossice at Lwn sville on the
sirsl da; os April , 1800, which
is not taken out besore the sirsl
day os July next will be sent to
the General Pojl- Ossice a$ dead
I e tiers,
Major jamss arm
STRONG, John Addi
son , D<4vid Bryant, James
Boyeis, John Hu kner, Samuel
Bencdix, Mr*'. Bolomworth; or
Mr. Holmes, 2. Nim.od Bmke,
Jeremiah Caldwell, John Cobbs
Dcaclcsion Davis; .Icxander
Gordon, Samuel Garrett Mit
che 1 Gnssiin*; Mark Holton,
2. Geotgc Hargrove, William
Hooks; David (amer(on;Wil
liam Kennedy; William Leg
get, Peter 1 caih ; John Man
lon, Sarah or Mrs.
Holmes, John Marshall, John
Montsort, Mr. Mackisick, Ti
mothy M Kinney; !' lijah Nel
son ; Reube-n Rogers; Eliza
Smith, Rowland Stone, Hugh
Wilson, John Well, Spencer
Wilson, Heniy Smith.
April 15, 1800.
Low sville, April 14, 18 jo.
K Capt.dns, os the com
panics belonging, or at
tached to. the (esseTon battalion
unde rmy command, wuh -heir
subalterns and ill* (erjeants, in
consormity to regimental orders
oLthe 3d iristant, will prdpeisy
armed and accoutred, be on pa
rade by 10 o'clock in the sore
noon os ,; riday the 16th os May
next; and 1
■ I
By the same hour, os Satur
day the 17 r hos Vlay, being the
day solio wd ig, they, with their
respetlL e companies armed and
equipped according to law, will
be on the regimental mailer
ground, vvhe e the usu»l inlpec
tion will take place, and toe men
be surther mslruded in ’hedu
tics required os the m in a6sion.
The commislioned ossicers
will have their commishons on
the ground, and thole corn
maiding Hoops or companies
will he prepared with exast
ut rods.
Major i
G R O R G I A,
sesserson County,
rH AT on the (econd, third and
souith dnyi in June next, all er
crutor*, adminlst* ators. guardians, ai d
i s’<! having in charge any orphan
or orp' ang, or their tRa es, do render
sntT thi* c!erk*a ossice os the coun cs
ordinaty os the county as iresaid, a trus
(with voucher* well
os nil 1 heir ngi and d»ing« touching
and concerning the Time, that the c!eik
ni»y he enabled to lay toem besore
the hnnorab’e .he inserior court os said
county, at the neat term os si ling, 8 »
a court os ordinary, in order to sacilitate
the examination os ihc same.
Wm, M'DowdJ, admr *
March u.
Jcsstrson Superior Couit,
OCtcber se>m t 1700.
Prescnt the boo. Thomas P
Robert Watkins , (A J
John E Andersn, j
so rthe uje os John )» Forcclosure.
sore , vs. |
Thomas Collins . J
B ' it known to all concerned,
that a petition w. 5 presnted
to the honor obit the Super 1 r court
os ihe county os Jess er sor., held by
his honor Thomas Fetters (arnes,
one cs the judges os the setid cour's,
praying the sorcclosure os the equity
os redemption to one lot os land
CituaU in the town os LowsviUe , in
the coun'y os Jtssct /on, and knoun
by number two hundred and ssty
two—be it theresore
Ordered, That ihc jdid Iho
mas Collins dn come into conn
within twelve months srom the
date h reos and pay the jaid obert
Watkins , and John E Ander/oiiy
sor the uje os John Fore , the prm
cipal and intcrejl together with
the cosls. in terms os the slatute in
suck cases made and prv ded ;
othnwist the equity os redemption
will be tor ever trorn thence sorward
V*.TER, J. ; A ES,
* tv ILL DU :OLD
At the Cowt Hou/e in Burke county,
at the usual hours on the 14 th
June next the sollowing lands |
or as much thereos as wilt satissy ‘
the tux due s dr 1798.
367 a 8p nt I n A/ontgjme r y
coun y a join I g AJtu rV aken a*
the property os Wi Imi S La taste
lax due, 4 do’lais 3 t h. cents
450 <<crce in Burke coanty ai joining
taken as the pr per y t Wm,
L' t ; <>• >' u , dollars ;| 1 4 cents.
1118 land on Savin a 1
r v • .a Bn ke county a j 1 iuy hu a
Os/. Bulh, t. ken as the property os
Alt a M iiy Hat un.l Jpsedh Wt.iiBj
given . hv J.mii Wat 8 ; la- due,
16 dol 875 ce itj
JOHN OVA!,t c. b. c.
April 1 I 1800
TPH \ I’ nine months aster the
date hereos, application will
be made to the honorable the hhrun
court os the county os Washington
sor leave to soil a trail <J land , con
laving tuo hundred eighty svtn
and an hals acres , lying on a branth
os Bu k E\e y Washington county s
part os th ' ejlate os John lenn.
jun. cterea/ed , to satissy the he. rs
and creditors os said ejlate.
* Zachari >s Fenn, admor,
Rodey Fenn, admx.
January 21, 1800.
TTTIiMIEAS my w js c> Rhoda
/ Coleman, has lest my bed and
hoarding aga;nst my vcjil • these are
theresore to sorwarn sll peisons srom
sealings witli heron my account, as I
>ni determined 10 be the disposer os my
nwn property, and lo pav no debts,
bur thuse os my conirattiuc
John Coleman,
yjeson County t Tcb, 2 j, 1800.
By his Excellency J A M E ■> JAC K
SO N, Governor and Commander
in Chies 0) the Army ani Navy
os this Jiaie t and oj ike Militia
the) cos.
WHEREAS 1 have re
ceived ossicial insorma*
tion os a molt barbarous and
r c uel murder having been com
: mitted on the body os ilaiah
1 Hailey, in the county os Frank
lin in the laid Hate on or about
the (eventh day os Januaiy lalt,
which appeals by a ceitisrcate ot
the verdid os the inquell held
thereon, srom John Collins,'
eiq. coroner os the Lid county,
and returned to the \ xeciitive
Department, to have been per
petrated by a ceitain John
M'Kee, os the laid county os
Franklin, who has lince ab-
In order theresore that the
laid JohnM 4 Kee may beb)ought
to exemplary jullice, I have
thought lit to illue this my pio*
clamation, hereby osscitrig a ie
wardjos One Iluh ited Vo lurs to
any petlon 01 per lons, who will
apprehend the laid John M Kec,
and lodge him in lome lecute
gaol within this Hate
And I surther charge and re
quire ail oslireis, uvil and mili
tary, belonging to this It.*te, to
be aiding and allistmg in appre
hending and securing the laid 1
John M'Kee, so that he may be
I brought to trial and condign
punilhment acCoidingly.
Given under my hand, and
the great seal os the (aid
Rate, at the State Houle,
in Louisrille, this sisteenth
day os March, in the year
os our Lord one thouiand
eight hundred, ai d in the
twenty sourth year ot the
independence os the United
Btatse' os Arneiica.
By the Governor,
Horatio Marburv,
Secretaiy os date,
God save. the sate ,
‘Vi!l be- sold, at the Court-H lise, in
M> nsgomery county, ou V e FIRS 1'
T ESDAY ,n May ceit, a. the
usu.l ru urs sor aha,
sb'llowing PROPER-
Jk iY, iO wit : Ten A egroes
two hunt red id tad oj Cattle sisty
sread os Hog q twenty head cs SEep,
even su nd os H rses> three hundred
acres cs Land % on the Atatamaha
Swamp ; three Feather beds and
Fu-nituie , besides a number os other
Hovjeswld Furniture Taken as
the properly os Arthur I ott i to
satissy a judgment obtained by Ab
jat uin Lott .
Conditions , Cash
March 25.
Tor Sale at this Ossice*
I sheriss’s SALE,
■ 0n the FIRST TUESDAY in
Mav next, at the Court Houle
m Wtjhington county , J *
li-L HF. SOID,
P HR ht. hundredacres os land,
king in )ai on the
waters 0 J Wilhamsoris swamb , ad
joining Alien Rcbcr and others.
Seized as the properly os Simon
Salter; at the inslame os Binjarntn
Few. Conditions, eajh.
Sheriss IV. .
March 25.
0.1 the FIRST TUESDAY in April
I next, at the Court House os W«sh.
ini?ton county at the ulual Louis Ls
Sal #, Will be sold,
TWO i.UnclrcJ acrce os L ari( j ,' Q
1 said county, < n the Oconee, ad-
T'n ng Nicholas Long and othcri
Se’zed sg the proper y os Rstbn Wil
itinlon, dreeastd, (y two rxecu: Ons,
Lesken Doi scy, and LE i't# t\ bcrciotn.
by, aga.cst said. Wiikiuson.
A.lo, two ! uoc rtd acrea < n shc vrg.
VU os Wilharrson’9 Swamp, tie pro
ptny os John Caisuun, acj iirun» Bze.
kid Wai, and ohe eg. irk-'Q at thst
msiincc os Richard Bransord.
Conditions, CaO?,
Sheriss W, C.
February 25.
At the C cwt-llouse in Washingl st
county , at the usual hours t on the
sirsl TUESDAY in May next , ,
ON b hundred and eighty acres
os Pine I and in said co n'w
on StepuensJ creek adjoin mg Mil • j
ler ) and others. i aken as the p>o- I
perty os Thomas M'DjU in desault I
sor the tax sor the year 1798 j
Tax due 51 1-2 cents, I
Sam. Robdon, r. c, w. c, I
March 4, 1800. I
At the Cowt Ilouse. in ’'cjldngton I
county, at the usiiil hours, on ike I
sirsl MONDAY in June next, I
ON E thou j ani Acres os Pint I
Land , in ihc name oj Da'.zil I
\ Hunter 9 in said county on sloyd) I
creek. Taken de ault sor the taxii 3
sor the years 1797 and 1798. I
Tax clue 77 cents % I
."jam. Robi ion, r, c. w. c, ■
Hnvcn r 11131 7/0 H
ALL Per/ons indebted to th B
. lib sc siber , are -nque/led
come sorward and mak basU
p yment , they will sind their
in the hands os Mr.
who is author 1j A to receive pw
and to receipt th ir acc- unis. L/slj
Subscr ther does not wjh to g
os his cvjhmers trouble;
may d?ten i upon sinding >hw
counts in the hands os an atLsWq^k
is th y do not make immediate
ment, H
John Blair* ■
Mauh 25. ■
•an n ■
blank letters ■
Os ADMIN IST 1 F>'\ ■
For Sale at (lie Oisice cs iSj
Louisviile Gazcite# B